POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
Our freedom is not based, at all, on the personal beliefs or statements of the President.

He said that, and nothing changed. THe Press was and is still free to criticize him as much as they want.

Your godwin is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Godwin never addressed as to whether the comparison was valid (or not).

We have an authoritarian President who doesn't believe in freedom; does believe in going after people who criticize him; a Congress that kisses his ass; and a Supreme Court that backs up every infringement of our "rights".

Yeah, we have nothing to worry about?

THe comparison is utterly dishonest. ONly a fucking asshole would claim otherwise.

Trump is not an Authoritarian. Your desire to have a Republican President who sits there like a bitch while you filthy liars viciously attack him day and night,

is just you being a lazy coward.

Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Is Trump a card caring National Socialist? THAT is a serious question? No, might as well ask seriously: Is TRUMP actually from the 6th dimension and a member of the Lizard people controlled by the overlords of the illuminati? Let's be serious.
If Trump really were an authoritarian, you pussyhat raging loons would all be in gulags or mass graves.

In RealityLand, you are some of the safest and most coddled humans that have ever lived because you dwell in a Constitutional Republic designed, built and protected by people you hate and insult, yet who still defend your right to believe your putrid nonsense.
We don't have a Constitutional Republic. We have a corporate oligarchy.
THe comparison is utterly dishonest. ONly a fucking asshole would claim otherwise.

Trump is not an Authoritarian. Your desire to have a Republican President who sits there like a bitch while you filthy liars viciously attack him day and night,

is just you being a lazy coward.

My comparison is completely valid and for the reasons I gave. The progressives are taking over and Trump will be impeached for the shit he has done to this country. The last thing we need is a fucking narcissistic liar for a President, who is more loyal to the Russians than he is the US.

You need to realize something you little faggot, you Trumpy's only make up 10% of the population. The rest of the country hates you. And for good reason.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
The deluded liberals who believe that Nazi drivel, need to study the actual Nazi party's history, especially the Kristallnacht. If they do, they will see the behavioral tactics of the left and its Antifa.
24 pooled are intellectually dishonest punks. They were wired wrong from birth, and/or brought up under a poor environment. Either way they're spineless punks and spiritually fucked.

Not a one of you can articulate your position. If you can, give it a try here. Shame you can't put your beliefs into "practice". The lessor 24 of those who selected no would send you crying home to mom on the street corner.
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one who believes what he wants despite no evidence to validate it is insane.

is it your med time, cartoon boy?

LIke I said, repeating a personal attack.

You know that if you claimed your lie was true, I could have, and have in the past, post evidence showing that you are lying.

SO, you dodge.

YOur actions show that you support political violence.

Do you consider yourself a marxist?

my ACTIONS? oh please go on... tell me what my ACTIONS have been, cartoon boy. this should be a gas.

am i a marxist? i am as much as you are.

oh, & i don't lie. i have no need to. but you are.

1. You act of lying to support a justification of political violence. As I have repeated explained. Dumb ass.

2. I'm not a marxist. YOur support of political violence makes it a reasonable question. Are you a marxist?

you are certifiable... but amusing when i wanna kill time. however, whatever i say-you'll just come to your own crazy conclusions, cartoon boy.


Why are you afraid to answer the question? Are you pretending that it is not a reasonable question for a lefty who has shown that she supports using brown shirt tactics in response to political speech she does not like?

afraid? of what? YOU? you give yourself much more credit than you deserve.

for fucks sake---i answered you. & i JUST said that no matter what, you'll believe what you want, see what you want, hear what you want , because you need something for your paranoid, angry, misguided brain to wrap around so you can actually feel something other than that numbness in your head. ya, that's the ticket.

now, time for you to come up with some more delusional fantasies.... it's all you got. btw, i'm STILL waiting for you to cough up your evidence showing my ACTIONS, that you claim you have done 'in the past'.

you lie so much,, i am sure you believe it. so, c'mon... hop to it. lol...lol...LOL....
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Only those committed to socialism and GUN CONTROL qualify as Nazis. Raise your hand if you agree....

except the Nazis weren't really "Socialist", the Big industries did just fine, and they actually expanded access to guns for average citizens.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Is Trump a card caring National Socialist? THAT is a serious question? No, might as well ask seriously: Is TRUMP actually from the 6th dimension and a member of the Lizard people controlled by the overlords of the illuminati? Let's be serious.
THe comparison is utterly dishonest. ONly a fucking asshole would claim otherwise.

