Political Cartoon


Never in the 200+ years of this nation's history has it ever been às corrupted under leftist empowerment as it is right now. Unfortunately for Donald Trump, it is that he was right in the target zone when all HELL broke loose finally. Listen folks, look at the entire chit show
They surround themselves with foreigners because foreigners don't truly know who they are, along with their bad ways and/or bad habits. This tactic is a very obvious and old one that they use. Those who aren't schooled or educated on who the Democrats truly are, well then they are highly vulnerable to their bull shite and lies. This is why they cover/shield themselves by throwing foreigners in between us who know better... The foreigners know nothing of our type of system, and those who are duping the foreigners because they don't know any better are lower than whale shite...... It also could be that the foreigners just love free shite, so they run cover by allowing the Democrat's to use them for a fee.

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