Politico: GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout

Are we getting testy, are we? Simmer down.
Honey, you are right but what you fail to understand is so much has happened, a great awakening has occurred. True, only time will tell, but I am willing to hedge my bets, if she is the nominee, now. The press knows they will be questioned more this time around. And id laws have been upheld in a number of states this time around.
I'm still chuckling over the 2014 gop landslide.

Are you somehow not understanding that there is no correlation between Mid-term elections and presidential elections? Are you really that daft? Are you not understanding that a vastly different clientele shows up for presidential GE years? Poor you.
Just like the ‘awakening’ in 2010 that carried over to 2012…
Here is the deal – there is no ‘awakening.’ Most Americans are still woefully uninformed and completely oblivious to politics in general. The smallest and most idiotic things control most people’s votes (and they are usually completely false to boot).
2014 was not an awakening either. The dems do not have 2016 in the bag by no means but the right is going to have to fight for every inch they get or have and fight very hard.
And the democrats are not helping their cause by putting some aging plow horse in the front.
That is YOUR opinion of her. You do realize that the left is more than willing to swallow Hillary to 'win' for their 'side' as that is the pathetic excuse for a political system that we currently employ.
The FACT is (and it is a fact) Hillary is currently doing far better than any potential republican candidate can even dream of doing. That means they have a head start no matter how much you might see Hillary as a 'plow horse.'
You do realize that the fastest and surest way to lose is to be absolutely sure of your victory. Ever hear of the tortoise and the hair? That little tale fits nicely into the current attitude of the right - the SAME EXACT ATTITUDE THEY HAD IN 2012. How did that work out - disastrous.
I don't think the "Plow Horse" will survive the trail in REAL life.
She is just to damn old. I think the run will kill her and maybe just maybe that's what party insiders want.
Are we getting testy, are we? Simmer down.
Honey, you are right but what you fail to understand is so much has happened, a great awakening has occurred. True, only time will tell, but I am willing to hedge my bets, if she is the nominee, now. The press knows they will be questioned more this time around. And id laws have been upheld in a number of states this time around.
Are you somehow not understanding that there is no correlation between Mid-term elections and presidential elections? Are you really that daft? Are you not understanding that a vastly different clientele shows up for presidential GE years? Poor you.
Just like the ‘awakening’ in 2010 that carried over to 2012…
Here is the deal – there is no ‘awakening.’ Most Americans are still woefully uninformed and completely oblivious to politics in general. The smallest and most idiotic things control most people’s votes (and they are usually completely false to boot).
2014 was not an awakening either. The dems do not have 2016 in the bag by no means but the right is going to have to fight for every inch they get or have and fight very hard.
And the democrats are not helping their cause by putting some aging plow horse in the front.
That is YOUR opinion of her. You do realize that the left is more than willing to swallow Hillary to 'win' for their 'side' as that is the pathetic excuse for a political system that we currently employ.
The FACT is (and it is a fact) Hillary is currently doing far better than any potential republican candidate can even dream of doing. That means they have a head start no matter how much you might see Hillary as a 'plow horse.'
You do realize that the fastest and surest way to lose is to be absolutely sure of your victory. Ever hear of the tortoise and the hair? That little tale fits nicely into the current attitude of the right - the SAME EXACT ATTITUDE THEY HAD IN 2012. How did that work out - disastrous.
I don't think the "Plow Horse" will survive the trail in REAL life.
She is just to damn old. I think the run will kill her and maybe just maybe that's what party insiders want.

You are a truly disgusting person.
She can't be beat!!
It's demographics!!
It's different in national elections!!
She can't lose!!
She's just like you!!
She's inevitable!!
Even Republicans love her!!
She's a lock!!
Just like in 2008!!

GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO


Hillary Clinton has found a new constituency: Republicans.

A significant — and surprising — majority of GOP insiders in the early states offered at least some praise for her presidential campaign rollout in a special Wednesday edition of The POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan survey of the most important activists, operatives and elected officials in Iowa and New Hampshire.

These are people who will never vote for her, but they have their fingers on the political pulse in the two states that kick off the nominating process. While most Republicans thought the former secretary of state’s announcement was contrived or phony, they nevertheless viewed it as a savvy and effective campaign launch.