Trump is not an Authoritarian. Your desire to have a Republican President who sits there like a bitch while you filthy liars viciously attack him day and night,

is just you being a lazy coward.

My comparison is completely valid and for the reasons I gave.

Funny, if they were soooooo compelling, you would think you would want to say them again. over and over.

Instead a vague reference and claim that they were good. lol!!

Sending people home is very different from sending them to the gas chamber. ONly a liar or a moron would claim otherwise.

The progressives are taking over and Trump will be impeached for the shit he has done to this country.

IF you take over and impeach, don't kid yourself. It will be a legalistic coup and the end of democracy in this country. THat will be on you.

THose who make peaceful change impossible...

The last thing we need is a fucking narcissistic liar for a President, who is more loyal to the Russians than he is the US.

Your russian baiting is noted and laughed at. Where were you cowards when the Soviet Union was actually a threat to US?

A lefty pretending to care abotu narcissism, especially after Obama and Bill? LOL!

NOt only are you a fucking liar, you are a BAD fucking liar.

in that you are BAD at lying. No one believes you for a second, not even yourself.

You need to realize something you little faggot, you Trumpy's only make up 10% of the population. The rest of the country hates you. And for good reason.

Good touch with the homophobic slur. YOu lefties have all the self awareness of a potted plant.

YOu seem confused by the concept of political support. This is not personal for us, or at least more of us who support President Trump's agenda.

Not like you lefties who look for a personal savior in politicians.
LIke I said, repeating a personal attack.

You know that if you claimed your lie was true, I could have, and have in the past, post evidence showing that you are lying.

SO, you dodge.

YOur actions show that you support political violence.

Do you consider yourself a marxist?

my ACTIONS? oh please go on... tell me what my ACTIONS have been, cartoon boy. this should be a gas.

am i a marxist? i am as much as you are.

oh, & i don't lie. i have no need to. but you are.

1. You act of lying to support a justification of political violence. As I have repeated explained. Dumb ass.

2. I'm not a marxist. YOur support of political violence makes it a reasonable question. Are you a marxist?

you are certifiable... but amusing when i wanna kill time. however, whatever i say-you'll just come to your own crazy conclusions, cartoon boy.


Why are you afraid to answer the question? Are you pretending that it is not a reasonable question for a lefty who has shown that she supports using brown shirt tactics in response to political speech she does not like?

afraid? of what? YOU? you give yourself much more credit than you deserve.

for fucks sake---i answered you. & i JUST said that no matter what, you'll believe what you want, see what you want, hear what you want , because you need something for your paranoid, angry, misguided brain to wrap around so you can actually feel something other than that numbness in your head. ya, that's the ticket.

now, time for you to come up with some more delusional fantasies.... it's all you got. btw, i'm STILL waiting for you to cough up your evidence showing my ACTIONS, that you claim you have done 'in the past'.

you lie so much,, i am sure you believe it. so, c'mon... hop to it. lol...lol...LOL....

You lied to support the justification for violence by your side violent brown shirts.

That is an action showing support for using street violence in response to political speech by your political enemies.

NOt a normal thing in America. Not by far.

Hence, my simple question. Are you a marxist? YES OR NO.
If Trump really were an authoritarian, you pussyhat raging loons would all be in gulags or mass graves.

In RealityLand, you are some of the safest and most coddled humans that have ever lived because you dwell in a Constitutional Republic designed, built and protected by people you hate and insult, yet who still defend your right to believe your putrid nonsense.
We don't have a Constitutional Republic. We have a corporate oligarchy.

