Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

You can't equate the America of the 40s with the America of the 80s.

If the Flag was seen as racist, in the 80s, there would have been a huge outcry. It was presented as, and accepted as, a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Because that is what it had become accepted as by the wider national population, generations ago.

Well, no. You see, between 1865 and the 1960's, not a lot of people displayed the "Confederate Flag" (Please note, the flag we are talking about was never actually used by anyone, it's more of a stylized version of some battle flags.) Then in the 1960's, when them there uppity black folks started demanding htings like the right to vote and not being lynched for looking at a white woman the wrong way, some of you inbred, redneck assholes decided to start flying the confederate flag.

Just like the Nazi flag wasn't popular with racists until long after WWII.

So, yeah, I can guess you can argue that the Confederate flag on the General Lee wasn't clearly offensive... if you're stupid.

Today, we know- yeah, that's realy fucking offensive, which is why you'll never see a rerun of the Dukes of Hazard again..

Right. Flying the confederate flag is offensive to a liberal, but burning the American flag is celebrated.
Well, let's look at that.

The thing is, the rural areas are living fat on the Government Welfare State. The GOP talks about welfare, they don't mean ending farm subsidies or rural electrification or any of things that benefit Cleetus and his cousin/wife Sally June.

But to the point, it's been Conservatives who've opposed the idea of a national ID or a national standard of voting rights. Probably because you'd get rid of such stupidity as revoking the voting rights of the millions of people who have been convicted of some minor crime.

You want to eliminate farm subsides, fine with me, but don't go complaining when you see your grocery bill.

A national law of having voter ID doesn't have to be from the feds. It can be run by the state, it's just that you have to have one to vote in a Federal election. If you Democrats weren't flooding this country with illegals, giving them jobs, giving them welfare, giving them drivers licenses, there would be less of a need for ID.

Right. It's the government. Not the fact you are a racist asshole who is frankly, kind of scary.

If you come off 1/10th as racist and violent as you come off here, HR Departments probably run in terror from you.

The liberals might, but normal mentally stable people don't see race every time somebody lifts a coffee cup. They don't wake up in the middle of the night screaming RACISM! RACISM! and then frantically start looking under the bed and in the closets.

Yes, government is working to put me out of business and they just may do it too. With more and more idiotic regulations, it's almost impossible for me to work. It's just a damn shame when your country has gone so far left that a man can't work in it any longer. I hate government.
Going back to the original point of the thread, before it was hijacked:

Another interesting tactic of the PC zealots is to pretend, as the thread claims, that "there is no such thing as PC".

What this feeble strategy attempts to do is ignore the fact that we (and every other country on the planet) assign words to groups of identifiable behaviors.

THAT'S RACIST!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You are incorrect.

And the show was good clean silly fun, and was a huge hit.

The flag? Accepted by America of the 1980s as a harmless symbol of regional pride, without comment. Not celebrating monsters.

This hysteria of yours is just a manifestation of your hatred of southern whites, racist.

Good clean fun, where they had to excise the only black character after the pilot because... AWKWARD.

Kind of like if you had a fun show about the White Trash with the Swastika on the hood of their car, you might want to write out the Jewish Character.

"What happened to Goldstein?"

"Don't know, but someone left his lovely lampshade."

They did not "excise the only black character".

Yes. Good clean fun. Car chases. Daisy Duke in short shorts. Bows and arrows with sticks of dynamite on the arrows.

And the nation as a whole had no problem with the presentation of the Confederate Flag as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

Yes, but because of the confederate flag, some punk went into a black church and killed a bunch of people, so we had to get rid of it so that never happens again.

Some day scientists will open up the liberal brain to see how it works. If they ever find out, I hope they can explain it to the rest of us.
Oh, so now it's 10 million? Where did that other 7.5 million come from?

People who voted for non-Trump candidates.. Do try to keep up, I know reading comprehension isn't your thing.

Trump wiped the stage in the primaries.

No, 60% of the voters in the primaries supported someone else. Again, he gamed the system wonderfully, but we are all waking up with a hell of a hangover.

