Political Theories on Recent Shootings

It's a long term solution but simply make guns less affordable. Demand goes down and manufacturers stop making as many. Once that happens, supply dries up.

Pretty simple.

Yeah, that hasn't worked with any of the tax increases on gun or ammo sales. In fact, gun sales increased. So while in theory it sounds great, in reality, not so much. Any other wonders in logic?

Link please?

A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

The error in your "solution" is that you live in a fantasy world where you think you can actually "control" a persons actions. There are enough laws already that make using a firearm to harm another individual a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another using fists a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another with your feet a crime. Does that stop it from happening? NO!!!!! You libs just can't get it in your head that no matter how cruel, awful, demented an act may be, a law will not magically stop it from happening. You have to deal with those that break the laws on a case by case basis. Otherwise, you start down the slippery slope of infringing on the liberty of those who are law abiding.
Yeah, that hasn't worked with any of the tax increases on gun or ammo sales. In fact, gun sales increased. So while in theory it sounds great, in reality, not so much. Any other wonders in logic?

Link please?

A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

Just google or bing "tax increase effect on gun sales". Plenty of links there that support my statement.

Yet you can't produce any of them...:eusa_whistle:
Yeah, that hasn't worked with any of the tax increases on gun or ammo sales. In fact, gun sales increased. So while in theory it sounds great, in reality, not so much. Any other wonders in logic?

Link please?

A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

The error in your "solution" is that you live in a fantasy world where you think you can actually "control" a persons actions. There are enough laws already that make using a firearm to harm another individual a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another using fists a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another with your feet a crime. Does that stop it from happening? NO!!!!! You libs just can't get it in your head that no matter how cruel, awful, demented an act may be, a law will not magically stop it from happening. You have to deal with those that break the laws on a case by case basis. Otherwise, you start down the slippery slope of infringing on the liberty of those who are law abiding.

When you dry up the supply, the person's actions become more predictable. You know, there were almost no home invasions by catapult in 2013....same as 2012....same as 2011 etc... Probably because there are no more catapults being built.
Link please?

A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

Just google or bing "tax increase effect on gun sales". Plenty of links there that support my statement.

Yet you can't produce any of them...:eusa_whistle:

Where are your links to prove that bonds, liability insurance, demonization, taxes work? Can't produce those? Show me yours and I'll show you mine.
Link please?

A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

The error in your "solution" is that you live in a fantasy world where you think you can actually "control" a persons actions. There are enough laws already that make using a firearm to harm another individual a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another using fists a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another with your feet a crime. Does that stop it from happening? NO!!!!! You libs just can't get it in your head that no matter how cruel, awful, demented an act may be, a law will not magically stop it from happening. You have to deal with those that break the laws on a case by case basis. Otherwise, you start down the slippery slope of infringing on the liberty of those who are law abiding.

When you dry up the supply, the person's actions become more predictable. You know, there were almost no home invasions by catapult in 2013....same as 2012....same as 2011 etc... Probably because there are no more catapults being built.

Can't come up with a good counter heh? CATAPULTS????? Really!!!! I get better debate comments from my ten year old than you. But, catapults are still legal, maybe I'll start up a business for them, there may be a market for them, ya think?
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The error in your "solution" is that you live in a fantasy world where you think you can actually "control" a persons actions. There are enough laws already that make using a firearm to harm another individual a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another using fists a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another with your feet a crime. Does that stop it from happening? NO!!!!! You libs just can't get it in your head that no matter how cruel, awful, demented an act may be, a law will not magically stop it from happening. You have to deal with those that break the laws on a case by case basis. Otherwise, you start down the slippery slope of infringing on the liberty of those who are law abiding.

When you dry up the supply, the person's actions become more predictable. You know, there were almost no home invasions by catapult in 2013....same as 2012....same as 2011 etc... Probably because there are no more catapults being built.

Can't come up with a good counter heh? CATAPULTS????? Really!!!! I get better debate comments from my ten year old than you. But, catapults are still legal, maybe I'll start up a business for them, there may be a market for them, ya think?

It's what is called an object lesson; when there are no supplies of X, ramifications from the existence of X is reduced.

I'm guessing your 10 year old takes you to school too (like I just did).
When you dry up the supply, the person's actions become more predictable. You know, there were almost no home invasions by catapult in 2013....same as 2012....same as 2011 etc... Probably because there are no more catapults being built.

Can't come up with a good counter heh? CATAPULTS????? Really!!!! I get better debate comments from my ten year old than you. But, catapults are still legal, maybe I'll start up a business for them, there may be a market for them, ya think?

It's what is called an object lesson; when there are no supplies of X, ramifications from the existence of X is reduced.

I'm guessing your 10 year old takes you to school too (like I just did).

And your example is just like your argument, irrelevant! Catapults were made obsolete with the invention of gun powder and cannons moron. Not supply and demand. A more effective and lethal weapon was invented, not supply and demand.

School dismissed!
Can't come up with a good counter heh? CATAPULTS????? Really!!!! I get better debate comments from my ten year old than you. But, catapults are still legal, maybe I'll start up a business for them, there may be a market for them, ya think?

It's what is called an object lesson; when there are no supplies of X, ramifications from the existence of X is reduced.

I'm guessing your 10 year old takes you to school too (like I just did).

And your example is just like your argument, irrelevant! Catapults were made obsolete with the invention of gun powder and cannons moron. Not supply and demand. A more effective and lethal weapon was invented, not supply and demand.

School dismissed!

