Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
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No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

Oh, I don't know, what do you think the modern christian stance on mass murder would be?

What was Dylan's stance on it?

You first.
Obama is a pussy: Bush's fault.

Black culture is out of control: The man's fault.

Men aren't women: Christian's fault.

Homosexuals aren't heterosexuals: Nature's fault.

Liberals are pussies: Conservative's fault.

I see a trend
Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

Oh, I don't know, what do you think the modern christian stance on mass murder would be?

What was Dylan's stance on it?

You first.

He's arguing that if a Christian commits terrorism for another reason it's equivalent to a Muslim committing terrorism for Islam. It's stupid, but that's all Boo has.

It also ignores the vast differences even if you gave him that between the quantity of terrorism committed by Muslims and everyone else. He has nothing to esplain that, so he applies the standard that if Christians commit one act of terrorism for any reason then they are the same as Muslims
Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

I don't know, but a Christian terrorist is someone who does it FOR RELIGON. He did it for racism. You think non-Christian McVeigh who did it for Waco and Ruby Ridge was a Christian terrorist too, don't you? I mean he was white, that means he did it for Christianity. It's just a lame attempt to make Christians sound like Muslims when they aren't remotely. Moron

Why are you so upset at a Christian serial killer being called a terrorist?

Are you unable to read or you just do it selectively? Obviously you're trying to equate Christian extremism with Muslim extremism, which is a stupid comparison. Dylann and McVeigh were both terrorists. However, neither did it for Christianity. That is what I am arguing. I mean duh, I've repeated it over and over. You're just a dimwit.

I do like your stance against bigotry though in saying any white who commits a crime is a Christian terrorist. No bigotry there ...

Again, you're just making stuff up. I called him a Christian Terrorist not because he claimed he killed those people in church for his lord and savior. I never mentioned McVeigh. Many peaceful Muslims are likewise upset when the term is used because they don't believe ISIS or Al Qaeda represents Islam any more that Dylan represents Christianity.
It just comes back to good manners.
No it doesn't. There's far more to it than that.
  • We can't have an honest (and critical) conversation on race because anyone who dares to criticize a minority is called a racist.
  • Our kids are going to colleges that are shielding them from opposing views at the very time they should be exposed to them.
  • Our kids in college are shouting down and shutting up people who dare to express opposing views.
  • People who are concerned about jihadism are attacked as being bigots.
  • Poor behaviors by minorities are enabled and exacerbated by those who constantly spin and deflect for them.
  • People are being publicly attacked and punished for conversations they thought were private.
It goes on and on and on.

Those are serious topics that affect people and have nothing to do with "manners". I don't know if you really think this is only about manners or if you're being obtuse. My suspicion is that, by pretending it's just about "manners", you're trying to minimize and trivialize it.

There's a particularly virulent PC zealot here who has convinced himself that all of PC boils down to not being able to tell dirty jokes. He's as willfully blind as the writer in your OP.

Either way, honest liberals admit it has gone too far. It's too late. The cat is out of the bag. PC zealots need to look in the mirror and examine how their behaviors contributed to Trump's victory.

So to call it a phantom issue, "just about manners", is blatant intellectual dishonesty.

I dont buy that list of bullet points that you have just put up.In my experience "pc" is often bleated by people who get called on their own behaviour when it falls short of acceptable.

I go back to my question. What do you want to say that you feel will cause you to be attacked over "political correctness" ?
Are you allowing girls today, Tommy?
You think tommy is sexist against his own his sex?
What sex is that?

Political Correctness means many different things to different people. It's an almost meaningless term.

The first I heard of it was from Mao's little red book. Basically it meant to think twice before you speak so they don't shoot you.

Next, it's liberal politicians being very very careful to never ever say anything that could possibly offend anyone anywhere. This got to a point where liberal politicians were saying exactly NOTHING! They talked and talked but were careful to say NOTHING. Why they're so afraid of offending Conservatives I don't know, Conservatives wouldn't vote for the anyway.

