Politician and 2 reporters shot dead in Finland

What the heck! What's wrong with Finland now? It has always been a calm and peaceful country and now three murders at the same time! :(
Anyway I don't think she was a very important politician. Just a major of a little country.
And she was also a mother :cry:
But even if she was the worst Finnish politician ever why did they kill those 2 reporters? :dunno:

It appears to have been completely random -- the assailant seems to have been just waiting for whoever came out the door to use as a target and it happened to be these three women.

Yes she was a mother of two and sat on the city council in that town. Not really a "politician" but I guess they needed a profession label.
Read what Onyx said.

Read what *I* said. It was my post you responded to. You want to respond to Onyx, respond to Onyx.
You owe me an apology.

You jump in on a conversation, then demand to know what was said when it's quite clear what was said if you'd bothered to read the thread, and now you're demanding an apology.

Okay, I'm sorry you jumped in on my thread and made yourself look silly. Happy now?

"Your" thread? In what universe is this "your" thread? Do you have a sock or something?
You jumped on my post, implying I said she "deserved to die". FUCK you.

Stay classy asshole. And go learn how to fucking read.

Wow, insults.

Wow, still no apology.

Wow, you not getting one.

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