Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

It's called being stupid enough to believe that there's only one alternative. It leads to getting yourself so pumped up with fear and hatred that you'll vote for anyone, even if they are thoroughly contemptible, as long as they say they're on your "side".
No it's called the alternative is evil, and promotes evil
Without White Christian Nationalists (WCN’s) voting for The Donald the Strongman (TDTS) you as an individual
billionaire whether wannabe or real, you do not have a GOP duped voter base to reduce your taxes and gut regulations in environment, workplace, securities and exchange, no deregulation in the insurance and finance industries.
I recently posted an interview with a pastor who is horrified at what MAGA has done to Christianity. He was part of this cult and escaped it.

His theory is that "Christians" have essentially deputized Trump as a temp Christian because they have given up trying to change hearts and minds, and instead have enlisted a barbarian to fight the barbarians. He uses those words.

Obviously much of this is being pushed by phony Christians, those who simply leverage Christianity for their own agenda, as Trump does. Plenty of them on this thread, that's for sure.
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I recently posted an interview with a pastor who is horrified at what MAGA has done to Christianity. He was part of this cult and escaped it.

His theory is that "Christians" have essentially deputized Trump as a temp Christian because they have given up trying to change hearts and minds, and instead have enlisted a barbarian to fight the barbarians. He uses those words.

Obviously much of this is being pushed by phony Christians, those who simply leverage Christianity for their own agenda, as Trump does. Plenty of them on this thread, that's for sure.
Have you heard of the book of Judges? So you think Trump is evil, but can vote for Biden? 🤦‍♂️
I recently posted an interview with a pastor who is horrified at what MAGA has done to Christianity. He was part of this cult and escaped it.

His theory is that "Christians" have essentially deputized Trump as a temp Christian because they have given up trying to change hearts and minds, and instead have enlisted a barbarian to fight the barbarians. He uses those words.

Obviously much of this is being pushed by phony Christians, those who simply leverage Christianity for their own agenda, as Trump does. Plenty of them on this thread, that's for sure.
What we see in Joe's cabinet is enough evidence to be horrified. If that pastor is uneasy than he is no preacher. Anyone who screws with another person I get it. Not this though.
If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them.

"And so, they look at Trump, and the behavior and the rhetoric, and in some sense, because he is not bound by biblical teachings, not bound by biblical virtues, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian ever would".

Holy crap, that's interesting. MAGA followers by and large and not very good at articulating their reasoning, and he does a very good job here. Again, it doesn't explain away many of the behaviors, but at least there is some reasoning here to grab on to.

You're such a fucking idiot and a bigot to boot. What a bunch of bullshit, and you actually believe it, which is even more pathetic. And you have the nerve to talk about 'Trump' supporters. 🤡
Just trying to keep it down to a level where you can grasp the conversation, Mac-A-Doodle!

As usual, Mac gives us his rendition of leftist sheepdip group-think saying the same thing for the 20,000th time while lecturing OTHERS on independent thought. :auiqs.jpg:

The irony is awesome, isn't it?
Have you heard of the book of Judges? So you think Trump is evil,
How many people would bury the mother of their three children on a fucking golf course?

What Is Greed? Definition and Bible Verses about Greed​

https://www.christianity.com › ... › Christian Terms

Jul 12, 2019 — Greed is responsible for much sorrow. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:10, “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” But is greed only ...
but can vote for Biden? 🤦‍♂️
No! An idiot is one who puts an arbitrary idiotic partisan political opinion that evangelical Christian run states have the right to deprive women of fundamental rights including due process and privacy and bidily autonomy.

Ad you were about a year ago.

bigrebnc1775 Dec2022 Snsssc 00016: “It's a states right issue period” bgrbncnnnn Snsssc00016

nf.24.01.20 #276
to Snsssc00016
Abortion is a local state issue

Women have no more moral right to kill unborn children than they have to kill their child after giving birth
More personal stuff, yawn.

Yeah, what you posted against Trump supporters and Christians wasn't 'personal'... 🤡

You're a bigot, your opinion is meaningless, your arrogance won't allow you to see that though, which makes you and your continued attempts to belittle and insult Christians meaningless as well. Except of course to your fellow lefty travelers, a pathetic lot to be sure.

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