Politics and Movies: Purge Night - Election Year

Hit a nerve, eh, NoTexas? America is going to electorally purge your sides far right nonsense the fall.

At which point the Far Right will have no choice but to purge you leftists from this nation, permanently.
You have not the will nor the numbers. And your neighbors would take care of matters before the LEO and military arrived. The Far Right is finished.
Why is this shit in politics? It's a freaking movie.
Because the movie was about politics directly and an indirect hit on your trumpettes.

It's BS fiction written long before the rise of Trump. They started shooting Sep 2015 and the script and casting occurred long before that, pull your head out dumb ass, just because you wish it so, doesn't make it so. Now run along it's way past your bed time.
And it was aimed at the far right type of people who would support a Trump style presidency and world.

They tweaked several scenes to make it very clear the producers had taken sides in this election.

They timed the release several weeks short of the Cleveland convention.

Your BS fiction fails.
Ramblings of a senile old fool. Be sure and get your nap today.
Hit a nerve, eh, NoTexas? America is going to electorally purge your sides far right nonsense the fall.

No, just haven't found arguing with the senile much fun. Enjoy your nap.
Most Hollywood films are produced by far Left Communist/Progressive assholes. So i'm sure this film is no different. It's all about the Communist/Progressive propaganda. Rarely is the other side presented fairly and realistically.

The Communists took over Hollywood a long time ago. Joseph McCarthy really wasn't too far off-base. I take any 'messages' Hollywood tries to deliver, with a grain of salt. It's just fantastical propaganda.
Most Hollywood films are produced by far Left Communist/Progressive assholes. So i'm sure this film is no different. It's all about the Communist/Progressive propaganda. Rarely is the other side presented fairly and realistically.

The Communists took over Hollywood a long time ago. Joseph McCarthy really wasn't too far off-base. I take any 'messages' Hollywood tries to deliver, with a grain of salt. It's just fantastical propaganda.
It's so obvious, isn't it? Only the fools don't see it and the weak minded are influenced by it. When I say weak minded I mean liberals.
Because the movie was about politics directly and an indirect hit on your trumpettes.

It's BS fiction written long before the rise of Trump. They started shooting Sep 2015 and the script and casting occurred long before that, pull your head out dumb ass, just because you wish it so, doesn't make it so. Now run along it's way past your bed time.
And it was aimed at the far right type of people who would support a Trump style presidency and world.

They tweaked several scenes to make it very clear the producers had taken sides in this election.

They timed the release several weeks short of the Cleveland convention.

Your BS fiction fails.
Ramblings of a senile old fool. Be sure and get your nap today.
Hit a nerve, eh, NoTexas? America is going to electorally purge your sides far right nonsense the fall.

No, just haven't found arguing with the senile much fun. Enjoy your nap.
Yup, it irks you a man two times your age makes you look like the goof you are with no trouble at all.
You better hope so, because if not we're gonna make Auschwitz look like Disneyland for you Leftists.

But what if we go somewhere that a HoverRound scooter can't follow? Have you RollingBrownshirts considered that?

Oh, thanks for the thread. It will come in handy when referencing the bloodthirsty Stalinist nature of so many conservatives.

(Oh, for good fun, ask Dale about his Chemtrails sometime. That's one of the subjects he's spent 17,000 hours researching. I'll give him this, he's as well-informed as a jihadist who spent 17,000 hours studying the Quran.)
You have not the will nor the numbers. And your neighbors would take care of matters before the LEO and military arrived. The Far Right is finished.

You better hope so, because if not we're gonna make Auschwitz look like Disneyland for you Leftists.
:lol: You goofy poof. Nothing of the sort will ever happen. This is over for you already.
It's BS fiction written long before the rise of Trump. They started shooting Sep 2015 and the script and casting occurred long before that, pull your head out dumb ass, just because you wish it so, doesn't make it so. Now run along it's way past your bed time.
And it was aimed at the far right type of people who would support a Trump style presidency and world.

They tweaked several scenes to make it very clear the producers had taken sides in this election.

They timed the release several weeks short of the Cleveland convention.

Your BS fiction fails.
Ramblings of a senile old fool. Be sure and get your nap today.
Hit a nerve, eh, NoTexas? America is going to electorally purge your sides far right nonsense the fall.

No, just haven't found arguing with the senile much fun. Enjoy your nap.
Yup, it irks you a man two times your age makes you look like the goof you are with no trouble at all.

Another ridiculous assumption from a senile old fool. Please provide a birth certificate proving you were born in 1885.
]:lol: You goofy poof. Nothing of the sort will ever happen. This is over for you already.

