POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
So you're saying that having the GOP reach out to them is a higher priority to minorities than the economy?

I thought that was what YOU were saying.

And GWBush did so, with some success.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm asking you to make your best guess as to what might be more important to minorities than an ever-fluctuating economy.

Bush showed that he thought that talking to racist hate groups like La Raza and immigration issues was more important.

ANd he got some results.
Okay, I tried, twice.

I don't think minority voting is driven by issues, at this point.

It is all ident
GWBush did what you claim Republicans never do. He reached out. Even with a small measure of success.
So you're saying that having the GOP reach out to them is a higher priority to minorities than the economy?

I thought that was what YOU were saying.

And GWBush did so, with some success.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm asking you to make your best guess as to what might be more important to minorities than an ever-fluctuating economy.

my best guess right now would be fear of the ever increasing evidence that racists are not only being given permission to come out of the cesspool they live in, but encouraged to be seen, heard & act upon their fears.

Says the liar that supports political violence.

lolyou might as well just post one of your thor/trump graphic pics, cartoon boy. it's as credible as anything you've been posting here....
i said i understood the reasoning behind it. whether i agree with it or not is besides the point because i am only responsible for my own behavior. why you can't or simply do not want to comprehend that shows stupidity on your part, cartoon boy.

lol... you do seem to think those torch bearers wrapped in the CONfederate flag wanting to defend statues of their heroes --- who btw, fought for the right to OWN people --- are very fine people too, right? and you call ME vile? :auiqs.jpg:

You are doing more than understanding it, you are validating it.

As you just did with your repeating of the lie that Trump said the torch bearers were "very fine people".

That is a lie, one that has been repeatedly refuted.

Yet you repeat it, even though you know it to be false, because you support those antifa street thugs that attacked the pro-statue protesters.

You reveal your intent by the act of your lying.

You are a coward and supporter of political violence.

your insanity is in high gear again, cartoon boy.

Let me walk you though it slowly, like you are a dim witted child.

1. why did you repeat a lie, ie that Trump said the torch bears were "very fine people"?

2. To support the idea that the people attacked, were nazis.

3. Thus supporting their justification for their violence

4. In doing so, you reveal that you are willing to lie, to provide political cover for your side's violent street thugs.

Now you have two choices before you.

YOu can address what I said, disagreeing with something I said. The most obvious answer would be to stand on the lie, ie that the pro-statue protestors were nazis.

But that opens you up to me proving you wrong, and as we know that you have been exposed to this proof before, proving that you are indeed lying, and as I said, revealing your support of the political violence, and that you are not a "very fine person".

OR you could play one of the many stupid evasive games the Left loves.

Repeating a personal attack, a good one, or maybe some word games, or just not replying to this post and repeating the same lies in a page or two.

one who believes what he wants despite no evidence to validate it is insane.

is it your med time, cartoon boy?

LIke I said, repeating a personal attack.

You know that if you claimed your lie was true, I could have, and have in the past, post evidence showing that you are lying.

SO, you dodge.

YOur actions show that you support political violence.

Do you consider yourself a marxist?

my ACTIONS? oh please go on... tell me what my ACTIONS have been, cartoon boy. this should be a gas.

am i a marxist? i am as much as you are.

oh, & i don't lie. i have no need to. but you are.
Whether Trump deserves any, some or all of the criticism is a dodge.

The point is that the Press is free to criticize the President CONSTANTLY and without limitation.

Try to be less bat shit crazy.
Trump has said the press is "the enemy of the state". What good is being free if the leader of your country doesn't believe it? This is just what was being said in Germany in the early 1930's. And we all know how freedom turned out after that.
I thought that was what YOU were saying.

And GWBush did so, with some success.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm asking you to make your best guess as to what might be more important to minorities than an ever-fluctuating economy.

Bush showed that he thought that talking to racist hate groups like La Raza and immigration issues was more important.

ANd he got some results.
Okay, I tried, twice.

I don't think minority voting is driven by issues, at this point.

It is all ident
So you're saying that having the GOP reach out to them is a higher priority to minorities than the economy?

I thought that was what YOU were saying.