“Honestly, I was very impressed,” said a top Iowa Republican, who — like all 72 respondents — completed the questionnaire anonymously in order to speak candidly. “She’s always been seen as cold. I think this helps warm her up for the general election. It also creates a soft launch for her.”

“She can be very hard to listen to speak, at times shrill, so this was refreshing and a little inspirational,” said a second Iowa Republican. “She knows she needs to earn people’s vote. It’s a smart way to brush off being the ‘anointed one.’”

“The drive to Iowa is the smartest play I’ve seen her make in a while,” declared a New Hampshire Republican.

A second Granite State Republican described the road trip as a masterstroke. “The campaign is, rightly, underplaying it and letting the social media activity promote her and her travels,” he said. “Really, really well played.”

Less surprisingly, the vast majority of Democratic insiders thought Hillary nailed her announcement and said her first foray into Iowa on Tuesday went as successfully as could be expected. Four in five surveyed said that this week’s rollout — from the launch video to the van ride to the low-key Iowa events — signals that she has learned the right lessons from her 2008 loss.

Much, much more at the link to read. The GOPers are anonymous, but the states from which they hail are listed.

Plenty of stuff to talk about.

Remember: Politico is a decidedly Right-leaning publication, with no love for the Clintons.

Read more: GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO

I think they were probably referring to this....

Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including health care 'lobbyist in training' who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

Read more: Campaign staff recruited everyday Iowans to Hillary Clinton s first campaign stop Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO


Hillary Clinton has found a new constituency: Republicans.

A significant — and surprising — majority of GOP insiders in the early states offered at least some praise for her presidential campaign rollout in a special Wednesday edition of The POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan survey of the most important activists, operatives and elected officials in Iowa and New Hampshire.

These are people who will never vote for her, but they have their fingers on the political pulse in the two states that kick off the nominating process. While most Republicans thought the former secretary of state’s announcement was contrived or phony, they nevertheless viewed it as a savvy and effective campaign launch.

“Honestly, I was very impressed,” said a top Iowa Republican, who — like all 72 respondents — completed the questionnaire anonymously in order to speak candidly. “She’s always been seen as cold. I think this helps warm her up for the general election. It also creates a soft launch for her.”

“She can be very hard to listen to speak, at times shrill, so this was refreshing and a little inspirational,” said a second Iowa Republican. “She knows she needs to earn people’s vote. It’s a smart way to brush off being the ‘anointed one.’”

“The drive to Iowa is the smartest play I’ve seen her make in a while,” declared a New Hampshire Republican.

A second Granite State Republican described the road trip as a masterstroke. “The campaign is, rightly, underplaying it and letting the social media activity promote her and her travels,” he said. “Really, really well played.”

Less surprisingly, the vast majority of Democratic insiders thought Hillary nailed her announcement and said her first foray into Iowa on Tuesday went as successfully as could be expected. Four in five surveyed said that this week’s rollout — from the launch video to the van ride to the low-key Iowa events — signals that she has learned the right lessons from her 2008 loss.

Much, much more at the link to read. The GOPers are anonymous, but the states from which they hail are listed.

Plenty of stuff to talk about.

Remember: Politico is a decidedly Right-leaning publication, with no love for the Clintons.

Read more: GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO

I think they were probably referring to this....

Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including health care 'lobbyist in training' who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

Read more: Campaign staff recruited everyday Iowans to Hillary Clinton s first campaign stop Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why do you think that?

You do realize that these are two separate stories, right?
She can't be beat!!
It's demographics!!
It's different in national elections!!
She can't lose!!
She's just like you!!
She's inevitable!!
Even Republicans love her!!
She's a lock!!
Just like in 2008!!


I see that you are slowing getting this....

I don't know how you can draw that conclusion. I see exactly what is happening. Hiliary and her astroturf campaign are off to a great start. Even "unnamed" republicans agree.

She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat.
Wash rinse repeat!
She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat.
She can't be beat!!
It's demographics!!
It's different in national elections!!
She can't lose!!
She's just like you!!
She's inevitable!!
Even Republicans love her!!
She's a lock!!
Just like in 2008!!


I see that you are slowing getting this....

I don't know how you can draw that conclusion. I see exactly what is happening. Hiliary and her astroturf campaign are off to a great start. Even "unnamed" republicans agree.

