Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

I'm virulently against PC because it is intellectually dishonest, cowardly, authoritarian, and (worst of all) terribly counter-productive on an inter-generational scale.
Not sure what that last bit means, but whether PC is all these things depends entirely on the person practicing it, and their views.

Not to mention flying directly against the spirit (please note I wrote "spirit") of the First Amendment, which is my personal fave.

The spirit and literally intent of the First Amendment are the same - to prevent a sitting government (the king, or a democratically elected body) from arresting people who speak out against it. It's not to ensure that "everyone has a voice", or that anyone has to listen to you. If people don't like what you're saying it's their right, arguably their responsibility, to speak up in opposition. That's all PC is. You might not like what some of the 'opinion makers' are pushing as issues, but some you probably do - and that's how we work things out as a free society.

Out of curiosity, how would you propose to combat "PC"?
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Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?
A phantom enemy like racist killer cops, Russian hackers, and all of the members of the KKK that voted for Trump?
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?
Defining PC should probably be a priority here. There is a difference between being decent and being PC. What trump was referring to as PC was really just him excusing himself of being a dick. I do think there is a problem with PC, in that it creates a culture to where one is expected to conform to framed perameters of conversation of those in power, or who wish to be in power, to help stifle opposition, and to change perceptions of the population. PC was created by the soviets, I believe. I think trump in a way is creating his own sort of form of PC, by going after those who disagree/insult him.

What I think is an example of what's known as traditional PC with intentions outside of decency would be the term dreamer or undocumented immigrant vs illegal immigrant/alien. Take away the perception of wrong doing and fault with the word illegal. Use a buzz phrase to help propagate this like "no person is illegal," (even though both the left and right use the word felon freely). And now you've successfully taken out perception of wrong doing and fault for many, and now have an argument framed in your favor with more people. Make it a fopah to disagree.
Surely PC is another word for good manners ?

No. PC is another word for ignoring the Truth to protect the feelings of some group that no longer wants to accept their place or failings in life.

No politically correct is another phrase under which which white men are required to treat women and minorities as equal, and which they feel violates their insecurities and fails to address their proper station as the masters of the universe. White men blame women, minorities, trade agreements and undocumented workers for stealing their jobs, but really it was greedy rich white guys. And a total failure to acknowledge that these jobs were being replaced by automation.

After bitching about Hillary Clinton's ties to Wall Street and Goldman Sachs, Trump just appointed the former CEO of Goldman to be his Treasury Secretary. Yes indeed boys and girls, the guy who swore he was going to stick up for the little guy, just appointed the biggest fox on Wall Street to guard the henhouse.

You voted for the white guy. White guys are the ones who sold you out in the first place, jackass.
Excuse me, I did not hear anyone ever blame women. And how is blaming white men for things you don't like any less racist, bigoted, or anything else you accusing them of?? This is the purist form of hypocrisy I've seen. Shake muh head.
Who runs Wall Street? How many Fortune 500 companies are headed by women or minorities. How many Republican Senators are women or minorities over the past 20 years?
Surely PC is another word for good manners ?

No. PC is another word for ignoring the Truth to protect the feelings of some group that no longer wants to accept their place or failings in life.
No. PC is something boors abhor because their rudeness is checked by society. PC is bane to the rude, the crude, the socially inept.

Tell that to the girls of Rotherham.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia
What's your pint? In order to avoid sexual exploitation we have to,behave like bullies?

The Political Correctness is hypersensitivity used as a weapon to destroy, bully, intimidate, suppress and marginalize the enemies of the Left.

You see it is Rotherham, where the fear of being called racist led government officials to be afraid to discuss the reality of the ethnic based rape ring that was racially targeting select children for rape and forces prostitution.

IN fact, in one case where a social worker tried to speak out about what was happening, she was silenced and disciplined for her speaking the truth.

And because of that witch hunt of political correctness, over a thousand girls were raped and enslaved.

BUT on the plus side, the Right in the UK has been fairly effectively marginalized, so it's a win.
"Phantom enemy?"

Political analysis fAiL..........Trump mainly won because Americans rejected political correctness en-masse. But if progressives want to cling to this notion, go..........go..........go!! More winning for our side. These morons keep getting smoked in election after election for years now and stick with the same fAiL assertions. Its all good............:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
But more Americans voted for Clinton than Trump.

A lot more did. So it could be argued that Americans rejected boorish,racist, misogyny.

Only a moron believes the bullshit about race and sexism. This election was about real issues.

