Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

Your say is no better than my say. If you were in the military (which I doubt) you are still an equal citizen here in the states. That's why you don't get two votes for a candidate. You get one vote just like everybody else.

Exactly my point. And that one vote should count JUST THE SAME regardless of what state you live in. We shouldn't make Wyoming's vote count more than California's, which is exactly what the racist Electoral College does.

But, uh, yeah, I really always take the word of my fellow veterans over wannabes like you who think guns compensate for your tiny dicks.

You have the compelling reasons why we choose our President the way we always have.

No, we don't. We put that system in because the Founding Slave Rapists DIDN'T trust the common man. They might do something crazy like end slavery or something.

Your problem is you refuse to accept it because your candidate lost. You leftists always want to change the rules when your presidential candidate loses like the last two times they lost. If you want to try and change the rules, be my guest.

We refuse to accept it because 1) The people said "NO", and 2) The people who stole the election were really awful.

Since you brought up 2000, let's look at that. We had a guy STEAL the presidency because his brother rigged the vote in one state. He proceeded to fuck up preventing the worst terrorist attack ever, got us into a completely unnecessary war, lost a major city due to an inept response to a hurricane,and then gave us the worst recession in 80 years. The people got it right. This guy never should have been president.


The Electoral College- hard at work.

When DumBama won and had a Democrat Congress and Senate, the EC wasn't even mentioned because he and the Democrats won. If they ever have the White House and Congress again, they won't try to change the rules then either.

They were a little busy trying to fix all the problems Bush had caused. I do agree, the Democrats aren't making this an issue and they should. Of course, if the EC worked the way the Slave Rapists intended, on December 19th, the Electors would say, "What the fuck, a Reality TV guy! NO fucking Way!"

No, dumbass, my contention was that we would not have a Republic if we replaced the Electoral College with a national popular vote. You have no fucking clue what a "Republic" is.

Which is a dumb comment.

France is a Republic. France has a national popular vote for President. They don't elect clowns like Bush and Trump. They don't let shitstain little third parties like the Greens fuck it all up.
I hope you don't think I read any of that.

Naw, man. Your eyes would melt out if you did. You are terrified of the truth.

I've already capitulated. PC and Identity Politics are all a fraud. There's no such thing. President Obama and Don Lemon and the 30 or so other liberals I've listed were all liars. You're right, they're all wrong. While we all know what it is, it's all a figment of our imaginations.

No, they all have opinions, some of which you've taken out of context. THE NUMBERS tell a different story. Trump didn't win because white people can't take it anymore.

As I've said, multiple times, believe what you will.

It's not a matter of belief. It's a matter of not letting you get away with lying because your pussy hurts because you couldn't tell a dirty joke in the office once.
Your say is no better than my say. If you were in the military (which I doubt) you are still an equal citizen here in the states. That's why you don't get two votes for a candidate. You get one vote just like everybody else.

Exactly my point. And that one vote should count JUST THE SAME regardless of what state you live in. We shouldn't make Wyoming's vote count more than California's, which is exactly what the racist Electoral College does.

But, uh, yeah, I really always take the word of my fellow veterans over wannabes like you who think guns compensate for your tiny dicks.

You have the compelling reasons why we choose our President the way we always have.

No, we don't. We put that system in because the Founding Slave Rapists DIDN'T trust the common man. They might do something crazy like end slavery or something.

Your problem is you refuse to accept it because your candidate lost. You leftists always want to change the rules when your presidential candidate loses like the last two times they lost. If you want to try and change the rules, be my guest.

We refuse to accept it because 1) The people said "NO", and 2) The people who stole the election were really awful.

Since you brought up 2000, let's look at that. We had a guy STEAL the presidency because his brother rigged the vote in one state. He proceeded to fuck up preventing the worst terrorist attack ever, got us into a completely unnecessary war, lost a major city due to an inept response to a hurricane,and then gave us the worst recession in 80 years. The people got it right. This guy never should have been president.


The Electoral College- hard at work.

When DumBama won and had a Democrat Congress and Senate, the EC wasn't even mentioned because he and the Democrats won. If they ever have the White House and Congress again, they won't try to change the rules then either.