Next, there's corporate PC. Don't say or do anything to offend your fellow employees. Do not create a hostile environment, do not harass women. I agree with this type of PC. An employer hires you to work. It's not up to you to chose who you fellow employees are, it's not up to you to bully, harass or give them a hard time. It's up to you to work with the people that your employers has chosen to hire.

Next, there's right wing PC. This was evident during the Republican Presidential primary debates. So many of the moderate candidates were wiggly wiggly to not say ANYTHING to offend or disagree with the party's far right constituency. I was funny to watch them. You could tell that they didn't believe the things they were saying and not saying the things they believed. Trump monopolized on this! He said all the things the the far far right wanted to hear - despite the fact that he didn't believe a word of what he was saying - he isn't an idiot he just acts like one. A whole new type of PC.
It just comes back to good manners.
No it doesn't. There's far more to it than that.
  • We can't have an honest (and critical) conversation on race because anyone who dares to criticize a minority is called a racist.
  • Our kids are going to colleges that are shielding them from opposing views at the very time they should be exposed to them.
  • Our kids in college are shouting down and shutting up people who dare to express opposing views.
  • People who are concerned about jihadism are attacked as being bigots.
  • Poor behaviors by minorities are enabled and exacerbated by those who constantly spin and deflect for them.
  • People are being publicly attacked and punished for conversations they thought were private.
It goes on and on and on.

Those are serious topics that affect people and have nothing to do with "manners". I don't know if you really think this is only about manners or if you're being obtuse. My suspicion is that, by pretending it's just about "manners", you're trying to minimize and trivialize it.

There's a particularly virulent PC zealot here who has convinced himself that all of PC boils down to not being able to tell dirty jokes. He's as willfully blind as the writer in your OP.

Either way, honest liberals admit it has gone too far. It's too late. The cat is out of the bag. PC zealots need to look in the mirror and examine how their behaviors contributed to Trump's victory.

So to call it a phantom issue, "just about manners", is blatant intellectual dishonesty.

I dont buy that list of bullet points that you have just put up.In my experience "pc" is often bleated by people who get called on their own behaviour when it falls short of acceptable.

I go back to my question. What do you want to say that you feel will cause you to be attacked over "political correctness" ?
You just wipe out all of the examples of why people are against PC. Poof. They're gone. They're not there. You don't see them.

Okay. I know how it goes.

I can pretend stuff too. Bananas are purple. We're good. There's no reason for any of this to concern you going forward, because it just isn't there.
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

Nah it's whining about what words a person decides to use or not to use. Demanding that your term is the only one appropriate to use. Such as the freaks who demand President Obama use the term Islamic terrorist as if his use of words will defeat them on the battlefield or stop them from inspiring one off attacks by individuals against the West. That's nucking futz.
You really shouldn't have posted this. Now everyone knows how truly clueless you are.

Thanks again. Shit like that coming from you is a complement.

If only the leader of the free world had said the right words the Islamic Radicals would have been defeated by now, damn him and his politically correct words.
You are pathetic in your ignorance.
Political Correctness means many different things to different people. It's an almost meaningless term.

The first I heard of it was from Mao's little red book. Basically it meant to think twice before you speak so they don't shoot you.

Next, it's liberal politicians being very very careful to never ever say anything that could possibly offend anyone anywhere. This got to a point where liberal politicians were saying exactly NOTHING! They talked and talked but were careful to say NOTHING. Why they're so afraid of offending Conservatives I don't know, Conservatives wouldn't vote for the anyway.

Next, there's corporate PC. Don't say or do anything to offend your fellow employees. Do not create a hostile environment, do not harass women. I agree with this type of PC. An employer hires you to work. It's not up to you to chose who you fellow employees are, it's not up to you to bully, harass or give them a hard time. It's up to you to work with the people that your employers has chosen to hire.

