Political Naiveness, epidemic in the New Right?

You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...
It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
I fear nothing, dummy, which is why I don't need a gun to protect myself or have to carry one to feel like a man and safe in society. I don't fear guns, they kill people, and that's a problem especially when almost no one needs one any longer. You people are truly dumb as dog shit and terrified we're going to take your guns away which in your tiny minds, means you can no longer protect yourself. A gun is for killing, not protection.

The government, BTW, is a necessary evil. If we didn't need one, I wouldn't have one, but that isn't true now is it? Nope.

The people who seem to be threatened by a gun are anti-gun people. I saw a guy carry a 9mm into a mcdonalds once. It didn't bother me. I was a little concerned that he had it cocked in his holster but other than that it didn't bother me.
You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...
It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
I fear nothing, dummy, which is why I don't need a gun to protect myself or have to carry one to feel like a man and safe in society. I don't fear guns, they kill people, and that's a problem especially when almost no one needs one any longer. You people are truly dumb as dog shit and terrified we're going to take your guns away which in your tiny minds, means you can no longer protect yourself. A gun is for killing, not protection.

The government, BTW, is a necessary evil. If we didn't need one, I wouldn't have one, but that isn't true now is it? Nope.

The people who seem to be threatened by a gun are anti-gun people. I saw a guy carry a 9mm into a mcdonalds once. It didn't bother me. I was a little concerned that he had it cocked in his holster but other than that it didn't bother me.
I'm not threatened by guns, I own them, but they do kill people and unnecessarily so...

Anti-gun is like anti-abortion, it doesn't scare you but it kills what you want kept alive.
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Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?

There are plenty of liberals who are beginning to wonder if liberals are as liberal as they say they are. Have you ever seen the list of words and ideas people can't say anymore without worrying about some 'liberal' retaliating against. I can expect that from someone who wasn't liberal but from people who claim to be liberal I would expect something different.
There are very few liberals around, and no conservatives at all.
You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...
It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
I fear nothing, dummy, which is why I don't need a gun to protect myself or have to carry one to feel like a man and safe in society. I don't fear guns, they kill people, and that's a problem especially when almost no one needs one any longer. You people are truly dumb as dog shit and terrified we're going to take your guns away which in your tiny minds, means you can no longer protect yourself. A gun is for killing, not protection.

The government, BTW, is a necessary evil. If we didn't need one, I wouldn't have one, but that isn't true now is it? Nope.

The people who seem to be threatened by a gun are anti-gun people. I saw a guy carry a 9mm into a mcdonalds once. It didn't bother me. I was a little concerned that he had it cocked in his holster but other than that it didn't bother me.

Cocked and locked is the only way to go.
You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...
It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
I fear nothing, dummy, which is why I don't need a gun to protect myself or have to carry one to feel like a man and safe in society. I don't fear guns, they kill people, and that's a problem especially when almost no one needs one any longer. You people are truly dumb as dog shit and terrified we're going to take your guns away which in your tiny minds, means you can no longer protect yourself. A gun is for killing, not protection.

The government, BTW, is a necessary evil. If we didn't need one, I wouldn't have one, but that isn't true now is it? Nope.

The people who seem to be threatened by a gun are anti-gun people. I saw a guy carry a 9mm into a mcdonalds once. It didn't bother me. I was a little concerned that he had it cocked in his holster but other than that it didn't bother me.
I'm not threaten by guns, I own them, but they do kill people and unnecessarily so...

Anti-gun is like anti-abortion, it doesn't scare you but it kills what you want kept alive.

Cars kill people unnecessarily as do hammers, swimming pools, knives etc....So?
The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.

That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.

I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
5 years in a juvie unit makes you an expert on raising a child?

Five as a deputy, another four, a number of years later, as the boss. I also have years of experience watching guys and gals from the neighborhood grow up. Blue Collar & middle class neighborhoods produce both the successful and the failures. Growing up with both, from K through high school, I had a sense later framed by education and experience to understand the influence of parenting.

Some of my contemporaries went to college, some into the service, some to prison, others joined the fire dept, police dept and the trades, some succumbed to booze/drugs and dead by 50. Many mirrored their parents, those who drank too much, divorced and didn't need to be home when the street lights came on developed differently.

Yet you failed to answer my question, what experience / education do you bring to the table?

My experience is based on raising five children to the age of majority as a single father. In total that 90 years experience in raising kids.

Congrats, my personal experience is raising two fine young men, now 37 and 32 who I am able to contrast with the kids I coached along the with with my own from pee wee baseball up until my boys played high school ball.