And GWBush did so, with some success.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm asking you to make your best guess as to what might be more important to minorities than an ever-fluctuating economy.

my best guess right now would be fear of the ever increasing evidence that racists are not only being given permission to come out of the cesspool they live in, but encouraged to be seen, heard & act upon their fears.

Says the liar that supports political violence.

lolyou might as well just post one of your thor/trump graphic pics, cartoon boy. it's as credible as anything you've been posting here....

Excellent lefty post.

Express disagreement, but vague disagreement so that you can't be called on anything, Check.

oh, and of course a lot of personal attacks. That's always important. Check.

But wait? Why no Race Card? Are you feeling ok?
You are doing more than understanding it, you are validating it.

As you just did with your repeating of the lie that Trump said the torch bearers were "very fine people".

That is a lie, one that has been repeatedly refuted.

Yet you repeat it, even though you know it to be false, because you support those antifa street thugs that attacked the pro-statue protesters.

You reveal your intent by the act of your lying.

You are a coward and supporter of political violence.

your insanity is in high gear again, cartoon boy.

Let me walk you though it slowly, like you are a dim witted child.

1. why did you repeat a lie, ie that Trump said the torch bears were "very fine people"?

2. To support the idea that the people attacked, were nazis.

3. Thus supporting their justification for their violence

4. In doing so, you reveal that you are willing to lie, to provide political cover for your side's violent street thugs.

Now you have two choices before you.

YOu can address what I said, disagreeing with something I said. The most obvious answer would be to stand on the lie, ie that the pro-statue protestors were nazis.

But that opens you up to me proving you wrong, and as we know that you have been exposed to this proof before, proving that you are indeed lying, and as I said, revealing your support of the political violence, and that you are not a "very fine person".

OR you could play one of the many stupid evasive games the Left loves.

Repeating a personal attack, a good one, or maybe some word games, or just not replying to this post and repeating the same lies in a page or two.

one who believes what he wants despite no evidence to validate it is insane.

is it your med time, cartoon boy?

LIke I said, repeating a personal attack.

You know that if you claimed your lie was true, I could have, and have in the past, post evidence showing that you are lying.

SO, you dodge.

YOur actions show that you support political violence.

Do you consider yourself a marxist?

my ACTIONS? oh please go on... tell me what my ACTIONS have been, cartoon boy. this should be a gas.

am i a marxist? i am as much as you are.

oh, & i don't lie. i have no need to. but you are.

1. You act of lying to support a justification of political violence. As I have repeated explained. Dumb ass.

2. I'm not a marxist. YOur support of political violence makes it a reasonable question. Are you a marxist?
Whether Trump deserves any, some or all of the criticism is a dodge.

The point is that the Press is free to criticize the President CONSTANTLY and without limitation.

Try to be less bat shit crazy.
Trump has said the press is "the enemy of the state". What good is being free if the leader of your country doesn't believe it? This is just what was being said in Germany in the early 1930's. And we all know how freedom turned out after that.

Our freedom is not based, at all, on the personal beliefs or statements of the President.

He said that, and nothing changed. THe Press was and is still free to criticize him as much as they want.

Your godwin is noted. YOu are an asshole.
/----/ The Nazi's required registration of guns so they could identify the Jews, disarm them and send them off to concentration camps without a fight. The Arians were allowed to keep their guns to defend the Fatherland.

Okay, going to start with this.

"Arian" is the name of a 4th century religious heresy.

"Aryan" is an artificial racial theory put forth by racists in this century.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

The thing was, Jews in Germany were less than 2% of the population. So a gun law that give 98% of the population greater access to guns than they had before is kind of the opposite of gun control.

Now, here's the trick. You see, the main argument you gun nuts have always made is that "we needs us some guns to defends ourselves agiiin the gummit".

Well, here you had the worst government in human history that gave it's people (or 98% of them anyway) greater access to guns, and guess what they did?

Yup. They fought to the last old man and little boy to defend that government.