Careful. If there's no chance for the country to be fixed, then there's no reason for us not to bomb the nuclear power plants and see how else we can make this could try SHINE one more time.
bilderberg boy blathering

Answer the question, Jake....what was JFK speaking of when he gave his speech about a monolithic conspiracy? What did he mean about being opposed to those that belonged to secret societies and took secret oaths? Put your little thinking cap on........c'mon, lil camper.......think REALLLLLLL hard...... (snicker)

I know more than you.....I spend 10 to 12 hours a day researching this shit and educating myself and have done so every day for the last 4 years. I never take a break because the more I learn, the more I want to learn and it becomes an obsession. I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of knowledge. My guesstimate is that I have invested over 17,000 hours of time. Yeah, I know a lot of stuff. I just finished a series on John Foster Dulles and his equally piece of shit brother Allen Dulles and it disgusts me that they have named landmarks after them. I know more than you.....infinitely more.
You know nothing, bilderboy. :lol:

Again you avoid the question. It was one of Kennedy's best remembered speeches but apparently you never heard it. Allow me to enlighten you.

And it was aimed at the far right type of people who would support a Trump style presidency and world.

They tweaked several scenes to make it very clear the producers had taken sides in this election.

They timed the release several weeks short of the Cleveland convention.

Your BS fiction fails.
Ramblings of a senile old fool. Be sure and get your nap today.
Hit a nerve, eh, NoTexas? America is going to electorally purge your sides far right nonsense the fall.

No, just haven't found arguing with the senile much fun. Enjoy your nap.
Yup, it irks you a man two times your age makes you look like the goof you are with no trouble at all.

Another ridiculous assumption from a senile old fool. Please provide a birth certificate proving you were born in 1885.

Says the silly youngers who offers "nuh uh" as compelling counter argument. :lol:

So according to your question, I am younger than you, senile old man? Offer a birth certificate.

You are goofy.

The far right wants to make the old go away.
"Again you avoid the question." The question is not relevant, bubbilderberg.
Ramblings of a senile old fool. Be sure and get your nap today.
Hit a nerve, eh, NoTexas? America is going to electorally purge your sides far right nonsense the fall.

No, just haven't found arguing with the senile much fun. Enjoy your nap.
Yup, it irks you a man two times your age makes you look like the goof you are with no trouble at all.

Another ridiculous assumption from a senile old fool. Please provide a birth certificate proving you were born in 1885.

Says the silly youngers who offers "nuh uh" as compelling counter argument. :lol:

So according to your question, I am younger than you, senile old man? Offer a birth certificate.

You are goofy.

The far right wants to make the old go away.

Seems that death panels were a leftard idea.....way to stick your foot in your mouth, dumb ass.
Hit a nerve, eh, NoTexas? America is going to electorally purge your sides far right nonsense the fall.

No, just haven't found arguing with the senile much fun. Enjoy your nap.
Yup, it irks you a man two times your age makes you look like the goof you are with no trouble at all.

Another ridiculous assumption from a senile old fool. Please provide a birth certificate proving you were born in 1885.

Says the silly youngers who offers "nuh uh" as compelling counter argument. :lol:

So according to your question, I am younger than you, senile old man? Offer a birth certificate.

You are goofy.

The far right wants to make the old go away.
Seems that death panels were a leftard idea.....way to stick your foot in your mouth, dumb ass.
The death panels were the creation of Bachmann, little buddy.
No, just haven't found arguing with the senile much fun. Enjoy your nap.
Yup, it irks you a man two times your age makes you look like the goof you are with no trouble at all.

Another ridiculous assumption from a senile old fool. Please provide a birth certificate proving you were born in 1885.

Says the silly youngers who offers "nuh uh" as compelling counter argument. :lol:

So according to your question, I am younger than you, senile old man? Offer a birth certificate.

You are goofy.

The far right wants to make the old go away.
Seems that death panels were a leftard idea.....way to stick your foot in your mouth, dumb ass.
The death panels were the creation of Bachmann, little buddy.

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are such an idiot!!!!!!
Saw the move "The Purge: Election Year", a special screening tonight at the Metroplex downtown.

The story line was clearly an assault on the combination of the far right and a national religion controlling the country in the name of the NFFA and the NRA.

I don't think such a concept could have been constructed narratively sixty years ago and the New Founding Fathers.

The Purge: Election Year - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If you're trying to make a political statement, it's a failure. The only Party actively advocating for ignoring the laws of this land are the progressive Democrats.

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