They were a little busy trying to fix all the problems Bush had caused. I do agree, the Democrats aren't making this an issue and they should. Of course, if the EC worked the way the Slave Rapists intended, on December 19th, the Electors would say, "What the fuck, a Reality TV guy! NO fucking Way!"

No, dumbass, my contention was that we would not have a Republic if we replaced the Electoral College with a national popular vote. You have no fucking clue what a "Republic" is.

Which is a dumb comment.

France is a Republic. France has a national popular vote for President. They don't elect clowns like Bush and Trump. They don't let shitstain little third parties like the Greens fuck it all up.

See how a far left drone will use old debunked religious narratives?

They will always vote for worse that Bush, this one did it five times already!
I hope you don't think I read any of that.

Naw, man. Your eyes would melt out if you did. You are terrified of the truth.

I've already capitulated. PC and Identity Politics are all a fraud. There's no such thing. President Obama and Don Lemon and the 30 or so other liberals I've listed were all liars. You're right, they're all wrong. While we all know what it is, it's all a figment of our imaginations.

No, they all have opinions, some of which you've taken out of context. THE NUMBERS tell a different story. Trump didn't win because white people can't take it anymore.

As I've said, multiple times, believe what you will.

It's not a matter of belief. It's a matter of not letting you get away with lying because your pussy hurts because you couldn't tell a dirty joke in the office once.
Oh, that's right, Joe has a vice-like grip on DA TROOOF. Hardcore partisan ideologues are a hoot.

It's all a fraud, Joe, there's no such thing as PC and Identity Politics, and Obama and all those liberals are liars. Or they were kidding. Or whatever you say.

I'm very, very upset that I can't tell dirty jokes at work. You got me.

You're right. You have da troof on your side. Now please stop humping my leg.
They were a little busy trying to fix all the problems Bush had caused. I do agree, the Democrats aren't making this an issue and they should. Of course, if the EC worked the way the Slave Rapists intended, on December 19th, the Electors would say, "What the fuck, a Reality TV guy! NO fucking Way!"

Yeah, and here we go again, all of DumBama's F-ups were because of Bush. In fact in your little leftists mind, DumBama's entire eight years of failure was because of Bush. If that criminal Hillary won, you would probably still be blaming Bush. But what should we expect from the party of irresponsibility?

We refuse to accept it because 1) The people said "NO", and 2) The people who stole the election were really awful.

Since you brought up 2000, let's look at that. We had a guy STEAL the presidency because his brother rigged the vote in one state. He proceeded to fuck up preventing the worst terrorist attack ever, got us into a completely unnecessary war, lost a major city due to an inept response to a hurricane,and then gave us the worst recession in 80 years. The people got it right. This guy never should have been president.

No, those lies don't fly anymore Joe. Nobody rigged anything in Florida. Need the FactCheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my FactCheck folder. As for the Hurricane, it's not Bush's fault that your Democrat idiot didn't ask for help from the federal government. She Fd up--not Bush. The federal government can't send in help unless it's requested by the state which she refused to do. I have a video of her mic slip where she admitted as much if you care to view it. But being a liberal is living in denial, so I don't think that would help you all that much.

No, we don't. We put that system in because the Founding Slave Rapists DIDN'T trust the common man. They might do something crazy like end slavery or something.

No, they put that system into place so that everybody has equal representation in this country. I understand you have very limited knowledge of our government, that's why you're a liberal. But the idea of the electoral college is the same concept we have for our Congress. Everybody gets two Senators no matter how many people live in your state or how large or small your state is. If not for that system, you Commies would be taxing those smaller states for the goodies you want to pass out to your voters, just like you do with the wealthy.

Exactly my point. And that one vote should count JUST THE SAME regardless of what state you live in. We shouldn't make Wyoming's vote count more than California's, which is exactly what the racist Electoral College does.

But, uh, yeah, I really always take the word of my fellow veterans over wannabes like you who think guns compensate for your tiny dicks.

