Politics gone woke in my home city.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
I've posted here before that at 76 cognitive decline is a concern of mine so I took a professionally proctored IQ test and got a score that exactly matched what I got in 1962 at 15. I was told that given my age this is unusual. The score I got was measured against all people, not all people my age. This result was particularly interesting considering I have had several concussions from face-planting on the road during group bicycle rides and races since 1983.

The helmet has always been my friend which is probably why I am still breathing. I could be walking around with brain damage and my decision to always wear a helmet has served me well.
Unfortunately there is no protective equipment for people under the influence of a Sovietized press in America and particularly in my home city. Picture youself being confronted with a situation where your mother, your sister, your wife, and your daughters, all decide to become prostitutes. They reach this decision out of some belief that they are pursuing some greater good that justifies a new reality in a postmodern world. So instead of just being seen as whores, these women see themsleves as honorable sex workers in a new society that average people are too ignorant and uneducated to understand. Those ignorant and uneducated people are you and anyone else that voted for the former US president.

That concise and scary scenario reveals what has happened to the local newspaper and radio programming in that city. Objective news reporting and standard jounrnalism went from what most would expect in a free country to outright propaganda. And the result is that a lot of local people are walking around with brain damage. I checked, and one of my nephews that unwittingly swallowed Fentanyl in town is still dead. His death was reported as "unexpected". Well, I guess that pretty much describes the double-speak community that the city has become. Some unimportant soul died from a drug that's all over the city and that's normal. Nothing to see here folks, move along!

According to city media the real problem was that guy in the White House a few years ago. You know, the guy that does not drink, smoke, or abuse drugs and never aborted any of his unwanted children? That guy had to go because he believed in working deals and negotiated settlements to avoid wars. Washington politicians were very uneasy that lucrative piggy bank wars could become a thing of the past and now we have two of them. All that was "fixed" after the last corrupted election. The people of Keene can dry their tears, belch up all that calming hot chocolate, and rest assured that nothing like Donald Trump will ever happen again.

Those of us old enough to remember Francis Gary Powers and his Soviet show trials know what is happening. We can't believe it is happening here but apparently we must accept it. We are also old enough to remember Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military industrial complex that uses wars to enrich and empower elites that gravitate into high positions. One wonders if people in this woke city know that when nuclear tipped missiles head their way that the special people in charge will go to underground lead-lined shelters with movie theaters and well-stocked kitchens. They will emerge when it's all over to a post apocalyptic world where you and your children are the radioactive skelatonized remains cluttering the scorched earth.

Well, I guess that's what we get for being ignorant and uneducated. Maybe it's Darwinsm, who knows? Anyway, the city's media has already decided what side they are on. They are like egg-sucking dogs on a farm-they cannot be cured. Propaganda is powerful and it may win out in the end. They may succeed in putting your choice for president in jail in true third-world fashion.

How do you like your new world?
Please define "woke" for us.
Woke is believing people should be forced to pretend America’s worst, weirdest, most degenerate citizens are America‘s greatest assets.
Woke is ignoring the behavioral attributes of dark people and pretending members of law enforcement are a danger to society.
Woke is ignoring the behavioral attributes of dark people and pretending white supremacists are America’s greatest threat.
Woke is believing people should be forced to believe a man can become a woman by proclamation, forced to believe homosexuality is normal, forced to believe a defended border is a racist border, forced to believe there is no such thing as morality and normality.
You starting to get it?
I've posted here before that at 76 cognitive decline is a concern of mine so I took a professionally proctored IQ test and got a score that exactly matched what I got in 1962 at 15. I was told that given my age this is unusual. The score I got was measured against all people, not all people my age. This result was particularly interesting considering I have had several concussions from face-planting on the road during group bicycle rides and races since 1983.

The helmet has always been my friend which is probably why I am still breathing. I could be walking around with brain damage and my decision to always wear a helmet has served me well.
Unfortunately there is no protective equipment for people under the influence of a Sovietized press in America and particularly in my home city. Picture youself being confronted with a situation where your mother, your sister, your wife, and your daughters, all decide to become prostitutes. They reach this decision out of some belief that they are pursuing some greater good that justifies a new reality in a postmodern world. So instead of just being seen as whores, these women see themsleves as honorable sex workers in a new society that average people are too ignorant and uneducated to understand. Those ignorant and uneducated people are you and anyone else that voted for the former US president.

That concise and scary scenario reveals what has happened to the local newspaper and radio programming in that city. Objective news reporting and standard jounrnalism went from what most would expect in a free country to outright propaganda. And the result is that a lot of local people are walking around with brain damage. I checked, and one of my nephews that unwittingly swallowed Fentanyl in town is still dead. His death was reported as "unexpected". Well, I guess that pretty much describes the double-speak community that the city has become. Some unimportant soul died from a drug that's all over the city and that's normal. Nothing to see here folks, move along!