In fact, one of the first things the Allies had to do after VE Day was go house to house and confiscate the guns because they STILL hadn't quite gotten the message that they lost.
So much misinformation!
#1...Not all "conservatives" live in rural areas. That idea from Issa goes with the comical picture referring to rednecks posted above here. A total myth. I am not a "white, uneducated male" and I went to a Trump rally in which there were Hispanics, Blacks, Jews, and even some Navajo Indians in full jewelry and traditional shirts supporting Trump In A CITY in the West. Lots of Cubans, Venezuelans, Mexican Americans and lots of Asians and Muslims support Trump. GO FIGURE !!!
#2...The puzzle of Ivanka Trump...a woman married to a pro- Israel Jew who has a ..."Nazi" pro Israel Dad??? Does that make sense to anyone? NO.
#3...It is a lie that there is not freedom of the press in the United States. The USA has mostly freedom of the press and that freedom is protected by the US Constitution. In a few cases there is a system fail as nothing is perfect. Yet Bubba Oh Really keeps asserting that if one lone madman has shot up some press it is because there is no freedom of the press? NOT TRUE in the USA...In France when the Charlie Hebdo press were attacked by Muslims offended by an insulting, yet permitted cartoon according to their freedoms...THE FRENCH did not lose their freedom of the press. BUBBA lets see you move to Mexico, Turkey, China, North Korea, etc where there has been horrible containment of the press including mass murders of the press and THEN COMPARE to the USA.
#4...THE LIBERAL WACKO press of the USA is off the rails and LIES continually....as in...#5...The widely circulated lies about "children in cages" because of Trump zero tolerance were pictures from the OBAMA era when there was a surge of unaccompanied minors. OLD PICTURES used by the media to accuse this administration wrongfully. Loony lefty lies alert! The real truth is There ARE NO CHILDREN IN CAGES !!!...
#6... When Trump campaigned and at other times he has criticized the illegals for bringing crime, he never said outright, "Mexicans were rapists and murderers"...
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and yet France did not lose freedom of the press...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charlie Hebdo shooting
Part of the January 2015 Île-de-France attacks

Target Charlie Hebdo employees
Attack type
Mass shooting

Deaths 12
Non-fatal injuries 11
Perpetrators Chérif and Saïd Kouachi
Motive (presumed hatred for Hebdo's cartoons joking about Islamic leaders; attempting to shut down Charlie Hebdo. (Presumably inspired by extremist Islamic group Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.)
On 7 January 2015 at about 11:30 local time, two brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, forced their way into the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Armed with rifles and other weapons, they killed 12 people and injured 11 others. The gunmen identified themselves as belonging to the Islamist terrorist group Al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen, which took responsibility for the attack. Several related attacks followed in the Île-de-France region on 7–9 January 2015, including the Hypercacher kosher supermarket siege where a terrorist held 19 hostages, of whom he murdered 4 Jews.
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your insanity is in high gear again, cartoon boy.

Let me walk you though it slowly, like you are a dim witted child.

1. why did you repeat a lie, ie that Trump said the torch bears were "very fine people"?

2. To support the idea that the people attacked, were nazis.

3. Thus supporting their justification for their violence

4. In doing so, you reveal that you are willing to lie, to provide political cover for your side's violent street thugs.

Now you have two choices before you.

YOu can address what I said, disagreeing with something I said. The most obvious answer would be to stand on the lie, ie that the pro-statue protestors were nazis.

But that opens you up to me proving you wrong, and as we know that you have been exposed to this proof before, proving that you are indeed lying, and as I said, revealing your support of the political violence, and that you are not a "very fine person".

OR you could play one of the many stupid evasive games the Left loves.

Repeating a personal attack, a good one, or maybe some word games, or just not replying to this post and repeating the same lies in a page or two.

one who believes what he wants despite no evidence to validate it is insane.

is it your med time, cartoon boy?

LIke I said, repeating a personal attack.

You know that if you claimed your lie was true, I could have, and have in the past, post evidence showing that you are lying.

SO, you dodge.

YOur actions show that you support political violence.

Do you consider yourself a marxist?

my ACTIONS? oh please go on... tell me what my ACTIONS have been, cartoon boy. this should be a gas.

am i a marxist? i am as much as you are.

oh, & i don't lie. i have no need to. but you are.

