Political taboo: Why didn’t our founders want Brown people running our nation?

You are clueless, you think your tiny little bubble represents the whole country, you could not be me wrong.

During my 20 years in the Marines each successive generation of young Marines I trained cared less and less about a person skin color.

My current jobs is almost exclusively Millennials, I am the oldest person in my office. Data analytics is a pretty new field and there are not many old farts like me in it. None of them are like you and your fellow racist.

The fact you were in high school 10 years ago tells us a lot about you. Have you ever been out of the town you live in? Have you seen much of the country or the world for that matter?
The fact that you think I am talking about “racism” rather than being against double standards and not being politically correct says all I need to know about you.

You are a typical dumb fuck boomer.

You didn’t even pick up on the fact that I said I am the one who is getting triggered. I don’t use racial slurs, I don’t insult people’s races or make fun of other people’s cultures unprovoked. Up until about middle school I was easily the most politically correct and liberal kid in every classroom I was in. Every time we had Native Americans come in to talk about their culture I was the only one who gave a fuck what they had to say and I was the only one who didn’t laugh hysterically when we watched a documentary featuring a Native American doing their battle cries. I was the only one who read the National Geographic every day during our free time at the library. That only changed once everyone started watching MTV and became brainwashed while I was smart enough to know it was trash.

Without the nonsense from the baby boomers I would be the left wing of my generation. Millennials could easily move to the far right beyond even what I have accepted is the correct path, and Gen Z will follow them. The few pencil necks you see in your office will either be too scared to do anything or they will follow the trend setter. You know absolutely nothing.

Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

I work with millennials and Gen Zers and they literally trigger me all the time. The first time I ever heard the N word spoken in person was when I was on the swim team and a privileged leftist skater punk kid belted it out in front of dozens of other teens who didn’t even care(this was like a year before Obama ran for president), and I live in a pretty left wing area.

Without baby boomers this country is going to go in a very different direction.

You will still have millennials and Gen Zers trying to be “progressive”, but what “progressive” means will change without the Marxist baby boomers and their neo con boomer stooges pushing it in that direction.

You are clueless, you think your tiny little bubble represents the whole country, you could not be me wrong.

During my 20 years in the Marines each successive generation of young Marines I trained cared less and less about a person skin color.

My current jobs is almost exclusively Millennials, I am the oldest person in my office. Data analytics is a pretty new field and there are not many old farts like me in it. None of them are like you and your fellow racist.

The fact you were in high school 10 years ago tells us a lot about you. Have you ever been out of the town you live in? Have you seen much of the country or the world for that matter?
The fact that you think I am talking about “racism” rather than being against double standards and not being politically correct says all I need to know about you.

You are a typical dumb fuck boomer.

You didn’t even pick up on the fact that I said I am the one who is getting triggered. I don’t use racial slurs, I don’t insult people’s races or make fun of other people’s cultures unprovoked. Up until about middle school I was easily the most politically correct and liberal kid in every classroom I was in. Every time we had Native Americans come in to talk about their culture I was the only one who gave a fuck what they had to say and I was the only one who didn’t laugh hysterically when we watched a documentary featuring a Native American doing their battle cries. I was the only one who read the National Geographic every day during our free time at the library. That only changed once everyone started watching MTV and became brainwashed while I was smart enough to know it was trash.

Without the nonsense from the baby boomers I would be the left wing of my generation. Millennials could easily move to the far right beyond even what I have accepted is the correct path, and Gen Z will follow them. The few pencil necks you see in your office will either be too scared to do anything or they will follow the trend setter. You know absolutely nothing.

Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.
Never mind, you are a Gen Xer, not a millennial or Gen Y.

Gen X is pretty much all like me or more to the right than I am.

I don’t think Gen X will change much more.
The fact that you think I am talking about “racism” rather than being against double standards and not being politically correct says all I need to know about you.

You are a typical dumb fuck boomer.

You didn’t even pick up on the fact that I said I am the one who is getting triggered. I don’t use racial slurs, I don’t insult people’s races or make fun of other people’s cultures unprovoked. Up until about middle school I was easily the most politically correct and liberal kid in every classroom I was in. Every time we had Native Americans come in to talk about their culture I was the only one who gave a fuck what they had to say and I was the only one who didn’t laugh hysterically when we watched a documentary featuring a Native American doing their battle cries. I was the only one who read the National Geographic every day during our free time at the library. That only changed once everyone started watching MTV and became brainwashed while I was smart enough to know it was trash.

Without the nonsense from the baby boomers I would be the left wing of my generation. Millennials could easily move to the far right beyond even what I have accepted is the correct path, and Gen Z will follow them. The few pencil necks you see in your office will either be too scared to do anything or they will follow the trend setter. You know absolutely nothing.

Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ happened in the past and while you were all of 15 when that happened, you missed how bad things were happening to blacks then and how it has never stopped.
You are clueless, you think your tiny little bubble represents the whole country, you could not be me wrong.

During my 20 years in the Marines each successive generation of young Marines I trained cared less and less about a person skin color.

My current jobs is almost exclusively Millennials, I am the oldest person in my office. Data analytics is a pretty new field and there are not many old farts like me in it. None of them are like you and your fellow racist.

The fact you were in high school 10 years ago tells us a lot about you. Have you ever been out of the town you live in? Have you seen much of the country or the world for that matter?
The fact that you think I am talking about “racism” rather than being against double standards and not being politically correct says all I need to know about you.

You are a typical dumb fuck boomer.

You didn’t even pick up on the fact that I said I am the one who is getting triggered. I don’t use racial slurs, I don’t insult people’s races or make fun of other people’s cultures unprovoked. Up until about middle school I was easily the most politically correct and liberal kid in every classroom I was in. Every time we had Native Americans come in to talk about their culture I was the only one who gave a fuck what they had to say and I was the only one who didn’t laugh hysterically when we watched a documentary featuring a Native American doing their battle cries. I was the only one who read the National Geographic every day during our free time at the library. That only changed once everyone started watching MTV and became brainwashed while I was smart enough to know it was trash.

Without the nonsense from the baby boomers I would be the left wing of my generation. Millennials could easily move to the far right beyond even what I have accepted is the correct path, and Gen Z will follow them. The few pencil necks you see in your office will either be too scared to do anything or they will follow the trend setter. You know absolutely nothing.

Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.
Never mind, you are a Gen Xer, not a millennial or Gen Y.

Gen X is pretty much all like me or more to the right than I am.

I don’t think Gen X will change much more.

Not so.
Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ happened in the past and while you were all of 15 when that happened, you missed how bad things were happening to blacks then and how it has never stopped.

Yeah I get it. Ron and Nicole had to die brutal deaths to atone for what happened to Rodney King.
The fact that you think I am talking about “racism” rather than being against double standards and not being politically correct says all I need to know about you.

You are a typical dumb fuck boomer.

You didn’t even pick up on the fact that I said I am the one who is getting triggered. I don’t use racial slurs, I don’t insult people’s races or make fun of other people’s cultures unprovoked. Up until about middle school I was easily the most politically correct and liberal kid in every classroom I was in. Every time we had Native Americans come in to talk about their culture I was the only one who gave a fuck what they had to say and I was the only one who didn’t laugh hysterically when we watched a documentary featuring a Native American doing their battle cries. I was the only one who read the National Geographic every day during our free time at the library. That only changed once everyone started watching MTV and became brainwashed while I was smart enough to know it was trash.

Without the nonsense from the baby boomers I would be the left wing of my generation. Millennials could easily move to the far right beyond even what I have accepted is the correct path, and Gen Z will follow them. The few pencil necks you see in your office will either be too scared to do anything or they will follow the trend setter. You know absolutely nothing.

Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.
Never mind, you are a Gen Xer, not a millennial or Gen Y.

Gen X is pretty much all like me or more to the right than I am.

I don’t think Gen X will change much more.

Not so.
Gen X is most certainly center left and center right.
You are clueless, you think your tiny little bubble represents the whole country, you could not be me wrong.

During my 20 years in the Marines each successive generation of young Marines I trained cared less and less about a person skin color.

My current jobs is almost exclusively Millennials, I am the oldest person in my office. Data analytics is a pretty new field and there are not many old farts like me in it. None of them are like you and your fellow racist.

The fact you were in high school 10 years ago tells us a lot about you. Have you ever been out of the town you live in? Have you seen much of the country or the world for that matter?
The fact that you think I am talking about “racism” rather than being against double standards and not being politically correct says all I need to know about you.

You are a typical dumb fuck boomer.

You didn’t even pick up on the fact that I said I am the one who is getting triggered. I don’t use racial slurs, I don’t insult people’s races or make fun of other people’s cultures unprovoked. Up until about middle school I was easily the most politically correct and liberal kid in every classroom I was in. Every time we had Native Americans come in to talk about their culture I was the only one who gave a fuck what they had to say and I was the only one who didn’t laugh hysterically when we watched a documentary featuring a Native American doing their battle cries. I was the only one who read the National Geographic every day during our free time at the library. That only changed once everyone started watching MTV and became brainwashed while I was smart enough to know it was trash.

