Political taboo: Why didn’t our founders want Brown people running our nation?

Considering that even some of the most Democrat worshipping nut jobs in this country agree with me about how stupid America is getting(and behind the Trump hating hysteria on social media they really know it is their peers who are the stupid ones), I don’t need to be “brilliant”.

It’s like that commercial with that girl in Mexico being considered a genius because she made a flat edged taco. She isn’t really a genius, but people in Mexico are so stupid that she might as well be.

nope...nothing racist about you! :21::21::21::laughing0301::laughing0301::laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
Mexicans aren’t a race.

If you and every Democrat moved to Mexico they would still be just about as stupid despite the change in racial composition.

you really should not call other people stupid. If you had an IQ above that of a head of cabbage you would see the irony in you doing so.
My IQ is a triple digit number and undoubtedly higher than yours.
100 is triple digit....gosh! I'm sure impressed.
The average IQ in America is below 90 and dropping rapidly.

Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.

It is not cool to hate anyone of any color. Skin color means nothing other than how much melanin one has in their body

Doubtful, most were probably raised by racist parents and grandparents.

Clearly you don't know or want to know anything about the people you demonize. Im sure when it comes to black thugs in the inner city causing mayhem you are full of compassion and understanding though.

No, they are all same...a racist is racist...does not matter what skin color they were born with.

I leave separating people by skin color to racist like you

Mmkay. So that means you think the congressional black caucus should be disbanded?
nope...nothing racist about you! :21::21::21::laughing0301::laughing0301::laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
Mexicans aren’t a race.

If you and every Democrat moved to Mexico they would still be just about as stupid despite the change in racial composition.

you really should not call other people stupid. If you had an IQ above that of a head of cabbage you would see the irony in you doing so.
My IQ is a triple digit number and undoubtedly higher than yours.
100 is triple digit....gosh! I'm sure impressed.
The average IQ in America is below 90 and dropping rapidly.

Well, if it gets cut in half then you will finally be average...there is hope for you yet!
And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.

It is not cool to hate anyone of any color. Skin color means nothing other than how much melanin one has in their body

Doubtful, most were probably raised by racist parents and grandparents.

Clearly you don't know or want to know anything about the people you demonize. Im sure when it comes to black thugs in the inner city causing mayhem you are full of compassion and understanding though.

No, they are all same...a racist is racist...does not matter what skin color they were born with.

I leave separating people by skin color to racist like you

Mmkay. So that means you think the congressional black caucus should be disbanded?

I do, also the NAACP, and all the other such groups.
It was a manual labor issue, needing dozens if not hundreds of people to run a plantation. People to work in the fields, cook, clean, make clothes, etc. Laziness wasn't the issue at all. W/o machinery to do the work, that's how it was. I don't excuse it, but you have to understand the FACT that history is what it is for reasons.

So they wanted/needed all this work done but they didn’t want to pay for it?

Thank God they got their asses kicked in the Civil War
Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.

It is not cool to hate anyone of any color. Skin color means nothing other than how much melanin one has in their body

Doubtful, most were probably raised by racist parents and grandparents.

Hahaha...keep drinking the piss as g5000 would say.
You're a good little programmed fool...Meanwhile go ahead and tell us one predominately DARK community, city, state or nation that isn't a super shithole would ya please.
AND then tell us about how you'd buy a new home in the ghetto or barrio if you won the lottery so you could live among the diversity.
They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

I always think it would be nice here if Leftists would denounce fellow liberals who are chomping at the bit to put white Christians in camps for reeducation. That rarely happens. People huddle with their own kind, even when their own kind go FAR off the rails.

But I've always been something of a rebel, albeit I hope a kind-hearted rebel. All this to say: as a conservative I find this reprehensible, the absolute creepy crawlies under the rock, the stuff that can "only be said on the internet" because it would be stricken from polite society and for very good reason. I grew up in a conservative household. My in-laws are conservative. No one thinks like this. That I know. We judge people by the "content of their character". Being conservatives, we know some people are rotten. Both white and black, rich and poor, from all walks of life.

So go on with your White Supremacist self. You might find a happy home with Democrats. They love them some blackface lately.

Look Sue, I aim to be denounced by you "old school" conservative pussies...PLEASE denounce away. It is you nutless cowards who have begged the filth to hand your asses to you over the last several decades...Thank God you are a dying breed...most have awoke, found their nuts and dropped that passive, pussified bullshit that doesn't work anymore.
So again, sit on your hands and continuing fucking yourself while those like me get in the trenches and play smash-mouth for you...I'm totally fine with carrying your dead weight so long as you vote a straight Republican ticket.

