Political bias is destroying people’s faith in journalism


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.
Political bias is destroying people’s faith in journalism
DESTROYED.....if I see any Lame Stream Media "news" outlet, I expect them to be lying, even if they arent. That is how far biased they have gone to make sure the people of the US hate their fucking guts...
It's good that more and more people are seeing this.

The bad news is that it may be too late.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

In all fairness, most of our history is with a known partisan press. During the era when only newspapers ruled, there were many papers in each city, and each one was known for its positions on various items. There was no claim of impartiality. To me the whole "neutral press" thing rose with the advent of Radio and TV reporting, and continued with the birth of web based reporting.

My issue isn't with a partisan press, my issue is with a partisan press that fails to admit as such. So CNN is obviously anti-trump, pro democrat, but they will never, ever admit to this except in Trump/Republican bashing opinion pieces that they add a "this person's opinion is their's and not CNN;s" when it is clear from their actual news articles that it IS their opinion.

I would have no issue with these companies if they just fess up.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

In all fairness, most of our history is with a known partisan press. During the era when only newspapers ruled, there were many papers in each city, and each one was known for its positions on various items. There was no claim of impartiality. To me the whole "neutral press" thing rose with the advent of Radio and TV reporting, and continued with the birth of web based reporting.

My issue isn't with a partisan press, my issue is with a partisan press that fails to admit as such. So CNN is obviously anti-trump, pro democrat, but they will never, ever admit to this except in Trump/Republican bashing opinion pieces that they add a "this person's opinion is their's and not CNN;s" when it is clear from their actual news articles that it IS their opinion.

I would have no issue with these companies if they just fess up.
i don't disagree - i just think there's been a "perfect storm" of events from technology that has translated into how people have been raised which has translated a clash between where we are and where we're going. simply put, our "culture" can't handle this much change at once so we tend to freak out a bit. we tend to ride waves vs. guide them and that can cause clashes between us as we've seen.

my issue is that no one really trusts the media except when they say what we want to hear. we're doing that to ourselves.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

In all fairness, most of our history is with a known partisan press. During the era when only newspapers ruled, there were many papers in each city, and each one was known for its positions on various items. There was no claim of impartiality. To me the whole "neutral press" thing rose with the advent of Radio and TV reporting, and continued with the birth of web based reporting.

My issue isn't with a partisan press, my issue is with a partisan press that fails to admit as such. So CNN is obviously anti-trump, pro democrat, but they will never, ever admit to this except in Trump/Republican bashing opinion pieces that they add a "this person's opinion is their's and not CNN;s" when it is clear from their actual news articles that it IS their opinion.

I would have no issue with these companies if they just fess up.
i don't disagree - i just think there's been a "perfect storm" of events from technology that has translated into how people have been raised which has translated a clash between where we are and where we're going. simply put, our "culture" can't handle this much change at once so we tend to freak out a bit. we tend to ride waves vs. guide them and that can cause clashes between us as we've seen.

my issue is that no one really trusts the media except when they say what we want to hear. we're doing that to ourselves.

Older people still expect the "impartial media" (which was always an illusion) and apply it to most news sources. Younger people have grown up in a very polarized environment, and as such, even it at a subconscious level, select a source they agree with, and convince themselves that whatever their views are, they are "mainstream" and righteous, and the other side is extreme and evil.

How to fix this?

No fucking idea, but we better figure something out.
One set of my parents were journalists with one becoming an editor for some 20 years before retirement. I have no patience for what is loosely called news. I have no patience for noob journalists or bloggers or any of that other shit that treats every day as a brand new day.
States, so very confidently:

we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

... and links to a NYPost column that is but a whiny first-person account of how the author feels about being at the receiving end of allegations of bias merely for being conservative, reiterating the age-old victim saga about the corporate media being oh-so liberal.

Yeah, but Fox, Rush, Breitbart (all unmentioned in the linked whine) are honest - just reporting the news, following journalism's highest standards.

