Political Cartoon

Why are you so stupid ???? Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be perfectly safe, and is a legal tested drug, but you post this idiocy in which makes you look like a complete idiot in doing so.

My neighbor is on the drug after he and his family had a run in with Covid, so after his treatment his doctor put him on hydroxychloroquine as a preventer. Well he's been on the drug for quite sometime now, and guess what you Democrat shill ? He's doing great, his family is doing great, and he has recovered totally. He questioned his doctor about the drug after what he heard about it, and his doctor told him that it was all lies, and the drug is safe.

6 months or more afterwards, and he's doing great. So the question is, how many people could have been given the drug as a preventive, but due to wicked politic's conducted as warfare use by the leftist, how many citizen's were denide the drug, and we're left vulnerable to the Covid-19 if the drug could have helped them ????

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