Politicians ‘playing to their base’...Republican vs. Democrat

Ya gotta love the way he even prefaced his lies with "I am not making any of this up, these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base", essentially doubling down on his own lie before it was even pointed out.

And now he's gone back and erased those words, after I called him on them.

He's lost in his little talk radio fantasy world, in which honesty is optional.

LefTard Logic-
Mac says:
“You said he said the sky is blue. When what he really said is the sky is light blue. YOU’RE A LIAR!”
I notice you went back and changed your post after I shoved your lie down your throat.

I'd suggest you back away from the radio for a while, but I don't think you could.

Nothing was changed...you lying again?

You're shameless. Keep defending your lie.

What lie are you talking about...be specific?
The one where I said the sky was blue and not light blue?
I've already pointed it out.

You said "I am not making any of this up" in the OP. Then you made it all up.

Do you even realize that? Maybe you don't. Maybe you're just that far gone.
Well, talk radio SAYS that Democrats say that, so that's pretty much the same as Democrats saying it, because talk radio speaks The Truth 'n stuff.

Something like that.


“I’ll play along since I aim to enlighten the ignorant.
Let’s start at the top....
“It’s time to change policy and make life easier here for illegal aliens.”
Look up this thing you’ve never heard of called “sanctuary cities” and the policies set forth by Mexicrats.
TA-DA....this shit is way too easy. You’re welcome in advance, what else can I teach you?
(now pretend you didn’t see this post and save face)”
Wait so you still haven't found where a democrat made your talking point??? Then why are you still talking liar? Maybe you shouldn't post lies then you wouldn't have these problems.

Brokeloser, you really are one broke ass loser, and now you're a liar too.
Ya gotta love the way he even prefaced his lies with "I am not making any of this up, these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base", essentially doubling down on his own lie before it was even pointed out.

And now he's gone back and erased those words, after I called him on them.

He's lost in his little talk radio fantasy world, in which honesty is optional.
Spot on.

Who is the bigger liar Trump or BrokeLoser? We are all asking: Show me the MONEY, Show us where a democrat has said "these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base." You can't because you MADE THIS UP!!! Talk about embarrassing yourself, this was the stupidest post I have seen in a while.

PS how's it going with that drug price thing?? I guess it's hard to win an argument when the facts are not on your side.

WHOOPSIE....which Party is motivated by Big Pharma?
Got a source for that fake news?

In the end I have the source right here:
Senate Republicans Kept Provision to Fight High Drug Prices Out of Spending Bill, Democrats Say

It clearly shows how the republicans blocked a bill that would save us citizens and tax payers 3+ billion dollars. This is just one example there are many many more.
LefTard Logic-
Mac says:
“You said he said the sky is blue. When what he really said is the sky is light blue. YOU’RE A LIAR!”
I notice you went back and changed your post after I shoved your lie down your throat.

I'd suggest you back away from the radio for a while, but I don't think you could.

Nothing was changed...you lying again?

You're shameless. Keep defending your lie.

What lie are you talking about...be specific?
The one where I said the sky was blue and not light blue?
I've already pointed it out.

You said "I am not making any of this up" in the OP. Then you made it all up.

Do you even realize that? Maybe you don't. Maybe you're just that far gone.

There’s nothing made up...I can defend everything said so long as an ignorant fool isn’t splitting hairs.
We hear people use the statement all the time as a way to ridicule the politicians doing the ‘“playing”. Isn’t that what politicians are supposed to do...say things and do things their “base” wants to hear and see done?

Let’s look at some of the things a politician might say to energize their base while pissing off the opposing party.
“It’s time to shut the border down, build a wall and stop the invasion.”
“It’s time to lower taxes, get people off welfare and working to support themselves.”
“It’s time to enforce our laws and treat criminals like the trash they are.”
“It’s time to deregulate industry so businesses can’t get more done and employ more people.”
“It’s time to improve healthcare for ALL.”
“We must keep degenerate men out of women’s restrooms.”

“It’s time to change policy and make life easier here for illegal aliens.”
“It’s time to take more from our hardest working most productive and give it to those who have made bad decisions in life.”
“It’s time to decriminalize certain activities to make life easier for those having trouble following the rules.”
“It’s time to regulate businesses and discourage them from expanding.”
“It’s time to improve healthcare for the lowest one third.”
“Equal rights, a man in a dress should have the right to shit next to little girls.”

I am not making any of this up, these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base. This makes it pretty simple to create a profile for exactly what type of person is part of which base...huh?
I'm still waiting for you to show me how republicans are fighting to lower drug prices to improve healthcare.

