Political billboard compares Obama to Hitler

Dunno if it has already been said, but nobody seems too shook up that he's compared with Lenin at the same time.
Yes, another mindless DittoTard has already parroted your MessiahRushie. Pick something else of LimpTard's to mindlessly echo.

July 14, 2010
RUSH: What's fascinating to me here is that people are all hacked off and outraged and offended that anybody would dare compare Obama to Hitler, but apparently nobody has a problem with Obama being compared to Lenin.
Dunno if it has already been said, but nobody seems too shook up that he's compared with Lenin at the same time.

Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.
we don't OWN them... they are simply a part OF us...that's just the way it is.

I can't imagine how it must suck for the party of Abe Lincoln to have stumbled so badly that they completely lost the black vote.:lol:

OMG, "they are simply a part of us"
I wonder how black people like to be TALKED about in this way.
you would think they would want to be a "part OF themselves"
instead they are referred to only as a GROUP.
there's that "plantation mentality" that oozes from the Democrat party. sad that more black people don't wake up and see it.

you should figure out a way to tell black americans that they are just being stupid dumb negroes for voting with the democrats. I am SURE that your message would resonate with them. DO PLEASE give it a try.

Why? They obviously are to STUPID to understand they are busy supporting the very people that oppressed them since 1865. Democrats love ignorance, it plays so well for them.
Dunno if it has already been said, but nobody seems too shook up that he's compared with Lenin at the same time.

Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.

Ya I mean all Lenin did is lead the Bolshevik revolution. Without Lenin they would have collapsed in infighting. All Lenin did is APPOINT Stalin to his position in the Government that allowed him to solidify his position and take sole control by the early 1930's. Lenin is so innocent.
Iowa Sign Linking Obama, Hitler Draws Complaints - ABC News

Now let's see. Who would be warped enough to do this? Oh yeah, the Tea Party. I expect the baggers to strap on their side arms any day now. You know, intimidation is the name of the game!

This is one CLASS GROUP!


The North Iowa Tea Party...downtown Mason City, Iowa?

How long before Willow and the other Tea Party lunatics start throwing Bob Johnson, co-founder of the roughly 200-person group under the bus saying he isn't a Tea Party leader? :eusa_whistle:
Dunno if it has already been said, but nobody seems too shook up that he's compared with Lenin at the same time.

Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.

Ya I mean all Lenin did is lead the Bolshevik revolution. Without Lenin they would have collapsed in infighting. All Lenin did is APPOINT Stalin to his position in the Government that allowed him to solidify his position and take sole control by the early 1930's. Lenin is so innocent.

I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.
Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.

Ya I mean all Lenin did is lead the Bolshevik revolution. Without Lenin they would have collapsed in infighting. All Lenin did is APPOINT Stalin to his position in the Government that allowed him to solidify his position and take sole control by the early 1930's. Lenin is so innocent.

I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

You mean cause the average Liberal is to STUPID to know history and understand that Lenin is the REASON Stalin gained the position and power to murder millions?
Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.

Ya I mean all Lenin did is lead the Bolshevik revolution. Without Lenin they would have collapsed in infighting. All Lenin did is APPOINT Stalin to his position in the Government that allowed him to solidify his position and take sole control by the early 1930's. Lenin is so innocent.

I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

RGS, is an old, cold warrior. :eek:
Ya I mean all Lenin did is lead the Bolshevik revolution. Without Lenin they would have collapsed in infighting. All Lenin did is APPOINT Stalin to his position in the Government that allowed him to solidify his position and take sole control by the early 1930's. Lenin is so innocent.

I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

You mean cause the average Liberal is to STUPID to know history and understand that Lenin is the REASON Stalin gained the position and power to murder millions?

I'm well aware how the Bolshevik Revolution went down and how Stalin came into, then consolodated and kept his power. Lenin didn't order Stalin to kill millions, he did that shit all on his own.

BTW it's "too stupid" but I wont be a partisan broadbrush painting douchebag like yourself and try to attribute your own stupidity to your entire ideology, in this case it's just you.
Ya I mean all Lenin did is lead the Bolshevik revolution. Without Lenin they would have collapsed in infighting. All Lenin did is APPOINT Stalin to his position in the Government that allowed him to solidify his position and take sole control by the early 1930's. Lenin is so innocent.

I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

RGS, is an old, cold warrior. :eek:

He ain't that old ... he's just that crusty.
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Iowa Sign Linking Obama, Hitler Draws Complaints - ABC News

Now let's see. Who would be warped enough to do this? Oh yeah, the Tea Party. I expect the baggers to strap on their side arms any day now. You know, intimidation is the name of the game!

This is one CLASS GROUP!


Hey Obamarrhoidal Liberrhoid, Not that either choice is a pleasant one. However, would you rather have 50 signs of a dubious nature linking some arsehole to Hitler EVEN around and about a polling place......which is probably legal. Or, 50 thugs armed with batons ??????

And, while your BULLSHIT about Tea Party folk, mostly 50 yrs and above men and women, some younger ones with their kids, fomenting a riotous event is a figment of your Obamarrhoidal Liberrhoid fantasy........The Obamarrhoidal stooge Atty General Erik Holder (OUR GOVERNMENT'S HEAD OF THE DEPT OF JUSTICE) looking the other way in the New Black Panther Travesty IS A INCONTROVERTIBLE FACT DOCUMENTED IN NATIONAL NEWS.......AND, THAT SHOULD BE OF CONCERN NOT ONLY TO OUR NATION........BUT OUR REPUTATION AROUND THE WORLD !!!!
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I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

You mean cause the average Liberal is to STUPID to know history and understand that Lenin is the REASON Stalin gained the position and power to murder millions?

