POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
2. Japanese internment camps--------> FDR and his band of merry Supreme Court Justices, took AMERICAN CITIZENS and put them in almost jail. Why? Because they were of Japanese decent. Those people LOST their businesses, their homes, their possessions, and our government never did repay them for their loss. It was soooooo bad, the Japanese Empire started using it as propaganda that proved Americans hated the Japanese people and wanted them all in concentration camps.

First, do you have any evidence that it was used by the Japanese Government for propaganda purposes.

Secondly, most of those interned were released within a year.

Third, while wrong, the internment did arise from some valid fears. The Axis found collaborators in every country they invaded, and here you had a region that was after Pearl Harbor, largely defenseless against an invasion some people thought might be possible. The Japanese had pulled off the first invasions of American Territory since 1812, people kind of had legit concerns.

By comparison, we are still taking off our shoes at airports because one twit tried to do a shoe-bomb 16 years ago.
3. Trump is NOT using his power to put OUR citizens in jail at all; he isn't even trying to put ILLEGALS in holding centers for long periods of time. He wants to give them a free ticket home, and the Leftists scream bloody murder, when it is the MOST humane thing to do for them, and the American citizen who PAYS THE BILLS. He wants to PROTECT them from THEMSELVES by building a wall, so as they will be LESS likely to try and cross deserts with their families, and the LEFTISTS scream!

again, trying to make America less pleasant of a place to be compared to war torn regions is hardly something to be proud of.

"it's okay, they're not our kids!" That's still kind of fucked up.

1. YOUR COLLUSION/DELUSION that is now being reversed on you!

Wishful thinking. Despite Trump's attempts to undermine law enforcement, the noose is closing in.

3. The economy...…….the BOOMING economy! You can slice it, dice it, cry, bitch, moan, groan, cry, and point all you want. The bottom line is------> It hasn't been this good through all the Obama years; your side INSISTED everything would collapse if he was elected and it didn't, which shot all your peoples credibility right in the foot. PLUS, your people want to take the crumbs away, and they ADMIT IT!

Again, not going to have much of an effect on the election... and the thing is, Trump has this great economy, and is approval rating is still underwater.

Stop Drinking the Koolaid.

2. Japanese internment camps--------> FDR and his band of merry Supreme Court Justices, took AMERICAN CITIZENS and put them in almost jail. Why? Because they were of Japanese decent. Those people LOST their businesses, their homes, their possessions, and our government never did repay them for their loss. It was soooooo bad, the Japanese Empire started using it as propaganda that proved Americans hated the Japanese people and wanted them all in concentration camps.

First, do you have any evidence that it was used by the Japanese Government for propaganda purposes.

Secondly, most of those interned were released within a year.

Third, while wrong, the internment did arise from some valid fears. The Axis found collaborators in every country they invaded, and here you had a region that was after Pearl Harbor, largely defenseless against an invasion some people thought might be possible. The Japanese had pulled off the first invasions of American Territory since 1812, people kind of had legit concerns.

By comparison, we are still taking off our shoes at airports because one twit tried to do a shoe-bomb 16 years ago.

IC, IC. So let me get this straight----------> We lost 2,403 Americans at Pearl Harbor, but FDR can put Japanese AMERICANS in concentration camps!

We lost over 3000 Americans at the World Trade Center, but Trump can't keep the people out who did it from countries they can't be vetted?!?!?!?!?! In fact, how many Americans has Iran killed with their IUDs, etc, and yet SOME people want to give them 150 billion!

You know what though, CANADA put Japanese Canadians in camps too! Is that RASCISM? I think so!

And so here we are--------> Trump is NOT making policy for Americans, but for those INVADING our country illegally. He is baaaaaaaaaaaaad!

FDR put Americans in concentration camps, and he is not only gooooooood, he is the Lefts hero.