1. You act of lying to support a justification of political violence. As I have repeated explained. Dumb ass.

2. I'm not a marxist. YOur support of political violence makes it a reasonable question. Are you a marxist?

you are certifiable... but amusing when i wanna kill time. however, whatever i say-you'll just come to your own crazy conclusions, cartoon boy.

Our freedom is not based, at all, on the personal beliefs or statements of the President.

He said that, and nothing changed. THe Press was and is still free to criticize him as much as they want.

Your godwin is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Godwin never addressed as to whether the comparison was valid (or not).

We have an authoritarian President who doesn't believe in freedom; does believe in going after people who criticize him; a Congress that kisses his ass; and a Supreme Court that backs up every infringement of our "rights".

Yeah, we have nothing to worry about?
Our freedom is not based, at all, on the personal beliefs or statements of the President.

He said that, and nothing changed. THe Press was and is still free to criticize him as much as they want.

Your godwin is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Godwin never addressed as to whether the comparison was valid (or not).

We have an authoritarian President who doesn't believe in freedom; does believe in going after people who criticize him; a Congress that kisses his ass; and a Supreme Court that backs up every infringement of our "rights".

Yeah, we have nothing to worry about?
/------/ " President who doesn't believe in freedom; " As long as we are posting 100% BS, it's my turn. Obama worked to reinstate slavery. It was his personal mission for Blacks to be in chains and calling White Folks Massah. . Now why would Obama do that?
Our freedom is not based, at all, on the personal beliefs or statements of the President.

He said that, and nothing changed. THe Press was and is still free to criticize him as much as they want.

Your godwin is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Godwin never addressed as to whether the comparison was valid (or not).

We have an authoritarian President who doesn't believe in freedom; does believe in going after people who criticize him; a Congress that kisses his ass; and a Supreme Court that backs up every infringement of our "rights".

Yeah, we have nothing to worry about?

You are a real spinner, and a phony-e-baloney, lol. Trump has STABILIZED constitutional methods. He doesn't sign EOs to get his way, unless he is eliminating Obysmals EOs.

And YOU still have the ability to change the constitution, just like you always did; and had to, until you had a big eared clown in the White House signing EOS.

All you have to do is get out of YOUR parents basement, and do a little work. You and your fat ass up to it-) That is correct...…..no more EOs for you, you have to do things by the book. To fat and LAZY are you? Why am I not surprised.
/------/ " President who doesn't believe in freedom; " As long as we are posting 100% BS, it's my turn. Obama worked to reinstate slavery. It was his personal mission for Blacks to be in chains and calling White Folks Massah. . Now why would Obama do that?
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Where's your proof? At least I presented what I based my position on. And you, BTW, didn't address any of them. So here's another reason, Trump identifies more with authoritarian leaders (ie, Putin, Kim, etc), than he does leaders of democratic countries.
You are a real spinner, and a phony-e-baloney, lol. Trump has STABILIZED constitutional methods. He doesn't sign EOs to get his way, unless he is eliminating Obysmals EOs.

And YOU still have the ability to change the constitution, just like you always did; and had to, until you had a big eared clown in the White House signing EOS.

All you have to do is get out of YOUR parents basement, and do a little work. You and your fat ass up to it-) That is correct...…..no more EOs for you, you have to do things by the book. To fat and LAZY are you? Why am I not surprised.

BTW, I'm a white, Irish Catholic.
You are a real spinner, and a phony-e-baloney, lol. Trump has STABILIZED constitutional methods. He doesn't sign EOs to get his way, unless he is eliminating Obysmals EOs.

And YOU still have the ability to change the constitution, just like you always did; and had to, until you had a big eared clown in the White House signing EOS.

All you have to do is get out of YOUR parents basement, and do a little work. You and your fat ass up to it-) That is correct...…..no more EOs for you, you have to do things by the book. To fat and LAZY are you? Why am I not surprised.

BTW, I'm a white, Irish Catholic.

I don't care if your Helen Keller, your side is screwed! You can spin all you wish, and all you are doing is POSSIBLY upsetting a few conservatives on here.

If that is your goal, you may have possibly succeeded. But in the grand scheme of things, you are losing, and losing big. If you don't get it, then you have your head stuck up your a**. Your plus 4, 5, or 6 (if you believe the polls) means absolutely NOTHING, because of where you will vote, lol. That is why we yawn.