According to city media the real problem was that guy in the White House a few years ago. You know, the guy that does not drink, smoke, or abuse drugs and never aborted any of his unwanted children? That guy had to go because he believed in working deals and negotiated settlements to avoid wars. Washington politicians were very uneasy that lucrative piggy bank wars could become a thing of the past and now we have two of them. All that was "fixed" after the last corrupted election. The people of Keene can dry their tears, belch up all that calming hot chocolate, and rest assured that nothing like Donald Trump will ever happen again.

Those of us old enough to remember Francis Gary Powers and his Soviet show trials know what is happening. We can't believe it is happening here but apparently we must accept it. We are also old enough to remember Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military industrial complex that uses wars to enrich and empower elites that gravitate into high positions. One wonders if people in this woke city know that when nuclear tipped missiles head their way that the special people in charge will go to underground lead-lined shelters with movie theaters and well-stocked kitchens. They will emerge when it's all over to a post apocalyptic world where you and your children are the radioactive skelatonized remains cluttering the scorched earth.

Well, I guess that's what we get for being ignorant and uneducated. Maybe it's Darwinsm, who knows? Anyway, the city's media has already decided what side they are on. They are like egg-sucking dogs on a farm-they cannot be cured. Propaganda is powerful and it may win out in the end. They may succeed in putting your choice for president in jail in true third-world fashion.

How do you like your new world?
Studies have shown that wearing a hemet is more dangerous than not doing so.

Just FYI.

Please define "woke" for us.
I'd be happy if he just told us what this mess of a thread is about.

He's saying he has the brain of a 15 year old - and I can certainly see that - but then it descends from this odd self-congratulatory revelation into incomprehensible idiocy.

Maybe his adolescent brain needs a long overdue wake-up call?
There does not seem to be any middle ground with Donald Trump. But Trump's popularity is often misidentified. The people who elected Trump in 2016 saw Trump as an alternative to Washington politics and an opportunity to reset the direction America has been heading in. The people who hate Trump, and hate is an accurate word here, do so because they have bought into the propaganda myth that Trump is a liar, a cheat, a scam artist, a confidence man, a Russian spy, and a pervert that fantasizes about having sex with his daughters.

Propaganda is powerful and it can put people under a pathological spell that they cannot escape. Propaganda has a long history in the human condition and its gutteral effects on the human mind are well documented. The Soviet Union and East Germany are two examples that loom large in recent history and North Korea still festers as a bustling hive of propaganda. But is China that presents the greatest danger to freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and the survival of the middle class in the United States. China is content at the moment to just sit back and let America commit suicide with propaganda. They celebrate corrupted elections because the public trust in US leadership has been eroded to the extent that it is probably irreparable.

America has always sat alone on the planet as a place where the middle class could hold sway over the great decisions that solidify its future. But Trump's defeat in 2020 and the corrupted mechanisms used to take him down signify the rise of the elites here and the "any means neccessary" plans to convert America into an authoritarian prison society.

The 2024 presidential election in America will determine if it can be saved. It will be the final and decisive round featuring propaganda Vs. Freedom.

Stay tuned.

Carry on,

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You guys are insane and live on your own planet. Donald Trump will go down as one of the 3 worst presidents of all time. Scandals everywhere, insurrection, impeachment, Covid, document theft, nepotism, worst economy since the great depression, and a foreign policy that betrayed our allies and appeased our enemies. His appeal was to people who feel the rising equity in minorities somehow takes something away from them, like the OP here.

The people who follow Trump dont have anything, they never did and they never will. His message is that some mysterious liberal shadow group is coming for their little pot they piss in so that they are on board with making sure no one holds the rich accountable for their share of this democracy. It is an unholy alliance of stupid MFers and the wealthy.
Default (GPT-3.5)


evaluate please:

Certainly! I'd be happy to help. However, it seems like your message is incomplete. Could you please provide more details or clarify what you'd like me to evaluate?

! Ray (the boss is watching me?)

This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.