Oh, your famous tiny dick obsession again, huh Joe? I'll never understand the mentality of a liberal, so perhaps you can explain: Do you really think your childish tiny dick comments will make us say "Oh no! Because I believe in the ownership of guns, people will think I have a tiny dick! I don't want that. I'm getting rid of my guns so people don't think that of me!" :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You leftists are not as smart as you think, trust me. Here is a county and state map of the election results. What you're trying to tell me is that it's fair that those tiny blue sections have control over all those huge red sections:

Oh, that's right, Joe has a vice-like grip on DA TROOOF. Hardcore partisan ideologues are a hoot.

It's all a fraud, Joe, there's no such thing as PC and Identity Politics, and Obama and all those liberals are liars. Or they were kidding. Or whatever you say.

I'm very, very upset that I can't tell dirty jokes at work. You got me.

You're right. You have da troof on your side. Now please stop humping my leg.

Sorry, guy, you keep coming on here and lying that people not being subjected to racist and misogynist behavior isn't a good thing, I'm going to keep calling you on it.

Democrats should not surrender their commitment to racial and gender equality, just because 47% thought it would be a hoot to elect an openly racist reality TV star to show their contempt for government.

It's bad the system failed that badly, to be sure. It's even sad that so many White People have fallen for liars like you telling them PC is the cause of their problems, and not Wall Street Greed.

I've tried posting memes that point out the mindless and repetitive nature of the various uses of PC, but then I get reported for "trolling" even though I am responding to the same point over and over again.
It's just another way they avoid an honest conversation.

I've noticed that another technique is as follows: When you provide a long list of examples of your point, you're accused of "whining". The examples are avoided.

They behave like this because, at some level, they know they're being dishonest. But again, this is their religion, and they will protect it at all costs.
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Sorry, guy, you keep coming on here and lying that people not being subjected to racist and misogynist behavior isn't a good thing, I'm going to keep calling you on it.
I'm glad you bring this up.

Tell me: What do you and my other little stalker friends think you're accomplishing with this behavior? Is there a goal of some kind?

It's clearly very important (as you demonstrate in the above post) that you counter my posts with your version of the truth. Why? Do you think your behavior is changing any minds here, or altering perceptions, or moving opinion?

Be honest for a second. I'm curious.
Yeah, and here we go again, all of DumBama's F-ups were because of Bush. In fact in your little leftists mind, DumBama's entire eight years of failure was because of Bush. If that criminal Hillary won, you would probably still be blaming Bush. But what should we expect from the party of irresponsibility?

I wouldn't say Obama's 8 years were a failure. He's going to leave office with a 60% approval rating, compared to the 27% approval rating that Bush left with.

Not to worry, Trump will undo much of that progress, and then we'll really miss Obama. Just like Lincoln was elevated by being bookended by Buchanan and Johnson (two of the worst presidents in our history), Barry will look a lot better being bookended by Trump and Bush.

No, those lies don't fly anymore Joe. Nobody rigged anything in Florida. Need the FactCheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my FactCheck folder.

Yup, Jeb just happened to purge tens of thousands of black people from the voter rolls... nothing to see here. And then refused to have a complete recount. Nothing to see here.

As for the Hurricane, it's not Bush's fault that your Democrat idiot didn't ask for help from the federal government. She Fd up--not Bush.

She wasn't the one who just created a HUGE new federal bureaucracy for the specific purpose of reacting to national disasters. Bush did that. And when that big national disaster came, it was complete fuckup on his part and thousands of people died.

So let's review-
3000 dead on 9/11, because Bush couldn't be bothered to listen to a CIA briefing
5000 dead in Iraq, because
1800 dead in Katrina because after stripping money from infrastructure, they failed to rescue people in a flood.

But not to worry, you'll whine about four people killed in Benghazi until the cows come home.
I'm glad you bring this up.

Tell me: What do you and my other little stalker friends think you're accomplishing with this behavior? Is there a goal of some kind?

yes, the goal is to point out your are a liar. That's the goal.

You, sir, are a liar.

It's clearly very important (as you demonstrate in the above post) that you counter my posts with your version of the truth. Why? Do you think your behavior is changing any minds here, or altering perceptions, or moving opinion?

Be honest for a second. I'm curious.

You made a claim that PC tipped this election to Trump. This is simply not born out by any analysis of the numbers. I point out these numbers, you refuse to address them or point out any counter numbers of your own.