Isn't there something wrong with this picture?
3. Trump is NOT using his power to put OUR citizens in jail at all; he isn't even trying to put ILLEGALS in holding centers for long periods of time. He wants to give them a free ticket home, and the Leftists scream bloody murder, when it is the MOST humane thing to do for them, and the American citizen who PAYS THE BILLS. He wants to PROTECT them from THEMSELVES by building a wall, so as they will be LESS likely to try and cross deserts with their families, and the LEFTISTS scream!

again, trying to make America less pleasant of a place to be compared to war torn regions is hardly something to be proud of.

"it's okay, they're not our kids!" That's still kind of fucked up.

1. YOUR COLLUSION/DELUSION that is now being reversed on you!

Wishful thinking. Despite Trump's attempts to undermine law enforcement, the noose is closing in.

3. The economy...…….the BOOMING economy! You can slice it, dice it, cry, bitch, moan, groan, cry, and point all you want. The bottom line is------> It hasn't been this good through all the Obama years; your side INSISTED everything would collapse if he was elected and it didn't, which shot all your peoples credibility right in the foot. PLUS, your people want to take the crumbs away, and they ADMIT IT!

Again, not going to have much of an effect on the election... and the thing is, Trump has this great economy, and is approval rating is still underwater.

Stop Drinking the Koolaid.


LOL, you better wake up, cause your side is going to get hosed badly. Change of 4 or 5 seats in the House either way, a pickup of 3 to 4 for the GOP in the SEnate. Watch, lol!
3. Trump is NOT using his power to put OUR citizens in jail at all; he isn't even trying to put ILLEGALS in holding centers for long periods of time. He wants to give them a free ticket home, and the Leftists scream bloody murder, when it is the MOST humane thing to do for them, and the American citizen who PAYS THE BILLS. He wants to PROTECT them from THEMSELVES by building a wall, so as they will be LESS likely to try and cross deserts with their families, and the LEFTISTS scream!

again, trying to make America less pleasant of a place to be compared to war torn regions is hardly something to be proud of.

"it's okay, they're not our kids!" That's still kind of fucked up.

1. YOUR COLLUSION/DELUSION that is now being reversed on you!

Wishful thinking. Despite Trump's attempts to undermine law enforcement, the noose is closing in.

3. The economy...…….the BOOMING economy! You can slice it, dice it, cry, bitch, moan, groan, cry, and point all you want. The bottom line is------> It hasn't been this good through all the Obama years; your side INSISTED everything would collapse if he was elected and it didn't, which shot all your peoples credibility right in the foot. PLUS, your people want to take the crumbs away, and they ADMIT IT!

Again, not going to have much of an effect on the election... and the thing is, Trump has this great economy, and is approval rating is still underwater.

Stop Drinking the Koolaid.


Let me tell you Joe some close to exact FACTS. North Dakota, Missouri, and Indiana are gone; I can promise you that. Joe Manchin, I do not have contacts there, so I will not say one way or the other.

There are few others up in the air not looking so hot for your side, but I do concede that the Democrats may pick up Tennessee.

As far as you saying the economy doesn't mean anything, lol. I don't know what your smoking over there, but whatever it is, I hope it is legal in your state so as you don't end up in jail! If that sucker comes in with a crooked number named 5%, that is worth (trust me cause I know) a 2 point swing all by itself-)

You know what? I don't care if you don't believe me! Know why? Cause it will make it that much more painful when you are surprised-)
But truth isn't determined by a poll. National Socialism, is a defined phrase. Trump and his supporters, do not fit the definition of "national socialists".

Okay- let's look at that.

Devotion to a cult-like leader.
Use of nationalism to encourage blind obedience
Military belligerence and threats of war over diplomacy
Scapegoating of minorities
Attacks on a free press.

Sounds like Nazis to me.




Funny how that works.....
IC, IC. So let me get this straight----------> We lost 2,403 Americans at Pearl Harbor, but FDR can put Japanese AMERICANS in concentration camps!

yes, he did, because people were validly scared.

