Political taboo: Why didn’t our founders want Brown people running our nation?

So they wanted/needed all this work done but they didn’t want to pay for it?

Thank God they got their asses kicked in the Civil War
Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.
Who said it's cool to hate white people?

The media, social justice culture. It's everywhere and you don't have to look hard to find it.
Do you always listen to the voices in yer head or do you tell them to stfu?
Sir, history is complicated. You're welcome to do your own research.

Would you like to propose a way to go back in time and fix everything? It'd be great if we could so we can all lay down the assorted types of guilt each of us may be carrying, and feel better about it all. Thing is, if you change history, none of us are here to talk about it.

All we can do is look at the past and be glad we don't do horrible things like that to each other anymore. We're not slaves and owners; we're Americans.

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.
Who said it's cool to hate white people?

The media, social justice culture. It's everywhere and you don't have to look hard to find it.
Do you always listen to the voices in yer head or do you tell them to stfu?


Notice how most of the people who hate this video are Gen Xers and Millennials and notice how they are in overwhelming the majority in hating that video.

Without baby boomer lunatics in schools and in the media this would be applied to Democrat politics in general and eventually will be.

Damn that Rush Limbaugh!

Rush is probably the best baby boomers have, and considering his past personal life, that isn’t saying much.
There is a far stronger connection between socioeconomic status and crime than race and crime.

Ever wonder why Asians don't need your pathetic excuse making?

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

And by far the best way to move past our past is to treat judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As you said, we are not slave and owner, and we are not white and black and brown and etc...we are all Americans.

We tried that but then you changed the rules and made it cool to hate white people. I guarantee you, every one of those alt right dudes in Charlottesville grew up believing that all men are created equal and all that jazz.
Who said it's cool to hate white people?

The media, social justice culture. It's everywhere and you don't have to look hard to find it.
Do you always listen to the voices in yer head or do you tell them to stfu?

Every single video with more dislikes than likes and all the top comments are from Gen Xers and millennials(even for their God, Bernie).

Once they are able to realize that the ridiculous economic policies and healthcare and everything else Democrats claim to care about are all a smokescreen for their anti-white agenda, Democrats are going to start losing blue states and never get them back.
Ever wonder why Asians don't need your pathetic excuse making?

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

I wonder how long a video with the intent of making blacks look bad full of cherry picked selections of the dumbest inner city negros a white boy could find would last on youtube...
facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

I wonder how long a video with the intent of making blacks look bad full of cherry picked selections of the dumbest inner city negros a white boy could find would last on youtube...

You know what? Your screen name fits you perfectly, you are pure trash.
racially conscious white people....now there is PC term for racism!

It is called not being a dumbass as a shrinking global minority.

Who fucking cares?

Dude, skin color is nothing more than an accident of your birth. You did not earn it, you did not work for it, it changes not one single thing about who you are.
You act like even a fraction of the world thinks like you, but they don’t.

The only people who think like you are idiot white baby boomers.

As stupid as millennials and Gen Z’s voting record is, they know the truth far better than you all do.

Oh fucking please, they are even less racist than my generation was.

face it, you are the outlier and you are the dying breed.

your kind will become little more than a footnote in a history books
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I work with millennials and Gen Zers and they literally trigger me all the time. The first time I ever heard the N word spoken in person was when I was on the swim team and a privileged leftist skater punk kid belted it out in front of dozens of other teens who didn’t even care(this was like a year before Obama ran for president), and I live in a pretty left wing area.

Without baby boomers this country is going to go in a very different direction.

You will still have millennials and Gen Zers trying to be “progressive”, but what “progressive” means will change without the Marxist baby boomers and their neo con boomer stooges pushing it in that direction.

You are clueless, you think your tiny little bubble represents the whole country, you could not be me wrong.

During my 20 years in the Marines each successive generation of young Marines I trained cared less and less about a person skin color.

My current jobs is almost exclusively Millennials, I am the oldest person in my office. Data analytics is a pretty new field and there are not many old farts like me in it. None of them are like you and your fellow racist.

The fact you were in high school 10 years ago tells us a lot about you. Have you ever been out of the town you live in? Have you seen much of the country or the world for that matter?
Ever wonder why Asians don't need your pathetic excuse making?

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

Nah, more like this crazy cat lady.
Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

I wonder how long a video with the intent of making blacks look bad full of cherry picked selections of the dumbest inner city negros a white boy could find would last on youtube...

You know what? Your screen name fits you perfectly, you are pure trash.

facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

Nah, more like this crazy cat lady.

Dangerous maniac thug or Vibrant youth of troubled background exploited by systematic racism? You be the judge.
Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

Nah, more like this crazy cat lady.

Dangerous maniac thug or Vibrant youth of troubled background exploited by systematic racism? You be the judge.

I think we both know what Golfing Gator would think of the awesome individual depicted in the video...."It's everyone else's fault" isn't that right Gator?
How DO you stand it?

I wonder if he has mentioned to them that he thinks they should not be in his country.
When they tell me how they really feel I will do the same.

So, you are too big of a pussy to push your racism in real life, you just do it on an anonymous internet forum.

why am I not shocked at all
Racists are usually quite cowardly too....they only espouse their beliefs anonymously, behind a mask or in big crowds.

is that so

Yes. VERY cowardly.
facts are not excuses.

besides, they are not white so they are not allowed in your utopia

Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

Nah, more like this crazy cat lady.

I'm not a crazy cat lady, but keep on thinking what you want. I have cats and liked the name.
and, I don't like any kind of rap, so this video is lost on me. I won't even watch it because I can't stand rap.
it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

Nah, more like this crazy cat lady.

Dangerous maniac thug or Vibrant youth of troubled background exploited by systematic racism? You be the judge.

I think we both know what Golfing Gator would think of the awesome individual depicted in the video...."It's everyone else's fault" isn't that right Gator?

I think the individual in the video is an asshole that needs to be bitched slapped.

But the difference between you and I is that i see the video and I think "damn that dude is an asshole", you see the video and you think "all black people are assholes" that is the difference between not being a racist and being a racist. you blame the race, I blame the individual.
Hahaha...that's fascinating, you honestly believe your retarded shit. That's cute and ignorant at the same time.
Sorry bud, the facts prove that GENERALLY SPEAKING Darkies are genetically challenged and unfit for civil first world societies...sorry that hurts bud.

it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

Nah, more like this crazy cat lady.

I'm not a crazy cat lady, but keep on thinking what you want. I have cats and liked the name.
and, I don't like any kind of rap, so this video is lost on me. I won't even watch it because I can't stand rap.

Translation: I won't watch it because I'm afraid to step outside of my ideological comfort zone
it does not hurt at all, I love racist to show their true colors. you tried to hide it for a while, but you just cannot help yourself.

You tried that "you're a racist" shit before and I told you I might hate white trash and white liberal filth more than I hate Darkies. That shut you up before, where do you go with that now?
Prove me wrong, name one predominately Dark community, city, state or nation that isn't a disgusting super shithole. GO!

You mean a shithole like this in Mississippi?

Nah, more like this crazy cat lady.

I'm not a crazy cat lady, but keep on thinking what you want. I have cats and liked the name.
and, I don't like any kind of rap, so this video is lost on me. I won't even watch it because I can't stand rap.

Translation: I won't watch it because I'm afraid to step outside of my ideological comfort zone

and your ideological comfort zone is to blame all black people for this one guy being an asshole...that is what racist do.

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