Only to the extend you Progs have created corporate welfare.
my ACTIONS? oh please go on... tell me what my ACTIONS have been, cartoon boy. this should be a gas.

am i a marxist? i am as much as you are.

oh, & i don't lie. i have no need to. but you are.

1. You act of lying to support a justification of political violence. As I have repeated explained. Dumb ass.

2. I'm not a marxist. YOur support of political violence makes it a reasonable question. Are you a marxist?

you are certifiable... but amusing when i wanna kill time. however, whatever i say-you'll just come to your own crazy conclusions, cartoon boy.


Why are you afraid to answer the question? Are you pretending that it is not a reasonable question for a lefty who has shown that she supports using brown shirt tactics in response to political speech she does not like?

afraid? of what? YOU? you give yourself much more credit than you deserve.

for fucks sake---i answered you. & i JUST said that no matter what, you'll believe what you want, see what you want, hear what you want , because you need something for your paranoid, angry, misguided brain to wrap around so you can actually feel something other than that numbness in your head. ya, that's the ticket.

now, time for you to come up with some more delusional fantasies.... it's all you got. btw, i'm STILL waiting for you to cough up your evidence showing my ACTIONS, that you claim you have done 'in the past'.

you lie so much,, i am sure you believe it. so, c'mon... hop to it. lol...lol...LOL....

You lied to support the justification for violence by your side violent brown shirts.

That is an action showing support for using street violence in response to political speech by your political enemies.

NOt a normal thing in America. Not by far.

Hence, my simple question. Are you a marxist? YES OR NO.

i don't lie. why are you? i said i don't condone violence. never have been involved in any violent act. never will unless my body is touched. i said i understand WHY it happens. so where in any of that do you get off saying otherwise?

because you are out of your fucking mind & delusional beyond anybody else i've crossed paths on this board. i answered you already on whether or not i am a marxist. not good enough for you? that falls under too fucking bad. i do see that you still haven't shown anything by me that validates your delusions or you would have produced something... anything that would.

you = :cuckoo:

me = :fu:
Funny, if they were soooooo compelling, you would think you would want to say them again. over and over.
WTF are you talking about? I have said them over and over.

Instead a vague reference and claim that they were good. lol!!
I gave very specific examples. If you choose not to read them, that is not my problem.

Sending people home is very different from sending them to the gas chamber. ONly a liar or a moron would claim otherwise.
Again, if you would've have read what I said, you wouldn't look so ignorant now.

IF you take over and impeach, don't kid yourself. It will be a legalistic coup and the end of democracy in this country. THat will be on you.
How could it possibly be the end of democracy when the Constitution itself, allows us to do that.

THose who make peaceful change impossible...
Care to finish your point here?

Your russian baiting is noted and laughed at. Where were you cowards when the Soviet Union was actually a threat to US?
I was right here. Where were you?

A lefty pretending to care abotu narcissism, especially after Obama and Bill? LOL!
You don't need to care about narcissism to spot someone who loves to hear themselves talk.

BTW, all the crap you fuckers said about Obama and Bill, was total bullshit. I can give specific reasons for my position on Trump, you can't.

NOt only are you a fucking liar, you are a BAD fucking liar.
What did I lie about?

in that you are BAD at lying. No one believes you for a second, not even yourself.
So now you speak for others, you little bitch?

Good touch with the homophobic slur. YOu lefties have all the self awareness of a potted plant.
And you fuckers have the intelligence of a glazed cheese log.

YOu seem confused by the concept of political support. This is not personal for us, or at least more of us who support President Trump's agenda.
I'm not confused. I know perfectly well people who support Trump are the dumbest assholes in this country. I thought the bagger nation was stupid, but you fuckers passed them.

Not like you lefties who look for a personal savior in politicians.
I'm not looking for a savior, just someone who doesn't bullshit me and can answer a direct question.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Not even close.

They lack intelligence and initiative.

He and some of his supporters are their own form of evil.
Billo_Really you have a big, foul mouth and you seem really angry and dangerously stupid. Just curious, did you graduate from a college and if so where? Follow up, do you wear a pussy hat at the protests of insane morons who hate our President?

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