Drug companies have successfully blocked a bill that allows generic makers to get their generic products to market. The bill is proposed to save 3.4 Billion for consumers and taxpayers, but of course the republicans will block that and we have to pay more. Meanwhile republicans collect their money from these same drug companies.


Oh look drug companies have just raised the price of insulin by 5000% forcing hard working Americans to pay substantially more or... DIE. Of course republicans have no problem with this as they continue to take dirty money from drug companies. Of course democrats oppose this, but they are powerless to stop the corrupt republican party.

Protesters at Sanofi in Cambridge decry high price of insulin - The Boston Globe

The fake news runs strong with this one.

Okay let’s play word games.
I said nothing about the cost of pharmaceuticals. What I said was...
“It’s time to improve healthcare for ALL.”
OHHHHHH I Get it, so by improving health care for all you meant jack up the cost of essential life saving drugs by 5000%, and block all bills that would lower drug prices. Oh my mistake I was thinking that improving healthcare for all would mean lowering drug prices. That's where I got confused.

I guess in republican fantasy land increasing the cost of insulin by 5000% and blocking any measures to lower drug prices is a good thing and improves healthcare for all.

BrokeLoser, you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole that you can't get out of.

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
-Mark Twain

Someone got caught lying again...I’d pretend I didn’t see this if I were you.
Wait Hillary Clinton is president? I guess I missed that.

What does this chart have to do with drug prices and what does this chart have to do with the fact that republicans in Congress blocked a bill that would save Americans and taxpayers $3.4 Billion dollar by lowering drug prices.

You aren't too good at this, like I said:

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
-Mark Twain
“I’ll play along since I aim to enlighten the ignorant.
Let’s start at the top....
“It’s time to change policy and make life easier here for illegal aliens.”
Look up this thing you’ve never heard of called “sanctuary cities” and the policies set forth by Mexicrats.
TA-DA....this shit is way too easy. You’re welcome in advance, what else can I teach you?
(now pretend you didn’t see this post and save face)”
Wait so you still haven't found where a democrat made your talking point??? Then why are you still talking liar? Maybe you shouldn't post lies then you wouldn't have these problems.

Brokeloser, you really are one broke ass loser, and now you're a liar too.
Ya gotta love the way he even prefaced his lies with "I am not making any of this up, these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base", essentially doubling down on his own lie before it was even pointed out.

And now he's gone back and erased those words, after I called him on them.

He's lost in his little talk radio fantasy world, in which honesty is optional.
Spot on.

Who is the bigger liar Trump or BrokeLoser? We are all asking: Show me the MONEY, Show us where a democrat has said "these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base." You can't because you MADE THIS UP!!! Talk about embarrassing yourself, this was the stupidest post I have seen in a while.

PS how's it going with that drug price thing?? I guess it's hard to win an argument when the facts are not on your side.

WHOOPSIE....which Party is motivated by Big Pharma?
Got a source for that fake news?

In the end I have the source right here:
Senate Republicans Kept Provision to Fight High Drug Prices Out of Spending Bill, Democrats Say

It clearly shows how the republicans blocked a bill that would save us citizens and tax payers 3+ billion dollars. This is just one example there are many many more.

WHOOPSIE...here’s one for you beggar.
How the Trump Administration Is Browbeating Big Pharma on Drug Prices
Stupidest post ever. Sow me one democrat politician that has said those things. The fake news runs strong with this one.

We hear people use the statement all the time as a way to ridicule the politicians doing the ‘“playing”. Isn’t that what politicians are supposed to do...say things and do things their “base” wants to hear and see done?

Let’s look at some of the things a politician might say to energize their base while pissing off the opposing party.
“It’s time to shut the border down, build a wall and stop the invasion.”
“It’s time to lower taxes, get people off welfare and working to support themselves.”
“It’s time to enforce our laws and treat criminals like the trash they are.”
“It’s time to deregulate industry so businesses can’t get more done and employ more people.”
“It’s time to improve healthcare for ALL.”
“We must keep degenerate men out of women’s restrooms.”

“It’s time to change policy and make life easier here for illegal aliens.”
“It’s time to take more from our hardest working most productive and give it to those who have made bad decisions in life.”
“It’s time to decriminalize certain activities to make life easier for those having trouble following the rules.”
“It’s time to regulate businesses and discourage them from expanding.”
“It’s time to improve healthcare for the lowest one third.”
“Equal rights, a man in a dress should have the right to shit next to little girls.”

I am not making any of this up, these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base. This makes it pretty simple to create a profile for exactly what type of person is part of which base...huh?


There is no way you fools are serious...anybody who spends any amount of time on this board and or whom pays attention to politics would agree that I’m spot on.
You fools would have refuted my claims one by one if you could...but instead you scream liar at the sky and post teenager level memes. I get it.

