Policing In America

Oh. I didnt realize. You were there? You know she was acting as a terrorist?
Leftists cheered the Capitol cop who executed an unarmed woman. It's already begun...
You MAGArat scum.

That woman was a terrorist killed in the act of breaching the last barricade protecting most of the US Congress from a mob

THIS is the kind of garbage circulating on Police online sites.

So YEA...there needs to be an accounting
even though the evidence showed that she only wanted to lobby Congress

lobby Congress?

By smashing through a bullet proof window?

Thanks for the illustration of what I have been talking about.

And lets not forget that during that very same riot...one cop was killed...others sent to the hospital and we have VIDEO of the mob beating and stomping cops

Wanna see em again?
Rachel Maddow says a burning city is a peaceful protest
Nope. She never said anything like that.

But Lafayette Square for instance was a peaceful demonstration in which cops essentially rioted.

That happened in many places...turning tense but peaceful protests into full on riots

And of nots...if these rioters in the Capitol attack had been black...we'd still be counting the toe tags

The Liberal Rioters were burning a church in Lafayette Square, doesn't sound that "peaceful to me".
That is a blatant LIE.

You don't even pretend to tell the truth any more....do you?
We need to take a serious accounting of just who is walking around with badges and guns in this country

Police Departments all across this country need to clean up their houses

If an officer is a supporter of Trump's policies (not necessarily the man himself), many people can easily understand.

Last Spring & Summer many young folks were running wild.

Most local authorities just sat back and did nothing, They were either afraid to, or they approved of the chaos.

If the cops tried to restore law & order for the good people of their city, they would be ordered to stand down by their civilian superiors.

And when they saw "that woman" kneel in the Capitol to show homage to that phony movement, that was the last straw for many cops!
When cops take their politics to work...we get things like the Capitol riot and vast overreaction to things like peaceful protests.

Some cops bring their Liberal politics to work, you know. One such police officer last Wednesday slaughtered an unarmed female veteran in the Capitol.

Lets see, As part of a mob assault on the Capitol building, she and mob encounter a barricaded doorway and as they try to break through to the hall that leads to the House Chambers, guns from the other side are drawn and obvious warnings were given. As a cop she should have known they were going to shoot to kill if she or anyone tried to cross into the hallway, Maybe she didn't think they would shoot her to protect the Congress men and women.

I think it likely that they held off the team of Congressional Assassins that were there so, those officers who held the doorway long enough for the rest of Congress to be move to a safer location, they all deserve medals.

Sorry for that woman's family. Too bad she was radicalized by the cult of Trump "Domestic Terrorist #1"
We need to take a serious accounting of just who is walking around with badges and guns in this country

Police Departments all across this country need to clean up their houses

If an officer is a supporter of Trump's policies (not necessarily the man himself), many people can easily understand.

Last Spring & Summer many young folks were running wild.

Most local authorities just sat back and did nothing, They were either afraid to, or they approved of the chaos.

If the cops tried to restore law & order for the good people of their city, they would be ordered to stand down by their civilian superiors.

And when they saw "that woman" kneel in the Capitol to show homage to that phony movement, that was the last straw for many cops!
When cops take their politics to work...we get things like the Capitol riot and vast overreaction to things like peaceful protests.

Some cops bring their Liberal politics to work, you know. One such police officer last Wednesday slaughtered an unarmed female veteran in the Capitol.

Lets see, As part of a mob assault on the Capitol building, she and mob encounter a barricaded doorway and as they try to break through to the hall that leads to the House Chambers, guns from the other side are drawn and obvious warnings were given. As a cop she should have known they were going to shoot to kill if she or anyone tried to cross into the hallway, Maybe she didn't think they would shoot her to protect the Congress men and women.

I think it likely that they held off the team of Congressional Assassins that were there so, those officers who held the doorway long enough for the rest of Congress to be move to a safer location, they all deserve medals.

Sorry for that woman's family. Too bad she was radicalized by the cult of Trump "Domestic Terrorist #1"
And let's not forget that she was wearing a fucking backpack.

Any cop that didn't see that and think "suicide bomber" is a liar
Lesh, please find a post and or posts that you created when we had the summer BLM riots with burning, looting, rampaging, etc.

Thank you
Oh. I didnt realize. You were there? You know she was acting as a terrorist?
Leftists cheered the Capitol cop who executed an unarmed woman. It's already begun...
You MAGArat scum.

That woman was a terrorist killed in the act of breaching the last barricade protecting most of the US Congress from a mob

THIS is the kind of garbage circulating on Police online sites.

So YEA...there needs to be an accounting

There needs to be an accounting of leftist terrorism. But unfortunately, you just elected the people who supported and funded it.
Lesh, please find a post and or posts that you created when we had the summer BLM riots with burning, looting, rampaging, etc.

Thank you
I ain't doing your homework and this ain't that.

I DID condemn the violence.so fuck yourself
Lesh, please find a post and or posts that you created when we had the summer BLM riots with burning, looting, rampaging, etc.

Thank you
I ain't doing your homework and this ain't that.

I DID condemn the violence.so fuck yourself
I was just asking. Why so aggressive. Thank you for your candor. I apologize for hurting your feelings.
OK. So when Trump gave the speech, I was working and missed it. So I just watched it in its entirety. And here is my take.