Next, there's right wing PC. This was evident during the Republican Presidential primary debates. So many of the moderate candidates were wiggly wiggly to not say ANYTHING to offend or disagree with the party's far right constituency. I was funny to watch them. You could tell that they didn't believe the things they were saying and not saying the things they believed. Trump monopolized on this! He said all the things the the far far right wanted to hear - despite the fact that he didn't believe a word of what he was saying - he isn't an idiot he just acts like one. A whole new type of PC.
There is no "far far right" in countries influenced by the Enlightenment, dumbass.

ISIS is the far far right and only the new left tolerates their shit.
You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

I don't know, but a Christian terrorist is someone who does it FOR RELIGON. He did it for racism. You think non-Christian McVeigh who did it for Waco and Ruby Ridge was a Christian terrorist too, don't you? I mean he was white, that means he did it for Christianity. It's just a lame attempt to make Christians sound like Muslims when they aren't remotely. Moron

Why are you so upset at a Christian serial killer being called a terrorist?

Are you unable to read or you just do it selectively? Obviously you're trying to equate Christian extremism with Muslim extremism, which is a stupid comparison. Dylann and McVeigh were both terrorists. However, neither did it for Christianity. That is what I am arguing. I mean duh, I've repeated it over and over. You're just a dimwit.

I do like your stance against bigotry though in saying any white who commits a crime is a Christian terrorist. No bigotry there ...

Again, you're just making stuff up. I called him a Christian Terrorist not because he claimed he killed those people in church for his lord and savior. I never mentioned McVeigh. Many peaceful Muslims are likewise upset when the term is used because they don't believe ISIS or Al Qaeda represents Islam any more that Dylan represents Christianity.

That will remain a false comparison until Christians say their violating the law in the name of Christianity the way islamist claim to be representing Islam.
Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

I don't know, but a Christian terrorist is someone who does it FOR RELIGON. He did it for racism. You think non-Christian McVeigh who did it for Waco and Ruby Ridge was a Christian terrorist too, don't you? I mean he was white, that means he did it for Christianity. It's just a lame attempt to make Christians sound like Muslims when they aren't remotely. Moron

Why are you so upset at a Christian serial killer being called a terrorist?

Are you unable to read or you just do it selectively? Obviously you're trying to equate Christian extremism with Muslim extremism, which is a stupid comparison. Dylann and McVeigh were both terrorists. However, neither did it for Christianity. That is what I am arguing. I mean duh, I've repeated it over and over. You're just a dimwit.

I do like your stance against bigotry though in saying any white who commits a crime is a Christian terrorist. No bigotry there ...

Again, you're just making stuff up. I called him a Christian Terrorist not because he claimed he killed those people in church for his lord and savior. I never mentioned McVeigh. Many peaceful Muslims are likewise upset when the term is used because they don't believe ISIS or Al Qaeda represents Islam any more that Dylan represents Christianity.

That will remain a false comparison until Christians say their violating the law in the name of Christianity the way islamist claim to be representing Islam.
And until they are endorsed, claimed, recruited, financed and trained by Christians.
Political Correctness means many different things to different people. It's an almost meaningless term.

The first I heard of it was from Mao's little red book. Basically it meant to think twice before you speak so they don't shoot you.

Next, it's liberal politicians being very very careful to never ever say anything that could possibly offend anyone anywhere. This got to a point where liberal politicians were saying exactly NOTHING! They talked and talked but were careful to say NOTHING. Why they're so afraid of offending Conservatives I don't know, Conservatives wouldn't vote for the anyway.

Next, there's corporate PC. Don't say or do anything to offend your fellow employees. Do not create a hostile environment, do not harass women. I agree with this type of PC. An employer hires you to work. It's not up to you to chose who you fellow employees are, it's not up to you to bully, harass or give them a hard time. It's up to you to work with the people that your employers has chosen to hire.

Next, there's right wing PC. This was evident during the Republican Presidential primary debates. So many of the moderate candidates were wiggly wiggly to not say ANYTHING to offend or disagree with the party's far right constituency. I was funny to watch them. You could tell that they didn't believe the things they were saying and not saying the things they believed. Trump monopolized on this! He said all the things the the far far right wanted to hear - despite the fact that he didn't believe a word of what he was saying - he isn't an idiot he just acts like one. A whole new type of PC.
There is no "far far right" in countries influenced by the Enlightenment, dumbass.