I'm well aware how the Bolshevik Revolution went down and how Stalin came into, then consolodated and kept his power. Lenin didn't order Stalin to kill millions, he did that shit all on his own.

BTW it's "too stupid" but I wont be a partisan broadbrush painting douchebag like yourself and try to attribute your own stupidity to your entire ideology, in this case it's just you.

The German people supported Hitler, but gee they did not order him to murder millions either. But without the German people's support Hitler would have gotten no where.

Without Lenin, who murdered his own while alive, including the old Government and their families, there would have been no Stalin in power in order to murder millions. Stalin was disgraced and the party tried to sack him more then once, Lenin saved him every time.

The Bolsheviks were all about murder, claiming Lenin as somehow not responsible for the mayhem and murder resulting from HIS revolution after his death is ignorant as hell.
You mean cause the average Liberal is to STUPID to know history and understand that Lenin is the REASON Stalin gained the position and power to murder millions?

I'm well aware how the Bolshevik Revolution went down and how Stalin came into, then consolodated and kept his power. Lenin didn't order Stalin to kill millions, he did that shit all on his own.

BTW it's "too stupid" but I wont be a partisan broadbrush painting douchebag like yourself and try to attribute your own stupidity to your entire ideology, in this case it's just you.

The German people supported Hitler, but gee they did not order him to murder millions either. But without the German people's support Hitler would have gotten no where.

Without Lenin, who murdered his own while alive, including the old Government and their families, there would have been no Stalin in power in order to murder millions. Stalin was disgraced and the party tried to sack him more then once, Lenin saved him every time.

The Bolsheviks were all about murder, claiming Lenin as somehow not responsible for the mayhem and murder resulting from HIS revolution after his death is ignorant as hell.

Man, you have serious reading comprehension problem. I never said that Lenin was some innocent guy not responsible for killing a bunch of people just that Stalin and Hitler were worse.

My first response to the Dude:

Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.

You can shut the fuck up now.
I mean, really for you to try to claim that Lenin was as culpable as Stalin for the MILLIONS Stalin killed is ridiculous. This is just you not being able to clearly comprehend what I wrote and then going off on your typical RGS "if A15 said something then I must somehow find a way to disagree with it" kneejerk.
Ya I mean all Lenin did is lead the Bolshevik revolution. Without Lenin they would have collapsed in infighting. All Lenin did is APPOINT Stalin to his position in the Government that allowed him to solidify his position and take sole control by the early 1930's. Lenin is so innocent.

I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

You mean cause the average Liberal is to STUPID to know history and understand that Lenin is the REASON Stalin gained the position and power to murder millions?

I got a strong bet you didn't spend a lot of time in college?
OMG, "they are simply a part of us"
I wonder how black people like to be TALKED about in this way.
you would think they would want to be a "part OF themselves"
instead they are referred to only as a GROUP.
there's that "plantation mentality" that oozes from the Democrat party. sad that more black people don't wake up and see it.

you should figure out a way to tell black americans that they are just being stupid dumb negroes for voting with the democrats. I am SURE that your message would resonate with them. DO PLEASE give it a try.

Why? They obviously are to STUPID to understand they are busy supporting the very people that oppressed them since 1865. Democrats love ignorance, it plays so well for them.

and yet....blacks in America USED to overwhelmingly vote for republicans. And then, starting about 1948, that all began to change. I would suggest it began to change when blacks inAmerica realized that the democratic party WAS changing and.that, along with the realization that the GOP DID have a southern strategy that sought to marginalize them made them rethink their allegiance to the GOP. Now... blacks in America vote overhwlmingly democratic. Seems like they are a lot smarter, and politically aware and astute, than you give them credit for!:razz:
you should figure out a way to tell black americans that they are just being stupid dumb negroes for voting with the democrats. I am SURE that your message would resonate with them. DO PLEASE give it a try.

Why? They obviously are to STUPID to understand they are busy supporting the very people that oppressed them since 1865. Democrats love ignorance, it plays so well for them.

and yet....blacks in America USED to overwhelmingly vote for republicans. And then, starting about 1948, that all began to change. I would suggest it began to change when blacks inAmerica realized that the democratic party WAS changing and.that, along with the realization that the GOP DID have a southern strategy that sought to marginalize them made them rethink their allegiance to the GOP. Now... blacks in America vote overhwlmingly democratic. Seems like they are a lot smarter, and politically aware and astute, than you give them credit for!:razz:

Yep, their nationwide educational accomplishments, drug use, criminality,homelessness and proportionate representation stats on welfare rolls certainly indicate that the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS poured into the negroid bottomless pit is paying its dividends and earning us racist taxpayers love points.
Dunno if it has already been said, but nobody seems too shook up that he's compared with Lenin at the same time.

Flip Lenin with Stalin and you will see people get really pissed. Lenin just doesn't resonate because he doesn't have the whole killed millions of his own innocent countrymen going for him ... well not anywhere near the extent that Hitler or Stalin do.
I seriously doubt that.

For some reason or another, the mass murderers Stalin and Mao (dare I mention Che Guevara) seem to get a pass from the American intelligentsia.
See: Anita Dunn.

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