ON our side at least. All Hillary was running on was panic mongering.
I'm virulently against PC because it is intellectually dishonest, cowardly, authoritarian, and (worst of all) terribly counter-productive on an inter-generational scale.
Not sure what that last bit means, but whether PC is all these things depends entirely on the person practicing it, and their views.

Not to mention flying directly against the spirit (please note I wrote "spirit") of the First Amendment, which is my personal fave.

The spirit and literally intent of the First Amendment are the same - to prevent a sitting government (the king, or a democratically elected body) from arresting people who speak out against it. It's not to ensure that "everyone has a voice", or that anyone has to listen to you. If people don't like what you're saying it's their right, arguably their responsibility, to speak up in opposition. That's all PC is. You might not like what some of the 'opinion makers' are pushing as issues, but some you probably do - and that's how we work things out as a free society.

Out of curiosity, how would you propose to combat "PC"?
This inference that "all we're doing is speaking up" is intellectually dishonest. If speaking up in opposition were the only thing that PC zealots did, that would be wonderful. Free and open debate are absolutely necessary for the health of a democracy, and that's what the First Amendment is all about. Freedom of Expression and open communication build and maintain a dynamic country and civilization because they inevitably heal wounds and inspire new ideas. By all means, please speak up.

But as we all know, the PC zealots don't stop there. They AVOID free and open debate by shouting down, intimidating, and shutting out opposing speech and ideas. They see to it that people who dare to cross them are punished if at all possible. They keep opposing views off of American college campuses, the ONE place on the freaking PLANET in which ALL views should be heard, explored and challenged. They CLEARLY place skin color or gender at a higher priority than character or effort, when it is politically expedient. They ignore, exacerbate and enable poor and self-destructive behaviors of minorities by deflecting from them and screaming RACIST, and they've done it for GENERATIONS. That's what I meant by "inter-generational scale".

If you're truly curious, then you'll look through some of these pieces by and about honest liberals who see that PC has gone too far. There are MYRIAD examples here of how PC destroys honest, constructive conversation and increases divisions. If you are truly curious.
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Washed Up Comedian = Honest Liberal. Not a guy who has failed to realize his shtick ain't funny no more. - Included in my ever-growing list (provided upon request) of honest liberals who feel that PC has gone too far are a couple of comedians (Maher & Seinfeld). The list also includes President Barack Obama and several nationally-known liberals in and out of media. But, using "isolation", he simply ignores them and just goes after comedians.

I think if you are using "Comedians" who are washed up to make your point, then you didn't have a point. the fact you can take one sentence by someone like Obama out of context doesn't reinforce that.

You were probably just being an asshole. Which is why HR had that little talk with you. - Here, again using "isolation" - and making it personal - he ignores the much broader picture of PC and tries to bring it down to something I theoretically said at work (?). Yeah, that's a little nuts, but that's how these people think. Imagine how much denial and avoidance of facts they have to exercise to be able to narrow such a large issue down to some contrived individual conversation at work.

except you don't have a broader picture. WHat you have, buddy, is an obsession. Kind of like NovaSteve has been fixated on Trannies since he picked up that shemale at the bar, you've been fixated on PC since that lady complained about you to HR and they read the personnel manual to you.

Here's the thing, what you call PC, I call, "Changing attitudes". Some shit WAS acceptable 20, 30, 50 years ago that isn't now.

What you haven't told me yet was that "VERY IMPORTANT THING I CAN'T SAY BECAUSE PC". I've asked you for this a bunch of time, and you usually spooged your list of washed up comedians instead of saying what you really want to say and exposing your bigotry for all.

At least Ray from Cleveland is clueless enough to be open about his casual bigotry.
Who raped the working class more than DumBama? He's the most anti-business President of our lifetime.

He's closed down oil rigs, electric companies, coal mines, auto dealerships, cigarette shops.......

So? Coal mines need to be shut down. And those Auto dealerships that were shut down were the ones that were losing money. YOu make the mistake of thinking what is good for business is good for the working class.

His first line of business was to increase cigarette taxes--a product mostly used by the working class and the poor.

Yes, we should encourage the poor and working class to buy a product that KILLS THEM. The ultimate capitalist dream.

Stupid fuck.

Something wrong with saving jobs? The government taking less of their money away is a bad thing?

Then tell us: how much money would the government be losing if they went through with their plans (under Hillary) and closed the division altogether? Then you wouldn't be getting less taxes from that company, you'd be getting no taxes from that company.

Well, no, first, Trump actually lied about how many jobs he saved, It's going to be less than 700. and given that we are at 4.6% unemployment, most of those folks wouldn't have a problem finding a new job.

But here's the thing. United Technologies get 10 billion a year in Government Contracts. Their top five executives get a combined salary of $50 Million and their ex-CEO got a separation package of $142 Million. This is NOT a company that is hurting for cash.

