Police threaten to boycott 49ers

"If they will publicly call for the violation of this man's Rights, what do you think they are doing to the Rights of everyday citizens..."

Unbelievable that it is so hard for some to understand that nobody-NOBODY!- is calling for a violation of the man's rights. He is employed by his team and he can be penalized for actions that potentially harm that team. There is no constitutional right involved. How stupid is it to expect a uniformed police officer to perform to certain standards but not a uniformed football player?
I supposed that next it will be argued that there is a Constitutional right to be off sides when the ball is snapped.
People are quick to holler about Rights but almost never about obligations or responsibilities.

Many here on the left for whatever reason cannot understand that just because someone has a constitutional right, that doesn't mean they are protected from criticism or consequences.
Ya because LIBs are emotional hemophiliacs.
It's in their DNA to be sniveling pansy cowards.
Well now that QB will be bench warming maybe he can volunteer to work security! He can even wear his stupid socks! Win win.
Cool. You are saying a business can mandate patriotism. Sounds like communism, Uncle Joe.

Let me help smarten you up, dummy.

The NFL Personal conduct policy states:

"Conduct by anyone in the league that is illegal, violent, dangerous, or irresponsible puts innocent victims at risk, damages the reputation of others in the game, and undercuts public respect and support for the NFL."
And...he did nothing that fits that.
Cool. You are saying a business can mandate patriotism. Sounds like communism, Uncle Joe.

Let me help smarten you up, dummy.

The NFL Personal conduct policy states:

"Conduct by anyone in the league that is illegal, violent, dangerous, or irresponsible puts innocent victims at risk, damages the reputation of others in the game, and undercuts public respect and support for the NFL."
And...he did nothing that fits that.

If not every cop on the force takes issue with what the guy has to say, those who don't have a problem with it, in my opinion, should be the cops who are there to work the place since they don't have a problem with the guy or anyone who is like him there. Even those who wear the uniform may not see eye to eye on every issue.

God bless you always!!!

"If they will publicly call for the violation of this man's Rights, what do you think they are doing to the Rights of everyday citizens..."

Unbelievable that it is so hard for some to understand that nobody-NOBODY!- is calling for a violation of the man's rights. He is employed by his team and he can be penalized for actions that potentially harm that team. There is no constitutional right involved. How stupid is it to expect a uniformed police officer to perform to certain standards but not a uniformed football player?
I supposed that next it will be argued that there is a Constitutional right to be off sides when the ball is snapped.
People are quick to holler about Rights but almost never about obligations or responsibilities.

Many here on the left for whatever reason cannot understand that just because someone has a constitutional right, that doesn't mean they are protected from criticism or consequences.
Ya because LIBs are emotional hemophiliacs.
It's in their DNA to be sniveling pansy cowards.
Is that why you are sniveling so much here?
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

What is your nationality?
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

What Constitutional right are the police denying citizens?
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

What is your nationality?

I believe he's from USI. United Stupid Idiots.
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

View attachment 88250

Ah, another non-American poster just sure he knows what Americans should think and do. Always so helpful and welcome...

Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.
Oh! Bullshit. QB can say whatever he wants and cops can react to it. That's freedom. Your way is one sided and is not freedom. Numb nuts!
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

What is your nationality?

His nationality is 'Moron'.
Cool. You are saying a business can mandate patriotism. Sounds like communism, Uncle Joe.

Let me help smarten you up, dummy.

The NFL Personal conduct policy states:

"Conduct by anyone in the league that is illegal, violent, dangerous, or irresponsible puts innocent victims at risk, damages the reputation of others in the game, and undercuts public respect and support for the NFL."
And...he did nothing that fits that.


I don't think Ravi is smart enough to catch it.
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

Would you be so kind as to post where it states in the Constitution that cops are required to provide security at sporting events? I will be waiting to read it.
Police threaten to boycott 49ers
There they go ..... cops denying citizens their constitutional rights again. I think the cops should find their own country where they can refuse having any rights at all. Then we'll see what's what! I believe I know just the place for them and I think it might be uninhabited too! It's called Alcatraz.

I think you need to learn what the term "Constitutional Right" means since you obviously have no clue.
Hint: cops have Constitutional Rights just like other people. Imagine that!
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control. Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Fire them. Challenging people's Constitutional rights is not part of their duties. Letting them get away with it sets a worse precedent than what Kaepernick did.
The LEO's are NOT, repeat NOT providing security as official LEO officers!
They are ALL volunteers acting as Security officers.
These LEO's are free to not 'volunteer'.
After all you fuckwit the LEO's DO have a "constitutional right" to go fishing on their days off instead right?
"The Santa Clara Police Department is the lead police agency at Levi’s Stadium. During 49er games, around 70 officers volunteer to work and are paid as security personnel. "
What Kaepernick did, he did as an individual. The LEOs aren't doing that. They're threatening the 49ers as a group through their union. It's funny how conservatives would be singing a different tune, if they were doing something similar to get the town to raise their salaries. Then unions are the devil, but challenging Constitutional rights is hunk-dory.

It's funny how liberals say that there are consequences to expressing your constitutional rights, unless it works against them or their agenda.
I'm not a liberal but that sure is a dumb statement you just made.
Why would the cops boycott the 9ers? Look at the socks Kaphisdick has been wearing:


National police organization rips Colin Kaepernick for wearing cops-as-pigs socks
Why not, instead, boycott the company that MAKES those socks? Eh?
You know, I never thought about the great logical sense your statement makes!!!

I agree! Why don't they boycott this company too, if they really were standing on the point of principle. But they aren't are they? lol
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control.

Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games
Well then fuck them and hire other security.
When the police demand private citizens be punished for exercising their Rights, it's time to take a loser look at the actions of that department and their union.

Again dumbshit, it's not about the exercise of a right, it's about the content of the exercise. You guys are so dense.
No cum drinker, it's about a police union demanding Constitutional Rights be punished...

Cum drinker?! LOL OMG LOL

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