Poll: 63% of Americans Say Traditional TV and Newspaper Outlets Report ‘Fake News’


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …

Fake post.
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …

Given that Foxnews is the most watched cable news channel, is this any surprise?
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …

Fake anarchist.
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …

The same poll also said people believe that online news sources report fake news more often. The people responding to the poll trust the 3 major media outlets involved (ABC, Fox, and MSNBC) more than president Trump, as well.

Basically, no one is trustworthy when it comes to news. :p
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …

Fake anarchist.

Of what relevance to anarchism is my post?
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …

The same poll also said people believe that online news sources report fake news more often. The people responding to the poll trust the 3 major media outlets involved (ABC, Fox, and MSNBC) more than president Trump, as well.

Basically, no one is trustworthy when it comes to news. :p

POLL: Trump Administration More Trusted Than Media - Breitbart
72% of Americans are still laughing at the thought that The Russians changed the minds of about 20 Million voters who were planning to vote for the beast
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …

Well then, why don't they turn off fox?


One thing we have all learned is that the campaign of lies from the right has been very effective.

Just look at the numbers who still believe the lies about President Obama, President Clinton, Secty Clinton.

Jeez, mention Jane Fonda, Secty Kerry and the gullible RWNJs start regurgitate the same long-debunked lies.

They listened to trump's daily litany of lies but they voted for him anyway. And I'll be gob smacked, now they're making excuses for those same lies.


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Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …
Please...allow me this moment to destroy another of your stupid assed threads.

From your cite:
POTUS Less Trusted Than Media, “Fake News” Comes From All Sources
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
More trust ABC, MSNBC and Fox over Trump

When the Monmouth University Poll pitted the president against three major television news outlets, Trump was found to be less trustworthy in each instance.

Only 28% of Americans are more likely trust Trump as an information source compared to ABC news while most (53%) say they would tend to trust ABC more, with 15% saying they would trust both sides equally. When pitted against MSNBC, 33% trust Trump more while 47% trust the liberal leaning cable channel more, with 15% trusting both about equally
Monmouth University
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …
Please...allow me this moment to destroy another of your stupid assed threads.

From your cite:
POTUS Less Trusted Than Media, “Fake News” Comes From All Sources
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
More trust ABC, MSNBC and Fox over Trump

When the Monmouth University Poll pitted the president against three major television news outlets, Trump was found to be less trustworthy in each instance.

Only 28% of Americans are more likely trust Trump as an information source compared to ABC news while most (53%) say they would tend to trust ABC more, with 15% saying they would trust both sides equally. When pitted against MSNBC, 33% trust Trump more while 47% trust the liberal leaning cable channel more, with 15% trusting both about equally
Monmouth University

I already pointed that out. bripat responded by linking to a Breitbart poll in which Trump was more trusted than the media.
Americans aren't as stupid as the left thought. They know a lot of the news from the MSM is fake, and they know it's deliberately fake.

While most Americans say that both traditional and online media are reporting “fake news,” they’re more than twice as likely to attribute the falsehoods to deliberate deception rather than to incompetence, a new poll by Monmouth University reveals.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say they’re either “regularly” (27%) or “occasionally” being fed fake news by traditional major TV and newspaper outlets.

Asked to cite the reason that these media report fake news, 39% say they do it “On purpose in order to push an agenda,” while only 17% say it is “By accident or because of poor fact checking.” Another 32% denied that traditional TV and newspaper media report fake news. …

Ha.Ha--so who's the Truth teller--Trump's fairy godfather, Sean Hannity?--LOL The problem is 24 hour cable news today. They run out of news. So we get into the everyone has got to comment on the news. You have your right wing news, and you have the left wing news and too many people are addicted to it.

You are convinced you can't turn the channel away from FOX because you believe that FOX is fair and balanced--(you've been brainwashed to believe that.) You won't read anything that has been put on their blacklist--New York Times and other articles and are lead to right wing media sites. The News you want to hear. It's gotten to where people don't want to watch or hear the truth, they want to believe what they want to believe so they're going to turn away from the truth to get the news (their way)--which brings on all the FAKE news to keep them entertained. Then when they get the news they want to hear--they call all other news FAKE.

Mr. Talent on Loan from Gawwddd did it again the other day. Actually stating that the outing of General Flynn is Hillary Clinton's fault. He had this theory that intelligence agencies uploaded Russian intelligence to her server. Limbaugh lied and he's a coward. Everyone knows that Obama ordered this investigation done before he left office, and everyone knows that he preserved intelligence. And Limbaugh knows it''s much easier to BLAME a private citizen, than Barack Obama because he saw the backlash of what happened when Trump accused Obama of wiretapping the tower. He's just full of shit and so is his audience.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

And this is the kind of shit you Reich wingers listen too, and what's worse you believe this shit, because you want to believe it, and the last thing you'll do is question it's validity.

As far as FAKE news there is no bigger FAKE news than what comes out of Trump's mouth and tweety fingers. And you supported and voted for him, even though he's a pathelogical liar. Why did you support him. Because you wanted to believe him, even though somewhere deep down you knew he was lying.
Donald Trump is constantly lying

Unfortunately this attitude has dumbed down America. I can see it a lot of this board debating with Right wingers. Often on this board they didn't know something of deep importance because their favorite right wing talk show host didn't regurgitate that information and spoon feed it back to them. It was purposefully left out of the regurgitation cycle --to give them the News they wanted to hear.

The only way you'll be smart to the truth is to be open to both sides--listening to different news, reading what FOX has put on it's banned reading list, and it won't be long before you're able to easily recognize what is FAKE News and what isn't. And you'll sure as hell be a lot more politically informed & expediant than you are today.

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