Political taboo: Why didn’t our founders want Brown people running our nation?

You are so oblivious to reality it is sad.

I feel legitimately feel sorry for you.

You feel bad for me because I am not a racist asshole...well I can live with that.

But you are a racist.

no, I am not. No matter how hard to you try and spin this around to me, you are the assholes that want nothing but white people in your country.

No matter how you spin it, stereotyping white people is racist, and I the big mean scary asshole racist that I am never said anything about wanting only whites in this country.

I did not stereotype anybody. And only having whites in the country is what the whole damn thread is about shit for brains.

Sure ya did. Trying to have a rational discussion about a taboo subject? How dare you, racist evil white supremacist NAZI
Because you want nothing but white people around you. Seems to qualify you as a racist.
No, that is called wanting to have a safer, more cohesive society with an actual identity and culture.

You worship “diversity” so much because you are a simpleton who is every bit as dumb as a flat-earther.

you think white people do not commit crime and then call me a simpleton?

fuck you are a funny man.

I do not worship diversity, I enjoy it and appreciate it. Everything being the same is boring and rather simplistic

but then again, I was not raised in an all white conclave and I do not think only white people should be US citizens...so how can I ever compete with you? :21::21::21::21:
I WAS raised in an all white enclave...and I frankly found it inbred and stifling

how dare you not be a racist! :21::21:

He is a racist. He finds whites “inbred and stifling”. It just happens to be the racism you’ve been taught to advance.

It is not being white that makes them that way, it is the unvariedness of the situation.
Too late, sorry.
I hear ya...but why were they against it? Any ideas?
No, I'll let you geniuses work this out amongst yourselves.

Come on Mac, we’re not looking for cold hard facts...you’re already engaged in this thread, you might as well say something that matters now. Don’t be scared, give an opinion.
Did you know that apart from couple of centuries plus the Roman's the so called brown people were ahead in most human's history (pharaohs, Moors, Indians, Babylon, Aztecs, etc....)
Keep focusing on color.
You feel bad for me because I am not a racist asshole...well I can live with that.

But you are a racist.

no, I am not. No matter how hard to you try and spin this around to me, you are the assholes that want nothing but white people in your country.

No matter how you spin it, stereotyping white people is racist, and I the big mean scary asshole racist that I am never said anything about wanting only whites in this country.

I did not stereotype anybody. And only having whites in the country is what the whole damn thread is about shit for brains.

Sure ya did. Trying to have a rational discussion about a taboo subject? How dare you, racist evil white supremacist NAZI

It is not a taboo subject, quit trying to make ti seem more than it is. This thread is about having a country with only white people in it, that is not taboo, it is racist.

you cannot make your racism sound noble no matter how hard you try.
Equal protection of the law must exclude race as a factor.

Sure, ok. But what does that have to do with bringing in hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in every year? To exploit them for cheap labor and votes of all things. All against the wishes of the white majority but who cares about what they think, they're a bunch of inbreds anyway amirite
lousy (right wing) management?

here are the jobs we are having a difficult time filling:
U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans

OH NO THE HORROR. If we don't support mass immigration the GDP might drop a point! WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CORPORATIONS
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.

socialism on a national basis not Capitalism, is All they know.
No, that is called wanting to have a safer, more cohesive society with an actual identity and culture.

You worship “diversity” so much because you are a simpleton who is every bit as dumb as a flat-earther.

you think white people do not commit crime and then call me a simpleton?

fuck you are a funny man.

I do not worship diversity, I enjoy it and appreciate it. Everything being the same is boring and rather simplistic

but then again, I was not raised in an all white conclave and I do not think only white people should be US citizens...so how can I ever compete with you? :21::21::21::21:
I WAS raised in an all white enclave...and I frankly found it inbred and stifling

how dare you not be a racist! :21::21:

He is a racist. He finds whites “inbred and stifling”. It just happens to be the racism you’ve been taught to advance.

It is not being white that makes them that way, it is the unvariedness of the situation.

He stereotyped whites. It’s that simple. He even used a racial designation specifically. And once he made racially derogatory remarks you exclaimed that he wasn’t racist...in response to his racism!
Do I have to mention again the cognitative dissonance inherent in being a liberal?
You've got it exactly backwards. If you understood anything about genetics or history this would be obvious to you.

Sorry dude,...that kind of thinking died out in the 1930s

pssstttt....he is on your side on here, you misunderstand his post

That's what happens when you see racism everywhere

Hard to not see racism when we have a thread with people advocating for nothing but white people in the US
you think white people do not commit crime and then call me a simpleton?

fuck you are a funny man.

I do not worship diversity, I enjoy it and appreciate it. Everything being the same is boring and rather simplistic

but then again, I was not raised in an all white conclave and I do not think only white people should be US citizens...so how can I ever compete with you? :21::21::21::21:
I WAS raised in an all white enclave...and I frankly found it inbred and stifling

how dare you not be a racist! :21::21:

He is a racist. He finds whites “inbred and stifling”. It just happens to be the racism you’ve been taught to advance.

It is not being white that makes them that way, it is the unvariedness of the situation.

