Political Cartoon

Biden's message was one proving his party is the mob racketeering party.
They cause the hate, anger, division then claim if you vote for them they will be unifying the nation because they'd no longer be angry and divisive=racketeering threat.
"Come on man", how can you be a uniter when calling yourselfs the resisters (divisive meaning).
Biden is basically saying if the crybaby's get their way then they will stop resisting(stop dividing) and being enraged.=racketeering 101.
Basically if they can get you to stop investigating their corruption they will then stop the smokescreen through sabotage trashing of the country.
This is why someone made this logo a while back:
Forgot Adam Schiff, his main donor is a Ukraine arms dealer in his district that got equipment deals with the Ukraine, due to Adams lobbying sudden interest in financing Ukraine arms deals. Basically our tax dollars went to Adam's campaign which his corruption lead to America being preoccupied with covering up Adam's corruption with the impeachment trial of the very thing Adam and Biden himself did, and the result was our country being to busy to prepare for the pandemic. Adam's corruption lead to death and that pandemic also lead to the carnage we see today.
So Bidens corruption and Adam's corruption and the rest of the corruption has literally killed and destroyed over their coverup and revenge tactics.
Like I said, pure and utter evil.
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