The passage you've provided expresses a strong opinion about Donald Trump, his presidency, and the broader political landscape. It's important to note that opinions on these matters can vary widely, and different individuals may interpret events and personalities differently. Let's break down some key points in the passage:
  1. Polarization around Donald Trump:The passage highlights the extreme polarization surrounding Donald Trump, with supporters viewing him as an alternative to traditional politics and those against him strongly disapproving and buying into negative narratives.
  2. Role of Propaganda:There is an emphasis on the power of propaganda and its potential to influence public opinion. The comparison with historical examples like the Soviet Union, East Germany, and North Korea suggests concern about the impact of propaganda on society.
  3. China's Influence:The passage suggests that China poses a significant threat to freedom of thought, speech, and the survival of the middle class in the United States. It implies that China benefits from the erosion of public trust in U.S. leadership.
  4. Concerns about the 2020 Election:The passage expresses skepticism about the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, mentioning Trump's defeat and suggesting corrupted mechanisms used against him. It connects this to a perceived rise of elites and a potential shift towards authoritarianism.
  5. Stakes of the 2024 Election:The passage concludes by framing the 2024 presidential election as a decisive battle between propaganda and freedom, indicating that the outcome will determine the future trajectory of the United States.
It's crucial to recognize that opinions about these matters can be deeply divided, and public discourse often reflects a spectrum of perspectives. People's views on Trump, elections, and broader political trends are shaped by various factors, including personal experiences, media consumption, and ideological beliefs. The complexity of these issues makes them the subject of ongoing debate and discussion.

Not many challengers here.
I've posted here before that at 76 cognitive decline is a concern of mine so I took a professionally proctored IQ test and got a score that exactly matched what I got in 1962 at 15. I was told that given my age this is unusual. The score I got was measured against all people, not all people my age. This result was particularly interesting considering I have had several concussions from face-planting on the road during group bicycle rides and races since 1983.

The helmet has always been my friend which is probably why I am still breathing. I could be walking around with brain damage and my decision to always wear a helmet has served me well.
Unfortunately there is no protective equipment for people under the influence of a Sovietized press in America and particularly in my home city. Picture youself being confronted with a situation where your mother, your sister, your wife, and your daughters, all decide to become prostitutes. They reach this decision out of some belief that they are pursuing some greater good that justifies a new reality in a postmodern world. So instead of just being seen as whores, these women see themsleves as honorable sex workers in a new society that average people are too ignorant and uneducated to understand. Those ignorant and uneducated people are you and anyone else that voted for the former US president.

That concise and scary scenario reveals what has happened to the local newspaper and radio programming in that city. Objective news reporting and standard jounrnalism went from what most would expect in a free country to outright propaganda. And the result is that a lot of local people are walking around with brain damage. I checked, and one of my nephews that unwittingly swallowed Fentanyl in town is still dead. His death was reported as "unexpected". Well, I guess that pretty much describes the double-speak community that the city has become. Some unimportant soul died from a drug that's all over the city and that's normal. Nothing to see here folks, move along!

According to city media the real problem was that guy in the White House a few years ago. You know, the guy that does not drink, smoke, or abuse drugs and never aborted any of his unwanted children? That guy had to go because he believed in working deals and negotiated settlements to avoid wars. Washington politicians were very uneasy that lucrative piggy bank wars could become a thing of the past and now we have two of them. All that was "fixed" after the last corrupted election. The people of Keene can dry their tears, belch up all that calming hot chocolate, and rest assured that nothing like Donald Trump will ever happen again.

Those of us old enough to remember Francis Gary Powers and his Soviet show trials know what is happening. We can't believe it is happening here but apparently we must accept it. We are also old enough to remember Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about a military industrial complex that uses wars to enrich and empower elites that gravitate into high positions. One wonders if people in this woke city know that when nuclear tipped missiles head their way that the special people in charge will go to underground lead-lined shelters with movie theaters and well-stocked kitchens. They will emerge when it's all over to a post apocalyptic world where you and your children are the radioactive skelatonized remains cluttering the scorched earth.

Well, I guess that's what we get for being ignorant and uneducated. Maybe it's Darwinsm, who knows? Anyway, the city's media has already decided what side they are on. They are like egg-sucking dogs on a farm-they cannot be cured. Propaganda is powerful and it may win out in the end. They may succeed in putting your choice for president in jail in true third-world fashion.

How do you like your new world?
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

May get a decent editor and try again? That thing wanders all over the place and less than 1/4 of it actually has anything to do at all with you so-called point.
If I look at my home city and the state of the world today I can derive a certain degree of humor. There is a liberal arts college at the center of the city and education is apparently a big deal to the community. Many in the city supposedly value education as important in spite of the fact that most of the schools in the city are far below standards that would have been mediocre fifty years ago. The emergence of Artificial intelligence notwithstanding, it would seem to be common sense that minimal levels of verbal and math skills would be important. But in the postmodern world, maybe not.