We lost over 3000 Americans at the World Trade Center, but Trump can't keep the people out who did it from countries they can't be vetted?!?!?!?!?! In fact, how many Americans has Iran killed with their IUDs, etc, and yet SOME people want to give them 150 billion!

Um, guy, none of the 9/11 Hijackers came from countries on Trump's list. 14 of them came from Saudi Arabia, one from Egypt, 2 from the UAE and one from Lebanon... None of them are on Trump's list.

However, none of the countries on the list have Trump Hotels... i've noticed that.

FDR put Americans in concentration camps, and he is not only gooooooood, he is the Lefts hero.

yeah, something about saving us from the Great Depression, fixing the economy and saving the World from Fascism... you know, those things.
IC, IC. So let me get this straight----------> We lost 2,403 Americans at Pearl Harbor, but FDR can put Japanese AMERICANS in concentration camps!

yes, he did, because people were validly scared.

We lost over 3000 Americans at the World Trade Center, but Trump can't keep the people out who did it from countries they can't be vetted?!?!?!?!?! In fact, how many Americans has Iran killed with their IUDs, etc, and yet SOME people want to give them 150 billion!

Um, guy, none of the 9/11 Hijackers came from countries on Trump's list. 14 of them came from Saudi Arabia, one from Egypt, 2 from the UAE and one from Lebanon... None of them are on Trump's list.

However, none of the countries on the list have Trump Hotels... i've noticed that.

FDR put Americans in concentration camps, and he is not only gooooooood, he is the Lefts hero.

yeah, something about saving us from the Great Depression, fixing the economy and saving the World from Fascism... you know, those things.

Phony-----------> he didn't save us from depression, he prolonged it......better start checking out economics.

People were scared, is that your reasoning? So it works then for AMERICAN CITIZENS, but not now for illegals. Guess you put them above your fellow Americans, and why am I not surprised.

But, this convo is over. Your side has made its bed, now sleep in it for a very long time. Just like all your sides predictions being wrong, your excuses and logic are wrong too. When your rearends are handed to you, remember, I told you so-)
22 "yes" votes now.


You guys are so transparent.

lol...who, hippies?

Lefties with your desire to use violence to end real democracy.

are you stalking me, cartoon boy? feeling lonely? again? i am a peacenik. always have been.

Sure you are.

"but inflammatory instigation does provoke."

i do not condone violence, but inflammatory instigation does provoke. do you agree?

Sounds like dog whistle ta
Violence is only a response to actions - not words

right. like a car ramming into protesters in charlottesville? like that?

No, more like when the mayor ordered the cops to stand down so that the larger mob of "counter protesters" could attack the pro-statue protesters.

you are insane.

I would like to interject what is really a definition here, and why the LEFTISTS try and huge language and speech, to obfuscate the issue------->

1. NAZIS-------> They put THEIR OWN CITIZENS in concentration camps; the Jews of Germany...…….and any other country that they invaded and took control of.

2. Japanese internment camps--------> FDR and his band of merry Supreme Court Justices, took AMERICAN CITIZENS and put them in almost jail. Why? Because they were of Japanese decent. Those people LOST their businesses, their homes, their possessions, and our government never did repay them for their loss. It was soooooo bad, the Japanese Empire started using it as propaganda that proved Americans hated the Japanese people and wanted them all in concentration camps.

3. Trump is NOT using his power to put OUR citizens in jail at all; he isn't even trying to put ILLEGALS in holding centers for long periods of time. He wants to give them a free ticket home, and the Leftists scream bloody murder, when it is the MOST humane thing to do for them, and the American citizen who PAYS THE BILLS. He wants to PROTECT them from THEMSELVES by building a wall, so as they will be LESS likely to try and cross deserts with their families, and the LEFTISTS scream!

The LEFTISTS will not win this debate, lol. They aren't going to win the economic debate either for the midterms, as most signs point to the GDP pushing in around 5%, which is going to BURY the Leftists.