I predict trump's approval rating will be in the 20's by June, and Republicans will be wondering if they can get away with impeaching him.
Yes, but because of the confederate flag, some punk went into a black church and killed a bunch of people, so we had to get rid of it so that never happens again.

Some day scientists will open up the liberal brain to see how it works. If they ever find out, I hope they can explain it to the rest of us.

Some day a scientist will open a conservative brain and find out they don't have any.

Oh, wait, they already did.

People who voted for non-Trump candidates.. Do try to keep up, I know reading comprehension isn't your thing.

Oh, so what you're saying is that those other non-Trump candidates don't count in Hil-Liars loss, huh?

No, 60% of the voters in the primaries supported someone else. Again, he gamed the system wonderfully, but we are all waking up with a hell of a hangover.

I predict trump's approval rating will be in the 20's by June, and Republicans will be wondering if they can get away with impeaching him.

Yeah, 60% supported the other 12 candidates. 40% supported Trump alone.
You want to eliminate farm subsides, fine with me, but don't go complaining when you see your grocery bill.

A national law of having voter ID doesn't have to be from the feds. It can be run by the state, it's just that you have to have one to vote in a Federal election. If you Democrats weren't flooding this country with illegals, giving them jobs, giving them welfare, giving them drivers licenses, there would be less of a need for ID.

But you see, that's the problem. You let the states run things, you get voter suppression, and the Electoral College encourages that sort of thing. Or do you think it's just a coincidence that Wisconsin barely went Republican this time for hte first time in 30 years after Scott Walker imposed a bunch of voter suppression measures?

Yes, government is working to put me out of business and they just may do it too. With more and more idiotic regulations, it's almost impossible for me to work. It's just a damn shame when your country has gone so far left that a man can't work in it any longer. I hate government.

Guy, the only one putting you out of business is you. If you are one tenth of what you come off as here, I doubt anyone would want to do business with you.
But you see, that's the problem. You let the states run things, you get voter suppression, and the Electoral College encourages that sort of thing. Or do you think it's just a coincidence that Wisconsin barely went Republican this time for hte first time in 30 years after Scott Walker imposed a bunch of voter suppression measures?

There is no voter suppression. That's just a made up liberal lie. Every election has some kind of problems, but you can't call it suppression by making one law for all people.

If you really want to know the truth (and I doubt it) liberals used race to cover their real fear about Voter-ID. Democrats will vote if it's convenient enough. Week long voting, polls open late at night when they finally wake up, bus rides to the polls, mail in ballots, things like that. But if you make Democrat voters have to put some effort into voting, some of them will just stay home because they really don't care much about voting in the first place.

They wouldn't be able to pull hobos off of train tracks, give them some cigarettes, and drive them to the polls to vote Democrat without an ID. If they were to state the truth which is many of their constituents are lazy, that wouldn't sit very well. So what they did (as they always do) is use race to promote their lie.

Guy, the only one putting you out of business is you. If you are one tenth of what you come off as here, I doubt anyone would want to do business with you.

Nope, I have to be certified by the government every year. If they refuse to certify me, I can't work.
Why does the right wing believe racism is important, to the sole surviving species in the Homo genus?

We don't.
just the extreme and fantastical, right wing?

why does it seem to come up so often, if there is no support from the right wing?

Because it has tremendous utility to the LEFT wing, as a weapon to be used to smear their enemies.

YOu should read this, written by a fellow lefty.

You Are Still Crying Wolf

"I avoided pushing this point any more since last October because I didn’t want to look like I was supporting Trump, or accidentally convince anyone else to support Trump. I think Trump’s election is a disaster. He has no plan, he’s dangerously trigger-happy, and his unilateralism threatens aid to developing countries, one of the most effective ways we currently help other people. I thought and still think a Trump presidency will be a disaster."
How did Mrs. Clinton lose?

Nor was there some surge in white turnout. I don’t think we have official numbers yet, but by eyeballing what data we have it looks very much like whites turned out in equal or lesser numbers this year than in 2012, 2008, and so on.
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?

