Police: “We cant shoot leg shots”; Also police: Somehow can shoot headshots

Center mass. They have been teaching it in Police departments for a hundred years. That having been said I wonder what was going on in the head of the FBI sniper who shot Randy Weaver's wife in the face during the Ruby Ridge siege as she was holding a 18 month child in her arms. The sniper was indicted for manslaughter by the local Grand Jury in Idaho but the indictment was quietly dismissed as the Ruby Ridge Invaders went on to use bigger and better weapons in Waco Texas.

Just out of curiosity, what bigger and better weapons were used in Waco?
Center mass. They have been teaching it in Police departments for a hundred years. That having been said I wonder what was going on in the head of the FBI sniper who shot Randy Weaver's wife in the face during the Ruby Ridge siege as she was holding a 18 month child in her arms. The sniper was indicted for manslaughter by the local Grand Jury in Idaho but the indictment was quietly dismissed as the Ruby Ridge Invaders went on to use bigger and better weapons in Waco Texas.

Just out of curiosity, what bigger and better weapons were used in Waco?
Center mass. They have been teaching it in Police departments for a hundred years. That having been said I wonder what was going on in the head of the FBI sniper who shot Randy Weaver's wife in the face during the Ruby Ridge siege as she was holding a 18 month child in her arms. The sniper was indicted for manslaughter by the local Grand Jury in Idaho but the indictment was quietly dismissed as the Ruby Ridge Invaders went on to use bigger and better weapons in Waco Texas.

Just out of curiosity, what bigger and better weapons were used in Waco?

You're welcome!

Those were NOT tanks, but combat engineering vehicles. They were used to punch holes in walls and inject tear gas.
Im seeing conservatives mock liberals who say cops should shoot offenders in the leg so theres a little less chance of death. They say its too hard of a shot to make. Then they say “but femoral artery”.

Well I happen to know a cop and they train headshots all the time “in case of body armor or a hostage”. Hmmm. A head and thigh are the same width.

Oh and cops carry tourniquets so the artery argument is moot.
..you prove beyond a doubt to know NOTHING.....
Im seeing conservatives mock liberals who say cops should shoot offenders in the leg so theres a little less chance of death. They say its too hard of a shot to make. Then they say “but femoral artery”.

Well I happen to know a cop and they train headshots all the time “in case of body armor or a hostage”. Hmmm. A head and thigh are the same width.

Oh and cops carry tourniquets so the artery argument is moot.
plain and simple, you don't know what the heck you are talking about
Im seeing conservatives mock liberals who say cops should shoot offenders in the leg so theres a little less chance of death. They say its too hard of a shot to make. Then they say “but femoral artery”.

Well I happen to know a cop and they train headshots all the time “in case of body armor or a hostage”. Hmmm. A head and thigh are the same width.

Oh and cops carry tourniquets so the artery argument is moot.

Moron........they teach to shoot the head only after you have shot at least 2 times to the chest and you can see the guy is wearing body armor...you idiot.........

Have you ever even held a gun? How about taking a class in shooting?
Im seeing conservatives mock liberals who say cops should shoot offenders in the leg so theres a little less chance of death. They say its too hard of a shot to make. Then they say “but femoral artery”.

Well I happen to know a cop and they train headshots all the time “in case of body armor or a hostage”. Hmmm. A head and thigh are the same width.

Oh and cops carry tourniquets so the artery argument is moot.
I have a far better idea...

...don't get yourself in a position where the police have to shoot ya.

The CCWers creed works for criminals too...better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6...
Im seeing conservatives mock liberals who say cops should shoot offenders in the leg so theres a little less chance of death. They say its too hard of a shot to make. Then they say “but femoral artery”.

Well I happen to know a cop and they train headshots all the time “in case of body armor or a hostage”. Hmmm. A head and thigh are the same width.

Oh and cops carry tourniquets so the artery argument is moot.
Head shots diffuse the situation immediately, leg shots can lead to return fire. Cops should always shoot for the head.
Im seeing conservatives mock liberals who say cops should shoot offenders in the leg so theres a little less chance of death. They say its too hard of a shot to make. Then they say “but femoral artery”.

Well I happen to know a cop and they train headshots all the time “in case of body armor or a hostage”. Hmmm. A head and thigh are the same width.

Oh and cops carry tourniquets so the artery argument is moot.

I realize that it is only the end of April, but I'm willing to bet that this post will still be in the running for "Most Ignorant and Uninformed Post of the Year." Seriously strong offering...

Now, go educate yourself...

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