Unless you can MOVE them to where we control EVERYTHING, you are going to get hammered, even if you get more votes.

It is POLITICS, and unless you change something, you are cooked...…...and that is before all of this other stuff is reversed totally on you. And don't think that is not coming. Politicians do not push for something, unless they don't already know the answer of what they are asking for.
Only those committed to socialism and GUN CONTROL qualify as Nazis. Raise your hand if you agree....

I don't care if your Helen Keller, your side is screwed!
What if I'm Stevie Fucking Wonder?

You can spin all you wish, and all you are doing is POSSIBLY upsetting a few conservatives on here.

If that is your goal, you may have possibly succeeded. But in the grand scheme of things, you are losing, and losing big.
Not in Maryland.

If you don't get it, then you have your head stuck up your a**. Your plus 4, 5, or 6 (if you believe the polls) means absolutely NOTHING, because of where you will vote, lol. That is why we yawn.
And you don't get it. This country hates your fucking ass! It hates your policies. It hates your President. And it hates what you are doing to this country.

Unless you can MOVE them to where we control EVERYTHING, you are going to get hammered, even if you get more votes.

It is POLITICS, and unless you change something, you are cooked...
That's right. You changed something and you are cooked.

…...and that is before all of this other stuff is reversed totally on you.
Like democracy. Our US Constitution and individual liberty?

And don't think that is not coming. Politicians do not push for something, unless they don't already know the answer of what they are asking for.
You are asking for a totalitarian country and you're not going to get it!
Our freedom is not based, at all, on the personal beliefs or statements of the President.

He said that, and nothing changed. THe Press was and is still free to criticize him as much as they want.

Your godwin is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Godwin never addressed as to whether the comparison was valid (or not).

We have an authoritarian President who doesn't believe in freedom; does believe in going after people who criticize him; a Congress that kisses his ass; and a Supreme Court that backs up every infringement of our "rights".

Yeah, we have nothing to worry about?

If Trump really were an authoritarian, you pussyhat raging loons would all be in gulags or mass graves.

In RealityLand, you are some of the safest and most coddled humans that have ever lived because you dwell in a Constitutional Republic designed, built and protected by people you hate and insult, yet who still defend your right to believe your putrid nonsense.
Let me walk you though it slowly, like you are a dim witted child.

1. why did you repeat a lie, ie that Trump said the torch bears were "very fine people"?

2. To support the idea that the people attacked, were nazis.

3. Thus supporting their justification for their violence

4. In doing so, you reveal that you are willing to lie, to provide political cover for your side's violent street thugs.

Now you have two choices before you.

YOu can address what I said, disagreeing with something I said. The most obvious answer would be to stand on the lie, ie that the pro-statue protestors were nazis.

But that opens you up to me proving you wrong, and as we know that you have been exposed to this proof before, proving that you are indeed lying, and as I said, revealing your support of the political violence, and that you are not a "very fine person".

OR you could play one of the many stupid evasive games the Left loves.

Repeating a personal attack, a good one, or maybe some word games, or just not replying to this post and repeating the same lies in a page or two.

one who believes what he wants despite no evidence to validate it is insane.

is it your med time, cartoon boy?

LIke I said, repeating a personal attack.

You know that if you claimed your lie was true, I could have, and have in the past, post evidence showing that you are lying.

SO, you dodge.

YOur actions show that you support political violence.

Do you consider yourself a marxist?

my ACTIONS? oh please go on... tell me what my ACTIONS have been, cartoon boy. this should be a gas.

am i a marxist? i am as much as you are.

oh, & i don't lie. i have no need to. but you are.

1. You act of lying to support a justification of political violence. As I have repeated explained. Dumb ass.

2. I'm not a marxist. YOur support of political violence makes it a reasonable question. Are you a marxist?

you are certifiable... but amusing when i wanna kill time. however, whatever i say-you'll just come to your own crazy conclusions, cartoon boy.


Why are you afraid to answer the question? Are you pretending that it is not a reasonable question for a lefty who has shown that she supports using brown shirt tactics in response to political speech she does not like?

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