Politics as usual...Obama says... GOP Apparently are scared of widows and orphans coming into USA..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”
Obama slams Republicans over refugee stance - CNNPolitics.com

Just a few hours later in Paris:

A female terrorist wearing a suicide vest has blown herself up and another jihadi was killed by a grenade during a six-hour siege on a flat where police believe the Paris massacres mastermind and six other ISIS terrorists were hiding.

This from the "leader from Behind"!

So how many of the Syrian refugees are "widows and orphans"..?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees — which refers refugees for resettlement in other countries — says there are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees. Its figures on the demographic makeup of refugees is based on available data on the 2.1 million who were registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. (Another 1.9 million Syrian refugees were registered by the Government of Turkey, and more than 24,000 were registered in North Africa.)
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So how many of the 50.5% of refugees are women like the female terrorist?
How many of the 21.8% white males are terrorists?

Where in that list are "widows and orphans"???
Why would he accept people from a Jihad stricken area? Why would he want to take that chance? If he is so gun ho about it, why don't he do it where Americans are NOT at risk?
I wonder what Boston thinks about his rhetoric?

Obama's Widows and Orphans
Like the woman that blew herself up in France? Probably a widow.

And why do they call them suicide vests? They usually commit homicide with them.
Wonder if Obama includes Schumer in his "fear of windows and orphans"?

We’re waiting for the briefing tomorrow, a pause may be necessary. We’re going to look at it,” he said.

Schumer is widely expected to become leader of Senate Democrats in the next Congress, after Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) retires.
Schumer: Refugee pause may be necessary
Just heard 8 are being detained in Turkey, posing as refugees trying to get through at the Istanbul airport.
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So Obama attacks GOP for wanting to protect Americans but WHAT DID OBAMA DO to as OBAMA said a "GREAT RECRUITING TOOL"..
to help recruit Terrorists in Iraq?
He and these other traitors helped terrorist recruiters by giving them these statements they could use to recruit...
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Isn't this what you are saying right now???
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", (Wouldn't the insurgent barbarians find this statement helpful in recruiting?"Hey we have USA on the Run"!!!)
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” (A barbarian says "SEE even their politicians admit USA are cold blooded killers"!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Kerry calling our troops TERRORISTS!!!

SO Obama... says:
“I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric coming out of here in the course of this debate,” Obama said, using his preferred acronym for the group.
President Obama Says GOP Acting As Recruitment Tool For ISIS | RedState
he makes me sick. that's all and has for the whole time he's been sullying up the office of President with his HATE
i am NOT one bit scared of them, i just do NOT want any more muslimes in my country, if they come, for every one muslime, 100 Christians should be given shelter. :up:
Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”
Obama slams Republicans over refugee stance - CNNPolitics.com

Just a few hours later in Paris:

A female terrorist wearing a suicide vest has blown herself up and another jihadi was killed by a grenade during a six-hour siege on a flat where police believe the Paris massacres mastermind and six other ISIS terrorists were hiding.

This from the "leader from Behind"!

So how many of the Syrian refugees are "widows and orphans"..?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees — which refers refugees for resettlement in other countries — says there are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees. Its figures on the demographic makeup of refugees is based on available data on the 2.1 million who were registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. (Another 1.9 million Syrian refugees were registered by the Government of Turkey, and more than 24,000 were registered in North Africa.)
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So how many of the 50.5% of refugees are women like the female terrorist?
How many of the 21.8% white males are terrorists?

Where in that list are "widows and orphans"???
This was beyond the pale. I'm so fucking disgusted by this asshole.
Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”
Obama slams Republicans over refugee stance - CNNPolitics.com

Just a few hours later in Paris:

A female terrorist wearing a suicide vest has blown herself up and another jihadi was killed by a grenade during a six-hour siege on a flat where police believe the Paris massacres mastermind and six other ISIS terrorists were hiding.

This from the "leader from Behind"!

So how many of the Syrian refugees are "widows and orphans"..?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees — which refers refugees for resettlement in other countries — says there are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees. Its figures on the demographic makeup of refugees is based on available data on the 2.1 million who were registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. (Another 1.9 million Syrian refugees were registered by the Government of Turkey, and more than 24,000 were registered in North Africa.)
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So how many of the 50.5% of refugees are women like the female terrorist?
How many of the 21.8% white males are terrorists?

Where in that list are "widows and orphans"???

Where on that list are the mostly young men that the GOP liars keep ranting about?
According to what the terrorists claim, the next target will be Washington DC. Tsk tsk, what a shame.
I wish John Kerry would have stayed in Viet Nam. I'm sure he didn't though, because he couldn't give up the lifestyle this great nation provided for him, while railing against it.

He is such a two faced traitor.
You mean the women that deployed suicide vests, right?
Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”
Obama slams Republicans over refugee stance - CNNPolitics.com

Just a few hours later in Paris:

A female terrorist wearing a suicide vest has blown herself up and another jihadi was killed by a grenade during a six-hour siege on a flat where police believe the Paris massacres mastermind and six other ISIS terrorists were hiding.

This from the "leader from Behind"!

