Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

The anti PC charade is used by Republicans to excuse boorish behavior

It is not me....its just that you are too sensitive

Yet the P.C. orthodoxy is all ABOUT excusing boorish behavior. From the way the Black Lives Matter movement elevates common criminals to the status of heroes to the knee-jerk defense of Islamism to the act-out types who want to force people to endorse all they do , P.C. has morphed into an all-encompassing straitjacket predicated upon enormous double standards.

I don't run around calling people Chinks and Squaws and Faggots and Bitches. I am respectful. P.C. is SO much more than showing consideration for others these days that it isn't even funny, so let's not pretend that the backlash against it is merely based upon people wanting to run around using vulgar epithets, shall we? It is all about all the obvious and pervasive double standards promoted by rigid P.C. identity politics.
I'm not quite sure of this, but I think it's possible that the PC zealots don't see their own behaviors. They seem genuinely perplexed that people would be annoyed about how they run around trying to control the language.

I could be wrong. They may know, and just feel they have to protect a strategy that has been so fabulously successful for them. If that's the case, we'll see more of these kinds of threads, as they try to hold on to their religion.

They see themselves as champions of all things virtuous. It acts as an aphrodisiac on them, even as they look the other way when absolutely horrific acts are perpetrated by those they have been trained to defend.

such as OldLady calling me a liar rather than admitting THIS happened thanks to political correctness

.Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia
No, I never saw the facts laid out before, Dogmaphobe. Thanks.
The best I've seen on political correctness. An excerpt from an essay by Wm. B. Fankboner:

"Spinoza said: 'Every man is by indefeasible natural right the master of his own thoughts.' The great fallacy of monolithic docrines like political correctness is that they seek to eliminate an important step in human cognition:

Politically correct speech and thought provide us with the predigested morality of self-appointed ideologues, the profane consensus of mediocre minds, in lieu of our own common sense and the collective wisdom of the ages."

The Triumph of Political Correctness
This thread begs the question of which is worse?

A. Being a pussy.

B. Denying you’re a pussy.

C. Projecting your pussy on the innocent.
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

Nah it's whining about what words a person decides to use or not to use. Demanding that your term is the only one appropriate to use. Such as the freaks who demand President Obama use the term Islamic terrorist as if his use of words will defeat them on the battlefield or stop them from inspiring one off attacks by individuals against the West. That's nucking futz.
You really shouldn't have posted this. Now everyone knows how truly clueless you are.

Thanks again. Shit like that coming from you is a complement.

If only the leader of the free world had said the right words the Islamic Radicals would have been defeated by now, damn him and his politically correct words.
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?
PC is actually another word for "strategic hypersensitivity deployed to put your target on the defensive and thereby control the conversation".

There are many honest liberals who not only admit the existence of PC, they also admit that it has gone too far.

My ever-expanding list below begins with President Obama and ends with 3 pieces from honest liberals who agree with me that PC zealots played a significant role in the environment that created Trump.
Ive just read this article from that rather long list and it has made me think.
How Diversity Police Halt Progress

To summarise the article she seems to be calling for more tolerance of racism that is based on ignorance. I dont think that anybody would object to that. But it doesnt really negate the essential truth that this is a positive process.
There are many, many pieces on that list that do precisely what I said: Admit that PC has gone too far.
Of course it will go too far on occasion. But what would you like to say that you cant ? It just comes back to good manners.
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?
PC is actually another word for "strategic hypersensitivity deployed to put your target on the defensive and thereby control the conversation".

There are many honest liberals who not only admit the existence of PC, they also admit that it has gone too far.

My ever-expanding list below begins with President Obama and ends with 3 pieces from honest liberals who agree with me that PC zealots played a significant role in the environment that created Trump.
Ive just read this article from that rather long list and it has made me think.
How Diversity Police Halt Progress

To summarise the article she seems to be calling for more tolerance of racism that is based on ignorance. I dont think that anybody would object to that. But it doesnt really negate the essential truth that this is a positive process.
There are many, many pieces on that list that do precisely what I said: Admit that PC has gone too far.
Of course it will go too far on occasion. But what would you like to say that you cant ? It just comes back to good manners.
It has much less to do with manners than the presumption of dictating morality to others. There is precious little difference from a bible-thumping preacher and the PC police.
What I can't stand is "The N word". Not the word itself, but when people say/write "the N word" oooooooooooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. When I see it I feel like we've been reduced to eggplants.
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

Nah it's whining about what words a person decides to use or not to use. Demanding that your term is the only one appropriate to use. Such as the freaks who demand President Obama use the term Islamic terrorist as if his use of words will defeat them on the battlefield or stop them from inspiring one off attacks by individuals against the West. That's nucking futz.