ISIS is the far far right and only the new left tolerates their shit.

This is exactly what I mean by Trump's new PC. You're saying absolutely idiotic things that have no basis in reality. Just being nasty and stupid.

No, moron, the left does not tolerate ISIS. No more than you do. The Obama administration has been using the best military strategy possible to eliminate them. Carpet bombing is idiotic unless you just want to commit mass murder. We have precision guided weapons nowadays. WWII was a long time ago technologically.

If there is anyone who is reversing the enlightenment is the far right. Logic, reason and truth are their enemy. They live in a world of believing whatever they want to believe in defiance of facts. They live in a world of paranoid delusions and fantasy.
It just comes back to good manners.
No it doesn't. There's far more to it than that.
  • We can't have an honest (and critical) conversation on race because anyone who dares to criticize a minority is called a racist.
  • Our kids are going to colleges that are shielding them from opposing views at the very time they should be exposed to them.
  • Our kids in college are shouting down and shutting up people who dare to express opposing views.
  • People who are concerned about jihadism are attacked as being bigots.
  • Poor behaviors by minorities are enabled and exacerbated by those who constantly spin and deflect for them.
  • People are being publicly attacked and punished for conversations they thought were private.
It goes on and on and on.

Those are serious topics that affect people and have nothing to do with "manners". I don't know if you really think this is only about manners or if you're being obtuse. My suspicion is that, by pretending it's just about "manners", you're trying to minimize and trivialize it.

There's a particularly virulent PC zealot here who has convinced himself that all of PC boils down to not being able to tell dirty jokes. He's as willfully blind as the writer in your OP.

Either way, honest liberals admit it has gone too far. It's too late. The cat is out of the bag. PC zealots need to look in the mirror and examine how their behaviors contributed to Trump's victory.

So to call it a phantom issue, "just about manners", is blatant intellectual dishonesty.

I dont buy that list of bullet points that you have just put up.In my experience "pc" is often bleated by people who get called on their own behaviour when it falls short of acceptable.

I go back to my question. What do you want to say that you feel will cause you to be attacked over "political correctness" ?
You just wipe out all of the examples of why people are against PC. Poof. They're gone. They're not there. You don't see them.

Okay. I know how it goes.

I can pretend stuff too. Bananas are purple. We're good. There's no reason for any of this to concern you going forward, because it just isn't there.
But you made that list and nobody condemned you for it. For me it was too general, I can see times where it would be an issue.Just look at some of the responses on this very thread. But I can also not agree that a discussion could,or should, be shut down when there is a genuine point to discuss.

As an example -

"Muslims bombed Paris therefore all Muslims are terrorists"

Its a load of crap.
Is not worth debating and is offensive. The person making that argument has crossed the line and is obviously not very bright.

" Why are so many young Muslims drawn into radical groups" ?

Is a genuine question ,for which there are many answers, and is actually an important debate we should be having.

Which approach is likely to shed more light on the issue ?

Look at the language used by some to describe Gays. Its pretty poor and again driven by ignorance. Fundamentally its just bad manners.
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?

"Can anyone justify responding to Rderp, other than telling him gfy?"
He doesnt really mean what he is spouting though. Nobody is really that dumb. He just feels he might upset you through it and that gives him a boost.
He gets called on his nonsense and immediately he is a "victim" of that PC.
It just comes back to good manners.
No it doesn't. There's far more to it than that.
  • We can't have an honest (and critical) conversation on race because anyone who dares to criticize a minority is called a racist.
  • Our kids are going to colleges that are shielding them from opposing views at the very time they should be exposed to them.
  • Our kids in college are shouting down and shutting up people who dare to express opposing views.
  • People who are concerned about jihadism are attacked as being bigots.
  • Poor behaviors by minorities are enabled and exacerbated by those who constantly spin and deflect for them.
  • People are being publicly attacked and punished for conversations they thought were private.
It goes on and on and on.