Being a nasty piece does not make you a badass. It just makes you an actual racist nasty piece.
We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.

It is not cool to hate anyone of any color. Skin color means nothing other than how much melanin one has in their body

Doubtful, most were probably raised by racist parents and grandparents.

Clearly you don't know or want to know anything about the people you demonize. Im sure when it comes to black thugs in the inner city causing mayhem you are full of compassion and understanding though.

No, they are all same...a racist is racist...does not matter what skin color they were born with.

I leave separating people by skin color to racist like you

Mmkay. So that means you think the congressional black caucus should be disbanded?

I do, also the NAACP, and all the other such groups.

I dare you to publicly advocate for that. Let's see what happens when the tolerant left catches wind.
So they wanted/needed all this work done but they didn’t want to pay for it?

Thank God they got their asses kicked in the Civil War
Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.

It is not cool to hate anyone of any color. Skin color means nothing other than how much melanin one has in their body

Doubtful, most were probably raised by racist parents and grandparents.

Hahaha...keep drinking the piss as g5000 would say.
You're a good little programmed fool...Meanwhile go ahead and tell us one predominately DARK community, city, state or nation that isn't a super shithole would ya please.
AND then tell us about how you'd buy a new home in the ghetto or barrio if you won the lottery so you could live among the diversity.


Let's put you on the record.

Do you think that only white people should be allowed to be citizens of this country...

Yes or No.
I feel legitimately feel sorry for you.

I don't. He's a self hating, brainwashed, virtue signalling piece of trash and there's no redemption for this sort of person.

Racist are the self hating ones, not the rest of us.

You racist fucks want nothing but white people in the country and then you call me brainwashed...holy fucking shit, one cannot make this stuff up.

I have lived in diverse communities most of my life. 4.5 years growing up in a foreign country while my dad helped them drill their oil. Visited a dozen countries in those years, countries with people of all sorts of colors. Then joined the Marines, an organization that does not give a flying fuck about the color of one's skin. Now I work in a diverse office of blacks, whites, women, men, gays, and Hispanics. I can just picture you people shitting your pants when you walked into our office and see all those non-white people.

There might be nothing less important to me than what color skin someone was born with.

Please, keep hating me, racist hating on me means I am on the right track.
I work blue collar jobs idiot.

Lots of non-whites everywhere you go.
How DO you stand it?

I wonder if he has mentioned to them that he thinks they should not be in his country.
When they tell me how they really feel I will do the same.
It is not cool to hate anyone of any color. Skin color means nothing other than how much melanin one has in their body

Doubtful, most were probably raised by racist parents and grandparents.

Clearly you don't know or want to know anything about the people you demonize. Im sure when it comes to black thugs in the inner city causing mayhem you are full of compassion and understanding though.

No, they are all same...a racist is racist...does not matter what skin color they were born with.

I leave separating people by skin color to racist like you

Mmkay. So that means you think the congressional black caucus should be disbanded?

I do, also the NAACP, and all the other such groups.

I dare you to publicly advocate for that. Let's see what happens when the tolerant left catches wind.

I publicly advocate for a lot of things that you sheep on the right or the left do not like...I do not really give a fuck
I don't. He's a self hating, brainwashed, virtue signalling piece of trash and there's no redemption for this sort of person.

Racist are the self hating ones, not the rest of us.

You racist fucks want nothing but white people in the country and then you call me brainwashed...holy fucking shit, one cannot make this stuff up.

I have lived in diverse communities most of my life. 4.5 years growing up in a foreign country while my dad helped them drill their oil. Visited a dozen countries in those years, countries with people of all sorts of colors. Then joined the Marines, an organization that does not give a flying fuck about the color of one's skin. Now I work in a diverse office of blacks, whites, women, men, gays, and Hispanics. I can just picture you people shitting your pants when you walked into our office and see all those non-white people.

There might be nothing less important to me than what color skin someone was born with.

Please, keep hating me, racist hating on me means I am on the right track.
I work blue collar jobs idiot.

Lots of non-whites everywhere you go.
How DO you stand it?

I wonder if he has mentioned to them that he thinks they should not be in his country.
When they tell me how they really feel I will do the same.

So, you are too big of a pussy to push your racism in real life, you just do it on an anonymous internet forum.

why am I not shocked at all
They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

I always think it would be nice here if Leftists would denounce fellow liberals who are chomping at the bit to put white Christians in camps for reeducation. That rarely happens. People huddle with their own kind, even when their own kind go FAR off the rails.

