Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

Oh, Joe, come on.

We both know that your "I think lies need to be challenged" schtick only applies to (perceived or imagined) lies from people who dare to disagree with you, and never to your fellow hardcore left wing partisan ideologues.

But again, it's flattering to know that my little opinions are so dangerous in your mind.

If I catch a left-winger spreading bullshit, I call them on it. Just ask Dot.com or TryoneSoapdrop.

I'm currently arguing with a lot of left wingers about that stupid pipeline that they are all whining about when it's already 85% finished.

So you'd be wrong again.
Oh, Joe, come on.

We both know that your "I think lies need to be challenged" schtick only applies to (perceived or imagined) lies from people who dare to disagree with you, and never to your fellow hardcore left wing partisan ideologues.

But again, it's flattering to know that my little opinions are so dangerous in your mind.

For Uber partisan pieces of shit like Joe, truth is relative. They don't give a shit about truth. It's information they seek to stifle. It's quite Orwellian really. Complete with Newspeak, thought police, and double think. Thank God they do not have a monopoly on violence.

If not for the 2nd Amendment bed wetters like Joe would be a commissar hanging people for criticism of his moonbat messiah.

Oh, Joe, come on.

We both know that your "I think lies need to be challenged" schtick only applies to (perceived or imagined) lies from people who dare to disagree with you, and never to your fellow hardcore left wing partisan ideologues.

But again, it's flattering to know that my little opinions are so dangerous in your mind.

For Uber partisan pieces of shit like Joe, truth is relative. They don't give a shit about truth. It's information they seek to stifle. It's quite Orwellian really. Complete with Newspeak, thought police, and double think. Thank God they do not have a monopoly on violence.

If not for the 2nd Amendment bed wetters like Joe would be a commissar hanging people for criticism of his moonbat messiah.

Fuck with their religion and they get VERY cranky.
I'm glad you bring this up.

Tell me: What do you and my other little stalker friends think you're accomplishing with this behavior? Is there a goal of some kind?

yes, the goal is to point out your are a liar. That's the goal.

You, sir, are a liar.

It's clearly very important (as you demonstrate in the above post) that you counter my posts with your version of the truth. Why? Do you think your behavior is changing any minds here, or altering perceptions, or moving opinion?

Be honest for a second. I'm curious.

You made a claim that PC tipped this election to Trump. This is simply not born out by any analysis of the numbers. I point out these numbers, you refuse to address them or point out any counter numbers of your own.

Trump getting elected is a national tragedy, but in order to understand why this tragedy happened, you have to get the narrative right. Lying that this was a reaction to "Political Correctness" or "Identity Politics" is a distraction and keeps the focus away from where it belongs.

Now, I do agree, Democrats lost working class whites a long time ago. But not because of political correctness. They lost them because they were too in love with free trade to see the devastating effects it was having on their communities. and they lost them because they didn't come up with a counter narrative to the racist shit Republicans have been pushing since Nixon. (Trump merely replaced the dog-whistle with a bullhorn.)

But the underlying problem this time, once again, the Far Left of the Green Party screwed the Democratic Party.

NIxon did not push racist bullshit. He desegregated southern schools and vastly expanded Affirmative Action.
I'm glad you bring this up. Tell me: What do you and my other little stalker friends think you're accomplishing with this behavior? Is there a goal of some kind?
yes, the goal is to point out your are a liar. That's the goal. You, sir, are a liar.
My goodness. From one of the nastiest, most dishonest posters here.

That doesn't answer my question. What do you get out of it? Do you think you're changing minds?

My guess is that you guys are not trying to change minds or improve anything, but rather this stuff just gives you a temporary high, like "I really got him".

I was hoping for a moment of candor. Come on: What is the goal of the behavior, in terms of results?

Studies have shown that people like Joe are literally sadists who get off on causing pain in others.
She wasn't the one who just created a HUGE new federal bureaucracy for the specific purpose of reacting to national disasters. Bush did that. And when that big national disaster came, it was complete fuckup on his part and thousands of people died.

So let's review-
3000 dead on 9/11, because Bush couldn't be bothered to listen to a CIA briefing
5000 dead in Iraq, because
1800 dead in Katrina because after stripping money from infrastructure, they failed to rescue people in a flood.

But not to worry, you'll whine about four people killed in Benghazi until the cows come home.

WTF does a bureaucracy have to do with the irresponsible actions of a Governor? Yes, people died. They knew about the storm many days ahead of time, but Democrats are lazy and just waited for somebody to come fetch them. Bush couldn't help that. This is what happens when you sit home on welfare and the government feeds you; you get lazy.