I would say you're an idiot.

Republicans are made up of the Aryan Nation, the KKK, White Nationalists, the American Nazi Party and the Alt White. The party is very close to all white.

Democrats are everyone else.

The differences are vast:

How about for fun & information we take & discuss each point the OP made.
1. shut the border stop the invasion.
this is just a minor point about the use of the English language, the word invasion means enter with force. do we have any government numbers on people entering by force?
any stats on the way most people DO enter the USA?
How about for fun & information we take & discuss each point the OP made.
1. shut the border stop the invasion.
this is just a minor point about the use of the English language, the word invasion means enter with force. do we have any government numbers on people entering by force?
any stats on the way most people DO enter the USA?

Good luck, these people hate straight forward discussion without word games, semantics and hair splitting. The truth is always a major inconvenience for some.
Wait so you still haven't found where a democrat made your talking point??? Then why are you still talking liar? Maybe you shouldn't post lies then you wouldn't have these problems.

Brokeloser, you really are one broke ass loser, and now you're a liar too.
Ya gotta love the way he even prefaced his lies with "I am not making any of this up, these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base", essentially doubling down on his own lie before it was even pointed out.

And now he's gone back and erased those words, after I called him on them.

He's lost in his little talk radio fantasy world, in which honesty is optional.
Spot on.

Who is the bigger liar Trump or BrokeLoser? We are all asking: Show me the MONEY, Show us where a democrat has said "these are the things said by politicians that would energize their base." You can't because you MADE THIS UP!!! Talk about embarrassing yourself, this was the stupidest post I have seen in a while.

PS how's it going with that drug price thing?? I guess it's hard to win an argument when the facts are not on your side.

WHOOPSIE....which Party is motivated by Big Pharma?
Got a source for that fake news?

In the end I have the source right here:
Senate Republicans Kept Provision to Fight High Drug Prices Out of Spending Bill, Democrats Say

It clearly shows how the republicans blocked a bill that would save us citizens and tax payers 3+ billion dollars. This is just one example there are many many more.

WHOOPSIE...here’s one for you beggar.
How the Trump Administration Is Browbeating Big Pharma on Drug Prices
Wow what is that I link to an article I can't read!!! AHAHAH!!! What a failed attempt. Great work there...

How about this!
Donald Trump Unveils His Drug-Pricing Plan - The Atlantic

In a speech Friday on drug pricing, President Trump completed his 180-degree turn on Candidate Trump’s promises. The White House’s new plan, as outlined, does seek to address high prescription-drug costs. “We will not rest until this job of unfair pricing is a total victory,” Trump said. But it doesn’t directly challenge the pharmaceutical industry and the direct role it plays in setting prices. Indeed, the new policy largely meets the goals of big pharma, signaling an ever-tightening bond between Trump and drug manufacturers.

Prescription drug prices rising despite Trump pressure on Big Pharma
At the end of May, he promised that drug companies would be announcing "massive" voluntary drug price cuts within two weeks.Few cuts followed, and an Associated Press analysis of brand-name prescription drug prices shows it's mostly been business as usual for drugmakers since Trump took office.

Trump’s abandoned promise to bring down drug prices, explained
“Despite continuing rhetoric that the pharmaceutical companies are getting away with murder,” said Rachel Sachs, a Washington University in St. Louis professor who follows drug pricing, “he has done absolutely nothing on this issue, and that has actually surprised me.”

Here it is again, republicans block the bill to lower drug prices:

Senate Republicans Kept Provision to Fight High Drug Prices Out of Spending Bill, Democrats Say
the Congressional Budget Office scores the provision as a $3.8 billion savings over 10 years, because it would increase generic drug production and lower government costs through Medicare and Medicaid. That money could have paid for more than a year of funding for state grants and prevention programs to combat the opioid epidemic, funding that made it into the final agreement. Savings to individual consumers, both inside and outside of federal programs, would have been far higher.
Plus the price of insulin has gone up 5000%!

That would be CHECK MATE! Keep shooting spitballs, I have dropped bombs and you have gotten crushed.

You have not made 1 valid point in this entire thread. Where are the democrat's quotes with your made up talking points??? Liar.
How about for fun & information we take & discuss each point the OP made.
1. shut the border stop the invasion.
this is just a minor point about the use of the English language, the word invasion means enter with force. do we have any government numbers on people entering by force?
any stats on the way most people DO enter the USA?

Good luck, these people hate straight forward discussion without word games, semantics and hair splitting. The truth is always a major inconvenience for some.
The truth? you mean the truth that you fabricated all of your talking points that you said came from democrats? Show us where a democrat said any of those things, I'm waiting (theme of jeopardy playing in the background)...

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