Political Cartoon

obama shit floats.png
This is a false quote...but what’s the difference between this fake meme and a Hamas supporter or someone like Talib? Wouldn’t hurt to check or verify before posting, but I guess that’s the nature of the internet.

Like its elder sibling, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Franklin Forgery has survived because of its utility to Jew-haters, who, in every generation, have relied on rumor, innuendo, and falsehood to excoriate “the Jews” when facts fail to serve their ends. Concocted in 1934, it has refused to disappear despite overwhelming evidence of its wholesale fabrication. The “fake news” of its day, the Franklin Forgery stubbornly lives on, one item in a veritable Sears catalog of antisemitic slanders in the Twitter and Facebook feeds and hate sites of neo-Nazis in America and in the polemics of clerics across the Muslim world.
Another useful puppet speaks out.

Anyone who thinks that denouncing Israel Is the same as supporting Hamas is an imbecilic moron. I'll continue putting America First, no matter what you Libtards and RINOs think. MAGA!!
Another useful puppet speaks out.

Anyone who thinks that denouncing Israel Is the same as supporting Hamas is an imbecilic moron. I'll continue putting America First, no matter what you Libtards and RINOs think. MAGA!!
Look at the context in which you are denouncing ISRAEL in, so it is you taking advantage of the situation to attack the Jews, and its because you are a Jew hater, and that's not good. Jews have been a part of America for centuries, and how long have you been here since you've been born here ? Did someone teach you to hate the Jewish people ?
Look at the context in which you are denouncing ISRAEL in, so it is you taking advantage of the situation to attack the Jews, and its because you are a Jew hater, and that's not good. Jews have been a part of America for centuries, and how long have you been here since you've been born here ? Did someone teach you to hate the Jewish people ?
You give me one reason why I should LOVE these people:

George Soros:

Klaus Schwab:

Supreme Court Justice, Elena Kagan:

Biden's Cabinet Members:

Mark Zuckerberg:

You can adore them all you want. They're all damaging America one piece at at time. Love them all you wish. I'll continue to love America. MAGA!!
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