The parents who helped, attended their games had a positive impact on their development. Others, bringing the rancor of divorce to the field, the booze, and one having to be escorted off the grounds for abusing the umpire, were few but very noticeable and had the opposite effect on their kids. Some survived, one killed himself and two I later watched as they made their way through the Court System on their way to San Quentin in my professional career.
The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.

That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.

I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
5 years in a juvie unit makes you an expert on raising a child?

Five as a deputy, another four, a number of years later, as the boss. I also have years of experience watching guys and gals from the neighborhood grow up. Blue Collar & middle class neighborhoods produce both the successful and the failures. Growing up with both, from K through high school, I had a sense later framed by education and experience to understand the influence of parenting.

Some of my contemporaries went to college, some into the service, some to prison, others joined the fire dept, police dept and the trades, some succumbed to booze/drugs and dead by 50. Many mirrored their parents, those who drank too much, divorced and didn't need to be home when the street lights came on developed differently.

Yet you failed to answer my question, what experience / education do you bring to the table?
Well, you said you have half a decade in experience in the juvenile unit. So let's walk through this ... 10 divided by 2 = 5. Not 9. However, you still missed the point. Most kids don't end up in juvie hall, seeing the worst outcomes doesn't mean you see them all.
Plus, you didn't ask me the question, how could I fail to answer it? You are on some serious medication or your mind is gone.

Thanks for sharing, your insight is to insightful.
You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...
It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
I fear nothing, dummy, which is why I don't need a gun to protect myself or have to carry one to feel like a man and safe in society. I don't fear guns, they kill people, and that's a problem especially when almost no one needs one any longer. You people are truly dumb as dog shit and terrified we're going to take your guns away which in your tiny minds, means you can no longer protect yourself. A gun is for killing, not protection.

The government, BTW, is a necessary evil. If we didn't need one, I wouldn't have one, but that isn't true now is it? Nope.

The people who seem to be threatened by a gun are anti-gun people. I saw a guy carry a 9mm into a mcdonalds once. It didn't bother me. I was a little concerned that he had it cocked in his holster but other than that it didn't bother me.

Cocked and locked is the only way to go.

Cocky and drunk is the road to damnation, or at the very least an ass kicking.
That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.

I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
5 years in a juvie unit makes you an expert on raising a child?

Five as a deputy, another four, a number of years later, as the boss. I also have years of experience watching guys and gals from the neighborhood grow up. Blue Collar & middle class neighborhoods produce both the successful and the failures. Growing up with both, from K through high school, I had a sense later framed by education and experience to understand the influence of parenting.

Some of my contemporaries went to college, some into the service, some to prison, others joined the fire dept, police dept and the trades, some succumbed to booze/drugs and dead by 50. Many mirrored their parents, those who drank too much, divorced and didn't need to be home when the street lights came on developed differently.

Yet you failed to answer my question, what experience / education do you bring to the table?

My experience is based on raising five children to the age of majority as a single father. In total that 90 years experience in raising kids.

Congrats, my personal experience is raising two fine young men, now 37 and 32 who I am able to contrast with the kids I coached along the with with my own from pee wee baseball up until my boys played high school ball.

The parents who helped, attended their games had a positive impact on their development. Others, bringing the rancor of divorce to the field, the booze, and one having to be escorted off the grounds for abusing the umpire, were few but very noticeable and had the opposite effect on their kids. Some survived, one killed himself and two I later watched as they made their way through the Court System on their way to San Quentin in my professional career.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. I have seen children raised with the best parents, parents who were involved in all aspects of their lives and still the children grew up to make bad decisions and wound up in prison or have had their lives taken.
Thanks so much to Iceweasel and OK Texas for proving the truth of the OP:

Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.
Five as a deputy, another four, a number of years later, as the boss. I also have years of experience watching guys and gals from the neighborhood grow up. Blue Collar & middle class neighborhoods produce both the successful and the failures. Growing up with both, from K through high school, I had a sense later framed by education and experience to understand the influence of parenting.

Some of my contemporaries went to college, some into the service, some to prison, others joined the fire dept, police dept and the trades, some succumbed to booze/drugs and dead by 50. Many mirrored their parents, those who drank too much, divorced and didn't need to be home when the street lights came on developed differently.

Yet you failed to answer my question, what experience / education do you bring to the table?

Thankfully my parents taught me we all fail … And that it is our responsibility to get back up after we fail and do it all again.
They taught me the importance of independence, personal responsibility and the fact that no one owed me anything.
They taught me how to weather failure, learn from my mistakes and excel to the highest standard I could challenge myself with.
They taught me to never expect something for nothing … Put forth the effort necessary to achieve my goals … And never to blame someone else for my failures.

