Politically, how "crazy" are you?

Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

The same marksman, a Zionist associated with LBJ and JE Hoover, took out JFK, MLK, and RFK.

The 911 figure you cite is way too low. More than half of Americans do not buy the "official version." Most understand that Israel, the W Administration, and Saudi did it.

There is precisely no evidence that Barack Obama was born anywhere except Kenya, and there is a lot of evidence that he was born in Kenya, mainly from HIS OWN MOUTH....

Yeah, cause that’s an official document!

Did you know Donald Trump is 6’3 230lbs ? Lol!
How can it be denied members of the Trump campaign attended a meeting with Russian agents in order to obtain 'dirt' on Clinton? I certainly call that collusion.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

None of the above.

I have no faith in mankind's ability to keep secrets.
How can it be denied members of the Trump campaign attended a meeting with Russian agents in order to obtain 'dirt' on Clinton? I certainly call that collusion.

Ummm. That was a meeting about adoption!

They were adopting a plan on how they could collided and steal the election!
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Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

Do you really think we had the tech to go to the moon and back in the late 60s ?
We built the A-bomb in 1945, moron.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

None of the above.

I have no faith in mankind's ability to keep secrets.

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

This went on for decades and decades.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

None of the above.

I have no faith in mankind's ability to keep secrets.

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

This went on for decades and decades.

And yet we now know about it.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

Do you really think we had the tech to go to the moon and back in the late 60s ?
We built the A-bomb in 1945, moron.

What’s one got to do with the other ?
How can it be denied members of the Trump campaign attended a meeting with Russian agents in order to obtain 'dirt' on Clinton? I certainly call that collusion.
"Collusion" isn't a crime, dumbass. What they did is perfectly legal. On the other hand, Hillary paid Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump, and that is definitely illegal, but none of you Trump-hating douchebags give a shit about that.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

None of the above.

I have no faith in mankind's ability to keep secrets.

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

This went on for decades and decades.

And yet we now know about it.

Well how can you prove secrets can be kept ?

How about this . Why do we still have so much classified info decades and decades after events happened ?
How can it be denied members of the Trump campaign attended a meeting with Russian agents in order to obtain 'dirt' on Clinton? I certainly call that collusion.
"Collusion" isn't a crime, dumbass. What they did is perfectly legal. On the other hand, Hillary paid Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump, and that is definitely illegal, but none of you Trump-hating douchebags give a shit about that.

That’s not true .
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

None of the above.

I have no faith in mankind's ability to keep secrets.

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

This went on for decades and decades.

And yet we now know about it.

Well how can you prove secrets can be kept ?

How about this . Why do we still have so much classified info decades and decades after events happened ?

Because most of it is so mundane nobody gives a rats ass. I was a Classified Control Point Custodian while in the Marines, most of the classified shit of no interest to most anyone.
How can it be denied members of the Trump campaign attended a meeting with Russian agents in order to obtain 'dirt' on Clinton? I certainly call that collusion.
"Collusion" isn't a crime, dumbass. What they did is perfectly legal. On the other hand, Hillary paid Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump, and that is definitely illegal, but none of you Trump-hating douchebags give a shit about that.

That’s not true .
It's irrefutable.
I believe that Norm Coleman did beat Al Franken in Minnesota and the Dems in Florida are trying to steal the elections for governor and US Senator in that state this year. Might've stolen the Arizona election away from McSally too. A wise man once said: " it ain't the votes that counts, it's who counts the votes". There are just too many ballots that mysreriously appear after the election is over and they all voted for the democrat.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

I believe that Russian space aliens from Kenya worked with Oswald to stage the moon landing and the US Gummint knew.

What do I win?
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

I believe that Russian space aliens from Kenya worked with Oswald to stage the moon landing and the US Gummint knew.

What do I win?
I believe Oswald’s politics in 1962 match the Democratic Party platform in 2018.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%
Russian collusion is not yet a conspiracy theory intil the investigation is complete. When it is we will know one way or the other and that will be fine. There will be those that will no accept the results and spin a conspiracy but that is still in the future.

Nice try though!

Really, what additional Russians do you expect to see charged?



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