But I've always been something of a rebel, albeit I hope a kind-hearted rebel. All this to say: as a conservative I find this reprehensible, the absolute creepy crawlies under the rock, the stuff that can "only be said on the internet" because it would be stricken from polite society and for very good reason. I grew up in a conservative household. My in-laws are conservative. No one thinks like this. That I know. We judge people by the "content of their character". Being conservatives, we know some people are rotten. Both white and black, rich and poor, from all walks of life.

So go on with your White Supremacist self. You might find a happy home with Democrats. They love them some blackface lately.

Look Sue, I aim to be denounced by you "old school" conservative pussies...PLEASE denounce away. It is you nutless cowards who have begged the filth to hand your asses to you over the last several decades...Thank God you are a dying breed...most have awoke, found their nuts and dropped that passive, pussified bullshit that doesn't work anymore.
So again, sit on your hands and continuing fucking yourself while those like me get in the trenches and play smash-mouth for you...I'm totally fine with carrying your dead weight so long as you vote a straight Republican ticket.

Being a nasty piece does not make you a badass. It just makes you an actual racist nasty piece.

Again...THANKS, much appreciated.
I take great pride in not being a nutless fool...PC has almost forced you to extinction...you can thank me for keeping you relevant later.
It was a manual labor issue, needing dozens if not hundreds of people to run a plantation. People to work in the fields, cook, clean, make clothes, etc. Laziness wasn't the issue at all. W/o machinery to do the work, that's how it was. I don't excuse it, but you have to understand the FACT that history is what it is for reasons.

So they wanted/needed all this work done but they didn’t want to pay for it?

Thank God they got their asses kicked in the Civil War
Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.

It is not cool to hate anyone of any color. Skin color means nothing other than how much melanin one has in their body

Doubtful, most were probably raised by racist parents and grandparents.
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

There are more racially conscious white people today than there were when they were born. They became white nationalists because of the Democrats and living in a multicultural cesspool.
Racist are the self hating ones, not the rest of us.

You racist fucks want nothing but white people in the country and then you call me brainwashed...holy fucking shit, one cannot make this stuff up.

I have lived in diverse communities most of my life. 4.5 years growing up in a foreign country while my dad helped them drill their oil. Visited a dozen countries in those years, countries with people of all sorts of colors. Then joined the Marines, an organization that does not give a flying fuck about the color of one's skin. Now I work in a diverse office of blacks, whites, women, men, gays, and Hispanics. I can just picture you people shitting your pants when you walked into our office and see all those non-white people.

There might be nothing less important to me than what color skin someone was born with.

Please, keep hating me, racist hating on me means I am on the right track.
I work blue collar jobs idiot.

Lots of non-whites everywhere you go.
How DO you stand it?

I wonder if he has mentioned to them that he thinks they should not be in his country.
When they tell me how they really feel I will do the same.

So, you are too big of a pussy to push your racism in real life, you just do it on an anonymous internet forum.

why am I not shocked at all
What good is it to bring up politics in a work environment unprovoked?

The coworkers who talk the most shit are white communist nut jobs.
Clearly you don't know or want to know anything about the people you demonize. Im sure when it comes to black thugs in the inner city causing mayhem you are full of compassion and understanding though.

No, they are all same...a racist is racist...does not matter what skin color they were born with.

I leave separating people by skin color to racist like you

Mmkay. So that means you think the congressional black caucus should be disbanded?

I do, also the NAACP, and all the other such groups.

I dare you to publicly advocate for that. Let's see what happens when the tolerant left catches wind.

I publicly advocate for a lot of things that you sheep on the right or the left do not like...I do not really give a fuck

Look at how hard this guy advocates against racial groups like the NAACP! WOW SO BRAVE.

So they wanted/needed all this work done but they didn’t want to pay for it?

Thank God they got their asses kicked in the Civil War
Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.

It is not cool to hate anyone of any color. Skin color means nothing other than how much melanin one has in their body

Doubtful, most were probably raised by racist parents and grandparents.
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

There are more racially conscious white people today than there were when they were born. They became white nationalists because of the Democrats and living in a multicultural cesspool.

racially conscious white people....now there is PC term for racism!

I work blue collar jobs idiot.

Lots of non-whites everywhere you go.
How DO you stand it?

I wonder if he has mentioned to them that he thinks they should not be in his country.
When they tell me how they really feel I will do the same.

So, you are too big of a pussy to push your racism in real life, you just do it on an anonymous internet forum.

why am I not shocked at all
What good is it to bring up politics in a work environment unprovoked?

The coworkers who talk the most shit are white communist nut jobs.

racism is not politics.

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