The 2nd Supreme Court Justice has also activated 99% of those who only voted for Trump LAST time for that specific reason, and now you have those coming on board who have NEVER seen an economy like this in their young lifetimes. It hasn't been this good if the numbers come in as projected, since 2003! What that actually means is------> anyone born after 1985, has NEVER seen, or experienced such a robust economy in their working lifetime!!!!!!!

So call us stupid, or call us out of touch, or even call us incompetent if you want. We will call you LEFTISTS cooked, signed, sealed, and delivered! This is going to be an election on 3 things--------->

1. YOUR COLLUSION/DELUSION that is now being reversed on you!

2. Maxine Waters/Fancy Nancy/Kmala Harris/Chucky Shmucky and everything they said from Trumps election, until now. They will be painted (and probably are) the leaders of the Democrats. Trump may be bad, but your 3 stooges plus 1 are far, far, faaaaaar worse, and they are the people who will control the other 2 branches if they flip. NOT GONNA HAPPEN, because if YOU took away the Ds and Rs in front of their names, you wouldn't vote them in either, lol!

3. The economy...…….the BOOMING economy! You can slice it, dice it, cry, bitch, moan, groan, cry, and point all you want. The bottom line is------> It hasn't been this good through all the Obama years; your side INSISTED everything would collapse if he was elected and it didn't, which shot all your peoples credibility right in the foot. PLUS, your people want to take the crumbs away, and they ADMIT IT!

In closing, let me say------>the closest we have ever been to acting like NAZI's, is when FDR PUT Japanese in camps, AND REFUSED Jews into New York, forcing them back on the ship, sent back to Europe. (did you know that? Where was asylum then? Talk about credible fear of persecution!)

You Leftists are HUGE phony-Baloneys, and your politicians may get away with it in the press, but I wouldn't try to pull their crap here, or you are going to be embarrassed and hosed! I realize most of you do NOT read, or know history, but your party has been pathetic for over a 100 years, and you can pretend some switch happened all you want as an excuse, but you are STILL trying to keep Black Americans in your big city plantations; which proves once a party of RACISTS, always a party of RACISTS, or so it seems-)
You're making (as is the GOP) a huge fundamental error when you assume the economy is the top priority for everyone, particularly minorities.

It isn't. I don't know how else to put it, but I guarantee you, it isn't.
Phony-----------> he didn't save us from depression, he prolonged it......better start checking out economics.

Okay, I realize that Right Wing Revisionist History is out there... but I know enough people who lived through the Depression who say otherwise.

Oh, yeah, and he was elected four times.

People were scared, is that your reasoning? So it works then for AMERICAN CITIZENS, but not now for illegals. Guess you put them above your fellow Americans, and why am I not surprised.

I think it's a matter of legitimate fear.

Fear that their relatives might show up with their battleships... um, yeah, that's a valid fear.

Fear that a Mexican might date their daughters... meh, not so much.

But, this convo is over. Your side has made its bed, now sleep in it for a very long time. Just like all your sides predictions being wrong, your excuses and logic are wrong too. When your rearends are handed to you, remember, I told you so-)

Guy, by 2020, we'll be in Recession, and Republicans will turn on Trump just like they did to Bush.
You're making (as is the GOP) a huge fundamental error when you assume the economy is the top priority for everyone, particularly minorities.

It isn't. I don't know how else to put it, but I guarantee you, it isn't.

Oh, Stormy Mac, you might actually be on to something...

The dumb ass white trash still gave 45% of the vote to McCain in 2008, and they gave Trump 46% of the vote in 2016...

So again, demographics is destiny. But you think that the Dems should suck up to the White Trash more.
22 "yes" votes now.


lol...who, hippies?

Lefties with your desire to use violence to end real democracy.

are you stalking me, cartoon boy? feeling lonely? again? i am a peacenik. always have been.

Sure you are.

"but inflammatory instigation does provoke."

