Political Cartoon

BREAKING: One of Donald Trump’s top Republican allies in Congress defies Judge Engoron, launches a vicious, unhinged attack on Engoron’s law clerk in a shameless effort to help Trump attack the clerk without violating the gag order that the judge placed on him.

In a dangerous official statement released today, Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik declared, “"The Far Left Judge's clerk is a major Democrat donor and operative who has apparently donated more than the yearly limit for a New York Judge's staff member. It is illegal and un-American for the Leftist Judge in NY to order that President Trump and his legal team can't raise issues about the Judge's biased law clerk ---- especially when it is very obvious that she is playing an integral role in the case.”

Stefanik continued, declaring, “This is a dangerous pattern by Democrats across the country to try to muzzle any defendant ---- let alone the leading Presidential candidate who is leading in all the polls against corrupt Joe Biden. Republicans must join together to fight back against the unprecedented and illegal weaponization of Government against President Trump."

Simply deplorable. Since Stefanik knows that that Donald Trump is banned from attacking the law clerk, she decided to stick her neck out for Trump to do hit dirty work because there is no gag order against her.

Just when you thought that Trump and his “law and order” Republican enablers couldn’t sink any lower, now they are openly conspiring with Trump to attack judges and their law clerks for simply doing their jobs and administering the law.

May be an image of 1 person and the Oval Office


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