OMG, I was going to just protest peacefully, but Obama said "radical Islamic terrorist" so I'm going to kill the infidels now!


Yeah, that happens ...

Just demand that the President use the politically correct and prescribed term Radical Islamic Terrorist for those son of bitches and be done with it. Like the press did with that Radical Christian Terrorist in Charleston.

I'm not like you, I like liberty. Obama has the right to not say radical Islamic terrorist and we have the right to criticize him for it. North Korea is waiting for authoritarians like you, go to it.

And Charleston was about white supremacy, not Christianity. What a lame ass attempt to equate radical Islam and Christianity. REALLY lame.

But he's white, so he's a Christian, right? Dumb ass

EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
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No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!
Nah it's whining about what words a person decides to use or not to use. Demanding that your term is the only one appropriate to use. Such as the freaks who demand President Obama use the term Islamic terrorist as if his use of words will defeat them on the battlefield or stop them from inspiring one off attacks by individuals against the West. That's nucking futz.

OMG, I was going to just protest peacefully, but Obama said "radical Islamic terrorist" so I'm going to kill the infidels now!


Yeah, that happens ...

Just demand that the President use the politically correct and prescribed term Radical Islamic Terrorist for those son of bitches and be done with it. Like the press did with that Radical Christian Terrorist in Charleston.

I'm not like you, I like liberty. Obama has the right to not say radical Islamic terrorist and we have the right to criticize him for it. North Korea is waiting for authoritarians like you, go to it.

And Charleston was about white supremacy, not Christianity. What a lame ass attempt to equate radical Islam and Christianity. REALLY lame.

But he's white, so he's a Christian, right? Dumb ass

EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
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No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...
It just comes back to good manners.
No it doesn't. There's far more to it than that.
  • We can't have an honest (and critical) conversation on race because anyone who dares to criticize a minority is called a racist.
  • Our kids are going to colleges that are shielding them from opposing views at the very time they should be exposed to them.
  • Our kids in college are shouting down and shutting up people who dare to express opposing views.
  • People who are concerned about jihadism are attacked as being bigots.
  • Poor behaviors by minorities are enabled and exacerbated by those who constantly spin and deflect for them.
  • People are being publicly attacked and punished for conversations they thought were private.
It goes on and on and on.

Those are serious topics that affect people and have nothing to do with "manners". I don't know if you really think this is only about manners or if you're being obtuse. My suspicion is that, by pretending it's just about "manners", you're trying to minimize and trivialize it.

There's a particularly virulent PC zealot here who has convinced himself that all of PC boils down to not being able to tell dirty jokes. He's as willfully blind as the writer in your OP.

Either way, honest liberals admit it has gone too far. It's too late. The cat is out of the bag. PC zealots need to look in the mirror and examine how their behaviors contributed to Trump's victory.

So to call it a phantom issue, "just about manners", is blatant intellectual dishonesty.
Last edited:
OMG, I was going to just protest peacefully, but Obama said "radical Islamic terrorist" so I'm going to kill the infidels now!


Yeah, that happens ...

Just demand that the President use the politically correct and prescribed term Radical Islamic Terrorist for those son of bitches and be done with it. Like the press did with that Radical Christian Terrorist in Charleston.

I'm not like you, I like liberty. Obama has the right to not say radical Islamic terrorist and we have the right to criticize him for it. North Korea is waiting for authoritarians like you, go to it.

And Charleston was about white supremacy, not Christianity. What a lame ass attempt to equate radical Islam and Christianity. REALLY lame.

But he's white, so he's a Christian, right? Dumb ass

EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?
Just demand that the President use the politically correct and prescribed term Radical Islamic Terrorist for those son of bitches and be done with it. Like the press did with that Radical Christian Terrorist in Charleston.

I'm not like you, I like liberty. Obama has the right to not say radical Islamic terrorist and we have the right to criticize him for it. North Korea is waiting for authoritarians like you, go to it.