He knows his core supporters. They want a guy in office who acts just like they do. And they got it.
We don't.
just the extreme and fantastical, right wing?

why does it seem to come up so often, if there is no support from the right wing?

Because it has tremendous utility to the LEFT wing, as a weapon to be used to smear their enemies.

YOu should read this, written by a fellow lefty.

You Are Still Crying Wolf

"I avoided pushing this point any more since last October because I didn’t want to look like I was supporting Trump, or accidentally convince anyone else to support Trump. I think Trump’s election is a disaster. He has no plan, he’s dangerously trigger-happy, and his unilateralism threatens aid to developing countries, one of the most effective ways we currently help other people. I thought and still think a Trump presidency will be a disaster."
How did Mrs. Clinton lose?

Nor was there some surge in white turnout. I don’t think we have official numbers yet, but by eyeballing what data we have it looks very much like whites turned out in equal or lesser numbers this year than in 2012, 2008, and so on.

Are you implying that Hillary lost because there was not higher white turnout?

I'm not getting your point.

Did you read the linked article? IMO, his conclusion that the white racists of this country are in the tens of thousands range, and thus insignificant, is well argued and supported.
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?

He knows his core supporters. They want a guy in office who acts just like they do. And they got it.

Are you aware how in tommy's nation, ROtherham Scotland, that PC led to the rape of over a thousand children?

if not, would you like a link?
There is no voter suppression. That's just a made up liberal lie. Every election has some kind of problems, but you can't call it suppression by making one law for all people.

You can when that law creates a hurdle for poor people. That's what the whole Poll Tax and Literacy Tests thing was about, in case you never cracked a history book.

If you really want to know the truth (and I doubt it) liberals used race to cover their real fear about Voter-ID. Democrats will vote if it's convenient enough. Week long voting, polls open late at night when they finally wake up, bus rides to the polls, mail in ballots, things like that. But if you make Democrat voters have to put some effort into voting, some of them will just stay home because they really don't care much about voting in the first place.

so your worry is that people who might need help getting to the polls because they are poor might actually vote? Yes, I can see how that has you living in terror.

Nope, I have to be certified by the government every year. If they refuse to certify me, I can't work.

well, you definitely need to be certified.
Are you aware how in tommy's nation, ROtherham Scotland, that PC led to the rape of over a thousand children?

if not, would you like a link?

What White Nationalist Site are you going to done der get that from, Cleetus?

Your racism is noted. You are a racist asshole.

And the links on that general go back to the BBC or the UK Government reports on the scandal.
You can when that law creates a hurdle for poor people. That's what the whole Poll Tax and Literacy Tests thing was about, in case you never cracked a history book.

What hurdle? Most states offer free Voter-ID's to people that can't afford it. One such state even has vans that go to these poorer areas and prints them out right there for those who apply at the van. In other cases, you can obtain those ID's from various nearby locations.

so your worry is that people who might need help getting to the polls because they are poor might actually vote? Yes, I can see how that has you living in terror.

I love how you isolated just one thing out of the list I gave you.

What terrifies me are people voting that don't care about issues, policies and politics, and certainly don't know enough about them to cast a vote. Politics is simply not an interest of theirs. Sure, they will vote if it's convenient, but when you really don't have an interest in something, or don't understand something, there is only so much effort you will put into voting.

If it were up to me, every voter would have to take a test before they are allowed to vote. A very simple test with very simple questions anybody with even the slightest understanding of government should be able to answer. Of course Democrats would have a hissy fit if we ever did that, but Republicans would celebrate it. Such a system would probably wipeout at least 20% of Democrat voters if not more.
What hurdle? Most states offer free Voter-ID's to people that can't afford it. One such state even has vans that go to these poorer areas and prints them out right there for those who apply at the van. In other cases, you can obtain those ID's from various nearby locations.

again, you admitted the purpose of voter ID was to suppress minority votes... don't try to wiggle your way out of it now.

What terrifies me are people voting that don't care about issues, policies and politics, and certainly don't know enough about them to cast a vote.

Actually, that describes most Trump voters. Not only do most of you not know about issues, a lot of you have done 180's on things you believe in because you just wanted to win sooooo badly.

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