Political Cartoon

If the students had any sense, they'd take Bidens freebie, and then give their vote to Trump in regards to their best future options in the long haul. That's exactly what I would do, otherwise except the freebie from the vote pimp, and then screw his pimping ace over because America ain't his pimped out whores.

Yeah, and the Biden government will thank him while they send it over seas to fuel wars and rumors of war's with it. Oh and he should also celebrate all the pork that will be attached to it, and realize that his taxes are so high because of it all. Cuban don't give a darn about the average working taxpayer for making his and her taxes so high for not challenging the high amount he pays. Oh and I thought you knuckleheads hated the billionaires in this country ? Wait, that's the one's that aren't fooled by your chit. CUBAN is a special kind of dipstick, so y'all like him. 😆
How much pork is involved with the bill ? You all can Sabotage your own bill's by holding hostage a much needed aid package because you try to push through your sicknesses in these bill's. Then when the conservatives vote their conscience or stay away from bad bill's, you people try to set them up as the bad guy's while you all hide your hands.

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