Political Correctness - What does it REALLY mean....?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
what does it mean to you?

here is one definition:

"changing or avoiding language that might offend anyone, especially with respect to gender, race, or ethnic background."

... limited to gender, race and ethnic background (btw, what is the diff between race and ethnic background..?)

Why only these "especially"???
Political Correctness is strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

A fabulously successful tactic leveraged primarily by the Left for a couple of generations now.

Fortunately, many on the Left know it's gone too far, and are finally saying something about it:

Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say -- NYMag
Don Lemon weighs in on PC culture Liberals are the most easily offended and the least tolerant - Salon.com
Jerry Seinfeld says political correctness is hurting comedy - CBS News
Chris Rock Stopped Performing for Students Because Everything Offends Them - Hit Run Reason.com
Bill Maher Rails Against Crazy Political Correctness From Liberals Tells Media Matters to Shut The F ck Up Video RealClearPolitics

Unfortunately, there are still a few on the Left whose thought processes are so paralyzed and distorted by their partisan ideology that they won't even admit to its very existence.

True story!

Its what liberal faggots use to make people they dont like shut up.
It stems from the belief that opinions other than your own are not just wrong, but shouldn't even exist in the first place. Since they shouldn't exist, they should be shunned and even banned from being part of public discourse.

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