Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times

Where is this political correctness law? Where does political correctness have any sort of impact on our society? Where can you not say what you want?

Aside from some paranoid video from a right wing lobbying group, I'm confused what evidence there is for this.
You have little idea of history and more specifically the history of communism in the West. The hotbeds today of political correctness is in the self-righteous college campuses who tolerate only those who share their views, invariably labeling others as fascist and racists while denying political correctness.

Claiming something is paranoid form a right wing lobbying group with out having a clue is typical of the mediocre minds Fankboner addresses, "Politically correct speech and conduct are the product of the predigested morality of self-appointed ideologues, the profane consensus of spiritually exhausted and mediocre minds."
Where is this political correctness law? Where does political correctness have any sort of impact on our society? Where can you not say what you want?

Aside from some paranoid video from a right wing lobbying group, I'm confused what evidence there is for this.
You have little idea of history and more specifically the history of communism in the West. The hotbeds today of political correctness is in the self-righteous college campuses who tolerate only those who share their views, invariably labeling others as fascist and racists while denying political correctness.

Claiming something is paranoid form a right wing lobbying group with out having a clue is typical of the mediocre minds Fankboner addresses, "Politically correct speech and conduct are the product of the predigested morality of self-appointed ideologues, the profane consensus of spiritually exhausted and mediocre minds."

I doubt you've ever been to college, so it seems odd that you'd try to speak about it authoritatively. What in the blue hell is that gibberish? And you've yet to answer the questions. Where can you not say what you want? Where is political correctness law?
Where is this political correctness law? Where does political correctness have any sort of impact on our society? Where can you not say what you want?

Aside from some paranoid video from a right wing lobbying group, I'm confused what evidence there is for this.
You have little idea of history and more specifically the history of communism in the West. The hotbeds today of political correctness is in the self-righteous college campuses who tolerate only those who share their views, invariably labeling others as fascist and racists while denying political correctness.

Claiming something is paranoid form a right wing lobbying group with out having a clue is typical of the mediocre minds Fankboner addresses, "Politically correct speech and conduct are the product of the predigested morality of self-appointed ideologues, the profane consensus of spiritually exhausted and mediocre minds."

I doubt you've ever been to college, so it seems odd that you'd try to speak about it authoritatively. What in the blue hell is that gibberish? And you've yet to answer the questions. Where can you not say what you want? Where is political correctness law?
I suppose you preclude that anyone could have a college education and still be against political correctness. You would be wrong.

Political correctness is an attempt by mostly self-righteous publicly educated pipsqueaks, not unlike yourself, to demean others for freely expressing their thoughts. These same pipsqueaks then are quick to deny the existence of such a sanctimonious product. You really don't have to be versed in Orwell, 20th century history or institutions like the Frankfurt School to understand it, but it certainly helps.

It is indeed the product of self-appointed ideologues and mediocre minds who presume to set moral guidelines for the rest.
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You sound like another jackass who wants to walk around being a total prick without risking the occasional punch in the face.

That's not a bad metaphor.

A person has every right to be a "prick", as long as it doesn't effect the rights of others or harm others. You don't have to like that person, or what they say.

But punching someone in the face is different. That does directly harm someone else, just as seeing to it that they lost their job or had their career otherwise damaged because you don't like what they said.

Further, thinking back to grade school, some people just can't come up with a solid, reasonable, articulate, thoughtful, civil way to deal with someone they don't like. So they punch that person in the face.

So, thanks for that.

Political Correctness - Strategic hypersensitivity utilized specifically to put your target on the defensive and thereby control the conversation.

Fortunately, the PC Police has cried wolf too often, they've jumped the shark. And fortunately, those of us who realize that freedom of expression means putting up with words we don't like in a free society have had enough.

I suppose you might say we've decided to punch back.

Scourge of our times? What is this -- 1922? Reefer Madness?
Do you you know the meaning of the word "scourge"? I already knew it, it's a kind of whip used to beat people who get uppity, like slaves and other inferior people who did not remember their place, bet you long for those days. if you consider the societal pressure to be a civilized and polite human to be a "scourge" then I wonder what you think of real things the term is supposed to apply to like disease, poverty, hunger and ignorance.

Ain't FREE SPEECH great, you can use a word the way you chose, and others can do the same, supposedly without criticism. Apparently it's not a value you appreciate.

Since when does "FREE SPEECH" allow anyone to say things "without criticism"?

Isn't "criticism" "FREE SPEECH" too?
Where is this political correctness law? Where does political correctness have any sort of impact on our society? Where can you not say what you want?

Aside from some paranoid video from a right wing lobbying group, I'm confused what evidence there is for this.
You have little idea of history and more specifically the history of communism in the West. The hotbeds today of political correctness is in the self-righteous college campuses who tolerate only those who share their views, invariably labeling others as fascist and racists while denying political correctness.

Claiming something is paranoid form a right wing lobbying group with out having a clue is typical of the mediocre minds Fankboner addresses, "Politically correct speech and conduct are the product of the predigested morality of self-appointed ideologues, the profane consensus of spiritually exhausted and mediocre minds."

