Political Theories on Recent Shootings

Do I doubt that our government might play a false flag op to change public opinion?


Do I think that happened at LAX?

Not really.

EXTRAordinary claims demand EXTRAordinary proof.

I agree with this.
Take off your tin foil hat and think about this for a minute. Its not unheard of in the US Government to support False Flag events in order to divide and manipulate public opinion.

I hadn't thought of that.

Not surprising. Conservative Republicans, and some Dems, vote pro gun. Not anti 2nd Amendment


A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

See it really doesn't take long for a Progressive Liberal to get down to the truth of the matter ...

Tax or Fees
Regulate and Tax
Tax Some More
Disproportionately Punish Minorities.

They don't want your guns or care about anybody ... They just want more of your money.

A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

See it really doesn't take long for a Progressive Liberal to get down to the truth of the matter ...

Tax or Fees
Regulate and Tax
Tax Some More
Disproportionately Punish Minorities.

They don't want your guns or care about anybody ... They just want more of your money.


It will dry up the supply...no purchases eqals no tax revenue.
Not going to respond to my challenge? What's your solution?

It's a long term solution but simply make guns less affordable. Demand goes down and manufacturers stop making as many. Once that happens, supply dries up.

Pretty simple.

So, only rich folks get guns ! ^ Advocate for the political ruleing class. Next, we make it so expencive to get booze, poor drunks.won't be able to get it, or maybe make birth control so.costly that only rich folk.can have it. The.he.

Not the case at all. There is middle ground.
If you dry up the supply, the problem takes care of itself. Like if we were to get rid of you; there'd be one less idiot polluting the board. We get rid of people who think like you...less pollution.

See how that works?

There are in excess of 320 million firearms in private hand in the US, most of them not registered. It is not possibly to "dry up the supply" for perhaps 100 years.

The sooner we get started...
If you dry up the supply, the problem takes care of itself. Like if we were to get rid of you; there'd be one less idiot polluting the board. We get rid of people who think like you...less pollution.

See how that works?

There are in excess of 320 million firearms in private hand in the US, most of them not registered. It is not possibly to "dry up the supply" for perhaps 100 years.

Indeed- I'm passing down to my kids and their cousins the firearms tradition

The libs and dumb laws don't apply to us. We do not recognize their authority

How amusing.
A large bond on each weapon produced
Liability insurance by each owner of a weapon
Demonize gun ownership like we did with cigarettes
Serious taxation to pay for the police who have to investigate gun crimes relative to high crime areas
Make all gun crimes federal crimes; you bring a gun to a crime scene; you're gone for 20 years. See ya.

See it really doesn't take long for a Progressive Liberal to get down to the truth of the matter ...

Tax or Fees
Regulate and Tax
Tax Some More
Disproportionately Punish Minorities.

They don't want your guns or care about anybody ... They just want more of your money.


It will dry up the supply...no purchases eqals no tax revenue.

That's just it ... I won't dry up supply, just like the push against cigarettes ... It produces more tax revenue and didn't get rid of cigarettes.
If Progressive Liberals want to get rid of guns or cigarettes ... Then write legislation and do it.

No need to sneak around and try make excuses about why we need to be taxed more to protect ourselves from ourselves ... We know you want the money, and cannot get rid of firearms either way.

Not to mention that the Supreme Court has already ruled on cases involving perfunctory purchase ... And the inability for Congress to pass legislation that uses prohibitive pricing.
In other words ... Congress cannot write legislation that specifically uses pricing as a means to somehow restrict the ability of citizens to obtain what is a Constitutionally protected right.
It is that damn Second Amendment that keeps getting in the way of nefarious Progresses and their gun grabbing attempts ... They have tried it with ammunition already and failed.

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And, quite naturally, the 'Conservatives' answer is that we need more guns out there among civilians. I find myself totally astounded by that idea. What kind of alternative reality are these fools living in?

so being a good liarberal progressive without a gun.., have you posted this sign or one similar in your front yard ???

See it really doesn't take long for a Progressive Liberal to get down to the truth of the matter ...

Tax or Fees
Regulate and Tax
Tax Some More
Disproportionately Punish Minorities.

They don't want your guns or care about anybody ... They just want more of your money.


It will dry up the supply...no purchases eqals no tax revenue.

That's just it ... I won't dry up supply, just like the push against cigarettes ... It produces more tax revenue and didn't get rid of cigarettes.

Yes, it will dry up supply.
No, it will not eliminate supply.

If Progressive Liberals want to get rid of guns or cigarettes ... Then write legislation and do it.

We have the 2nd Amendment which eliminates the possibility of getting rid of fire arms.

No need to sneak around and try make excuses about why we need to be taxed more to protect ourselves from ourselves ... We know you want the money, and cannot get rid of firearms either way.

Not sure why that is there or whom you're talking to.

