Political taboo: Why didn’t our founders want Brown people running our nation?

They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

I always think it would be nice here if Leftists would denounce fellow liberals who are chomping at the bit to put white Christians in camps for reeducation. That rarely happens. People huddle with their own kind, even when their own kind go FAR off the rails.

But I've always been something of a rebel, albeit I hope a kind-hearted rebel. All this to say: as a conservative I find this reprehensible, the absolute creepy crawlies under the rock, the stuff that can "only be said on the internet" because it would be stricken from polite society and for very good reason. I grew up in a conservative household. My in-laws are conservative. No one thinks like this. That I know. We judge people by the "content of their character". Being conservatives, we know some people are rotten. Both white and black, rich and poor, from all walks of life.

So go on with your White Supremacist self. You might find a happy home with Democrats. They love them some blackface lately.
You say you are a conservative but your beliefs don’t align with the founding fathers vision that you claim to be “conserving”....

What you are is a liberal. Which is what Democrats used to be before they became completely consumed by fascists from Mexico and the inner city and communists from the suburbs and the outer city.
Our Founders were liberals.
There you go...ignore facts and statistics like a good little ignorant fool would.
That's how terrified pussies stay self manipulated right there.
Meanwhile...enjoy some free enlightenment.

Major Findings
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • Both violent and nonviolent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Crime rates
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Interracial crime
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
Urban centers
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
Police shootings
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
The Color of Crime - American Renaissance


The color of crime is a debunked and discredited piece of white racist garbage.

Cool....then I'm certain you can link us to said "debunking"...right?

There is a far stronger connection between socioeconomic status and crime than race and crime.

Ever wonder why Asians don't need your pathetic excuse making?

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.
You mean because your parents gave it all to you?

Baby boomers did nothing but destroy everything except what they personally wanted and left nothing for their kids to draw from.

On behalf of Baby Boomers everywhere, you people have our most sincere apologies.

Now, if you don’t mind, I have a nice bottle of merlo to open and let breathe while I start a fire in the fireplace and remind myself how great it was to be born when I was.
I'm one too and owned my own business at age 19, sold it at age 23 to work for a major airline. I retired at age 59 and have a healthy IRA. I never asked for anything from anyone though my dad did help me buy my first house by giving me the down payment. I didn't want it so he paid it directly to the bank. My house I now live in is paid for and so is my car. I don't owe anything to anyone, I'm completely debt free, so I guess I'm not leaving anything for the kids of today to draw from? Maybe it's because the kids of today expect everything to be given to them since they even have to get a trophy for simply participating in something, but not winning anything.
I am talking about the culture moron.

You don’t have to use a cent of your dad’s money, but what he and his generation made has to do with a lot more than money.

Baby boomers made this country go from a safe, prosperous, relatively homogeneous, cultured, wholesome country to a bankrupt,corrupted, balkanized hellhole in one fucking generation. You can claim that millennials are spoiled brats but YOU are the ones who decided to give everyone a trophy, YOU are the ones who decided that manners and morals are boring and stale while drugs and lawlessness are “cool”. Millennials are just imitating boomers while trying to be edgier to establish our own identity. If you had imitated your fucking parents the way we did this country would be way better off.

fuck dude, quit your whining...take responsibility for yourself and quit blaming other.

The color of crime is a debunked and discredited piece of white racist garbage.

Cool....then I'm certain you can link us to said "debunking"...right?

There is a far stronger connection between socioeconomic status and crime than race and crime.

Ever wonder why Asians don't need your pathetic excuse making?

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.
  • Thanks
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They didn’t want them as citizens and they certainly didn’t want them running this nation. What did they know that we don’t?
What would those seven badasses think if they knew Mexifornia was completely run by foreign minded barely legals...what if they knew foreign minded barely legals were writing national legislation?
Don’t be scared, get in here and say something meaningful.
Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.”

I always think it would be nice here if Leftists would denounce fellow liberals who are chomping at the bit to put white Christians in camps for reeducation. That rarely happens. People huddle with their own kind, even when their own kind go FAR off the rails.

But I've always been something of a rebel, albeit I hope a kind-hearted rebel. All this to say: as a conservative I find this reprehensible, the absolute creepy crawlies under the rock, the stuff that can "only be said on the internet" because it would be stricken from polite society and for very good reason. I grew up in a conservative household. My in-laws are conservative. No one thinks like this. That I know. We judge people by the "content of their character". Being conservatives, we know some people are rotten. Both white and black, rich and poor, from all walks of life.

So go on with your White Supremacist self. You might find a happy home with Democrats. They love them some blackface lately.
You say you are a conservative but your beliefs don’t align with the founding fathers vision that you claim to be “conserving”....

What you are is a liberal. Which is what Democrats used to be before they became completely consumed by fascists from Mexico and the inner city and communists from the suburbs and the outer city.
Our Founders were liberals.
For their time.

But certainly not like “liberals” today.
Cool....then I'm certain you can link us to said "debunking"...right?

