Politician shames Trump with promise to release taxes. Oops!!!

Who gives a shit, what are you looking for?
The question should be "what is Trump trying to hide?" The only logical answer would seem to be that he doesn't want his supporters to know how little he pays.
Who gives a shit, what are you looking for?
The question should be "what is Trump trying to hide?" The only logical answer would seem to be that he doesn't want his supporters to know how little he pays.
Well, there's a shitload of information that can be gleaned from these kinds of tax returns.

Certainly his Effective Tax Rate would be the first place to look, but he might also not want people to see his itemized deductions, his real income, his investments and the income they spit out, to whom he owes money and how much, not to mention his business tables. On and on.
If Pence and Hillary can do it, does Trump really have an excuse? The IRS says they're his to release. They don't have control of that, audit or no audit, contrary to Trump's statement. Mike Pence: I'll release tax returns next week - CNNPolitics.com
he's being audited. or he's busy deleting emails.
Neither a valid excuse.
think of it this way, he's been audited for every year for twelve years. now do you think the IRS under obama wouldn't have spoken up by now. lois lerner and all ?

you make lot's of good threads, this isn't one of them.

one thing about lerner, she got to make a speech, then take the fifth... i've never seen that before.
What difference does it make?
that's the other thing. people are looking for a matching anchor around the neck like hillary has. i think she's cooked.

nobody wan't a confused inept president who can't recall. or just can't recall the bad stuff.
Politician shames Trump with promise to release taxes.

Trump knows no shame. A putrid pile of rancid shit is his crown. Hypocrisy be thy name

His simpleminded Trumpbots know no shame. Eating from his crap pile is their badge of honor. Hypocrisy be thy game.

Losing be thy reward.
Who gives a shit, what are you looking for?
The question should be "what is Trump trying to hide?" The only logical answer would seem to be that he doesn't want his supporters to know how little he pays.

Konradv, we don't give a shit about his rate...we would like to get rid of the income.tax.

Why are you obsessed with how.little he pays?

I didn't see you bitch about GE, they paid zero, but it's ok if they support a democrat, right?

Until you guys want to get rid of the graduated income tax.with all the bullshit deductions......we won't care, if he fucks this bullshit system.....we cheer.
Another thread full of demand from people who have failed to demonstrate good faith by attaching a .pdf file of their own tax returns to their posts. Hypocrite much you turds?
Trumps tax rate and the amount he DOESN'T pay is totally irrelevant ... HOW MANY TIMES DOES THAT NEED TO BE SAID ?

The flow and direction of his $$ is a clear indication of his interests, and investments.

Boris the Russian Czar needs to prove to America exactly HOW GREAT it really is.
If Pence and Hillary can do it, does Trump really have an excuse? The IRS says they're his to release. They don't have control of that, audit or no audit, contrary to Trump's statement.

Mike Pence: I'll release tax returns next week - CNNPolitics.com

Dems are on a fishing expedition. with a 500 + page return, sniveling DemocRATS will throw everything into question, putting Trump on the defense over trivial matters. I say, keep libtards on full tilt. Don't release those taxes.
Who gives a shit, what are you looking for?
The question should be "what is Trump trying to hide?" The only logical answer would seem to be that he doesn't want his supporters to know how little he pays.

Hey Cupcake, actually Trump supporters want all of us to pay as little as possible. Why would we begrudge Trump keeping more of his own money?
Who gives a shit, what are you looking for?
The question should be "what is Trump trying to hide?" The only logical answer would seem to be that he doesn't want his supporters to know how little he pays.
Hey Cupcake, actually Trump supporters want all of us to pay as little as possible. Why would we begrudge Trump keeping more of his own money?
The shocking part would be how little compared to the average guy, sweetums.
Another thread full of demand from people who have failed to demonstrate good faith by attaching a .pdf file of their own tax returns to their posts. Hypocrite much you turds?
We're not running for president, shortbus.
Who gives a shit, what are you looking for?
The question should be "what is Trump trying to hide?" The only logical answer would seem to be that he doesn't want his supporters to know how little he pays.
Hey Cupcake, actually Trump supporters want all of us to pay as little as possible. Why would we begrudge Trump keeping more of his own money?
The shocking part would be how little compared to the average guy, sweetums.

I love liberals...

So in terms of what?
Or dollar amount?

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