Political correctness goes flying out the door when Coulter interviewed by Fox


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
I cannot remember what issues I am totally not in agreement with Ann Coulter on? I think one may be she is not keen on Israel? Some things she is plain ridiculous but I cannot remember, honestly?

Be that as it may, this nation needs more people like her and Trump and some radio firebrands. Because much of this nation, the majority of this nation, is sick and tired and enraged at being played the fool for how long?, 20 years or more? Sick and tired of being lied to by democrats and republicans, sick and tired of the mainstream media being lap dogs for the liberal machine in this nation. Sick and tired of big business calling the shots for our elected officials and tired of sex scandals which no doubt black mail some reps who might want to do good. Sick of career politicians who are in it only for themselves. Sick of major scandals that go nowhere and when they get to the courts everyone gets a pardon. And we are sick of having to be nice to every freaking sensitive victim out there who thinks they are holy and all they care about it suing or telling everyone else how bad they are.

So with that intro, here is the latest from Ann. A bit cruel towards the governor of South Carolina, but necessary. Quit playing us for a fool republican establishment. You suck! That is why bombastic politically incorrect egomaniacs like Donald Trump are so popular. Because they share our anger and will say it out loud!

Ann Coulter hits Nikki Haley as 'bimbo'

Posted By Cheryl Chumley On 01/15/2016 @ 1:19 pm In Diversions,Front Page,Politics,U.S.

Ann Coulter, conservative firebrand, took to Fox News Radio and told host John Gibson: Nikki Haley, governor of South Carolina, is a “bimbo” who was only elected because of her good looks.

She first spoke of the need for Republicans to listen to the American people about immigration, as leading candidate Donald Trump has done.

“The entire Republican Party … [has an] absolute undying commitment to mass immigration, over everything else,” she said, during the interview. “They are obsessed, ‘we must keep dumping the third-world on the American people.'”

But not Donald Trump – and that’s his big draw for the American people, she said.
“He’s the only one, the only one to say, ‘I care about Americans more than foreigners,'” Coulter said. “And then … the Republican response [to State of the Union] is attacking Donald Trump, and specifically on immigration. It’s like they are drug addicts, they can’t stop.”

Gibson asked: “So do you think that Nikki Haley was picked, or this is a function of the Republican establishment, trying to ding Donald Trump?”

And that’s when Coulter called Haley “a bimbo” and tried to explain her viewpoint. Gibson, however, objected and said, “Hold on Annie, I’ve got to stop you there.”
He went on: “Annie, Annie, you just called her a bimbo. I don’t think that’s kosher.”

A lively back-and-forth commenced.

“What do you mean kosher? Is it true or isn’t it? … You’re policing my language?

I’m saying something I think is true,” Coulter said. “I think she is a bimbo.”

Gibson sighed. And Coulter continued.

“Do we have to add that to the list of words that can’t be used now? Because the list is getting bigger than the dictionary,” she said.

Gibson: “It describes a certain kind of person which I don’t think fits her.”

“Yeah,” Coulter said, “a not very bright female. Actually, they are not always females but they often have those qualities, these feminine qualities.”

Gibson: “Well, can we proceed without calling her that kind of name?”

Coulter: “You’re joking?”

Gibson: “No, I’m not.”

Coulter: “Can you email me of list of what words can’t be used … Bimbo? … It’s going to be hard to describe how she was chosen. She is a woman who was accidentally elected because she’s pretty and isn’t very bright, can we say that?”

Coulter then added, “I think there’s something the matter with South Carolina. It’s such a fantastic state and they have the worst representatives. I think the smart people in South Carolina don’t want to run for elective politics. … Lindsey Graham is South Carolina. South Carolina is one of the best states in the Union. Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley? … Come on. Lindsey Graham, also a bimbo.”

Coulter refuted the idea of Haley making the vice presidential seat, and said she didn’t think the governor even had a second term in her future.

Coulter just made media waves by saying via Twitter Donald Trump, ought to deport Haley – a remark Gibson raised at the outset of the interview, along with this question: “You were just joking, Annie?”

Coulter’s reply: “Ahh, no.”

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As long as Ann helps tear what's left of the GOP apart, the XY female (never married, no kids, acts, thinks, talks, and looks like a man {with tits}) has my full support. Godspeed.
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As long as Ann helps tear what's left of the GOP apart, the XY female (never married, no kids, acts, thinks, talks, and looks like a man) has my full support. Godspeed.

Yes. But "what's left of the GOP" is so much more honorable in its platforms and ideas, so much more moral in its values than anything that has come out of the democrat party in the last 30 years ---- that if any citizen has half a brain and a modicum of human decency, it will still be no question which one is far less evil for this nation.

It will NEVER be someone like obama or hillary or reid or pelosi. Ok to destroy your own life, don't destroy the nation's, OK?
People who have no idea where the current legislative gridlock comes from......suggest that we need more red meat thrown from the podium and more vitriol jamming the airwaves.

Radio "firebrands" currently direct the GOP. If you think more of them is the answer.....you might just be a retard.
People who have no idea where the current legislative gridlock comes from......suggest that we need more red meat thrown from the podium and more vitriol jamming the airwaves.

Radio "firebrands" currently direct the GOP. If yiu think more of them is the answer.....you might just be a retard.

Well in 50 words or less I can now check you off the list. Thanks.
People who have no idea where the current legislative gridlock comes from......suggest that we need more red meat thrown from the podium and more vitriol jamming the airwaves.

Radio "firebrands" currently direct the GOP. If yiu think more of them is the answer.....you might just be a retard.

Well in 50 words or less I can now check you off the list. Thanks.