Those are serious topics that affect people and have nothing to do with "manners". I don't know if you really think this is only about manners or if you're being obtuse. My suspicion is that, by pretending it's just about "manners", you're trying to minimize and trivialize it.

There's a particularly virulent PC zealot here who has convinced himself that all of PC boils down to not being able to tell dirty jokes. He's as willfully blind as the writer in your OP.

Either way, honest liberals admit it has gone too far. It's too late. The cat is out of the bag. PC zealots need to look in the mirror and examine how their behaviors contributed to Trump's victory.

So to call it a phantom issue, "just about manners", is blatant intellectual dishonesty.

I dont buy that list of bullet points that you have just put up.In my experience "pc" is often bleated by people who get called on their own behaviour when it falls short of acceptable.

I go back to my question. What do you want to say that you feel will cause you to be attacked over "political correctness" ?
You just wipe out all of the examples of why people are against PC. Poof. They're gone. They're not there. You don't see them.

Okay. I know how it goes.

I can pretend stuff too. Bananas are purple. We're good. There's no reason for any of this to concern you going forward, because it just isn't there.
But you made that list and nobody condemned you for it. For me it was too general, I can see times where it would be an issue.Just look at some of the responses on this very thread. But I can also not agree that a discussion could,or should, be shut down when there is a genuine point to discuss.

As an example -

"Muslims bombed Paris therefore all Muslims are terrorists"

Its a load of crap.
Is not worth debating and is offensive. The person making that argument has crossed the line and is obviously not very bright.

" Why are so many young Muslims drawn into radical groups" ?

Is a genuine question ,for which there are many answers, and is actually an important debate we should be having.

Which approach is likely to shed more light on the issue ?

Look at the language used by some to describe Gays. Its pretty poor and again driven by ignorance. Fundamentally its just bad manners.
"Bad manners" are displayed in abundance by both ends of the spectrum and in between.

More and more people have had it with PC/Identity Politics, and this election was clearly a manifestation of that. But if it somehow helps to pretend it doesn't exist, great.

I guess I could pretend that racism doesn't exist and "support" that dumb notion with a piece from some right wing nut who doesn't see it either.

I'd just rather be honest.
You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

I don't know, but a Christian terrorist is someone who does it FOR RELIGON. He did it for racism. You think non-Christian McVeigh who did it for Waco and Ruby Ridge was a Christian terrorist too, don't you? I mean he was white, that means he did it for Christianity. It's just a lame attempt to make Christians sound like Muslims when they aren't remotely. Moron

Why are you so upset at a Christian serial killer being called a terrorist?

Are you unable to read or you just do it selectively? Obviously you're trying to equate Christian extremism with Muslim extremism, which is a stupid comparison. Dylann and McVeigh were both terrorists. However, neither did it for Christianity. That is what I am arguing. I mean duh, I've repeated it over and over. You're just a dimwit.

I do like your stance against bigotry though in saying any white who commits a crime is a Christian terrorist. No bigotry there ...

Again, you're just making stuff up. I called him a Christian Terrorist not because he claimed he killed those people in church for his lord and savior. I never mentioned McVeigh. Many peaceful Muslims are likewise upset when the term is used because they don't believe ISIS or Al Qaeda represents Islam any more that Dylan represents Christianity.
ISIS repeatedly uses quote after quote after quote from the Quran to do everything they are doing. Roof is a druggie, who's only motivation(which is entirely separate from religion) doesn't even make sense when sized up with his crime. How do you think Roof and ISIS are even remotely comparable?
Last edited:
I, for one, applaud the left for political correctness. It is the greatest recruiting tool for the right the country has ever seen.

Please, please, do not be dissuaded. Continue your attack on the sexist, bigoted white people.

Trump's new PC is all about channeling anger and frustration. Saying really stupid and nasty things just to appeal to people's sense of anger.

But he's a false messiah of the angered and frustrated. He's a New York mogul, a globalist and an elitist that's laughing at all the angered and frustrated.

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