Oh, and BTW, the Republicans did allocate money for the reinforcement of the levees. They blew the money on everything but. In fact, they received the most funding that year by the Republican Congress.

Money Flowed to Questionable Projects

Bush didn't know anything about terrorists hijacking planes and using them for weapons. From your very own CBS news.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11

Yup, Jeb just happened to purge tens of thousands of black people from the voter rolls... nothing to see here. And then refused to have a complete recount. Nothing to see here.

The Governor doesn't purge anything, the election board does which consists of Democrats and Republicans.

I wouldn't say Obama's 8 years were a failure. He's going to leave office with a 60% approval rating, compared to the 27% approval rating that Bush left with.

Not to worry, Trump will undo much of that progress, and then we'll really miss Obama. Just like Lincoln was elevated by being bookended by Buchanan and Johnson (two of the worst presidents in our history), Barry will look a lot better being bookended by Trump and Bush.

Trump will be a hero for undoing big ears disasters. The thing you leftists fail to understand is that yes, people like DumBama on a personal basis, but his policies sucked. That's why there were two historic mid-term sweeps by the Republicans, and also helped to put Trump in the White House. Over 900 seats lost to Republicans on the national, state, city and county levels all across the country during his 8 years. Yes, I would call that a total failure.
WTF does a bureaucracy have to do with the irresponsible actions of a Governor? Yes, people died. They knew about the storm many days ahead of time, but Democrats are lazy and just waited for somebody to come fetch them. Bush couldn't help that. This is what happens when you sit home on welfare and the government feeds you; you get lazy.

Wow, it was only a matter of time before the racism showed up.
Trump will be a hero for undoing big ears disasters. The thing you leftists fail to understand is that yes, people like DumBama on a personal basis, but his policies sucked. That's why there were two historic mid-term sweeps by the Republicans, and also helped to put Trump in the White House. Over 900 seats lost to Republicans on the national, state, city and county levels all across the country during his 8 years. Yes, I would call that a total failure.

Guy, midterms are meaningless. Trump won because we have an obsolete system. You guys are not winning the argument by persuasion, you are gaming the system.

Which only works until the other side figures out how to game it back.

When 20 million dumb-ass white trash lose their health coverage, they are going to figure out they've been had.
NIxon did not push racist bullshit. He desegregated southern schools and vastly expanded Affirmative Action.

Nixon finished what Ike, JFK and FDR started after the argument had already been lost.

The Nixon Tapes, Racism and The Republicans

Read it and weep, Cleetus.

Nixon and the republicans of the era had been on the pro-civil right side of the argument the whole time. They are the ones that won that argument.

You guys were the Johnny come latelys.

Some foul language doesn't change that.

My point about his actually POLICIES stands.

He desegregated southern schools and vastly expanded Affirmative Action.

And still won the South.

Oh, and your racism is noted. You are a racist asshole.
Nixon and the republicans of the era had been on the pro-civil right side of the argument the whole time. They are the ones that won that argument.

Well, no Nixon wasn't.

Ike was. But Ike despised Nixon and it showed.

Nixon saw an opportunity when thousands of dumb white rednecks abandoned the democrats for George Wallace in 1968. He said, "We totally need to get on some of that action!"

Again, listen to the things Nixon says about Black people on the tapes.
Studies have shown that people like Joe are literally sadists who get off on causing pain in others.

I enjoy inflicting pain on stupid people like you, but your pain is coming when Trumpenfuhrer fucks up the economy for stupid rednecks like you.

THank you for admitting what we can all see. You are a sadist.

Your rationalization for your vile behavior is of no interest to decent people.

Your racism is noted. YOu are a racist asshole.

Fuck you.
WTF does a bureaucracy have to do with the irresponsible actions of a Governor? Yes, people died. They knew about the storm many days ahead of time, but Democrats are lazy and just waited for somebody to come fetch them. Bush couldn't help that. This is what happens when you sit home on welfare and the government feeds you; you get lazy.

Wow, it was only a matter of time before the racism showed up.

Says one of the biggest racists on the site.
Nixon and the republicans of the era had been on the pro-civil right side of the argument the whole time. They are the ones that won that argument.

Well, no Nixon wasn't.

Ike was. But Ike despised Nixon and it showed.

Nixon saw an opportunity when thousands of dumb white rednecks abandoned the democrats for George Wallace in 1968. He said, "We totally need to get on some of that action!"

Again, listen to the things Nixon says about Black people on the tapes.

Nixon's policies were pro-civil rights, and that is what he was judged on by the voters, and he won the South.

THis debunks your sides lies about Nixon and the SOuthern Strategy.

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