She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat.
Wash rinse repeat!
She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat. She's inevitable and can't be beat.

Was it good for you?
GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO


Hillary Clinton has found a new constituency: Republicans.

A significant — and surprising — majority of GOP insiders in the early states offered at least some praise for her presidential campaign rollout in a special Wednesday edition of The POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan survey of the most important activists, operatives and elected officials in Iowa and New Hampshire.

These are people who will never vote for her, but they have their fingers on the political pulse in the two states that kick off the nominating process. While most Republicans thought the former secretary of state’s announcement was contrived or phony, they nevertheless viewed it as a savvy and effective campaign launch.

“Honestly, I was very impressed,” said a top Iowa Republican, who — like all 72 respondents — completed the questionnaire anonymously in order to speak candidly. “She’s always been seen as cold. I think this helps warm her up for the general election. It also creates a soft launch for her.”

“She can be very hard to listen to speak, at times shrill, so this was refreshing and a little inspirational,” said a second Iowa Republican. “She knows she needs to earn people’s vote. It’s a smart way to brush off being the ‘anointed one.’”

“The drive to Iowa is the smartest play I’ve seen her make in a while,” declared a New Hampshire Republican.

A second Granite State Republican described the road trip as a masterstroke. “The campaign is, rightly, underplaying it and letting the social media activity promote her and her travels,” he said. “Really, really well played.”

Less surprisingly, the vast majority of Democratic insiders thought Hillary nailed her announcement and said her first foray into Iowa on Tuesday went as successfully as could be expected. Four in five surveyed said that this week’s rollout — from the launch video to the van ride to the low-key Iowa events — signals that she has learned the right lessons from her 2008 loss.

Much, much more at the link to read. The GOPers are anonymous, but the states from which they hail are listed.

Plenty of stuff to talk about.

Remember: Politico is a decidedly Right-leaning publication, with no love for the Clintons.

Read more: GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO

I think they were probably referring to this....

Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including health care 'lobbyist in training' who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

Read more: Campaign staff recruited everyday Iowans to Hillary Clinton s first campaign stop Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why do you think that?

You do realize that these are two separate stories, right?

I think that the GOP would be all in favor of Hillary's campaign "manufacturing" an event as it appears they did. Thus the GOP (feeling that her campaign will now be the butt of many jokes) would be all for it.
GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO


Hillary Clinton has found a new constituency: Republicans.

A significant — and surprising — majority of GOP insiders in the early states offered at least some praise for her presidential campaign rollout in a special Wednesday edition of The POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan survey of the most important activists, operatives and elected officials in Iowa and New Hampshire.

These are people who will never vote for her, but they have their fingers on the political pulse in the two states that kick off the nominating process. While most Republicans thought the former secretary of state’s announcement was contrived or phony, they nevertheless viewed it as a savvy and effective campaign launch.

“Honestly, I was very impressed,” said a top Iowa Republican, who — like all 72 respondents — completed the questionnaire anonymously in order to speak candidly. “She’s always been seen as cold. I think this helps warm her up for the general election. It also creates a soft launch for her.”

“She can be very hard to listen to speak, at times shrill, so this was refreshing and a little inspirational,” said a second Iowa Republican. “She knows she needs to earn people’s vote. It’s a smart way to brush off being the ‘anointed one.’”

“The drive to Iowa is the smartest play I’ve seen her make in a while,” declared a New Hampshire Republican.

A second Granite State Republican described the road trip as a masterstroke. “The campaign is, rightly, underplaying it and letting the social media activity promote her and her travels,” he said. “Really, really well played.”

Less surprisingly, the vast majority of Democratic insiders thought Hillary nailed her announcement and said her first foray into Iowa on Tuesday went as successfully as could be expected. Four in five surveyed said that this week’s rollout — from the launch video to the van ride to the low-key Iowa events — signals that she has learned the right lessons from her 2008 loss.

Much, much more at the link to read. The GOPers are anonymous, but the states from which they hail are listed.

Plenty of stuff to talk about.

Remember: Politico is a decidedly Right-leaning publication, with no love for the Clintons.

Read more: GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO

I think they were probably referring to this....

Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including health care 'lobbyist in training' who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

Read more: Campaign staff recruited everyday Iowans to Hillary Clinton s first campaign stop Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why do you think that?