1) Nowhere did he tell people to storm the Capitol Building. He did what many congress people have done in the past. He told them to go to the Capitol Building and let congress hear their voices. So nothing different there

2) He claimed the election was stolen from him. Is that true? Likely not. However for 4 years we have heard Schumer, Swalwell, Pelosi, Clinton, Nadler and others say Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. So nothing different there

3) He referred to a republican senator (Cheney) as a weak senator. His opinion. Is she weak? I dont know. But how refreshing is it to hear a republican criticize a republican? When has any democrat criticized a democrat? Ever?

4) He calls people names. Crying Chuck, Whacky Pelosi, Small Hands Rubio, Sleepy Joe, No energy Jeb. Immature? In the eyes of the beholder. So lets see.....he was called a Russian asset, a homophobe, a racist, a xenophobe, an anti-Semite and a
mysogonist.....and that was said by House Members, Senators and previous presidents. So what is the difference?

5) at about minute 18 he emphasized the need to make it a peaceful protest . Did Maxine Waters say anything of the kind when she told people to get in the face of Trump cabinet members let them know that they are not welcome here?

The FBI admits they had intel that there was a group of anarchists' planning to attend with firearms and pipebombs.

Therefore, he could have said anything....Pelosi is wonderful and is a saint, Biden is the end all. Schumer farts rose petals...and those anarchists still would have done what was already planned.

So what is the issue here?
Some cops bring their Liberal politics to work, you know. One such police officer last Wednesday slaughtered an unarmed female veteran in the Capitol.
The hell you say.

That woman was a terrorist in the act of attacking Congress.

YOU are indicative of what this thread is about.

You a cop?
You're sad the cops didn't kill more, aren't you?
So you think you know better than the ones who are trained to weed out the bad apples?
Looks like whoever that is (is there actually someone even trying to do that?) they failed miserably
The FBI was informed ahead of time that there was a group of anarchists that were bringing guns and pipe bombs. Sadly, they chose to ignore it and nit inform the capitol police.

So it had nothing to do with the Capitol police.

It had to do with the FBI's lack of sharing intelligence.
They're too busy investigating Hunter Biden's laptop.

Yeah, I couldn't type that with a straight face.
So you think you know better than the ones who are trained to weed out the bad apples?
Looks like whoever that is (is there actually someone even trying to do that?) they failed miserably
The FBI was informed ahead of time that there was a group of anarchists that were bringing guns and pipe bombs. Sadly, they chose to ignore it and nit inform the capitol police.

So it had nothing to do with the Capitol police.

It had to do with the FBI's lack of sharing intelligence.
The FBI supposedly warned the appropriate agencies. Whether that actually happened, whether those warnings were followed up on...or what the response to that warning was...is being investigated...
Ahhh. So you want to wait for the investigation on some items...but you've declared an unarmed United States veteran deserved to die.
Oh. I didnt realize. You were there? You know she was acting as a terrorist?
Leftists cheered the Capitol cop who executed an unarmed woman. It's already begun...
You MAGArat scum.

That woman was a terrorist killed in the act of breaching the last barricade protecting most of the US Congress from a mob

THIS is the kind of garbage circulating on Police online sites.

So YEA...there needs to be an accounting
You're this close to saying people need to be executed for having wrong opinions.

This is the United States. We don't do that Commie shit here.
We need to take a serious accounting of just who is walking around with badges and guns in this country

Police Departments all across this country need to clean up their houses

If an officer is a supporter of Trump's policies (not necessarily the man himself), many people can easily understand.

Last Spring & Summer many young folks were running wild.

Most local authorities just sat back and did nothing, They were either afraid to, or they approved of the chaos.

If the cops tried to restore law & order for the good people of their city, they would be ordered to stand down by their civilian superiors.

And when they saw "that woman" kneel in the Capitol to show homage to that phony movement, that was the last straw for many cops!
When cops take their politics to work...we get things like the Capitol riot and vast overreaction to things like peaceful protests.

Some cops bring their Liberal politics to work, you know. One such police officer last Wednesday slaughtered an unarmed female veteran in the Capitol.

Lets see, As part of a mob assault on the Capitol building, she and mob encounter a barricaded doorway and as they try to break through to the hall that leads to the House Chambers, guns from the other side are drawn and obvious warnings were given. As a cop she should have known they were going to shoot to kill if she or anyone tried to cross into the hallway, Maybe she didn't think they would shoot her to protect the Congress men and women.

I think it likely that they held off the team of Congressional Assassins that were there so, those officers who held the doorway long enough for the rest of Congress to be move to a safer location, they all deserve medals.

Sorry for that woman's family. Too bad she was radicalized by the cult of Trump "Domestic Terrorist #1"
And let's not forget that she was wearing a fucking backpack.

Any cop that didn't see that and think "suicide bomber" is a liar
Now you support profiling.
They're capable of anything. One of them might overthrow the country!!
looks like some tried to do exactly that. Others support that

Seems everyone agrees that Joe is not the lawfully elected president: police, vets, military, president, senators, congressmen, businessmen, citizens. Only the power-mad far left of Nancy Pelosi are too partisan or stupid to care.
Vincent Veloz, a special agent with the U.S. Capitol Police, wrote in a statement of facts that Robertson posted on social media that “we actually attacked the government,” and wrote that they “took the fucking U.S. Capitol” in one day. He also wrote that he was proud to have “put skin in the game.”

Robertson and a cop named Fracker were two cops who were part of the attack on the Capitol

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