Political taboo: Why didn’t our founders want Brown people running our nation?

It is not being white that makes them that way, it is the unvariedness of the situation.

He stereotyped whites. It’s that simple. He even used a racial designation specifically. And once he made racially derogatory remarks you exclaimed that he wasn’t racist...in response to his racism!
Do I have to mention again the cognitative dissonance inherent in being a liberal?


He nailed you. Everything he said is true and you know it. But keep on living the lie.


View attachment 248467

You've got it exactly backwards. If you understood anything about genetics or history this would be obvious to you.

Sorry dude,...that kind of thinking died out in the 1930s
You mean science?

Science! :laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2::laughing0301::laughing0301:

If you knew a damn thing about science you would know that skin color does not mean jack shit about a person
You are the only one mentioning skin color specifically here.

To me skin color is just one of the first identifiers of race.
They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

I always think it would be nice here if Leftists would denounce fellow liberals who are chomping at the bit to put white Christians in camps for reeducation. That rarely happens. People huddle with their own kind, even when their own kind go FAR off the rails.

But I've always been something of a rebel, albeit I hope a kind-hearted rebel. All this to say: as a conservative I find this reprehensible, the absolute creepy crawlies under the rock, the stuff that can "only be said on the internet" because it would be stricken from polite society and for very good reason. I grew up in a conservative household. My in-laws are conservative. No one thinks like this. That I know. We judge people by the "content of their character". Being conservatives, we know some people are rotten. Both white and black, rich and poor, from all walks of life.

So go on with your White Supremacist self. You might find a happy home with Democrats. They love them some blackface lately.

They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”
Seems like you don't understand history, my friend. What did it take to survive and build in those days? How far did blame extend for transgressions against human dignity? Should be learn from history or use it to condemn people we don't like?
You've got it exactly backwards. If you understood anything about genetics or history this would be obvious to you.

Sorry dude,...that kind of thinking died out in the 1930s
You mean science?

Science! :laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2::laughing0301::laughing0301:

If you knew a damn thing about science you would know that skin color does not mean jack shit about a person
You are the only one mentioning skin color specifically here.

To me skin color is just one of the first identifiers of race.

Go back and read the OP you dumb fuck, it is all about nothing but skin color.

Look at the little racist try and run and hide from their racism now.

besides, you were the one that said you agree with only white people being citizens...that is a skin color you know...
They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

Well, one answer is that there were weird scientific theories in 1790. Another answer is no one really cared about this stuff then because they were trying to stay warm in New England in the winter without electricity.
They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

I always think it would be nice here if Leftists would denounce fellow liberals who are chomping at the bit to put white Christians in camps for reeducation. That rarely happens. People huddle with their own kind, even when their own kind go FAR off the rails.

But I've always been something of a rebel, albeit I hope a kind-hearted rebel. All this to say: as a conservative I find this reprehensible, the absolute creepy crawlies under the rock, the stuff that can "only be said on the internet" because it would be stricken from polite society and for very good reason. I grew up in a conservative household. My in-laws are conservative. No one thinks like this. That I know. We judge people by the "content of their character". Being conservatives, we know some people are rotten. Both white and black, rich and poor, from all walks of life.

So go on with your White Supremacist self. You might find a happy home with Democrats. They love them some blackface lately.
You say you are a conservative but your beliefs don’t align with the founding fathers vision that you claim to be “conserving”....

What you are is a liberal. Which is what Democrats used to be before they became completely consumed by fascists from Mexico and the inner city and communists from the suburbs and the outer city.
They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

I always think it would be nice here if Leftists would denounce fellow liberals who are chomping at the bit to put white Christians in camps for reeducation. That rarely happens. People huddle with their own kind, even when their own kind go FAR off the rails.

But I've always been something of a rebel, albeit I hope a kind-hearted rebel. All this to say: as a conservative I find this reprehensible, the absolute creepy crawlies under the rock, the stuff that can "only be said on the internet" because it would be stricken from polite society and for very good reason. I grew up in a conservative household. My in-laws are conservative. No one thinks like this. That I know. We judge people by the "content of their character". Being conservatives, we know some people are rotten. Both white and black, rich and poor, from all walks of life.

So go on with your White Supremacist self. You might find a happy home with Democrats. They love them some blackface lately.
You say you are a conservative but your beliefs don’t align with the founding fathers vision that you claim to be “conserving”....

What you are is a liberal. Which is what Democrats used to be before they became completely consumed by fascists from Mexico and the inner city and communists from the suburbs and the outer city.

so, what you are saying is that only racist can be conservative.

Well, that will shrink your tent a lot
Well, as I said, most of us don't possess your shining brilliance.
Considering that even some of the most Democrat worshipping nut jobs in this country agree with me about how stupid America is getting(and behind the Trump hating hysteria on social media they really know it is their peers who are the stupid ones), I don’t need to be “brilliant”.

It’s like that commercial with that girl in Mexico being considered a genius because she made a flat edged taco. She isn’t really a genius, but people in Mexico are so stupid that she might as well be.

nope...nothing racist about you! :21::21::21::laughing0301::laughing0301::laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
Mexicans aren’t a race.