He stereotyped whites. It’s that simple. He even used a racial designation specifically. And once he made racially derogatory remarks you exclaimed that he wasn’t racist...in response to his racism!
Do I have to mention again the cognitative dissonance inherent in being a liberal?

I feel legitimately feel sorry for you.

I don't. He's a self hating, brainwashed, virtue signalling piece of trash and there's no redemption for this sort of person.

Racist are the self hating ones, not the rest of us.

You racist fucks want nothing but white people in the country and then you call me brainwashed...holy fucking shit, one cannot make this stuff up.

I have lived in diverse communities most of my life. 4.5 years growing up in a foreign country while my dad helped them drill their oil. Visited a dozen countries in those years, countries with people of all sorts of colors. Then joined the Marines, an organization that does not give a flying fuck about the color of one's skin. Now I work in a diverse office of blacks, whites, women, men, gays, and Hispanics. I can just picture you people shitting your pants when you walked into our office and see all those non-white people.

There might be nothing less important to me than what color skin someone was born with.

Please, keep hating me, racist hating on me means I am on the right track.
I work blue collar jobs idiot.

Lots of non-whites everywhere you go.
I feel legitimately feel sorry for you.

I don't. He's a self hating, brainwashed, virtue signalling piece of trash and there's no redemption for this sort of person.

Racist are the self hating ones, not the rest of us.

You racist fucks want nothing but white people in the country and then you call me brainwashed...holy fucking shit, one cannot make this stuff up.

I have lived in diverse communities most of my life. 4.5 years growing up in a foreign country while my dad helped them drill their oil. Visited a dozen countries in those years, countries with people of all sorts of colors. Then joined the Marines, an organization that does not give a flying fuck about the color of one's skin. Now I work in a diverse office of blacks, whites, women, men, gays, and Hispanics. I can just picture you people shitting your pants when you walked into our office and see all those non-white people.

There might be nothing less important to me than what color skin someone was born with.

Please, keep hating me, racist hating on me means I am on the right track.
I work blue collar jobs idiot.

Lots of non-whites everywhere you go.

That must suck for you, how do you make it through the day seeing all those people you do not want in your country?
I WAS raised in an all white enclave...and I frankly found it inbred and stifling

how dare you not be a racist! :21::21:

He is a racist. He finds whites “inbred and stifling”. It just happens to be the racism you’ve been taught to advance.

It is not being white that makes them that way, it is the unvariedness of the situation.

He stereotyped whites. It’s that simple. He even used a racial designation specifically. And once he made racially derogatory remarks you exclaimed that he wasn’t racist...in response to his racism!
Do I have to mention again the cognitative dissonance inherent in being a liberal?


He nailed you. Everything he said is true and you know it. But keep on living the lie.
how dare you not be a racist! :21::21:

He is a racist. He finds whites “inbred and stifling”. It just happens to be the racism you’ve been taught to advance.

It is not being white that makes them that way, it is the unvariedness of the situation.

He stereotyped whites. It’s that simple. He even used a racial designation specifically. And once he made racially derogatory remarks you exclaimed that he wasn’t racist...in response to his racism!
Do I have to mention again the cognitative dissonance inherent in being a liberal?


He nailed you. Everything he said is true and you know it. But keep on living the lie.

Because you want nothing but white people around you. Seems to qualify you as a racist.
No, that is called wanting to have a safer, more cohesive society with an actual identity and culture.

You worship “diversity” so much because you are a simpleton who is every bit as dumb as a flat-earther.

you think white people do not commit crime and then call me a simpleton?

fuck you are a funny man.

I do not worship diversity, I enjoy it and appreciate it. Everything being the same is boring and rather simplistic

but then again, I was not raised in an all white conclave and I do not think only white people should be US citizens...so how can I ever compete with you? :21::21::21::21:
I WAS raised in an all white enclave...and I frankly found it inbred and stifling

Sounds like anti-white racism to me. Do you think non-diverse nations such as Ethiopia and India need more white people to spice things up a bit and add some diversity or does it only apply to the west?

Ethiopia has over 80 different ethnic groups.
You say that like it is a lot or something.
They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

I always think it would be nice here if Leftists would denounce fellow liberals who are chomping at the bit to put white Christians in camps for reeducation. That rarely happens. People huddle with their own kind, even when their own kind go FAR off the rails.

But I've always been something of a rebel, albeit I hope a kind-hearted rebel. All this to say: as a conservative I find this reprehensible, the absolute creepy crawlies under the rock, the stuff that can "only be said on the internet" because it would be stricken from polite society and for very good reason. I grew up in a conservative household. My in-laws are conservative. No one thinks like this. That I know. We judge people by the "content of their character". Being conservatives, we know some people are rotten. Both white and black, rich and poor, from all walks of life.

So go on with your White Supremacist self. You might find a happy home with Democrats. They love them some blackface lately.
He is a racist. He finds whites “inbred and stifling”. It just happens to be the racism you’ve been taught to advance.

It is not being white that makes them that way, it is the unvariedness of the situation.

He stereotyped whites. It’s that simple. He even used a racial designation specifically. And once he made racially derogatory remarks you exclaimed that he wasn’t racist...in response to his racism!
Do I have to mention again the cognitative dissonance inherent in being a liberal?


He nailed you. Everything he said is true and you know it. But keep on living the lie.



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