Without the nonsense from the baby boomers I would be the left wing of my generation. Millennials could easily move to the far right beyond even what I have accepted is the correct path, and Gen Z will follow them. The few pencil necks you see in your office will either be too scared to do anything or they will follow the trend setter. You know absolutely nothing.

Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.
Never mind, you are a Gen Xer, not a millennial or Gen Y.

Gen X is pretty much all like me or more to the right than I am.

I don’t think Gen X will change much more.

YOU are part of a white sub culture of crying white males who are doing so based upon an imaginary non existent oppression.
The fact that you think I am talking about “racism” rather than being against double standards and not being politically correct says all I need to know about you.

You are a typical dumb fuck boomer.

You didn’t even pick up on the fact that I said I am the one who is getting triggered. I don’t use racial slurs, I don’t insult people’s races or make fun of other people’s cultures unprovoked. Up until about middle school I was easily the most politically correct and liberal kid in every classroom I was in. Every time we had Native Americans come in to talk about their culture I was the only one who gave a fuck what they had to say and I was the only one who didn’t laugh hysterically when we watched a documentary featuring a Native American doing their battle cries. I was the only one who read the National Geographic every day during our free time at the library. That only changed once everyone started watching MTV and became brainwashed while I was smart enough to know it was trash.

Without the nonsense from the baby boomers I would be the left wing of my generation. Millennials could easily move to the far right beyond even what I have accepted is the correct path, and Gen Z will follow them. The few pencil necks you see in your office will either be too scared to do anything or they will follow the trend setter. You know absolutely nothing.

Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.
Never mind, you are a Gen Xer, not a millennial or Gen Y.

Gen X is pretty much all like me or more to the right than I am.

I don’t think Gen X will change much more.

YOU are part of a white sub culture of crying white males who are doing so based upon an imaginary non existent oppression.

Take a good long look. this is what racial justice looks like:

And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ happened in the past and while you were all of 15 when that happened, you missed how bad things were happening to blacks then and how it has never stopped.

Yeah I get it. Ron and Nicole had to die brutal deaths to atone for what happened to Rodney King.

No you don't get it. While you were experiencing puberty and didn't watch the trial, I did. Key pieces of evidence by the prosecution were debunked and Mark Fuhrman perjured himself thus destroying the prosecutions case.
I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ happened in the past and while you were all of 15 when that happened, you missed how bad things were happening to blacks then and how it has never stopped.

Yeah I get it. Ron and Nicole had to die brutal deaths to atone for what happened to Rodney King.

No you don't get it. While you were experiencing puberty and didn't watch the trial, I did. Key pieces of evidence by the prosecution were debunked and Mark Fuhrman perjured himself thus destroying the prosecutions case.

Uh huh, sure. Whatever you say.
The fact that you think I am talking about “racism” rather than being against double standards and not being politically correct says all I need to know about you.

You are a typical dumb fuck boomer.

You didn’t even pick up on the fact that I said I am the one who is getting triggered. I don’t use racial slurs, I don’t insult people’s races or make fun of other people’s cultures unprovoked. Up until about middle school I was easily the most politically correct and liberal kid in every classroom I was in. Every time we had Native Americans come in to talk about their culture I was the only one who gave a fuck what they had to say and I was the only one who didn’t laugh hysterically when we watched a documentary featuring a Native American doing their battle cries. I was the only one who read the National Geographic every day during our free time at the library. That only changed once everyone started watching MTV and became brainwashed while I was smart enough to know it was trash.

Without the nonsense from the baby boomers I would be the left wing of my generation. Millennials could easily move to the far right beyond even what I have accepted is the correct path, and Gen Z will follow them. The few pencil necks you see in your office will either be too scared to do anything or they will follow the trend setter. You know absolutely nothing.

Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ did not go free because of his color.
I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ happened in the past and while you were all of 15 when that happened, you missed how bad things were happening to blacks then and how it has never stopped.

Yeah I get it. Ron and Nicole had to die brutal deaths to atone for what happened to Rodney King.

No you don't get it. While you were experiencing puberty and didn't watch the trial, I did. Key pieces of evidence by the prosecution were debunked and Mark Fuhrman perjured himself thus destroying the prosecutions case.

Literally everybody watched the trial. Kids would skip class to watch it on TVs in unused classrooms. It was one of the defining moments of the modern era. It is also when the illusion of racial harmony fell to pieces. We gave that one to you. We meaning white people, you meaning black. Because we felt guilty and weren't allowed to see the uncensored crime scene photos. You made a mockery of the justice system and let an inhuman butcher go free because your great grandpappy couldnt drink out of the same fountain as everybody else.
Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ did not go free because of his color.