Trump getting elected is a national tragedy, but in order to understand why this tragedy happened, you have to get the narrative right. Lying that this was a reaction to "Political Correctness" or "Identity Politics" is a distraction and keeps the focus away from where it belongs.

Now, I do agree, Democrats lost working class whites a long time ago. But not because of political correctness. They lost them because they were too in love with free trade to see the devastating effects it was having on their communities. and they lost them because they didn't come up with a counter narrative to the racist shit Republicans have been pushing since Nixon. (Trump merely replaced the dog-whistle with a bullhorn.)

But the underlying problem this time, once again, the Far Left of the Green Party screwed the Democratic Party.
I'm glad you bring this up. Tell me: What do you and my other little stalker friends think you're accomplishing with this behavior? Is there a goal of some kind?
yes, the goal is to point out your are a liar. That's the goal. You, sir, are a liar.
My goodness. From one of the nastiest, most dishonest posters here.

That doesn't answer my question. What do you get out of it? Do you think you're changing minds?

My guess is that you guys are not trying to change minds or improve anything, but rather this stuff just gives you a temporary high, like "I really got him".

I was hoping for a moment of candor. Come on: What is the goal of the behavior, in terms of results?
My goodness. From one of the nastiest, most dishonest posters here.

That doesn't answer my question. What do you get out of it? Do you think you're changing minds?

I just explained it to you! I mean, I can use smaller words, but I don't think you'll get it even then.

You are spreading a lie. The lie is intended to get Democrats to abandon their commitment to racial and gender equality. It's a lie the Right Wing has been pushing for years. Heck, I used to fall for it...

Until I realized one day that the Hispanic Lesbian I worked with was a really nice lady who was in the same boat I am in, and the rich white person in the corner office who was thinking up new ways to fuck me over wasn't a very nice person.
My goodness. From one of the nastiest, most dishonest posters here.

That doesn't answer my question. What do you get out of it? Do you think you're changing minds?

I just explained it to you! I mean, I can use smaller words, but I don't think you'll get it even then.

You are spreading a lie. The lie is intended to get Democrats to abandon their commitment to racial and gender equality. It's a lie the Right Wing has been pushing for years. Heck, I used to fall for it...

Until I realized one day that the Hispanic Lesbian I worked with was a really nice lady who was in the same boat I am in, and the rich white person in the corner office who was thinking up new ways to fuck me over wasn't a very nice person.
Okay, so you think my posts here are going to change minds, and you want to stop that from happening.

Well, I must admit, that wasn't what I expected. I'm flattered.

I really don't think you have much to worry about. A vast majority of the people here are set in their opinions.
Okay, so you think my posts here are going to change minds, and you want to stop that from happening.

Well, I must admit, that wasn't what I expected. I'm flattered.

I really don't think you have much to worry about. A vast majority of the people here are set in their opinions.

No, i think lies need to be challenged, whether or not someone is dumb enough to believe them or not.

I'm sorry HR spanked you for that joke, but it probably wasn't that funny to start with.
Okay, so you think my posts here are going to change minds, and you want to stop that from happening.

Well, I must admit, that wasn't what I expected. I'm flattered.

I really don't think you have much to worry about. A vast majority of the people here are set in their opinions.

No, i think lies need to be challenged, whether or not someone is dumb enough to believe them or not.

I'm sorry HR spanked you for that joke, but it probably wasn't that funny to start with.
An enlightening and flattering morning for me Joe, thanks.
Political correctness and being an asshole are two different things.

No, you pretty much have to be a major league asshole to run around and demand people only use words you approve of. I would say being PC makes you an asshole.

An enlightening and flattering morning for me Joe, thanks.

whatever, guy. Your reverse psychology won't work on you getting called on your lies.

You will get called on your lies whenever I catch you lying about decent folks.
An enlightening and flattering morning for me Joe, thanks.

whatever, guy. Your reverse psychology won't work on you getting called on your lies.

You will get called on your lies whenever I catch you lying about decent folks.
Oh, Joe, come on.

We both know that your "I think lies need to be challenged" schtick only applies to (perceived or imagined) lies from people who dare to disagree with you, and never to your fellow hardcore left wing partisan ideologues.

But again, it's flattering to know that my little opinions are so dangerous in your mind.

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