So how many of the Syrian refugees are "widows and orphans"..?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees — which refers refugees for resettlement in other countries — says there are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees. Its figures on the demographic makeup of refugees is based on available data on the 2.1 million who were registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. (Another 1.9 million Syrian refugees were registered by the Government of Turkey, and more than 24,000 were registered in North Africa.)
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So how many of the 50.5% of refugees are women like the female terrorist?
How many of the 21.8% white males are terrorists?

Where in that list are "widows and orphans"???

Where on that list are the mostly young men that the GOP liars keep ranting about?
Remember, he'll be known as the Great Uniter. more like for being a lowlife street thug.

but what should we have expected they put someone who was only a worthless Community Agitator all his pathetic life
Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”
Obama slams Republicans over refugee stance - CNNPolitics.com

Just a few hours later in Paris:

A female terrorist wearing a suicide vest has blown herself up and another jihadi was killed by a grenade during a six-hour siege on a flat where police believe the Paris massacres mastermind and six other ISIS terrorists were hiding.

This from the "leader from Behind"!

So how many of the Syrian refugees are "widows and orphans"..?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees — which refers refugees for resettlement in other countries — says there are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees. Its figures on the demographic makeup of refugees is based on available data on the 2.1 million who were registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. (Another 1.9 million Syrian refugees were registered by the Government of Turkey, and more than 24,000 were registered in North Africa.)
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So how many of the 50.5% of refugees are women like the female terrorist?
How many of the 21.8% white males are terrorists?

Where in that list are "widows and orphans"???

Where on that list are the mostly young men that the GOP liars keep ranting about?

So how many of the Syrian refugees are "widows and orphans"..?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees — which refers refugees for resettlement in other countries —
says there are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees.
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women.
Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees,
while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.
Even younger males — age 12 to 17 —
represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent.
The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old.
These numbers were as of Sept. 6.
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So how many of the 50.5% of refugees are women like the female terrorist?
How many of the 21.8% white males are terrorists?

Where in that list are "widows and orphans"???

“The available information indicates that ISIS brought a baby, the son of a civilian was executed a few weeks ago under the charges of killing ISIS militants, in one of the training camps near Sharqat northern Salahuddin,” al-Husseini told Iraqi News. “The organization has booby-trapped and blew up the child in front of dozens of ISIS militants by a remote,” he added.

The detonating of the baby was part of a training program to learn about booby-trapping mechanisms.

In the town of Heet, 31 miles from Ramadi–the city that was captured by ISIS in May–the organization burnt five women alive recently. The women refused to give their children to the Jihadist organization and were torched together with their sons by ISIS, a local Sunni tribal leader reported.
ISIS Creates Army Of Child Suicide Bombers, Uses Booby-Trapped Baby In Training Mission

So Carbineer.... as a lover of the terrorists and one who hates the USA are you happy when your friends ISIS do the above... using a live baby as a demo?
That is the kind of people that are embedded in the Syrian refugees for sure!
Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”
Obama slams Republicans over refugee stance - CNNPolitics.com

Just a few hours later in Paris:

A female terrorist wearing a suicide vest has blown herself up and another jihadi was killed by a grenade during a six-hour siege on a flat where police believe the Paris massacres mastermind and six other ISIS terrorists were hiding.

This from the "leader from Behind"!

So how many of the Syrian refugees are "widows and orphans"..?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees — which refers refugees for resettlement in other countries — says there are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees. Its figures on the demographic makeup of refugees is based on available data on the 2.1 million who were registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. (Another 1.9 million Syrian refugees were registered by the Government of Turkey, and more than 24,000 were registered in North Africa.)
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So how many of the 50.5% of refugees are women like the female terrorist?
How many of the 21.8% white males are terrorists?

Where in that list are "widows and orphans"???

Where on that list are the mostly young men that the GOP liars keep ranting about?

So how many of the Syrian refugees are "widows and orphans"..?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees — which refers refugees for resettlement in other countries —
says there are more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees.
UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women.
Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees,
while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.
Even younger males — age 12 to 17 —
represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent.
The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old.
These numbers were as of Sept. 6.
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

So how many of the 50.5% of refugees are women like the female terrorist?
How many of the 21.8% white males are terrorists?

Where in that list are "widows and orphans"???

“The available information indicates that ISIS brought a baby, the son of a civilian was executed a few weeks ago under the charges of killing ISIS militants, in one of the training camps near Sharqat northern Salahuddin,” al-Husseini told Iraqi News. “The organization has booby-trapped and blew up the child in front of dozens of ISIS militants by a remote,” he added.

The detonating of the baby was part of a training program to learn about booby-trapping mechanisms.

In the town of Heet, 31 miles from Ramadi–the city that was captured by ISIS in May–the organization burnt five women alive recently. The women refused to give their children to the Jihadist organization and were torched together with their sons by ISIS, a local Sunni tribal leader reported.
ISIS Creates Army Of Child Suicide Bombers, Uses Booby-Trapped Baby In Training Mission

So Carbineer.... as a lover of the terrorists and one who hates the USA are you happy when your friends ISIS do the above... using a live baby as a demo?
That is the kind of people that are embedded in the Syrian refugees for sure!

I'm in upstate NY if you want to call me a lover of the terrorists to my face, Grandpa.

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