Shut the fuck up you cancerous boomer piece of shit
Yep I bought into the propaganda too. Once got into a big argument with my aunt about how certain sports mascots are "racist". She didn't get it and thought I was being silly. I didnt even care about sports so why did I get all hot under the collar? Thanks, public education...
And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.
Never mind, you are a Gen Xer, not a millennial or Gen Y.

Gen X is pretty much all like me or more to the right than I am.

I don’t think Gen X will change much more.

YOU are part of a white sub culture of crying white males who are doing so based upon an imaginary non existent oppression.

Take a good long look. this is what racial justice looks like:


I don't have to do that.

Take a good long look. this is what your racist whining produces


And that is what I am talking about. I was naturally center left pretty much my whole life because that is just who I am(I was the kid who felt slightly uncomfortable with white kids wearing Native American headdresses and face paint on the last day of kindergarten before Thanksgiving break, back when we were still calling them “Indians” and sitting “Indian style” was still allowed to called such despite the confusion that caused kids concerning the former term) but you and other millennials were changed from being more right wing to being left wing lunatics.

Now that MTV is on the wane and baby boomers are on their way out you are going to start to see pretty big shifts. If Trump can win next year the stage might actually be set before everything can go to hell.

I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ did not go free because of his color.

Shut the fuck up you cancerous boomer piece of shit

still whining...too fucking lazy to make a better life for yourself so you whine about my generation.

my daughter is a millennial and she is not a useless, racist piece of shit like you. So, I will not judge all millennials by your pathetic life.
I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ did not go free because of his color.

Shut the fuck up you cancerous boomer piece of shit

still whining...too fucking lazy to make a better life for yourself so you whine about my generation.

my daughter is a millennial and she is not a useless, racist piece of shit like you. So, I will not judge all millennials by your pathetic life.

Will you hurry up and die of old age already
I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ did not go free because of his color.

Shut the fuck up you cancerous boomer piece of shit

still whining...too fucking lazy to make a better life for yourself so you whine about my generation.

my daughter is a millennial and she is not a useless, racist piece of shit like you. So, I will not judge all millennials by your pathetic life.

Will you hurry up and die of old age already

I will likely be here long after you had died. hate will kill a man faster than anything, and you are nothing but hate.

I will be drinking beer on the beach long after you are 6 feet under
I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ happened in the past and while you were all of 15 when that happened, you missed how bad things were happening to blacks then and how it has never stopped.

Yeah I get it. Ron and Nicole had to die brutal deaths to atone for what happened to Rodney King.

No you don't get it. While you were experiencing puberty and didn't watch the trial, I did. Key pieces of evidence by the prosecution were debunked and Mark Fuhrman perjured himself thus destroying the prosecutions case.

Literally everybody watched the trial. Kids would skip class to watch it on TVs in unused classrooms. It was one of the defining moments of the modern era. It is also when the illusion of racial harmony fell to pieces. We gave that one to you. We meaning white people, you meaning black. Because we felt guilty and weren't allowed to see the uncensored crime scene photos. You made a mockery of the justice system and let an inhuman butcher go free because your great grandpappy couldnt drink out of the same fountain as everybody else.

You whites have made a mockery of the justice system sinCe there's been one. Shut the fuck up about OJ.
So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ did not go free because of his color.

Shut the fuck up you cancerous boomer piece of shit

still whining...too fucking lazy to make a better life for yourself so you whine about my generation.

my daughter is a millennial and she is not a useless, racist piece of shit like you. So, I will not judge all millennials by your pathetic life.

Will you hurry up and die of old age already

I will likely be here long after you had died. hate will kill a man faster than anything, and you are nothing but hate.

I will be drinking beer on the beach long after you are 6 feet under

Hate? I'm not full of hate. I think this is all hilarious and I can't wait to see your face when the crows come home to roost and the shit hits the fan.
I seem to have naturally leaned right. I turned 40 last year and throughout the 80s and 90s I couldn't help but view a lot of the stuff I was taught in school and saw on TV with skepticism. Still I never went around saying the dreaded N word or whatever. The OJ simpson trial was a bit of an eye opener for me. Black people knew he was guilty, and they didn't care.

I guess you skipped the classes where we all got taught how for the majority of time there has been an America whites got away with crimes against blacks.

So because bad things happened in the past, OJ should get a free pass for beheading two white people. ok.

OJ did not go free because of his color.

Shut the fuck up you cancerous boomer piece of shit

still whining...too fucking lazy to make a better life for yourself so you whine about my generation.

my daughter is a millennial and she is not a useless, racist piece of shit like you. So, I will not judge all millennials by your pathetic life.

These guys overstate themselves in a very big way.

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