Politically, how "crazy" are you?

I believe the trump organization was colluding with the Russians and that's far from a conspiracy theory.
Russian collusion is not yet a conspiracy theory intil the investigation is complete. When it is we will know one way or the other and that will be fine. There will be those that will no accept the results and spin a conspiracy but that is still in the future.

Nice try though!
It's a total conspiracy theory, because there's not one, single, solitary shred of evidence to support it....If there were, the media leaks would be ubiquitous...And there's zero doubt in my mind that the confirmed crook and democrat hack Andrew Weissman would be one of the primary leakers.

At least all the other conspiracy nutbars can point to a few scraps of conflicting events and happenstances to build their narratives around.
Do you have access to all the information?
Russian collusion is not yet a conspiracy theory intil the investigation is complete. When it is we will know one way or the other and that will be fine. There will be those that will no accept the results and spin a conspiracy but that is still in the future.

Nice try though!
It's a total conspiracy theory, because there's not one, single, solitary shred of evidence to support it....If there were, the media leaks would be ubiquitous...And there's zero doubt in my mind that the confirmed crook and democrat hack Andrew Weissman would be one of the primary leakers.

At least all the other conspiracy nutbars can point to a few scraps of conflicting events and happenstances to build their narratives around.
Do you have access to all the information?
The information I have access to is how the swamp works....Almost invariably, if they have dirt on someone they have their sights set on, that dirt gets leaked to the media....If they want to protect someone, that person gets protected, no matter what the law says.

And speaking of having the information, you've been apprised, with credible information, of what an outright corrupt skunk that Weissman is, yet he remains as one of Muller's top toadies....Doesn't that bother you at all?
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

I believe that Oswald did not act alone. I also think that while there may not have been actual collusion, meaning Trump worked with the Russians to get elected, I do think that Russia used propaganda and social media to influence our election in Trump's favor.

Space aliens coming to Earth? Maybe. There are lots of theories on the ancient astronaut coming here and helping mankind figure out civilization. Lots of things found in the Maya and Inca empires point to that.

Did we know 9/11 was coming? Dunno, but I sure as hell know it took me by surprise.

As far as the birther and truther crap? That was made up for political purposes.

Did we put a man on the moon? Yes.
The Lee Harvey Oswald conspiracy is something that most people believe in, and that is true. I did for a long time.

Talked to a retired secret service agent and he explained to me that he did it. He explained all of the issues. The so called magic bullet, all of it.

He also explained to me that is a clear example of just how propaganda, fed to us by our beloved media and the wonderful commiewood shapes our minds.

The last thing commiewood or our beloved media could allow was the acknowledgement that a self proclaimed communist did it. No, they first needed it to be a white southern republican. Then they needed it to be our own government. They needed the poor innocent Lee Harvey Oswald (self proclaimed communist or a robin hood) was set up as a patsy by the evil free market USA.

That is indeed how must of us believe it too. Thanks oliver stone.
Aw man. When I saw the thread title I thought the thread was about the craziest thing you've done politically.

That would have made for a better thread, Votto, wtf.

Craziest thing I've done politically? Probably stealing a Communist flag from a rally being held in Naples Italy in the mid 80's. A couple of friends and I saw it hanging from a balcony after they had a communist rally, and one of my friends said he could climb the pipes and take down the flag.

Well, right around the same time we took down the flag, someone saw what we were doing and yelled. We took off and were chased for a couple of blocks before they gave up.

But, unfortunately, we didn't do it for political reasons (although they were there because we didn't like communists), we did it more or less because we thought it would be cool to have a communist flag.

We had a raffle a couple of days later to see who got to keep the flag. Unfortunately, I didn't win.
The Lee Harvey Oswald conspiracy is something that most people believe in, and that is true. I did for a long time.

Talked to a retired secret service agent and he explained to me that he did it. He explained all of the issues. The so called magic bullet, all of it.

He also explained to me that is a clear example of just how propaganda, fed to us by our beloved media and the wonderful commiewood shapes our minds.

The last thing commiewood or our beloved media could allow was the acknowledgement that a self proclaimed communist did it. No, they first needed it to be a white southern republican. Then they needed it to be our own government. They needed the poor innocent Lee Harvey Oswald (self proclaimed communist or a robin hood) was set up as a patsy by the evil free market USA.

That is indeed how must of us believe it too. Thanks oliver stone.

My roomie was a surgical secretary at one of the big hospitals here in Amarillo for over 10 years, and she came into contact with a lot of doctors.

One of them, she said, was one of the doctors who worked on Kennedy after he'd been shot, and he told my roomie that there were actually 2 bullets from 2 different caliber guns taken from Kennedy. And, after he died, they cleared the room and scrubbed all the evidence.