You do realize that these are two separate stories, right?

I think that the GOP would be all in favor of Hillary's campaign "manufacturing" an event as it appears they did. Thus the GOP (feeling that her campaign will now be the butt of many jokes) would be all for it.

Ok, I'm following you not and not necessarily disagreeing. Of the GOP insiders who filled out the Politico questionnaire, most of them indicate that they find Hillary to be cold and unreal. The jist of the Politico article, however, is that even GOPers grudgingly admire her start. That's the point.

I admire it, because her team is thinking out of the box, at least at the start.

The rest of the stuff as to how "real" her encounters are with "normal" people is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. She is a former FLOTUS, Senator, and SOS. She has probably the highest name recognition of any woman in America. I can only begin to imagine how big her Secret Service protection must be.
GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO


Hillary Clinton has found a new constituency: Republicans.

A significant — and surprising — majority of GOP insiders in the early states offered at least some praise for her presidential campaign rollout in a special Wednesday edition of The POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan survey of the most important activists, operatives and elected officials in Iowa and New Hampshire.

These are people who will never vote for her, but they have their fingers on the political pulse in the two states that kick off the nominating process. While most Republicans thought the former secretary of state’s announcement was contrived or phony, they nevertheless viewed it as a savvy and effective campaign launch.

“Honestly, I was very impressed,” said a top Iowa Republican, who — like all 72 respondents — completed the questionnaire anonymously in order to speak candidly. “She’s always been seen as cold. I think this helps warm her up for the general election. It also creates a soft launch for her.”

“She can be very hard to listen to speak, at times shrill, so this was refreshing and a little inspirational,” said a second Iowa Republican. “She knows she needs to earn people’s vote. It’s a smart way to brush off being the ‘anointed one.’”

“The drive to Iowa is the smartest play I’ve seen her make in a while,” declared a New Hampshire Republican.

A second Granite State Republican described the road trip as a masterstroke. “The campaign is, rightly, underplaying it and letting the social media activity promote her and her travels,” he said. “Really, really well played.”

Less surprisingly, the vast majority of Democratic insiders thought Hillary nailed her announcement and said her first foray into Iowa on Tuesday went as successfully as could be expected. Four in five surveyed said that this week’s rollout — from the launch video to the van ride to the low-key Iowa events — signals that she has learned the right lessons from her 2008 loss.

Much, much more at the link to read. The GOPers are anonymous, but the states from which they hail are listed.

Plenty of stuff to talk about.

Remember: Politico is a decidedly Right-leaning publication, with no love for the Clintons.

Read more: GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO

I think they were probably referring to this....

Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including health care 'lobbyist in training' who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

Read more: Campaign staff recruited everyday Iowans to Hillary Clinton s first campaign stop Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why do you think that?

You do realize that these are two separate stories, right?

I think that the GOP would be all in favor of Hillary's campaign "manufacturing" an event as it appears they did. Thus the GOP (feeling that her campaign will now be the butt of many jokes) would be all for it.

Ok, I'm following you not and not necessarily disagreeing. Of the GOP insiders who filled out the Politico questionnaire, most of them indicate that they find Hillary to be cold and unreal. The jist of the Politico article, however, is that even GOPers grudgingly admire her start. That's the point.

I admire it, because her team is thinking out of the box, at least at the start.

The rest of the stuff as to how "real" her encounters are with "normal" people is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. She is a former FLOTUS, Senator, and SOS. She has probably the highest name recognition of any woman in America. I can only begin to imagine how big her Secret Service protection must be.

What is so "out of the box". These tactics have been used before. I think her failure to tip the wait staff at Chipotle was a huuuge mistake. If you are going to preach about your support for the middle class you had best follow up with the basics don't you think?

To me it just reinforces how totally out of touch she is with the rest of humanity. She is no doubt wonderful to the people she knows, but in day to day interactions she is cold and uninterested in the people around her. She seems to only care about them if they further her ambitions and that is all.
GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO


Much, much more at the link to read. The GOPers are anonymous, but the states from which they hail are listed.

Plenty of stuff to talk about.

Remember: Politico is a decidedly Right-leaning publication, with no love for the Clintons.

