Political Naiveness, epidemic in the New Right?

You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...

Good job, projectorman! You managed to get name calling, projection and a total detachment from reality, all in one short post.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?


I love it when regressives have a projection fit.

Ya can't get more entertaining than that.

It has my vote for most hilarious liberal outburst this month. :laugh:
You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...

It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
1. A non sequitur response to my question, posted out of context;
2. Most parents have no clue on how to raise a child;
3. Traditional values is a phrase lacking substance ( have you never read Mark Twain, Wil Rogers, Charles Dixon, Ayn Rand or Garrison Keillor, + many others)

1. If you don't like the reality of the answer to your question, that's YOUR problem, not mine.

2. Almost every parent I know has a better idea how to raise a child than the Leftists who run the American Government.

3. I've read many of them, but those aren't TRADITIONAL. The Traditions I'm talking about were thousands of years old befor any of those people were even born.

I've read many of your posts, it is my opinion you are out of touch with reality. I base that on my experience and education and values; I'm 68 years old and worked since age 11 (paper routes), all through college, served in the USN and retire at age 57 with enough assets to last me a lifetime (my dad is 93 and his mother died at 102).

MOst people do know how to raise their children.

The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?


I love it when regressives have a projection fit.

Ya can't get more entertaining than that.

It has my vote for most hilarious liberal outburst this month. :laugh:

And yet unable to voice a rebuttal you manage to prove the threads point.
What, exactly, makes it so hard for conservatives to accept the fact that the default position for stupid people is conservatism? Liberalism involves complexity, balance, mutual respect, trade-offs, things smart conservatives aren't big on either. This should not be a surprise to anyone. People fear change, embrace it since that is a core belief of conservatism, few (if any) and slow changes.

Ideas scared the shit (and there is a lot of it) in conservatives:


Bad ideas and negative change "scare" conservatives.

Your come up with a change for the good, and we will be fully supportive.


Bad ideas and negative change "scare" conservatives.

Your come up with a change for the good, and we will be fully supportive

How does anyone determine if an idea is "good"?
There are lots of bad ideas out there. One particular set, Ideas based on Good Intentions, is notoriously filled with really bad ideas.

So what is the criteria for determining when an idea is good?
Also, even if the idea is good, should it be supported immediately?

Testing over time. We, in the US, have the best system to test new ideas. They may be tested on the local or state level, not universally effecting every American.

Does it work? Why or why not? Does it need to be further developed, modified or scraped?

Obamacare is a great example, it has been vilified as socialism and thus rejected by an entire political party and and thoughtless others. Some States refused to buy into the system, and that will provide the nation with a metric to see, does it work, does it need to be modified or further developed, or scraped?

What passed for health care before didn't work for too many, and was way costly to local government, whose services in so many other areas were neglected, a result of costly care for all who needed it and could not afford insurance.
1. A non sequitur response to my question, posted out of context;
2. Most parents have no clue on how to raise a child;
3. Traditional values is a phrase lacking substance ( have you never read Mark Twain, Wil Rogers, Charles Dixon, Ayn Rand or Garrison Keillor, + many others)

1. If you don't like the reality of the answer to your question, that's YOUR problem, not mine.

2. Almost every parent I know has a better idea how to raise a child than the Leftists who run the American Government.

3. I've read many of them, but those aren't TRADITIONAL. The Traditions I'm talking about were thousands of years old befor any of those people were even born.

I've read many of your posts, it is my opinion you are out of touch with reality. I base that on my experience and education and values; I'm 68 years old and worked since age 11 (paper routes), all through college, served in the USN and retire at age 57 with enough assets to last me a lifetime (my dad is 93 and his mother died at 102).

MOst people do know how to raise their children.

The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.

That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Change conservative to liberal and you'd have finally posted something that makes sense. We are all liberals as children, dependent, naive, insecure, undisciplined, etc. Some of us grow up and some of us don't. When we grow up we figure out how the real world works as we make our way in life. This apparently puzzles those that won't or can't grow up.

Obviously someone must be feeding them false information! How can they think people should be held accountable for their actions? How can they want to keep their more of their earnings? Why don't they allow their emotions to guide them on what's right or wrong. How can they think if you work hard you deserve to be a head of the guy that wouldn't do an honest days' work if you held a gun to their head.

