Political Theories on Recent Shootings

It is not the presence of defensive firearms but their absence that increases death tolls

I guess you got me on that one...no taxes! :cuckoo:

Obviously you do not comprehend. A tax designed to limit the exercise of a right by selectively making that right more expensive via taxes, fess or other assessments of time and energy is unconstitutional. You should understand that argument quite well as liberals make the same exact argument in relation to requiring voter ID and in connection to requiring certain medical examinations for abortions.

A general sales tax on all items including firearms and printing supplies is quite ok. A special tax or fee which applies solely or primarily to firearms and/or printing supplies with the avowed purpose of "diminishing the supply" of firearms or newspapers is quite unconstitutional... to even assert otherwise is indeed :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Sounds like the "avowed purpose" shouldn't be "avowed". Lets call it a "washing the blood off the streets" tax....will that work?
You have the right to bear arms.
Nobody says it has to be inexpensive or free

[sarcasm mode on] You have the right to free exercise of religion. Nobody says it has to be inexpensive or free. Thus, we can impose a huge tax on religions (especially high taxes on religions which we do not like) and thereby tax them out of existence...[sarcasm mode off]


That would be a great idea in my opinion...

The article continues:

The pattern is staggering. A number of U.S. cities have gun homicide rates in line with the most deadly nations in the world.

If it were a country, New Orleans (with a rate 62.1 gun murders per 100,000 people) would rank second in the world.

Detroit's gun homicide rate (35.9) is just a bit less than El Salvador (39.9).

Baltimore's rate (29.7) is not too far off that of Guatemala (34.8).

Gun murder in Newark (25.4) and Miami (23.7) is comparable to Colombia (27.1).

Washington D.C. (19) has a higher rate of gun homicide than Brazil (18.1).

Atlanta's rate (17.2) is about the same as South Africa (17).

Cleveland (17.4) has a higher rate than the Dominican Republic (16.3).

Gun murder in Buffalo (16.5) is similar to Panama (16.2).

Houston's rate (12.9) is slightly higher than Ecuador's (12.7).

Gun homicide in Chicago (11.6) is similar to Guyana (11.5).

Phoenix's rate (10.6) is slightly higher than Mexico (10).

Los Angeles (9.2) is comparable to the Philippines (8.9).

Boston rate (6.2) is higher than Nicaragua (5.9).

New York, where gun murders have declined to just four per 100,000, is still higher than Argentina (3).

Even the cities with the lowest homicide rates by American standards, like San Jose and Austin, compare to Albania and Cambodia respectively.

Austin...the capitol of the reddest state in the union...

That any murder makes the news any longer is more bizarre than the murder itself it seems.

Wow, look at all those Red State cities ahead of Chicago. USMB Republicans make it seem as if Chicago is the most dangerous place on earth. Guess they lied, again.

Politicizing the numbers is a pointless exercise by either side. The facts are that we have gun deaths in our cities that outnumber gun deaths in other countries. It's obvious they are doing something right and we are doing something wrong.
Somehow you missed Atlanta and Houston

Atlanta (continuous Democratic Mayor since 1942)
Houston (continuous Democratic Mayor since 1939)

Happy now?

and the FACT that two thirds of all gun related deaths are suicide with most being in Red States by white guys. But I guess that's OK.

Most suicides are in rural areas and most rural areas are red, while most urban areas are blue. The fact that firearms are employed in suicides is irrelevant however.. at least if one were to believe the World Health Organization

“[R]emoving an easy and favored method of suicide was not likely to affect substantially the overall suicide rate because other methods would be chosen.” World Health Organization, Changing Patterns in Suicide Behavior.

The reason why suicide is higher in rural areas is because of isolation and the absence of a social safety net ... not the presence or absence of guns. This holds true worldwide with the presence or absence of firearms not being of too much import. Another major factor in suicides is cultural. Japan has almost no privately owned guns yet its suicide rate is substantially greater than the COMBINED homicide/suicide rate in the USA. Surprisingly, strict gun control France has a suicide rate which is almost equivalent to the COMBINED homicide/suicide rate in the USA... not sure why, perhaps because they eat frog legs? Latin America and other heavily roman catholic countries have very low suicide rates even though many of those Latin American countries have substantially greater homicides rates than the US. The fact is our suicide rate is quite similar to the suicide rate in strict gun control countries of Europe and is essentially equivalent to Canada's (some years theirs is higher and some years ours is higher).

However there is a distinct group of persons who are scientifically known as "irrationalis gungrabosus" and who differ with the conclusions of the World Health Organization. It is the firm belief of this group that guns give off evil vibes which compel otherwise normal and happy people to commit suicide. I assume you subscribe to that view?

this is statistical bullshit!!! lets take a look at suicide statistical rates by square mile, circular mile, demographic breakout per sq mile, you're fucking comparing apples and oranges. Trying to equate a patter of distribution based on population densities and relating that to a societal reasons if fucking sheer stupidity. There are way too many fucking professors sitting on their asses that have never produced, made, created, managed a day in their pathetic lives feeding you this shit. They've been in school their entire lives and know nothing but a book. But because they've worked their whole lives to get the 8 letters after their names , they are hailed as all knowing, when the truth of it is, they would fail miserably if they ever had to try and put their theories into practical application.
Wow, look at all those Red State cities ahead of Chicago. USMB Republicans make it seem as if Chicago is the most dangerous place on earth. Guess they lied, again.

