Political Cartoon


America recently learned that newly crowned House Speaker Mike Johnson has a Black son — or does he?

At their core, members of Congress are merely performers. They’re actors whose job is to convince those in the voting public that they are their higher moral selves. For some it’s easy, and for others … well, even the idea of being a virtuous, upstanding, morally just person is difficult to stomach.

Morality, the dance: a tangolike shuffle that includes being honest, forthcoming and basically all the things that Republicans are not.

And this brings us to the adoptive son of color as stage prop, which usually works like this: Be a white politician, most likely male, and wait until a person of color in Congress notes that you don’t know the difficulties of being (insert race) in America, and then watch as the offended white congressman wields his “adopted” child like a sword or a pointer.

It’s all very theatrical. Of course, that son will not actually be adopted. And of course there will be difficulty figuring out the son’s real connection to said politician, but that hasn’t stopped everything from already happening.

I call it “pulling a Gaetz,” after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and his purportedly adopted son Nestor — who has a whole-ass dad (who is not Gaetz) and was never actually adopted.

You can now also call it “pulling a Johnson.”

Much more at the link below...

How To Love Your Nonexistent Black Son: A Matt Gaetz And Mike Johnson Nonstory

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