Read more: GOP insiders applaud Clinton rollout - James Hohmann - POLITICO

I think they were probably referring to this....

Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including health care 'lobbyist in training' who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

Read more: Campaign staff recruited everyday Iowans to Hillary Clinton s first campaign stop Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why do you think that?

You do realize that these are two separate stories, right?

I think that the GOP would be all in favor of Hillary's campaign "manufacturing" an event as it appears they did. Thus the GOP (feeling that her campaign will now be the butt of many jokes) would be all for it.

Ok, I'm following you not and not necessarily disagreeing. Of the GOP insiders who filled out the Politico questionnaire, most of them indicate that they find Hillary to be cold and unreal. The jist of the Politico article, however, is that even GOPers grudgingly admire her start. That's the point.

I admire it, because her team is thinking out of the box, at least at the start.

The rest of the stuff as to how "real" her encounters are with "normal" people is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. She is a former FLOTUS, Senator, and SOS. She has probably the highest name recognition of any woman in America. I can only begin to imagine how big her Secret Service protection must be.

What is so "out of the box". These tactics have been used before. I think her failure to tip the wait staff at Chipotle was a huuuge mistake. If you are going to preach about your support for the middle class you had best follow up with the basics don't you think?

To me it just reinforces how totally out of touch she is with the rest of humanity. She is no doubt wonderful to the people she knows, but in day to day interactions she is cold and uninterested in the people around her. She seems to only care about them if they further her ambitions and that is all.

Interesting. When you go to McDonalds, do you tip?

Actually, the format of the announcement video really does show some thinking out of the box, if you ask me.

In a way, by focusing on her every move in every way, the Right is actually doing Hillary a favor in two big ways:

Right now, they are talking more about her than their own candidates, so she is getting free-advertisting from them. If I were Marco Rubio, I would be none too pleased about this.

And the continued attacks over nothing only serve to harden her up more for the GE, and the public will get tired of the Right constantly going apoplectic about a hand motion or drinking from a cup or making eye contact, etc... to the point that when the Right would really have valid reason to fling mud at her about something, the "boy who cried wolf" complex will kind of make them hard to believe...
Last edited:
I think they were probably referring to this....

Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including health care 'lobbyist in training' who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

Read more: Campaign staff recruited everyday Iowans to Hillary Clinton s first campaign stop Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Why do you think that?

You do realize that these are two separate stories, right?

I think that the GOP would be all in favor of Hillary's campaign "manufacturing" an event as it appears they did. Thus the GOP (feeling that her campaign will now be the butt of many jokes) would be all for it.

Ok, I'm following you not and not necessarily disagreeing. Of the GOP insiders who filled out the Politico questionnaire, most of them indicate that they find Hillary to be cold and unreal. The jist of the Politico article, however, is that even GOPers grudgingly admire her start. That's the point.

I admire it, because her team is thinking out of the box, at least at the start.

The rest of the stuff as to how "real" her encounters are with "normal" people is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. She is a former FLOTUS, Senator, and SOS. She has probably the highest name recognition of any woman in America. I can only begin to imagine how big her Secret Service protection must be.

What is so "out of the box". These tactics have been used before. I think her failure to tip the wait staff at Chipotle was a huuuge mistake. If you are going to preach about your support for the middle class you had best follow up with the basics don't you think?

To me it just reinforces how totally out of touch she is with the rest of humanity. She is no doubt wonderful to the people she knows, but in day to day interactions she is cold and uninterested in the people around her. She seems to only care about them if they further her ambitions and that is all.

Interesting. When you go to McDonalds, do you tip?

Actually, the format of the announcement video really does show some thinking out of the box, if you ask me.

In a way, by focusing on her every move in every way, the Right is actually doing Hillary a favor in two big ways:

Right now, they are talking more about her than their own candidates, so she is getting free-advertisting from them. If I were Marco Rubio, I would be none too pleased about this.

And the continued attacks over nothing only serve to harden her up more for the GE, and the public will get tired of the Right constantly going apoplectic about a hand motion or drinking from a cup or making eye contact, etc... to the point that when the Right would really have valid reason to fling mud at her about something, the "boy who cried wolf" complex will kind of make them hard to believe...

I rarely go to McD's but I do go to Q'doba and yes, if they do a good job I tip. I tip at deli's too.

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