The one thing they never taught me was the stupid idea I needed you or any of your progressive bullshit to succeed at accomplishing anything worthwhile.

Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...
It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
I fear nothing, dummy, which is why I don't need a gun to protect myself or have to carry one to feel like a man and safe in society. I don't fear guns, they kill people, and that's a problem especially when almost no one needs one any longer. You people are truly dumb as dog shit and terrified we're going to take your guns away which in your tiny minds, means you can no longer protect yourself. A gun is for killing, not protection.

The government, BTW, is a necessary evil. If we didn't need one, I wouldn't have one, but that isn't true now is it? Nope.

The people who seem to be threatened by a gun are anti-gun people. I saw a guy carry a 9mm into a mcdonalds once. It didn't bother me. I was a little concerned that he had it cocked in his holster but other than that it didn't bother me.

Cocked and locked is the only way to go.

Cocky and drunk is the road to damnation, or at the very least an ass kicking.

Who said anything about being drunk? Or cocky?

You're sounding a little cocky yourself talking about kicking some ones ass that is carrying a loaded and cocked 9mm. And here I thought superman was fiction.
You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...
It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
I fear nothing, dummy, which is why I don't need a gun to protect myself or have to carry one to feel like a man and safe in society. I don't fear guns, they kill people, and that's a problem especially when almost no one needs one any longer. You people are truly dumb as dog shit and terrified we're going to take your guns away which in your tiny minds, means you can no longer protect yourself. A gun is for killing, not protection.

The government, BTW, is a necessary evil. If we didn't need one, I wouldn't have one, but that isn't true now is it? Nope.

The people who seem to be threatened by a gun are anti-gun people. I saw a guy carry a 9mm into a mcdonalds once. It didn't bother me. I was a little concerned that he had it cocked in his holster but other than that it didn't bother me.

Cocked and locked is the only way to go.

I thought it was unnecessary. Are you saying that the guy won't have time to cock his gun in a gunfight?
Thanks so much to Iceweasel and OK Texas for proving the truth of the OP:

Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

Blah blah blah

I'm afraid of the communist take over in 2008 as well. I'm glad it is going to be undone soon.
I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
5 years in a juvie unit makes you an expert on raising a child?

Five as a deputy, another four, a number of years later, as the boss. I also have years of experience watching guys and gals from the neighborhood grow up. Blue Collar & middle class neighborhoods produce both the successful and the failures. Growing up with both, from K through high school, I had a sense later framed by education and experience to understand the influence of parenting.

Some of my contemporaries went to college, some into the service, some to prison, others joined the fire dept, police dept and the trades, some succumbed to booze/drugs and dead by 50. Many mirrored their parents, those who drank too much, divorced and didn't need to be home when the street lights came on developed differently.

Yet you failed to answer my question, what experience / education do you bring to the table?

My experience is based on raising five children to the age of majority as a single father. In total that 90 years experience in raising kids.

Congrats, my personal experience is raising two fine young men, now 37 and 32 who I am able to contrast with the kids I coached along the with with my own from pee wee baseball up until my boys played high school ball.

The parents who helped, attended their games had a positive impact on their development. Others, bringing the rancor of divorce to the field, the booze, and one having to be escorted off the grounds for abusing the umpire, were few but very noticeable and had the opposite effect on their kids. Some survived, one killed himself and two I later watched as they made their way through the Court System on their way to San Quentin in my professional career.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. I have seen children raised with the best parents, parents who were involved in all aspects of their lives and still the children grew up to make bad decisions and wound up in prison or have had their lives taken.

Ah, the bad seed. Life's future foundation is a product of DNA and experience, what you say is true, but there are many unknowns for us to draw a conclusion as to which dominated the life to the extent you've described. Too much parental attention or too little, to much parental excesses and spoil child, or too little discipline or too much punishment? How can we know what most influenced a child, for the child is the father of the man.
...hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.
From an independent perspective I would say this behavior is evident on both ends of the political spectrum.

True, yet the Queen of Ad Hominem (PoliticalSheep) claims there is no far right, and characterizes those who disagree with her as far left.
Thanks so much to Iceweasel and OK Texas for proving the truth of the OP:

Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.
Your thread is an insult, asshole. You treat people like shit and demand the utmost respect in return. We've had many discussions and it always comes down to how evil the right is. The fact that you choose to ignore the points brought to you proves your OP is nothing but projection.
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...hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.
From an independent perspective I would say this behavior is evident on both ends of the political spectrum.

True, yet the Queen of Ad Hominem (PoliticalSheep) claims there is no far right, and characterizes those who disagree with her as far left.
An example of how adherence to an ideology distorts perception.

She may actually think that.

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