All of these are mysteries to the infantile personality disorder liberals suffer from. They need simple answers.
1. A non sequitur response to my question, posted out of context;
2. Most parents have no clue on how to raise a child;
3. Traditional values is a phrase lacking substance ( have you never read Mark Twain, Wil Rogers, Charles Dixon, Ayn Rand or Garrison Keillor, + many others)

1. If you don't like the reality of the answer to your question, that's YOUR problem, not mine.

2. Almost every parent I know has a better idea how to raise a child than the Leftists who run the American Government.

3. I've read many of them, but those aren't TRADITIONAL. The Traditions I'm talking about were thousands of years old befor any of those people were even born.

I've read many of your posts, it is my opinion you are out of touch with reality. I base that on my experience and education and values; I'm 68 years old and worked since age 11 (paper routes), all through college, served in the USN and retire at age 57 with enough assets to last me a lifetime (my dad is 93 and his mother died at 102).

MOst people do know how to raise their children.

The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.

That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.

I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
Testing over time. We, in the US, have the best system to test new ideas. They may be tested on the local or state level, not universally effecting every American.

Does it work? Why or why not? Does it need to be further developed, modified or scraped?

Obamacare is a great example, it has been vilified as socialism and thus rejected by an entire political party and and thoughtless others. Some States refused to buy into the system, and that will provide the nation with a metric to see, does it work, does it need to be modified or further developed, or scraped?

What passed for health care before didn't work for too many, and was way costly to local government, whose services in so many other areas were neglected, a result of costly care for all who needed it and could not afford insurance.
obamacare is a great success in your area? Many are paying more and getting less. Sometimes much more and much less. How is it thoughtless to see it? No one does more vilifying here than you, you are a mad man bouncing around in a rubber room wondering why more people don't listen to your shrill voice.
1. If you don't like the reality of the answer to your question, that's YOUR problem, not mine.

2. Almost every parent I know has a better idea how to raise a child than the Leftists who run the American Government.

3. I've read many of them, but those aren't TRADITIONAL. The Traditions I'm talking about were thousands of years old befor any of those people were even born.

I've read many of your posts, it is my opinion you are out of touch with reality. I base that on my experience and education and values; I'm 68 years old and worked since age 11 (paper routes), all through college, served in the USN and retire at age 57 with enough assets to last me a lifetime (my dad is 93 and his mother died at 102).

MOst people do know how to raise their children.

The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.

That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.

I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
5 years in a juvie unit makes you an expert on raising a child?
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Change conservative to liberal and you'd have finally posted something that makes sense. We are all liberals as children, dependent, naive, insecure, undisciplined, etc. Some of us grow up and some of us don't. When we grow up we figure out how the real world works as we make our way in life. This apparently puzzles those that won't or can't grow up.

Obviously someone must be feeding them false information! How can they think people should be held accountable for their actions? How can they want to keep their more of their earnings? Why don't they allow their emotions to guide them on what's right or wrong. How can they think if you work hard you deserve to be a head of the guy that wouldn't do an honest days' work if you held a gun to their head.

All of these are mysteries to the infantile personality disorder liberals suffer from. They need simple answers.

Your answers are as simple as can be, you've gone ahead to prove the point of the thread with this ridiculous commentary. You use the words "liberal" and "leftist" without an ounce of understanding, they are simply echoes of pejoratives used by a thoughtless partisan.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Change conservative to liberal and you'd have finally posted something that makes sense. We are all liberals as children, dependent, naive, insecure, undisciplined, etc. Some of us grow up and some of us don't. When we grow up we figure out how the real world works as we make our way in life. This apparently puzzles those that won't or can't grow up.

Obviously someone must be feeding them false information! How can they think people should be held accountable for their actions? How can they want to keep their more of their earnings? Why don't they allow their emotions to guide them on what's right or wrong. How can they think if you work hard you deserve to be a head of the guy that wouldn't do an honest days' work if you held a gun to their head.

All of these are mysteries to the infantile personality disorder liberals suffer from. They need simple answers.

Your answers are as simple as can be, you've gone ahead to prove the point of the thread with this ridiculous commentary. You use the words "liberal" and "leftist" without an ounce of understanding, they are simply echoes of pejoratives used by a thoughtless partisan.
Your dismissal is as meaningful as dog shit. You can't figure out the grown up world and it's the grownup's fault somehow.
I've read many of your posts, it is my opinion you are out of touch with reality. I base that on my experience and education and values; I'm 68 years old and worked since age 11 (paper routes), all through college, served in the USN and retire at age 57 with enough assets to last me a lifetime (my dad is 93 and his mother died at 102).