Sounds like dog whistle ta
Violence is only a response to actions - not words

right. like a car ramming into protesters in charlottesville? like that?

No, more like when the mayor ordered the cops to stand down so that the larger mob of "counter protesters" could attack the pro-statue protesters.

you are insane.

I would like to interject what is really a definition here, and why the LEFTISTS try and huge language and speech, to obfuscate the issue------->

1. NAZIS-------> They put THEIR OWN CITIZENS in concentration camps; the Jews of Germany...…….and any other country that they invaded and took control of.

2. Japanese internment camps--------> FDR and his band of merry Supreme Court Justices, took AMERICAN CITIZENS and put them in almost jail. Why? Because they were of Japanese decent. Those people LOST their businesses, their homes, their possessions, and our government never did repay them for their loss. It was soooooo bad, the Japanese Empire started using it as propaganda that proved Americans hated the Japanese people and wanted them all in concentration camps.

3. Trump is NOT using his power to put OUR citizens in jail at all; he isn't even trying to put ILLEGALS in holding centers for long periods of time. He wants to give them a free ticket home, and the Leftists scream bloody murder, when it is the MOST humane thing to do for them, and the American citizen who PAYS THE BILLS. He wants to PROTECT them from THEMSELVES by building a wall, so as they will be LESS likely to try and cross deserts with their families, and the LEFTISTS scream!

The LEFTISTS will not win this debate, lol. They aren't going to win the economic debate either for the midterms, as most signs point to the GDP pushing in around 5%, which is going to BURY the Leftists.

The 2nd Supreme Court Justice has also activated 99% of those who only voted for Trump LAST time for that specific reason, and now you have those coming on board who have NEVER seen an economy like this in their young lifetimes. It hasn't been this good if the numbers come in as projected, since 2003! What that actually means is------> anyone born after 1985, has NEVER seen, or experienced such a robust economy in their working lifetime!!!!!!!

So call us stupid, or call us out of touch, or even call us incompetent if you want. We will call you LEFTISTS cooked, signed, sealed, and delivered! This is going to be an election on 3 things--------->

1. YOUR COLLUSION/DELUSION that is now being reversed on you!

2. Maxine Waters/Fancy Nancy/Kmala Harris/Chucky Shmucky and everything they said from Trumps election, until now. They will be painted (and probably are) the leaders of the Democrats. Trump may be bad, but your 3 stooges plus 1 are far, far, faaaaaar worse, and they are the people who will control the other 2 branches if they flip. NOT GONNA HAPPEN, because if YOU took away the Ds and Rs in front of their names, you wouldn't vote them in either, lol!

3. The economy...…….the BOOMING economy! You can slice it, dice it, cry, bitch, moan, groan, cry, and point all you want. The bottom line is------> It hasn't been this good through all the Obama years; your side INSISTED everything would collapse if he was elected and it didn't, which shot all your peoples credibility right in the foot. PLUS, your people want to take the crumbs away, and they ADMIT IT!

In closing, let me say------>the closest we have ever been to acting like NAZI's, is when FDR PUT Japanese in camps, AND REFUSED Jews into New York, forcing them back on the ship, sent back to Europe. (did you know that? Where was asylum then? Talk about credible fear of persecution!)

You Leftists are HUGE phony-Baloneys, and your politicians may get away with it in the press, but I wouldn't try to pull their crap here, or you are going to be embarrassed and hosed! I realize most of you do NOT read, or know history, but your party has been pathetic for over a 100 years, and you can pretend some switch happened all you want as an excuse, but you are STILL trying to keep Black Americans in your big city plantations; which proves once a party of RACISTS, always a party of RACISTS, or so it seems-)
You're making (as is the GOP) a huge fundamental error when you assume the economy is the top priority for everyone, particularly minorities.

It isn't. I don't know how else to put it, but I guarantee you, it isn't.

