Politicians taking us the RIGHT direction


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Progress is being made. Kavanaugh and Barrett on the Supreme Court along with Clarence Thomas. Mike Johnson as speaker. Trump returning to the White House. America will return to greatness.

---Mike Johnson backed Clarence Thomas' suggestion that the Supreme Court 'reconsider' its rulings on contraception and same-sex marriage---

Progress is being made. Kavanaugh and Barrett on the Supreme Court along with Clarence Thomas. Mike Johnson as speaker. Trump returning to the White House. America will return to greatness.

---Mike Johnson backed Clarence Thomas' suggestion that the Supreme Court 'reconsider' its rulings on contraception and same-sex marriage---

What have they done exactly?
American didn't stop being great just because Biden won. Our nation's greatness is constant.
Progress is being made. Kavanaugh and Barrett on the Supreme Court along with Clarence Thomas. Mike Johnson as speaker. Trump returning to the White House. America will return to greatness.

---Mike Johnson backed Clarence Thomas' suggestion that the Supreme Court 'reconsider' its rulings on contraception and same-sex marriage---

Why do conservatives think that black birth rates are too low?
Oh yeah, and:

P.S. Nothing wrong with contraception whatsoever. In fact, it kinda renders the very concept of abortion as a logistically obsolete evil.
Because we're not eugenicists like Margaret Sanger.

The Left has single handedly stymied black genetic transference for generations.

How equitable of them.

This is the newest Republican excuse for banning abortion - we're saving black babies from the genocide of abortion.

If you want to stop the "genocide of black babies", end the systemic racism in America and give black people equal education and opportunities as white people. Then these women won't be so poor, and they'll be in a position to afford to have more children.

Problem solved.
Because we're not eugenicists like Margaret Sanger.

The Left has single handedly stymied black genetic transference for generations.

How equitable of them.
And that's why Republicans are losing the long game. More blacks mean more Democrats.
And that's why Republicans are losing the long game. More blacks mean more Democrats.

You clearly failed to even comprehend what I typed, then stacked another fallacious, simplistic assessment of reality on top of it.

Epic fail.
Couldn't agree more. No one has a constitutional right to contraceptives or same sex marriage. Those issues should be left to the individual states to decide.
Exactly. There's a good chance Kavanaugh and Barrett will do exactly that.

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