The reason I bring up my home city is that it is an excellent microcosm explaining the results of the last presidential election. The people in the city don't just hate the former US president, they have a scary, rabid hatred of him. The hate him because he is seen as bad! bad! bad! and stupid! stupid! stupid! And they see any "bitter clingers" like you and I that voted for him the same way. Because education is a big deal in the city the people are greatly impressed with big words like "existential". That word made the rounds during the last presidential election period like the answer to a question on the game show Jeopardy. When the city denizens saw that word they were awestruck, wonderstruck, starstruck, and dumbstruck! Holy mackeral! Donald Trump would never use that word! He says stuff like "Fake News"! Are you kidding me? We're chic and educated around here! Joe Biden is our man! He has a wife that is a doctor!

Yes, Jill Biden has doctorate rubber stamped from the University of Delaware where her husband had already been a Senator for thirty years. If you can find her dissertation online somewhere read it and notice it is written like something extracted from a brochure at a Tupperware seminar. With the "doctor's" spouse being a state Senator do you think anyone was going to grade it down or reject it? Not likely. She is now referred to as "doctor" and that goes a long way in my home city where education is a big deal. Unlike Donald Trump that you and I voted for, she's got the smarts real good! Do you see how dumb you were for choosing Trump in that city?

It isn't known how many residents in my home city got butterflies in their stomachs when social commentator from the View, Whoopi Goddberg suggested that Dr. Jill Biden. was a hell of a doctor and should be the next Surgeon General. But you can bet they were more than a faction. She would probably make a better nurse than a medical doctor considering that she spends a lot of time steering Joe around and cleaning up any messes he makes wherever they occur. Details spared on that. Do you think its possible that the briefcase that follows Joe around doubles as a recepticle for nuclear codes and a diaper bag?

Like the rest of the country election officials in that city had a virtual sea of Covidian rebreathers filing into the polls and voting by mail. So your choice for president was cleverly "adjusted". You know, maybe these people really are the smart ones. Will that happen again? Well, that's up to you.

Meanwhile, keep smiling and keep laughing. But remember what's coming in 2024 may not be such a joke.

Carry on.

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If I look at my home city and the state of the world today I can derive a certain degree of humor. There is a liberal arts college at the center of the city and education is apparently a big deal to the community. Many in the city supposedly value education as important in spite of the fact that most of the schools in the city are far below standards that would have been mediocre fifty years ago. The emergence of Artificial intelligence notwithstanding, it would seem to be common sense that minimal levels of verbal and math skills would be important. But in the postmodern world, maybe not.

The reason I bring up my home city is that it is an excellent microcosm explaining the results of the last presidential election. The people in the city don't just hate the former US president, they have a scary, rabid hatred of him. The hate him because he is seen as bad! bad! bad! and stupid! stupid! stupid! And they see any "bitter clingers" like you and I that voted for him the same way. Because education is a big deal in the city the people are greatly impressed with big words like "existential". That word made the rounds during the last presidential election period like the answer to a question on the game show Jeopardy. When the city denizens saw that word they were awestruck, wonderstruck, starstruck, and dumbstruck! Holy mackeral! Donald Trump would never use that word! He says stuff like "Fake News"! Are you kidding me? We're chic and educated around here! Joe Biden is our man! He has a wife that is a doctor!

Yes, Jill Biden has doctorate rubber stamped from the University of Delaware where her husband had already been a Senator for thirty years. If you can find her dissertation online somewhere read it and notice it is written like something extracted from a brochure at a Tupperware seminar. With the "doctor's" spouse being a state Senator do you think anyone was going to grade it down or reject it? Not likely. She is now referred to as "doctor" and that goes a long way in my home city where education is a big deal. Unlike Donald Trump that you and I voted for, she's got the smarts real good! Do you see how dumb you were for choosing Trump in that city?

It isn't known how many residents in my home city got butterflies in their stomachs when social commentator from the View, Whoopi Goddberg suggested that Dr. Jill Biden. was a hell of a doctor and should be the next Surgeon General. But you can bet they were more than a faction. She would probably make a better nurse than a medical doctor considering that she spends a lot of time steering Joe around and cleaning up any messes he makes wherever they occur. Details spared on that. Do you think its possible that the briefcase that follows Joe around doubles as a recepticle for nuclear codes and a diaper bag?

Like the rest of the country election officials in that city had a virtual sea of Covidian rebreathers filing into the polls and voting by mail. So your choice for president was cleverly "adjusted". You know, maybe these people really are the smart ones. Will that happen again? Well, that's up to you.

Meanwhile, keep smiling and keep laughing. But remember what's coming in 2024 may not be such a joke.

Carry on.

If you could boil this down to one coherent - or semi-coherent - paragraph, maybe we could figure out what you're talking about.
Let me simplify this: The real stupid people in the US are the ones who did not vote for Trump.
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

May get a decent editor and try again? That thing wanders all over the place and less than 1/4 of it actually has anything to do at all with you so-called point.

Wow, the OP is a total weirdo!

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