There is a far stronger connection between socioeconomic status and crime than race and crime.

Ever wonder why Asians don't need your pathetic excuse making?

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!
There is a far stronger connection between socioeconomic status and crime than race and crime.

Ever wonder why Asians don't need your pathetic excuse making?

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

Dude, you want nothing but white people in your country...that makes you a racist. you cannot sugarcoat it.
Ever wonder why Asians don't need your pathetic excuse making?

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

Dude, you want nothing but white people in your country...that makes you a racist. you cannot sugarcoat it.

Don't deflect....
"Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!"
It was a manual labor issue, needing dozens if not hundreds of people to run a plantation. People to work in the fields, cook, clean, make clothes, etc. Laziness wasn't the issue at all. W/o machinery to do the work, that's how it was. I don't excuse it, but you have to understand the FACT that history is what it is for reasons.

So they wanted/needed all this work done but they didn’t want to pay for it?

Fuck ‘em and thank God they got their asses kicked in the Civil War.

We really need to knock down those Pyramids in Giza that were built with slave labor.
It wasn't slave labor...it's been proven it was farmers from the Nile offering there services during the off season. They've even found evidence of them competing against each other in teams while the skilled labor was paid and lived in a small city at the base of the pyramids.
It was a manual labor issue, needing dozens if not hundreds of people to run a plantation. People to work in the fields, cook, clean, make clothes, etc. Laziness wasn't the issue at all. W/o machinery to do the work, that's how it was. I don't excuse it, but you have to understand the FACT that history is what it is for reasons.

So they wanted/needed all this work done but they didn’t want to pay for it?

Thank God they got their asses kicked in the Civil War
Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.
Who said it's cool to hate white people?
It was a manual labor issue, needing dozens if not hundreds of people to run a plantation. People to work in the fields, cook, clean, make clothes, etc. Laziness wasn't the issue at all. W/o machinery to do the work, that's how it was. I don't excuse it, but you have to understand the FACT that history is what it is for reasons.

So they wanted/needed all this work done but they didn’t want to pay for it?

Thank God they got their asses kicked in the Civil War
Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.
Who said it's cool to hate white people?

The media, social justice culture. It's everywhere and you don't have to look hard to find it.
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

There are more racially conscious white people today than there were when they were born. They became white nationalists because of the Democrats and living in a multicultural cesspool.

racially conscious white people....now there is PC term for racism!

It is called not being a dumbass as a shrinking global minority.

Who fucking cares?

Dude, skin color is nothing more than an accident of your birth. You did not earn it, you did not work for it, it changes not one single thing about who you are.
You act like even a fraction of the world thinks like you, but they don’t.

The only people who think like you are idiot white baby boomers.

As stupid as millennials and Gen Z’s voting record is, they know the truth far better than you all do.

Oh fucking please, they are even less racist than my generation was.

face it, you are the outlier and you are the dying breed.

your kind will become little more than a footnote in a history books
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I work with millennials and Gen Zers and they literally trigger me all the time. The first time I ever heard the N word spoken in person was when I was on the swim team and a privileged leftist skater punk kid belted it out in front of dozens of other teens who didn’t even care(this was like a year before Obama ran for president), and I live in a pretty left wing area.

Without baby boomers this country is going to go in a very different direction.

You will still have millennials and Gen Zers trying to be “progressive”, but what “progressive” means will change without the Marxist baby boomers and their neo con boomer stooges pushing it in that direction.

The answer?


Racist are the self hating ones, not the rest of us.

You racist fucks want nothing but white people in the country and then you call me brainwashed...holy fucking shit, one cannot make this stuff up.

I have lived in diverse communities most of my life. 4.5 years growing up in a foreign country while my dad helped them drill their oil. Visited a dozen countries in those years, countries with people of all sorts of colors. Then joined the Marines, an organization that does not give a flying fuck about the color of one's skin. Now I work in a diverse office of blacks, whites, women, men, gays, and Hispanics. I can just picture you people shitting your pants when you walked into our office and see all those non-white people.

There might be nothing less important to me than what color skin someone was born with.

Please, keep hating me, racist hating on me means I am on the right track.
I work blue collar jobs idiot.

Lots of non-whites everywhere you go.
How DO you stand it?

I wonder if he has mentioned to them that he thinks they should not be in his country.
When they tell me how they really feel I will do the same.

So, you are too big of a pussy to push your racism in real life, you just do it on an anonymous internet forum.

why am I not shocked at all
Racists are usually quite cowardly too....they only espouse their beliefs anonymously, behind a mask or in big crowds.
I work blue collar jobs idiot.

Lots of non-whites everywhere you go.
How DO you stand it?

I wonder if he has mentioned to them that he thinks they should not be in his country.
When they tell me how they really feel I will do the same.

So, you are too big of a pussy to push your racism in real life, you just do it on an anonymous internet forum.

why am I not shocked at all
Racists are usually quite cowardly too....they only espouse their beliefs anonymously, behind a mask or in big crowds.

is that so


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