And Charleston was about white supremacy, not Christianity. What a lame ass attempt to equate radical Islam and Christianity. REALLY lame.

But he's white, so he's a Christian, right? Dumb ass

EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

Oh, I don't know, what do you think the modern christian stance on mass murder would be?
Just demand that the President use the politically correct and prescribed term Radical Islamic Terrorist for those son of bitches and be done with it. Like the press did with that Radical Christian Terrorist in Charleston.

I'm not like you, I like liberty. Obama has the right to not say radical Islamic terrorist and we have the right to criticize him for it. North Korea is waiting for authoritarians like you, go to it.

And Charleston was about white supremacy, not Christianity. What a lame ass attempt to equate radical Islam and Christianity. REALLY lame.

But he's white, so he's a Christian, right? Dumb ass

EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

I don't know, but a Christian terrorist is someone who does it FOR RELIGON. He did it for racism. You think non-Christian McVeigh who did it for Waco and Ruby Ridge was a Christian terrorist too, don't you? I mean he was white, that means he did it for Christianity. It's just a lame attempt to make Christians sound like Muslims when they aren't remotely. Moron
Last edited:
I'm not like you, I like liberty. Obama has the right to not say radical Islamic terrorist and we have the right to criticize him for it. North Korea is waiting for authoritarians like you, go to it.

And Charleston was about white supremacy, not Christianity. What a lame ass attempt to equate radical Islam and Christianity. REALLY lame.

But he's white, so he's a Christian, right? Dumb ass

EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

Oh, I don't know, what do you think the modern christian stance on mass murder would be?

What was Dylan's stance on it?
EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

Oh, I don't know, what do you think the modern christian stance on mass murder would be?

What was Dylan's stance on it?

Still going with the canard that a white racist who kills blacks for racism is the same to Christianity as a Muslim extremist who kills infidels, are you?

Hey, I just Googled lame argument and it just returned your avatar ...
Nobody on the right (including Trump) ever used the word "enemy" when talking about the concept of political correctness. Therefore the word "enemy" is an invention of the left. The left uses the word "enemy" to make an argument that doesn't exist.
I'm not like you, I like liberty. Obama has the right to not say radical Islamic terrorist and we have the right to criticize him for it. North Korea is waiting for authoritarians like you, go to it.

And Charleston was about white supremacy, not Christianity. What a lame ass attempt to equate radical Islam and Christianity. REALLY lame.

But he's white, so he's a Christian, right? Dumb ass

EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

I don't know, but a Christian terrorist is someone who does it FOR RELIGON. He did it for racism. You think non-Christian McVeigh who did it for Waco and Ruby Ridge was a Christian terrorist too, don't you? I mean he was white, that means he did it for Christianity. It's just a lame attempt to make Christians sound like Muslims when they aren't remotely. Moron

Why are you so upset at a Christian serial killer being called a terrorist?
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?
Political correctness is the guide for pussy whipped bitches…
EXCLUSIVE: Dylann Roof was a devout Christian who was baptized in the Lutheran faith, went to church camp and worshiped regularly, reveals pastor

Read more: Dylann Roof's pray for Charleston church shooting victims at service | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

No, he was a Radical Christian Terrorist who believes in White Supremacy.

Radical Islamic Terrorists believe in Arab Supremacy.

The demands that the President use the GOP prescribe description of those fuckers is every bit as PC and the Campus Snowflakes you guys demean.

Right, that's why all islamic terrorist are Arabs, WRONG!

You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

I don't know, but a Christian terrorist is someone who does it FOR RELIGON. He did it for racism. You think non-Christian McVeigh who did it for Waco and Ruby Ridge was a Christian terrorist too, don't you? I mean he was white, that means he did it for Christianity. It's just a lame attempt to make Christians sound like Muslims when they aren't remotely. Moron

Why are you so upset at a Christian serial killer being called a terrorist?

Are you unable to read or you just do it selectively? Obviously you're trying to equate Christian extremism with Muslim extremism, which is a stupid comparison. Dylann and McVeigh were both terrorists. However, neither did it for Christianity. That is what I am arguing. I mean duh, I've repeated it over and over. You're just a dimwit.

I do like your stance against bigotry though in saying any white who commits a crime is a Christian terrorist. No bigotry there ...

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