Okay...not sure how obsolete became the topic at hand. But oh well; I was bored with having to explain it to you again and again.
It's what is called an object lesson; when there are no supplies of X, ramifications from the existence of X is reduced.

I'm guessing your 10 year old takes you to school too (like I just did).

And your example is just like your argument, irrelevant! Catapults were made obsolete with the invention of gun powder and cannons moron. Not supply and demand. A more effective and lethal weapon was invented, not supply and demand.

School dismissed!

Okay...not sure how obsolete became the topic at hand. But oh well; I was bored with having to explain it to you again and again.

I'm sorry, forgot to use 3rd grade English. Catapults became useless when a better weapon was invented, not because someone:

put a bond on each one made
required liability insurance for the owner
demonized it use
placed a tax on it or the people owning one

It became useless when something better came along. I'm sorry if you still cannot understand that, but I can't fix stupid.
And your example is just like your argument, irrelevant! Catapults were made obsolete with the invention of gun powder and cannons moron. Not supply and demand. A more effective and lethal weapon was invented, not supply and demand.

School dismissed!

Okay...not sure how obsolete became the topic at hand. But oh well; I was bored with having to explain it to you again and again.

I'm sorry, forgot to use 3rd grade English. Catapults became useless when a better weapon was invented, not because someone:

put a bond on each one made
required liability insurance for the owner
demonized it use
placed a tax on it or the people owning one

It became useless when something better came along. I'm sorry if you still cannot understand that, but I can't fix stupid.[/

It explains why you have such trouble understanding...
Okay...not sure how obsolete became the topic at hand. But oh well; I was bored with having to explain it to you again and again.

I'm sorry, forgot to use 3rd grade English. Catapults became useless when a better weapon was invented, not because someone:

put a bond on each one made
required liability insurance for the owner
demonized it use
placed a tax on it or the people owning one

It became useless when something better came along. I'm sorry if you still cannot understand that, but I can't fix stupid.[/

It explains why you have such trouble understanding...

typical liberal remark, lose the debate, start finger pointing, no realistic solutions forthcoming.
I'm sorry, forgot to use 3rd grade English. Catapults became useless when a better weapon was invented, not because someone:

put a bond on each one made
required liability insurance for the owner
demonized it use
placed a tax on it or the people owning one

It became useless when something better came along. I'm sorry if you still cannot understand that, but I can't fix stupid.[/

It explains why you have such trouble understanding...

typical liberal remark, lose the debate, start finger pointing, no realistic solutions forthcoming.

If you dry up the supply, the problem takes care of itself. Like if we were to get rid of you; there'd be one less idiot polluting the board. We get rid of people who think like you...less pollution.

See how that works?
Oh, I get it now, I expected a realistic answer from a dimwit.

I'll play your stupid game, how are you going to dry up the supply? The FBI estimates between 200-250 million guns already in private hands in the U.S.?
How are you going to simply do away with the second amendment? That would have to come first. Thought I'd give you that one for free so I don't spend a page of comments trying educate you on our constitution.
Link please?

A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

The error in your "solution" is that you live in a fantasy world where you think you can actually "control" a persons actions. There are enough laws already that make using a firearm to harm another individual a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another using fists a crime. There are enough laws that make harming another with your feet a crime. Does that stop it from happening? NO!!!!! You libs just can't get it in your head that no matter how cruel, awful, demented an act may be, a law will not magically stop it from happening. You have to deal with those that break the laws on a case by case basis. Otherwise, you start down the slippery slope of infringing on the liberty of those who are law abiding.

When you dry up the supply, the person's actions become more predictable. You know, there were almost no home invasions by catapult in 2013....same as 2012....same as 2011 etc... Probably because there are no more catapults being built.

I thought it was totally impossible to be as ignorant as you appear.

What a dumb woman


The article continues:

Your article is wrong. For example the total homicide rate (not just the firearm homicide rate) in DC for 2012 was 13.9/100,000, for 2011it was 17.4. Your article lists the gun homicide rate at 19. There are other inaccuracies which I can observe just by looking and not having to look such as the 2.2 for Portland. Portland had only 20 total homicides in 2012 and less than half of those were with firearms and Portland is a city of of 600,000.

The only way some of those figures can possibly be correct is if they include firearm suicides as firearm homicides or they are:

1.) old figures; and/or,
2.) They are using the total homicide rate and not the firearm homicide rate.
If you dry up the supply, the problem takes care of itself. Like if we were to get rid of you; there'd be one less idiot polluting the board. We get rid of people who think like you...less pollution.

See how that works?

There are in excess of 320 million firearms in private hand in the US, most of them not registered. It is not possibly to "dry up the supply" for perhaps 100 years.
If you dry up the supply, the problem takes care of itself. Like if we were to get rid of you; there'd be one less idiot polluting the board. We get rid of people who think like you...less pollution.

See how that works?

There are in excess of 320 million firearms in private hand in the US, most of them not registered. It is not possibly to "dry up the supply" for perhaps 100 years.

Indeed- I'm passing down to my kids and their cousins the firearms tradition

The libs and dumb laws don't apply to us. We do not recognize their authority

What districts would those be? C'mon...throw the race card out there.... That always helps.

Not going to respond to my challenge? What's your solution?

It's a long term solution but simply make guns less affordable. Demand goes down and manufacturers stop making as many. Once that happens, supply dries up.

Pretty simple.

So, only rich folks get guns ! ^ Advocate for the political ruleing class. Next, we make it so expencive to get booze, poor drunks.won't be able to get it, or maybe make birth control so.costly that only rich folk.can have it. The.he.

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