MOst people do know how to raise their children.

The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.

That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.

I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
5 years in a juvie unit makes you an expert on raising a child?

Five as a deputy, another four, a number of years later, as the boss. I also have years of experience watching guys and gals from the neighborhood grow up. Blue Collar & middle class neighborhoods produce both the successful and the failures. Growing up with both, from K through high school, I had a sense later framed by education and experience to understand the influence of parenting.

Some of my contemporaries went to college, some into the service, some to prison, others joined the fire dept, police dept and the trades, some succumbed to booze/drugs and dead by 50. Many mirrored their parents, those who drank too much, divorced and didn't need to be home when the street lights came on developed differently.

Yet you failed to answer my question, what experience / education do you bring to the table?
MOst people do know how to raise their children.

The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.

That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.

I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
5 years in a juvie unit makes you an expert on raising a child?

Five as a deputy, another four, a number of years later, as the boss. I also have years of experience watching guys and gals from the neighborhood grow up. Blue Collar & middle class neighborhoods produce both the successful and the failures. Growing up with both, from K through high school, I had a sense later framed by education and experience to understand the influence of parenting.

Some of my contemporaries went to college, some into the service, some to prison, others joined the fire dept, police dept and the trades, some succumbed to booze/drugs and dead by 50. Many mirrored their parents, those who drank too much, divorced and didn't need to be home when the street lights came on developed differently.

Yet you failed to answer my question, what experience / education do you bring to the table?

My experience is based on raising five children to the age of majority as a single father. In total that 90 years experience in raising kids.
You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...

Good job, projectorman! You managed to get name calling, projection and a total detachment from reality, all in one short post.
Time and time again, this must be at least the fourth, you have yet to make a rational argument against the OP which means you very obviously do not have one.
MOst people do know how to raise their children.

The evidence to prove you wrong are in jails, and the alcoholic and drug addicted, those who use tobacco and who are unprepared for the responsibility of adulthood, a result of too much parenting or none at all.

That's still a minority of the population.

Most people know how to raise their children.

I worked the Juvenile Unit for half a decade, what experience do you bring which is evidence that most people know how to raise a child?
5 years in a juvie unit makes you an expert on raising a child?

Five as a deputy, another four, a number of years later, as the boss. I also have years of experience watching guys and gals from the neighborhood grow up. Blue Collar & middle class neighborhoods produce both the successful and the failures. Growing up with both, from K through high school, I had a sense later framed by education and experience to understand the influence of parenting.

Some of my contemporaries went to college, some into the service, some to prison, others joined the fire dept, police dept and the trades, some succumbed to booze/drugs and dead by 50. Many mirrored their parents, those who drank too much, divorced and didn't need to be home when the street lights came on developed differently.

Yet you failed to answer my question, what experience / education do you bring to the table?
Well, you said you have half a decade in experience in the juvenile unit. So let's walk through this ... 10 divided by 2 = 5. Not 9. However, you still missed the point. Most kids don't end up in juvie hall, seeing the worst outcomes doesn't mean you see them all.
Plus, you didn't ask me the question, how could I fail to answer it? You are on some serious medication or your mind is gone.
You claim that progressivism is all about thinking...
Nope, and nuff said, Mod Troll. People like you live by fear, live for fear, live in fear. That, among other things, is what makes you conservative.

Were it not for fear, you could deal in reality, come what may...
It's YOU who are afraid silly boy. You are terrified that people should be able to fend for themselves. You are frightened that they don't need your Big Government solutions to the smallest problems. You are scared shitless that people have guns. If they have guns they can protect themselves. Nope, it is YOU that is afraid.
I fear nothing, dummy, which is why I don't need a gun to protect myself or have to carry one to feel like a man and safe in society. I don't fear guns, they kill people, and that's a problem especially when almost no one needs one any longer. You people are truly dumb as dog shit and terrified we're going to take your guns away which in your tiny minds, means you can no longer protect yourself. A gun is for killing, not protection.

The government, BTW, is a necessary evil. If we didn't need one, I wouldn't have one, but that isn't true now is it? Nope.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?

There are plenty of liberals who are beginning to wonder if liberals are as liberal as they say they are. Have you ever seen the list of words and ideas people can't say anymore without worrying about some 'liberal' retaliating against. I can expect that from someone who wasn't liberal but from people who claim to be liberal I would expect something different.

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