Not to mention that the Supreme Court has already ruled on cases involving perfunctory purchase ... And the inability for Congress to pass legislation that uses prohibitive pricing.
In other words ... Congress cannot write legislation that specifically uses pricing as a means to somehow restrict the ability of citizens to obtain what is a Constitutionally protected right.
It is that damn Second Amendment that keeps getting in the way of nefarious Progresses and their gun grabbing attempts ... They have tried it with ammunition already and failed.


This is a different kettle of fish for any number of reasons

Police are spending inordinate amounts of resources investigating gun crimes; tax money will be used to pay them.

Liability insurance for guns arent' taxes

Bonds on the weapons aren't taxes

It's a long term solution but simply make guns less affordable. Demand goes down and manufacturers stop making as many. Once that happens, supply dries up.

Pretty simple.

So, only rich folks get guns ! ^ Advocate for the political ruleing class. Next, we make it so expencive to get booze, poor drunks.won't be able to get it, or maybe make birth control so.costly that only rich folk.can have it. The.he.

Not the case at all. There is middle ground.

Really ? Where is that ? As for this involving the feds, that's the worst possible thing that could happen. Depend on a govt to prosicute gun crimes when they them selves sell guns to bad people. Then, there will be the black market. Tons of guns will move up from South America and you will.see.some pretty bad stuff come it. Not to mention the cime spree where thugs will be breaking into welthy homes looking for guns. It will just make.them hotter items.
Bonds on the weapons aren't taxes

Like everything else ... A fee, a tax, a bond ... It is revenue for the Federal Government and you can call it whatever you want.
Also ... Bonds don't have to be taxes ... If they are legislative and restrict citizens from practicing a Constitutionally protected right, then out the window they go.

I mean face it ... Every bit of your ideas are a cowardly attempt to get around the Second Amendment ... And you don't have the honesty or wherewithal to understand why they put it their to start with.
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The sooner we get started...

The problem with that is that there are much better strategies which can be employed, because "drying up the supply" will not do much. And... you do not have to concern yourself with the repeal of the 2nd Amend.

You do realize that firearms are a 19th century technology which can be easily duplicated in a garage machine shop?
It will dry up the supply...no purchases eqals no tax revenue.

It is also unconstitutional to employ a tax for the purpose of hindering the exercise of a right guaranteed by the Constitution. See, Minneapolis Star Tribune Company v. Commissioner, 460 U.S. 575 (1983) involving a special tax on printing supplies and paper used in the production of newspapers.
So, only rich folks get guns ! ^ Advocate for the political ruleing class. Next, we make it so expencive to get booze, poor drunks.won't be able to get it, or maybe make birth control so.costly that only rich folk.can have it. The.he.

Not the case at all. There is middle ground.

Really ? Where is that ?
Same silly nonsense I used to hear when I belonged to a country club and played golf and tennis. "Oh, you must be rich." Hardly. I haven't lived paycheck-to-paycheck really in quite a while but nobody would call me rich. I'm careful with my money however; I drive 9-1 vs flying; my loyalty cards are for La Quinta and Days Inn; not Hyatt or Sheraton..etc.

As for this involving the feds, that's the worst possible thing that could happen. Depend on a govt to prosicute gun crimes when they them selves sell guns to bad people. Then, there will be the black market. Tons of guns will move up from South America and you will.see.some pretty bad stuff come it. Not to mention the cime spree where thugs will be breaking into welthy homes looking for guns. It will just make.them hotter items.

Sure...same kookie nonsense I've heard before.

Let me get this straight. A nurse we have over on one of our campuses is named, lets say, Janet. Janet renews her license on time every time. Hasn't ever been arrested. Had a traffic violation once. We have been through several trainings together. She doesn't speed; doesn't litter; rarely cusses. Doesn't cross on red; stops for red lights, yields to pedestrians. Probably mows her lawn to comply with the HOA, likely waters only after 8PM as directed by the water department. And she is a member of the NRA. She isn't a gun owner, she is a gun enthusiast who owns a small arsenal of weaponry.

If the price of a pistol goes up from $375 to $600, you're saying that Janet will go rogue, start buying black market weapons?

Sell crazy somewhere else.
It will dry up the supply...no purchases eqals no tax revenue.

It is also unconstitutional to employ a tax for the purpose of hindering the exercise of a right guaranteed by the Constitution. See, Minneapolis Star Tribune Company v. Commissioner, 460 U.S. 575 (1983) involving a special tax on printing supplies and paper used in the production of newspapers.

I guess you got me on that one...no taxes! :cuckoo:
The sooner we get started...

The problem with that is that there are much better strategies which can be employed, because "drying up the supply" will not do much. And... you do not have to concern yourself with the repeal of the 2nd Amend.

You do realize that firearms are a 19th century technology which can be easily duplicated in a garage machine shop?

Sure...the guys living in slum apartments will convert their meth labs into weapons factories.....I can see it now.

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