They are not listing states, they are listing cities, such as

New Orleans (continuous Democratic Mayor since 1946)
Detroit (continuous Democratic Mayor since 1970)
Baltimore (continuous Democratic Mayor since 1967)
Newark (continuous Democratic Mayor since 1896)

well, you get the idea..

Somehow you missed Atlanta and Houston and the FACT that two thirds of all gun related deaths are suicide with most being in Red States by white guys. But I guess that's OK.
if someone wants to kill themselves, thats their business. not yours
how many guns are killing someone on their own? isn't there always an individual doing the killing? So how are guns the problem?
The DOD says 22 veterans a day kill themselves...

Honestly ... No offense, and not trying to be ugly ... But you may be a little out of your league there.
Soldiers are damn sure not killing themselves because they can buy a firearm ... They know more than a hundred ways to get the job done.

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The DOD says 22 veterans a day kill themselves...

Honestly ... No offense, and not trying to be ugly ... But you may be a little out of your league there.
Soldiers are damn sure not killing themselves because they can buy a firearm ... They know more than a hundred ways to get the job done.


The hilarious stereotype of a soldier knowing 100 ways to kill themselves (or someone else) is just that; hilarious. Although some probably know 1,000 ways.

While they are not doing it because they can buy a firearm, they're "not"-not doing it because firearms are so readily available; agree?
The DOD says 22 veterans a day kill themselves...

Honestly ... No offense, and not trying to be ugly ... But you may be a little out of your league there.
Soldiers are damn sure not killing themselves because they can buy a firearm ... They know more than a hundred ways to get the job done.


The hilarious stereotype of a soldier knowing 100 ways to kill themselves (or someone else) is just that; hilarious. Although some probably know 1,000 ways.

While they are not doing it because they can buy a firearm, they're "not"-not doing it because firearms are so readily available; agree?

Whats wrong with firearms not being readily available?

The DOD says 22 veterans a day kill themselves...

Honestly ... No offense, and not trying to be ugly ... But you may be a little out of your league there.
Soldiers are damn sure not killing themselves because they can buy a firearm ... They know more than a hundred ways to get the job done.


The hilarious stereotype of a soldier knowing 100 ways to kill themselves (or someone else) is just that; hilarious. Although some probably know 1,000 ways.

While they are not doing it because they can buy a firearm, they're "not"-not doing it because firearms are so readily available; agree?

not at all. if you are going to kill yourself you are not going to say, aw shit no gun, I can't do this.
this is statistical bullshit!!! lets take a look at suicide statistical rates by square mile, circular mile, demographic breakout per sq mile, you're fucking comparing apples and oranges. Trying to equate a patter of distribution based on population densities and relating that to a societal reasons if fucking sheer stupidity. There are way too many fucking professors sitting on their asses that have never produced, made, created, managed a day in their pathetic lives feeding you this shit. They've been in school their entire lives and know nothing but a book. But because they've worked their whole lives to get the 8 letters after their names , they are hailed as all knowing, when the truth of it is, they would fail miserably if they ever had to try and put their theories into practical application.

Easy for you to say, but I think I will rely upon the experts. They point to social isolation and a perceived cultural value of rugged individualism which inhibits people from seeking help as the basic contributer to this phenomenon and that it exists world wide with the more rural areas of a given country having a greater suicide rate than urbanized areas. An example is in Canada. The lowest suicide rates are in Ontario (7.8/100,000) which is also the most urbanized area. The highest suicide rates are in the newly formed territory of Nunavut (an amazing 71.00/100,000), Yukon (15.30/100,000) and Northwest Territories 18.66/100,000) which are also the least densely populated regions in Canada..
Sounds like the "avowed purpose" shouldn't be "avowed". Lets call it a "washing the blood off the streets" tax....will that work?

A hidden purpose can usually be discerned if the law has disparate impact. A similar problem is associated with de facto segregation versus de jure . Courts have been pretty good about discovering what the legislature is really up to. A washing the blood off the streets law which taxes only guns would be quickly found unconstitutional. A tax on all persons using the street would be ok.
The DOD says 22 veterans a day kill themselves...

Honestly ... No offense, and not trying to be ugly ... But you may be a little out of your league there.
Soldiers are damn sure not killing themselves because they can buy a firearm ... They know more than a hundred ways to get the job done.


The hilarious stereotype of a soldier knowing 100 ways to kill themselves (or someone else) is just that; hilarious. Although some probably know 1,000 ways.

While they are not doing it because they can buy a firearm, they're "not"-not doing it because firearms are so readily available; agree?

Like I said ... You are out of your league ... You think it is funny.

Twenty years in a library, online, college classroom or wherever ... Won't help you understand any more than 10 seconds on the business end of a firearm.
When the thoughts banging around in your head are ... "Why did I deserve to be here instead of them" ... and ... "One more won't send me to Hell any quicker" ... Then you might have clue what the fu** you are talking about.

22 veterans a day are killing themselves. (Liberals will be blamed in 3....2.....1...)

This is not that unusual because of the demographic involved. Huge amounts of WWII veterans are entering a critical age for suicide which elevates the number of suicides for veterans..

Of more concern is the elevated levels of suicide for active duty personnel, which are significantly higher than the same demographic of civilians.. However only extreme gun control groups are advocating that our soldiers be disarmed to alleviate this problem.
The left doesn't like guns because it gives you an advantage over lessor scum. They believe all of life should be an equal playing field. If you can't protect yourself and family, who else is obligated or required to do so?


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