At least, that is what she said she was told. And, I believe her.
Craziest thing I've done politically? Probably stealing a Communist flag from a rally being held in Naples Italy in the mid 80's. A couple of friends and I saw it hanging from a balcony after they had a communist rally, and one of my friends said he could climb the pipes and take down the flag.

Well, right around the same time we took down the flag, someone saw what we were doing and yelled. We took off and were chased for a couple of blocks before they gave up.

But, unfortunately, we didn't do it for political reasons (although they were there because we didn't like communists), we did it more or less because we thought it would be cool to have a communist flag.

We had a raffle a couple of days later to see who got to keep the flag. Unfortunately, I didn't win.

That is kind of crazy, man. You guys are lucky they didn't catch you.

I'd be hard pressed to name the craziest thing I've done politically. It's a long story. There's just too much stuff. But the stories are hilarious. Seriously.

Good trolling here, though...CNN's John King skipped our guy, even though our guy was the most qualified guy to ask the question, so...needless to say it got a little loud up inat biatch. He tried to play it off, but he knew they got him. lol. We had people at every debate because we knew they were gonna pull that stuff. It was great.

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Craziest thing I've done politically? Probably stealing a Communist flag from a rally being held in Naples Italy in the mid 80's. A couple of friends and I saw it hanging from a balcony after they had a communist rally, and one of my friends said he could climb the pipes and take down the flag.

Well, right around the same time we took down the flag, someone saw what we were doing and yelled. We took off and were chased for a couple of blocks before they gave up.

But, unfortunately, we didn't do it for political reasons (although they were there because we didn't like communists), we did it more or less because we thought it would be cool to have a communist flag.

We had a raffle a couple of days later to see who got to keep the flag. Unfortunately, I didn't win.

That is kind of crazy, man. You guys are lucky they didn't catch you.

I'd be hard pressed to name the craziest thing I've done politically. It's a long story. There's just too much stuff. But the stories are hilarious. Seriously.

Good trolling here, though...CNN's John King skipped our guy, so...needless to say it got a little loud up inat biatch. He tried to play it off, but he knew they got him. lol. We had people at every debate. It was great.

Yeah, I know, because if they would have caught us, it would have been ugly.

To tell you the truth though, we were too busy running to be scared. And, when we finally got away, there was too much beer drank in celebration to get scared.
Aw man. When I saw the thread title I thought the thread was about the craziest thing you've done politically.

That would have made for a better thread, Votto, wtf.
I voted for Obama...…..once.
Ouch.....Sorry to hear about that.
In my defense, I fell for the hope and change schtick and at the time we knew virtually nothing substantial about him. That and I thought it was time we elected a black president and move beyond all the race issues of the pass. Boy, have I ever regretted that vote.
What a sucker!

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Russian collusion is not yet a conspiracy theory intil the investigation is complete. When it is we will know one way or the other and that will be fine. There will be those that will no accept the results and spin a conspiracy but that is still in the future.

Nice try though!
It's a total conspiracy theory, because there's not one, single, solitary shred of evidence to support it....If there were, the media leaks would be ubiquitous...And there's zero doubt in my mind that the confirmed crook and democrat hack Andrew Weissman would be one of the primary leakers.

At least all the other conspiracy nutbars can point to a few scraps of conflicting events and happenstances to build their narratives around.
Do you have access to all the information?
If there were any info of any import to be had, Schiff would have found a TV camera to hump. To date, he has only dropped vague innuendo with zero to back anything up. The man simply can't help himself.
Aw man. When I saw the thread title I thought the thread was about the craziest thing you've done politically.

That would have made for a better thread, Votto, wtf.
I voted for Obama...…..once.
Ouch.....Sorry to hear about that.
In my defense, I fell for the hope and change schtick and at the time we knew virtually nothing substantial about him. That and I thought it was time we elected a black president and move beyond all the race issues of the pass. Boy, have I ever regretted that vote.
What a sucker!

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
It didn't happen a second time.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

The same marksman, a Zionist associated with LBJ and JE Hoover, took out JFK, MLK, and RFK.

The 911 figure you cite is way too low. More than half of Americans do not buy the "official version." Most understand that Israel, the W Administration, and Saudi did it.

There is precisely no evidence that Barack Obama was born anywhere except Kenya, and there is a lot of evidence that he was born in Kenya, mainly from HIS OWN MOUTH....

Aw man. When I saw the thread title I thought the thread was about the craziest thing you've done politically.

That would have made for a better thread, Votto, wtf.
I voted for Obama...…..once.
Ouch.....Sorry to hear about that.
In my defense, I fell for the hope and change schtick and at the time we knew virtually nothing substantial about him. That and I thought it was time we elected a black president and move beyond all the race issues of the pass. Boy, have I ever regretted that vote.
What a sucker!

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
It didn't happen a second time.
I haven't voted for a Democrat since Jimmy Carter.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

Do you really think we had the tech to go to the moon and back in the late 60s ?

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