I doubt you've ever been to college, so it seems odd that you'd try to speak about it authoritatively. What in the blue hell is that gibberish? And you've yet to answer the questions. Where can you not say what you want? Where is political correctness law?

Try in our schools, there is a thread on the board now where a deaf child was told to change is name because the symbol for it resembled a gun. How many times have they changed the appropriate term for black people in the last 30 years. If you happen to use the wrong one your labeled a racist. Hell, I could keep going but you have apparently already drank the the kool aid, so I won't waste my time.
Do you you know the meaning of the word "scourge"? I already knew it, it's a kind of whip used to beat people who get uppity, like slaves and other inferior people who did not remember their place, bet you long for those days. if you consider the societal pressure to be a civilized and polite human to be a "scourge" then I wonder what you think of real things the term is supposed to apply to like disease, poverty, hunger and ignorance.

You sound like your occupied, enjoy...:D

The Liberal Mind and how it's occupied...

You sound like another jackass who wants to walk around being a total prick without risking the occasional punch in the face.

And you sound like a prick who likes punching people in the face.. oh, wait, you're a liberal... by nature you're a fucking bully.
Do you you know the meaning of the word "scourge"? I already knew it, it's a kind of whip used to beat people who get uppity, like slaves and other inferior people who did not remember their place, bet you long for those days. if you consider the societal pressure to be a civilized and polite human to be a "scourge" then I wonder what you think of real things the term is supposed to apply to like disease, poverty, hunger and ignorance.

Ain't FREE SPEECH great, you can use a word the way you chose, and others can do the same, supposedly without criticism. Apparently it's not a value you appreciate.

Since when does "FREE SPEECH" allow anyone to say things "without criticism"?

Isn't "criticism" "FREE SPEECH" too?

Excuse my choice of words, I should have said without repercussions.
Ain't FREE SPEECH great, you can use a word the way you chose, and others can do the same, supposedly without criticism. Apparently it's not a value you appreciate.

Since when does "FREE SPEECH" allow anyone to say things "without criticism"?

Isn't "criticism" "FREE SPEECH" too?

Excuse my choice of words, I should have said without repercussions.

So what "repercussions" were you talking about, then?

What "repercussions" did occupied suggest should happen due to your "FREE SPEECH"?
Since when does "FREE SPEECH" allow anyone to say things "without criticism"?

Isn't "criticism" "FREE SPEECH" too?

Excuse my choice of words, I should have said without repercussions.

So what "repercussions" were you talking about, then?

What "repercussions" did occupied suggest should happen due to your "FREE SPEECH"?

Political correctness used to have another name, it was called manners or etiquette, the only repercussions to breaking them is to be rejected by polite society as a barbaric slob who was not taught proper behavior as a child.
Political correctness has now been criminalized, can you say "hate crimes". By its very nature a crime is hateful, but should you utter the wrong phrase or commit a crime against a particular protected class then the sentence can be amplified based on correctenss. Of course if a protected class commits a crime against a non-protected class, they can say any damned thing they want without additional sanctions. Children are disciplined for saying the word or drawing a picture of a gun. Careers are destroyed based on a misplaced word, if you think there are no repercussions with long lasting affects because of words, you're just ignorant.
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Political correctness has now been criminalized, can you say "hate crimes". By its very nature a crime is hateful, but should you utter the wrong phrase or commit a crime against a particular protected class then the sentence can be amplified based on correctenss. Of course if a protected class commits a crime against a non-protected class, they can say any damned thing they want without additional sanctions. Children are disciplined for saying the word or drawing a picture of a gun. Careers are destroyed based on a misplaced word, if you think there are no repercussions with long lasting affects because of words, your just ignorant.

Every group of humans that has ever lived has invented for itself a set of rules, rarely written, that are meant to keep the peace. The greatest majority of us manage to get though the day not feeling terrorized by the rules of polite society, Care to explain clearly what you would like to feel free to do?
Political correctness has now been criminalized...you're just ignorant.

“Donald Trump said he’d give $5 million to charity if President Obama released his college transcripts. Obama responded by sending trump a full transcript from his alma mater, the University of Shove It Up Your Ass.” –Conan O’Brien

OKTexas = All Hat No Cattle

Poor dainty boy, your ADD is showing, try to concentrate and stay on topic.
Political correctness has now been criminalized...you're just ignorant.

“Donald Trump said he’d give $5 million to charity if President Obama released his college transcripts. Obama responded by sending trump a full transcript from his alma mater, the University of Shove It Up Your Ass.” –Conan O’Brien

OKTexas = All Hat No Cattle

Poor dainty boy, your ADD is showing, try to concentrate and stay on topic.

your posts are full with political correctness

Do you you know the meaning of the word "scourge"? I already knew it, it's a kind of whip used to beat people who get uppity, like slaves and other inferior people who did not remember their place, bet you long for those days. if you consider the societal pressure to be a civilized and polite human to be a "scourge" then I wonder what you think of real things the term is supposed to apply to like disease, poverty, hunger and ignorance.

Ain't FREE SPEECH great, you can use a word the way you chose, and others can do the same, supposedly without criticism. Apparently it's not a value you appreciate.

I dare say that criticism is the point of the free speech amendment.

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