When, in fact, the article fails at the headline already: "Political bias is destroying people’s faith in journalism". There is no, at least there should not be, "faith in journalism". Journalism is suspect, and should be distrusted, for the first draft of history is notorious for being riddled with errors. The point really is how any journalistic outfit deals with these errors, honestly, forthrightly or not.

The NYPost is tabloid garbage. Their whining about the lost faith in journalism is bullshit. Falling for that sanctimonious whine is inadvisable. That's particularly so at a time when the rightarded pinheads otherwise fall all over themselves worshiping their Dear Leader, who declares journalistic outfits "the enemy of the people".
Unless you have a particularly craven view of the world, you watch the news for news….handicapping the story lines and thinking “yeah but” is something most people don’t ever do.
States, so very confidently:

we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

... and links to a NYPost column that is but a whiny first-person account of how the author feels about being at the receiving end of allegations of bias merely for being conservative, reiterating the age-old victim saga about the corporate media being oh-so liberal.

Yeah, but Fox, Rush, Breitbart (all unmentioned in the linked whine) are honest - just reporting the news, following journalism's highest standards.

When, in fact, the article fails at the headline already: "Political bias is destroying people’s faith in journalism". There is no, at least there should not be, "faith in journalism". Journalism is suspect, and should be distrusted, for the first draft of history is notorious for being riddled with errors. The point really is how any journalistic outfit deals with these errors, honestly, forthrightly or not.

The NYPost is tabloid garbage. Their whining about the lost faith in journalism is bullshit. Falling for that sanctimonious whine is inadvisable. That's particularly so at a time when the rightarded pinheads otherwise fall all over themselves worshiping their Dear Leader, who declares journalistic outfits "the enemy of the people".
gee - along comes a fuckstick to bitch.
Unless you have a particularly craven view of the world, you watch the news for news….handicapping the story lines and thinking “yeah but” is something most people don’t ever do.
i think in time they'll learn to. we can only fall down so many times from stories we hoped would prop up our views before we dig a bit more into such stories.

takes time. unfortunately, sometimes a lot of it.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
I'm not sure when "anonymous sources" became this object of distrust. Anonymous sources have been breaking open stories for many years now. An anonymous source brought down an administration once. And of course media outlets are going to protect their sources. Why would they throw their golden goose of information under the bus?
I remember when ten or a dozen years or more ago, anybody who implied the media was biased got their threads dumped into the conspiracy theories forum. Remember, Jillian? The left, and their propaganda arm, are the enemies of the US and we need to treat them as such.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
I'm not sure when "anonymous sources" became this object of distrust. Anonymous sources have been breaking open stories for many years now. An anonymous source brought down an administration once. And of course media outlets are going to protect their sources. Why would they throw their golden goose of information under the bus?
on their own, they are fine. when over-used, you're crying wolf. when they're used to push an agenda and these anonymous sources in the end are simply saying how they feel, not what actually happened, the focus/intent of news has in fact changed.

when your "sources" fall flat time and time again, you've gone too far with them.
In the old days, there was a subtle bias to the news but it was all about America, Mom and apple pie. The printed and TV media was not controlled by anti-American Leftists.They would skew coverage of the news to paint America in the best light and suppress the negative.

IMO the Vietnam war and Richard Nixon changed that and ushered in the era of the Media and entertainers (Hanoi Jane Fonda) interjecting themselves into the News. Then when Donald Trump shocked and embarrassed them in 2016, Liberal Media stopped pretending to be journalists and went all in for overthrow of the President. Today we have no real Media, it is Fox against the MSM, Right against Left. And that is a tremendous disservice to the American people because we have no independent watchdog press.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.

What a deranged loser you are.

But keep it up, exposing useless hacks like you is what boards like this are for.
I remember when ten or a dozen years or more ago, anybody who implied the media was biased got their threads dumped into the conspiracy theories forum. Remember, Jillian? The left, and their propaganda arm, are the enemies of the US and we need to treat them as such.
i treat them as i do any agenda driven motive.

i ignore it.

just about anything else validates it. you won't change their mind, you simply validate their existence.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
You just proved his point, useful idiot.

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