Political Cartoon

bud, I don't 'donate' to any political campaign.

I consider anyone that does a fool.
Oh so you just watch as someone you think ought to be president again, should just spend his own money without any help from what might be considered (free loaders), otherwise meaning those that know how critical a situation this country is in, and knows what the Democrat's are doing, but hell no their ain't no candidate gonna get any of my nest egg or money regardless if this nation goes down the drain to the point of no return eh ???

Really dude ? Are you afraid Trump isn't going to make it ??

What is strange, uhhh is that many white folks in a black church in the hood. The security must have been off the chain.

It's cool though, because there should be no where that good citizen's be it black or white are afraid to go ever. If there is, then the reason needs to be worked on and worked out for everyone that considers themselves as good American's.
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Oh so you just watch as someone you think ought to be president again, should just spend his own money without any help from what might be considered (free loaders), otherwise meaning those that know how critical a situation this country is in, and knows what the Democrat's are doing, but hell no their ain't no candidate gonna get any of my nest egg or money regardless if this nation goes down the drain to the point of no return eh ???

Really dude ? Are you afraid Trump isn't going to make it ??
? Are you afraid Trump isn't going to make it ??
I hope neither of them make it.
And what is it that you think white people's heritage is ?

Catch up to the post civil war era please, otherwise when Americanism rang true for any American that was willing to work hard, chase their dream's, and adhere to standards regarding law and order not based on a person's skin color, and most of all being kind to each other.

Simple enough right ? Getting caught up in trend's, shallow culture's, fad's, gang's and the like, otherwise that are shady and divisive, then that is the problem that is being created by politician's on purpose. Why ??? They feed on divisiveness in order to keep their power. Simple.

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