If you and every Democrat moved to Mexico they would still be just about as stupid despite the change in racial composition.

you really should not call other people stupid. If you had an IQ above that of a head of cabbage you would see the irony in you doing so.
My IQ is a triple digit number and undoubtedly higher than yours.
100 is triple digit....gosh! I'm sure impressed.
Considering that even some of the most Democrat worshipping nut jobs in this country agree with me about how stupid America is getting(and behind the Trump hating hysteria on social media they really know it is their peers who are the stupid ones), I don’t need to be “brilliant”.

It’s like that commercial with that girl in Mexico being considered a genius because she made a flat edged taco. She isn’t really a genius, but people in Mexico are so stupid that she might as well be.

nope...nothing racist about you! :21::21::21::laughing0301::laughing0301::laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
Mexicans aren’t a race.

If you and every Democrat moved to Mexico they would still be just about as stupid despite the change in racial composition.

you really should not call other people stupid. If you had an IQ above that of a head of cabbage you would see the irony in you doing so.
My IQ is a triple digit number and undoubtedly higher than yours.
100 is triple digit....gosh! I'm sure impressed.

he thinks the zero in the front of the two numbers counts as a digit
If we had known then what we know now we would have picked our own cotton.

Southerners are too lazy to pick their own cotton which is why they went through all that trouble to import slaves
Because you want nothing but white people around you. Seems to qualify you as a racist.
No, that is called wanting to have a safer, more cohesive society with an actual identity and culture.

You worship “diversity” so much because you are a simpleton who is every bit as dumb as a flat-earther.

you think white people do not commit crime and then call me a simpleton?

fuck you are a funny man.

I do not worship diversity, I enjoy it and appreciate it. Everything being the same is boring and rather simplistic

but then again, I was not raised in an all white conclave and I do not think only white people should be US citizens...so how can I ever compete with you? :21::21::21::21:
I WAS raised in an all white enclave...and I frankly found it inbred and stifling

how dare you not be a racist! :21::21:
You just confirmed that your IQ is only a double digit number with this response.
You should tell us more about how smart you are.
That's a retarded rhetorical question and you know it.
Would you like to live in a safer more productive nation among higher quality, moral human beings?

Can you refute that?"

Why can you not answer the simple question. If your fellow racist had the balls to answer it, and yet you lack the balls to stand by your convictions.

We have never been a white nation, there have always been people of other colors here.
How can I be a racist if I approve of ANY nation closing their borders concerning citizenship?

America was founded as a white nation. Black slaves were not citizens and Native Americans had their own countries within the landmass. American was so white and so English in fact that Germans were considered “swarthy”.

Because you want nothing but white people around you. Seems to qualify you as a racist.
No, that is called wanting to have a safer, more cohesive society with an actual identity and culture.

You worship “diversity” so much because you are a simpleton who is every bit as dumb as a flat-earther.

you think white people do not commit crime and then call me a simpleton?

fuck you are a funny man.

I do not worship diversity, I enjoy it and appreciate it. Everything being the same is boring and rather simplistic

but then again, I was not raised in an all white conclave and I do not think only white people should be US citizens...so how can I ever compete with you? :21::21::21::21:
Most of the mass murderers are white men.
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Southerners are too lazy to pick their own cotton which is why they went through all that trouble to import slaves

Blanket statements like that are one place we DON'T need to go.

Racists suck. That's a fact. Not all southerners are racists and racism is not confined to the south. I grew up in New Jersey and it was one of the most racist places you can imagine
Why can you not answer the simple question. If your fellow racist had the balls to answer it, and yet you lack the balls to stand by your convictions.

We have never been a white nation, there have always been people of other colors here.
How can I be a racist if I approve of ANY nation closing their borders concerning citizenship?

America was founded as a white nation. Black slaves were not citizens and Native Americans had their own countries within the landmass. American was so white and so English in fact that Germans were considered “swarthy”.

Because you want nothing but white people around you. Seems to qualify you as a racist.
No, that is called wanting to have a safer, more cohesive society with an actual identity and culture.

You worship “diversity” so much because you are a simpleton who is every bit as dumb as a flat-earther.

you think white people do not commit crime and then call me a simpleton?

fuck you are a funny man.

I do not worship diversity, I enjoy it and appreciate it. Everything being the same is boring and rather simplistic

but then again, I was not raised in an all white conclave and I do not think only white people should be US citizens...so how can I ever compete with you? :21::21::21::21:
Most of the mass murders are white men.

And the best way to tackle the mass shooting phenomenon is to ramp up the "hate whitey" rhetoric
If we had known then what we know now we would have picked our own cotton.

Southerners are too lazy to pick their own cotton which is why they went through all that trouble to import slaves
It was a manual labor issue, needing dozens if not hundreds of people to run a plantation. People to work in the fields, cook, clean, make clothes, etc. Laziness wasn't the issue at all. W/o machinery to do the work, that's how it was. I don't excuse it, but you have to understand the FACT that history is what it is for reasons.

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