So a company that is rich shakes down the government for a tax cut they don't deserve,a nd they are going to STILL eliminate 1100 American jobs.

Here's the deal I'd offer them.

"YOu are going to keep that factory open. If you don't, I am going to order the DoD to pull ALL your contracts and resource them. Then the IRS is going to Audit every last one of you, and OSHA will visit every last one of your facilities. Further, I will personally make sure that every last one of you becomes a household name in working class homes, and eveyrone know where the fuck you live. THAT'S my deal."

And then you fucking do it. Won't stop these assholes. Heck, it might even put them completely out of business. But the next guy isn't going to try that shit.
You should just grow the fuck up.

Says the guy at 28 who lives at his Grandmas house, sleeping on the couch, playing videogames all day?

Hey, you might say that the college kids take themselves too seriously, but unlike you, they are doing something with their lives.
Look at Joe spazzing out. Oh my, he can hardly contain himself. If you're that traumatized, perhaps this board isn't where you should be.

Uh, they are the ones who whine that I hurt their feelings by pointing out their racism.

Maybe they need to do something about their racism.

Maybe you should actually get off the couch and get a job.
College degrees do not infer high intelligence on someone.

All it entitles most of the liberal college graduates to do is act like assholes to everyone else.

Fits Hillary I guess.

And how quickly did you drop out of college again? Did you even make it through one semester?
Washed Up Comedian = Honest Liberal. Not a guy who has failed to realize his shtick ain't funny no more. - Included in my ever-growing list (provided upon request) of honest liberals who feel that PC has gone too far are a couple of comedians (Maher & Seinfeld). The list also includes President Barack Obama and several nationally-known liberals in and out of media. But, using "isolation", he simply ignores them and just goes after comedians.

I think if you are using "Comedians" who are washed up to make your point, then you didn't have a point. the fact you can take one sentence by someone like Obama out of context doesn't reinforce that.

You were probably just being an asshole. Which is why HR had that little talk with you. - Here, again using "isolation" - and making it personal - he ignores the much broader picture of PC and tries to bring it down to something I theoretically said at work (?). Yeah, that's a little nuts, but that's how these people think. Imagine how much denial and avoidance of facts they have to exercise to be able to narrow such a large issue down to some contrived individual conversation at work.

except you don't have a broader picture. WHat you have, buddy, is an obsession. Kind of like NovaSteve has been fixated on Trannies since he picked up that shemale at the bar, you've been fixated on PC since that lady complained about you to HR and they read the personnel manual to you.

Here's the thing, what you call PC, I call, "Changing attitudes". Some shit WAS acceptable 20, 30, 50 years ago that isn't now.

What you haven't told me yet was that "VERY IMPORTANT THING I CAN'T SAY BECAUSE PC". I've asked you for this a bunch of time, and you usually spooged your list of washed up comedians instead of saying what you really want to say and exposing your bigotry for all.

At least Ray from Cleveland is clueless enough to be open about his casual bigotry.
And there is the perfect response, doubling down on his prior response and the typical behaviors of PC zealots.

Deflect, pivot, get personal.

Joe, I thank you so often for your input that I really should be paying you.

But I won't.
But as we all know, the PC zealots don't stop there. They AVOID free and open debate by shouting down, intimidating, and shutting out opposing speech and ideas. They see to it that people who dare to cross them are punished if at all possible.

Uh, where I come from, that's called "holding people responsible". Here's the thing, Mac, the only thing the First Amendment gives you is that Congress can't pass a law telling you that you can't tell your dirty joke about the Blonde and the Rabbi.

It does not require you coworkers to chuckle and pretend that it was funny. It does not keep your employer from reading you the riot act because you are creating a hostile work environment for employees with two X Chromosomes.

Is it a little silly when a campus tells Fratboys they can't wear blackface on Halloween because that would be super funny, guys! Um, maybe. Or maybe it's understanding that sort of thing is really fucking offensive and you shouldn't do it.
And there is the perfect response, doubling down on his prior response and the typical behaviors of PC zealots.

Deflect, pivot, get personal.

Joe, I thank you so often for your input that I really should be paying you.

But I won't.

Oh, you are already "paying" son. I'm humiliating you on a daily basis.
And there is the perfect response, doubling down on his prior response and the typical behaviors of PC zealots.

Deflect, pivot, get personal.

Joe, I thank you so often for your input that I really should be paying you.

But I won't.

Oh, you are already "paying" son. I'm humiliating you on a daily basis.
Sounds good, Joe. PC doesn't exist. Thanks so much.

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