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My wife ordered the audio book on the unite the right event in Charlottesville. It chills you to your soul. The Nazis, the white racist will be back on top if the orange moron is re-elected.
Fake News the day after had mixed crowds but leftist propagandist use the narrative of the march that occured the day before which had the Nazis.
So when Trump said there was good and bad people it was true, it was a mixed crowd of good and bad from both left (some antifa) and right (some extreme right were leftover from the day before.)
Both parties had good people not involved in extremism there, but leftist media narrate like antifa wasn't there nor bad and act as if normal people were not there "the day after" which was the
If you keep letting the media play you then you are the tool and fool causing the problem.
Fascist control the media and censorship, not the Backwoods Charlottsville attention seekers.
Nazis were socialists who did fascist acts like the left has done, so there's a difference between being Nazis and creating false claims about an event and who's who, and dressing up like Nazis and having nothing to do with the day in question after the march was over "the next day".
In short: the real brown shirts are kvetching about the day after costume wearer nazis showed up.
That makes lots of sense, but kvetching about who's a real nazis and who's a pretend nazis is like Emos and Goths arguing over who's a poseur.
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