Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

THank you for admitting what we can all see. You are a sadist.

Your rationalization for your vile behavior is of no interest to decent people.

Your racism is noted. YOu are a racist asshole.

Fuck you.

He's stupid too.

I'm sure you know that, but just in case anyone else needed to know.

Nixon's policies were pro-civil rights, and that is what he was judged on by the voters, and he won the South.

No, he won the south because he was the one who was going to bring "Law and Order" and put "those people' behind bars.

If you want to know where the policy of America as a prison country began, it began with Nixon. The war on Drugs, all that bullshit started with him.
THank you for admitting what we can all see. You are a sadist.

Your rationalization for your vile behavior is of no interest to decent people.

Your racism is noted. YOu are a racist asshole.

Guy, you are the ones who celebrate monsters who wanted to own other people as property.


You mean like this?


Dude, you ever even watch that show?
Nixon's policies were pro-civil rights, and that is what he was judged on by the voters, and he won the South.

No, he won the south because he was the one who was going to bring "Law and Order" and put "those people' behind bars.

If you want to know where the policy of America as a prison country began, it began with Nixon. The war on Drugs, all that bullshit started with him.

Crime was skyrocketing, and deadly riots were a widespread problem.

That you can't image that a Law and Order policy would be popular on it's stated merits is strong evidence of the stupidity that that other poster mentioned.
Trump will be a hero for undoing big ears disasters. The thing you leftists fail to understand is that yes, people like DumBama on a personal basis, but his policies sucked. That's why there were two historic mid-term sweeps by the Republicans, and also helped to put Trump in the White House. Over 900 seats lost to Republicans on the national, state, city and county levels all across the country during his 8 years. Yes, I would call that a total failure.

Guy, midterms are meaningless. Trump won because we have an obsolete system. You guys are not winning the argument by persuasion, you are gaming the system.

Which only works until the other side figures out how to game it back.

When 20 million dumb-ass white trash lose their health coverage, they are going to figure out they've been had.

Oh, like the Democrats had no idea we were going to use the electoral college to decide who the President was going to be. It was all new to them, right? Hillary was campaigning to get the popular vote and not the electoral, that's why she lost, right?

I have news for ya, millions of us did lose our healthcare insurance so the french fry makers could get it for free at the expense of the working man. But as we all know, the french fry makers across the country vote Democrat, and now it's time our leaders cater to us, the Republican voters. Let the french fry makers find a new job.
WTF does a bureaucracy have to do with the irresponsible actions of a Governor? Yes, people died. They knew about the storm many days ahead of time, but Democrats are lazy and just waited for somebody to come fetch them. Bush couldn't help that. This is what happens when you sit home on welfare and the government feeds you; you get lazy.

Wow, it was only a matter of time before the racism showed up.

I didn't mention one thing about race--you brought it up. So who's the racist now?
WTF does a bureaucracy have to do with the irresponsible actions of a Governor? Yes, people died. They knew about the storm many days ahead of time, but Democrats are lazy and just waited for somebody to come fetch them. Bush couldn't help that. This is what happens when you sit home on welfare and the government feeds you; you get lazy.

Wow, it was only a matter of time before the racism showed up.

I didn't mention one thing about race--you brought it up. So who's the racist now?
They literally can't help themselves. Their thought processes run in one direction.

Worse, they really do believe it.
Oh, like the Democrats had no idea we were going to use the electoral college to decide who the President was going to be. It was all new to them, right? Hillary was campaigning to get the popular vote and not the electoral, that's why she lost, right?

Not the point at all. You see, the thing is, until recently, this really wasn't an issue. Every election between 1892 and 1996, the guy who won the popular vote won the electoral college. The people did not get a president a majority were dead set against. Heck, I'll even give you a mulligan on Bush, because that was pretty close and he got re-elected legitimately in 2004.

This time. The people CLEARLY said no 2.5 million more people voted For Hillary. TEN MILLION more people voted against Trump than for him.

I have news for ya, millions of us did lose our healthcare insurance so the french fry makers could get it for free at the expense of the working man. But as we all know, the french fry makers across the country vote Democrat, and now it's time our leaders cater to us, the Republican voters. Let the french fry makers find a new job.

I always find these stories about right wingers who supposedly had these wonderful plans until ObamaCare came along to be a little dubious.

If you are half as talented as you claim, you should have no problem finding a job where you can get a decent HMO.
Dude, you ever even watch that show?

Unfortunately, yes.

do you know what I remember about that show? It had no black people in it. I think they had one black guy in the pilot, but after that, it was whiter than white.

You are incorrect.

And the show was good clean silly fun, and was a huge hit.

The flag? Accepted by America of the 1980s as a harmless symbol of regional pride, without comment. Not celebrating monsters.

This hysteria of yours is just a manifestation of your hatred of southern whites, racist.
Maybe that's why it was so popular.

With who? Seriously, what kind of person would watch that show (which essentially had the same plot week after week) and be entertained by it?

The kind of people who would make Trump president, obviously.

It's quality is off topic. It got very high, NATIONWIDE, ratings from a viewing population, that happily accepted the Confederate Flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

YOur hysteria notwithstanding.
You are incorrect.

And the show was good clean silly fun, and was a huge hit.

The flag? Accepted by America of the 1980s as a harmless symbol of regional pride, without comment. Not celebrating monsters.

This hysteria of yours is just a manifestation of your hatred of southern whites, racist.

Good clean fun, where they had to excise the only black character after the pilot because... AWKWARD.

Kind of like if you had a fun show about the White Trash with the Swastika on the hood of their car, you might want to write out the Jewish Character.

"What happened to Goldstein?"

"Don't know, but someone left his lovely lampshade."

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