What list is that, dummy?
You can strip a party down to a small segment that shares the same ideology but they won't be able to win elections.
What list is that, dummy?

The "Do not resuscitate" list. Those who are so full of themselves that they cannot admit they are wrong. Those who think killing babies and gay marriage is what makes our nation great. Those who think offending a Muslim is a far more grave injustice than protecting our own citizens from terrorism. Those who vote for godless people and think God is some nebulous unimportant entity. Those types, generally speaking, are not worth my time trying to convince.

Now you got it?
Ann is a bomb thrower. Nikki is a decent governor enjoying widespread support. Who's more credible to you?

I really do not care enough to find out if Nikki is a good governor or a bad governor. And whether Ann is a bomb thrower or not I will not argue. The point I was making was that it was quite apparent they put "Nikki" out there to disparage Trump and continue with the odious "republican establishment" bullshit agenda. And for that I am glad Ann told it like it was.
Ann is a bomb thrower. Nikki is a decent governor enjoying widespread support. Who's more credible to you?

I really do not care enough to find out if Nikki is a good governor or a bad governor. And whether Ann is a bomb thrower or not I will not argue. The point I was making was that it was quite apparent they put "Nikki" out there to disparage Trump and continue with the odious "republican establishment" bullshit agenda. And for that I am glad Ann told it like it was.
It wasn't all about Trump. Alienating people is stupid politics.
What list is that, dummy?

The "Do not resuscitate" list. Those who are so full of themselves that they cannot admit they are wrong. Those who think killing babies and gay marriage is what makes our nation great. Those who think offending a Muslim is a far more grave injustice than protecting our own citizens from terrorism. Those who vote for godless people and think God is some nebulous unimportant entity. Those types, generally speaking, are not worth my time trying to convince.

Now you got it?

Well....if you ever do try to resucitate me by mistake....don't play with my tongue and don't massage my balls.

You are one of those people who thinks this land is a land of Jesus, aren't you. Well....that dude wouldn't get past Trump's border guards, pal.
Ann is a bomb thrower. Nikki is a decent governor enjoying widespread support. Who's more credible to you?

I really do not care enough to find out if Nikki is a good governor or a bad governor. And whether Ann is a bomb thrower or not I will not argue. The point I was making was that it was quite apparent they put "Nikki" out there to disparage Trump and continue with the odious "republican establishment" bullshit agenda. And for that I am glad Ann told it like it was.
It wasn't all about Trump. Alienating people is stupid politics.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Trump has alienated a million kinds of people and yet he remains enormously popular amongst many republicans and independents. Why is that ? Because people are SICK AND TIRED of the Bullshit!! That means politics as usual and a diabolical media lying and covering up. That's what happens when corruption and greed goes on too long, people rebel.
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What list is that, dummy?

The "Do not resuscitate" list. Those who are so full of themselves that they cannot admit they are wrong. Those who think killing babies and gay marriage is what makes our nation great. Those who think offending a Muslim is a far more grave injustice than protecting our own citizens from terrorism. Those who vote for godless people and think God is some nebulous unimportant entity. Those types, generally speaking, are not worth my time trying to convince.

Now you got it?

Well....if you ever do try to resucitate me by mistake....don't play with my tongue and don't massage my balls.

You are one of those people who thinks this land is a land of Jesus, aren't you. Well....that dude wouldn't get past Trump's border guards, pal.

You gross me out. All the more reason to avoid you and realize I was correct after your first 50 words.
Ann is a bomb thrower. Nikki is a decent governor enjoying widespread support. Who's more credible to you?

I really do not care enough to find out if Nikki is a good governor or a bad governor. And whether Ann is a bomb thrower or not I will not argue. The point I was making was that it was quite apparent they put "Nikki" out there to disparage Trump and continue with the odious "republican establishment" bullshit agenda. And for that I am glad Ann told it like it was.
It wasn't all about Trump. Alienating people is stupid politics.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Trump has alienated a million kinds of people and yet he remains enormously popular amongst many republicans and independents. Why is that ? Because people are SICK AND TIRED of the Bullshit!! That means politics as usual and a diabolic media lying and covering up. That's what happens when corruption and greed goes on too long, people rebel.

Independents? That's funny.
Ann is a bomb thrower. Nikki is a decent governor enjoying widespread support. Who's more credible to you?

I really do not care enough to find out if Nikki is a good governor or a bad governor. And whether Ann is a bomb thrower or not I will not argue. The point I was making was that it was quite apparent they put "Nikki" out there to disparage Trump and continue with the odious "republican establishment" bullshit agenda. And for that I am glad Ann told it like it was.
"They" didn't make Governor Haley do anything. She wasn't forced by anyone to write and deliver that speech. That was the message she chose to convey to the nation.
Ann is a bomb thrower. Nikki is a decent governor enjoying widespread support. Who's more credible to you?

I really do not care enough to find out if Nikki is a good governor or a bad governor. And whether Ann is a bomb thrower or not I will not argue. The point I was making was that it was quite apparent they put "Nikki" out there to disparage Trump and continue with the odious "republican establishment" bullshit agenda. And for that I am glad Ann told it like it was.
It wasn't all about Trump. Alienating people is stupid politics.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Trump has alienated a million kinds of people and yet he remains enormously popular amongst many republicans and independents. Why is that ? Because people are SICK AND TIRED of the Bullshit!! That means politics as usual and a diabolical media lying and covering up. That's what happens when corruption and greed goes on too long, people rebel.
Trump has appeal because he is the anti-obama. Then what? An anti-Trump? We need to quit bouncing off the walls.

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