The economy is very important to the minorities, who may not have that great jobs to begin with. Those living on parasitism, not so much, but they are becoming fewer and fewer.

The economy is a very good predictor of what ends up happening in elections, I am not sure where you pull this stuff from. It's not everything, but a huge deal indeed.
I am not sure where you pull this stuff from.
Well, I'm of mixed race and married into a mixed race family. Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian. We have discussions about this often.

The GOP is simply not paying attention. Why that is, I don't know, although I do have my suspicions.

Not sure if the GOP is paying attention or not. But I have some doubts whether you are paying attention if you say that the economy is not in any way important. Your personal anecdotes change nothing.

To me it sounds like you would like the politicians to grant privileges to your family because of your mixed skin color. Exactly what kind of privileges/attention are you talking about?
I am not sure where you pull this stuff from.
Well, I'm of mixed race and married into a mixed race family. Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian. We have discussions about this often.

The GOP is simply not paying attention. Why that is, I don't know, although I do have my suspicions.

Not sure if the GOP is paying attention or not. But I have some doubts whether you are paying attention if you say that the economy is not in any way important. Your personal anecdotes change nothing.

To me it sounds like you would like the politicians to grant privileges to your family because of your mixed skin color. Exactly what kind of privileges/attention are you talking about?
There are two significant - but instructive - straw men in your post.

First, I did not say "the economy is not in any way important".

Second, I did not say I would "like the politicians to grant privileges to my family".

This is part of the problem. Roughly half the problem.
The economy is a very good predictor of what ends up happening in elections, I am not sure where you pull this stuff from. It's not everything, but a huge deal indeed.

Meh, not really.

If the economy were a good predictor, then Al Gore and Hillary would have won. The Dems never would have retaken Congress in 2006, and the Repukes wouldn't have taken the Senate in 2014.

If the economy is still good by 2020, it might take Trump over the top, but it won't be.
There are two significant - but instructive - straw men in your post.

First, I did not say "the economy is not in any way important".

Second, I did not say I would "like the politicians to grant privileges to my family".

This is part of the problem. Roughly half the problem.

Yes, Stormy Mac... anyone who doesn't have your opinion is wrong.
I am not sure where you pull this stuff from.
Well, I'm of mixed race and married into a mixed race family. Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian. We have discussions about this often.

The GOP is simply not paying attention. Why that is, I don't know, although I do have my suspicions.

What are they? I have my suspicions about what you will say, btw.
I am not sure where you pull this stuff from.
Well, I'm of mixed race and married into a mixed race family. Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian. We have discussions about this often.

The GOP is simply not paying attention. Why that is, I don't know, although I do have my suspicions.

Not sure if the GOP is paying attention or not. But I have some doubts whether you are paying attention if you say that the economy is not in any way important. Your personal anecdotes change nothing.

To me it sounds like you would like the politicians to grant privileges to your family because of your mixed skin color. Exactly what kind of privileges/attention are you talking about?
There are two significant - but instructive - straw men in your post.

First, I did not say "the economy is not in any way important".

Second, I did not say I would "like the politicians to grant privileges to my family".

This is part of the problem. Roughly half the problem.

This is not the set up for a strawman

"To me it sounds like you would like "

That is clearly stating that what comes next is HIS OPINION, and not him pretending that what he is saying is your position, and then attacking it.

It was pretty unfair of you to call his question a strawman.

That revealed some pretty strong preconceived notions on YOUR part.

And that's a big part of the problem.
I am not sure where you pull this stuff from.
Well, I'm of mixed race and married into a mixed race family. Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian. We have discussions about this often.

The GOP is simply not paying attention. Why that is, I don't know, although I do have my suspicions.

What are they? I have my suspicions about what you will say, btw.
That's the first time, in all the time I've been in this kind of conversation, that I've been asked that.

Tell you what, you and I have had normal conversations in the past, so I'd like to know - please give me your best, and most honest and sober guess as to what the answer to that question is, then I'll keep going. Thanks.

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